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You can never have enough...
(13-12-2022, 08:34 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Fortunately my friend has a solicitor who has taken over all that stuff and will sort it for her. Just as well she can afford his services, but it is a lesson for all secret squirrels, if nothing else, write them down, lol.

No idea about the sunscreen popeye, but I know how to find the missing bottle - just buy a new one. It works every time in this house!

Lol Exactly... but being that it was $25 I won't be replacing it in a hurry.. Have my appointment this week and there won't be much left for groceries this week.

MrP has told them he doesnt want to come back to the home here, so at least I wont be visiting any longer.

He needs to be careful what he wishes for
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
We're back from MrK's appointment with an explanation as to what happened. When they put the drops in his pupil didn't dilate as well as it could, which we knew. The surgeon wasn't worried and said he could 'work with it' but once the procedure started, the iris slipped and plugged the hole in the eye they had made to work with. So it was a bit of argy-bargy to get everything back into place. MrK's eye is swollen and will take twice as long to heal. He may or may not have improved sight but the surgeon is confident he will have better sight than he started with. It's a wait and see thing now with more visits to the hospital. He is so disappointed, especially as he has had one cataract done and knows how good it is. No wonder our optician was worried and wanted him done urgently.

Popeye, have you checked the fridge for the sunscreen.

I'm going to have this cuppa and then see if I can at least get the lawn edges done.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(13-12-2022, 09:49 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: We're back from MrK's appointment with an explanation as to what happened.  When they put the drops in his pupil didn't dilate as well as it could, which we knew.  The surgeon wasn't worried and said he could 'work with it' but once the procedure started, the iris slipped and plugged the hole in the eye they had made to work with.  So it was a bit of argy-bargy to get everything back into place.  MrK's eye is swollen and will take twice as long to heal.  He may or may not have improved sight but the surgeon is confident he will have better sight than he started with.  It's a wait and see thing now with more visits to the hospital.  He is so disappointed, especially as he has had one cataract done and knows how good it is.  No wonder our optician was worried and wanted him done urgently.

Popeye, have you checked the fridge for the sunscreen.

I'm going to have this cuppa and then see if I can at least get the lawn edges done.

Happy crafting Smile

Good to have an explanation.. So worrying tho.

Yes have checked the fridge.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(13-12-2022, 09:26 AM)popeye333 Wrote:
(13-12-2022, 08:34 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Fortunately my friend has a solicitor who has taken over all that stuff and will sort it for her. Just as well she can afford his services, but it is a lesson for all secret squirrels, if nothing else, write them down, lol.

No idea about the sunscreen popeye, but I know how to find the missing bottle - just buy a new one. It works every time in this house!

Lol Exactly... but being that it was $25 I won't be replacing it in a hurry.. Have my appointment this week and there won't be much left for groceries this week.

MrP has told them he doesnt want to come back to the home here, so at least I wont be visiting any longer.

He needs to be careful what he wishes for

I have just done my adding up and I have $43 left in the household account, $10 in cash for coffees and $10 in Flybuys New World dollars, so I am RICH, lol.

Except the scoot is making a strange burbly noise in the axles which is a bit of a worry, so I suspect I will be POOR again by weeks end. Oh well, that is the story of my life!  Big Grin

I hope that eye op proves a success, we expect perfection from our docs but every now and then have to settle for a bit less. Stuff happens, and even the best guys have to work with it - she says having heard the phrase 'treatment failure' a few times too many!

I just got a bill from my GP for an account I paid a month ago, with a $20 admin fee added thank you very much. Rude emails are being drafted, lol, just as well the medical staff are much more efficient than their accounting team. I suspect this is a result of them being absorbed into one of those conglomerates, let's hope it is a temporary situation.
Early start today as had to take friends to airport at 6am and then make club sandwiches for Mainly Music end of year Party.

the little ones were so delightful enjoying the songs complete with vigorous ringing of little bells.  They had a special morning tea with lots of little extras but one little boy became quite upset as he wanted a cookie but wouldn’t look at all the “party” biscuits. Turned out he wanted a 100 & 1000 biscuit that they have every week    Big Grin

Do hope Mr KM’s eye settles down quickly.

I think the weather has got confused  with itself, it was supposed to be dry this am and rain this pm but it rained this am and looks like it is clearing now. If I get organised to get into the garden it’s bound to change again. Dodgy
Hope Mr K's eye will be OK, KM, that's got to be worrying.

With luck the odd sound with the scoot might just need a wee bit of oil, Hunni

Was doing the dreaded shopping this morning when a woman in the queue struck up a conversation, & went on to tell me that she was married years ago; as far as she knew everything was fine & they had six kids together.
Until suddenly one day he legged it with his other love, having cleared their joint bank account of funds first. Must have been a hell of a shock, poor woman & when she told him he didn't have to have their kids he apparently went into panic mode at the very idea but said he'd like to have their dog!
Needless to say he didn't get the dog.

There really is nowt so queer as folk...Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(13-12-2022, 01:57 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Hope Mr K's eye will be OK, KM, that's got to be worrying.

With luck the odd sound with the scoot might just need a wee bit of oil, Hunni

Was doing the dreaded shopping this morning when a woman in the queue struck up a conversation, & went on to tell me that she was married years ago; as far as she knew everything was fine & they had six kids together.
Until suddenly one day he legged it with his other love, having cleared their joint bank account of funds first. Must have been a hell of a shock, poor woman & when she told him he didn't have to have their kids he apparently went into panic mode at the very idea but said he'd like to have their dog!
Needless to say he didn't get the dog.

There really is nowt so queer as folk...Smile

Wish I could get under it Lilith, with my handy can of CRC... Might save me a $120 call out fee, lol...
(13-12-2022, 03:35 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(13-12-2022, 01:57 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Hope Mr K's eye will be OK, KM, that's got to be worrying.

With luck the odd sound with the scoot might just need a wee bit of oil, Hunni

Was doing the dreaded shopping this morning when a woman in the queue struck up a conversation, & went on to tell me that she was married years ago; as far as she knew everything was fine & they had six kids together.
Until suddenly one day he legged it with his other love, having cleared their joint bank account of funds first. Must have been a hell of a shock, poor woman & when she told him he didn't have to have their kids he apparently went into panic mode at the very idea but said he'd like to have their dog!
Needless to say he didn't get the dog.

There really is nowt so queer as folk...Smile

Wish I could get under it Lilith, with my handy can of CRC... Might save me a $120 call out fee, lol...

Might it be worth asking one of your handyman neighbours? I'd lend you one of the sweetie darlings but its a bit far to come - a pity as the youngest is a mechanic more or less - automotive thingamajig, whatever that is.

Or - do they happen to have a men's shed near you, they might be able to help.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good morning.

Warm and raining. Mightn't be getting outside today. 

Wow Lilith, that lady must have thought you a friendly listening ear!

Plan to make some lemon curd/almond pastries to freeze today. Will finish off the knitted toy and start wrapping a few presents. It's been pointed out "there are no presents under the tree", lol!

I hope Mr K feeling more comfortable today KM and OHH there is a "someone" who can help with the squeak!

Cuppa finished,  will get baking. 

Enjoy the day all.
morning ladies Smile Well that's the lawn mowed in spite of the rain. I mowed the berm yesterday afternoon, but it was so hot I gave up. It's much cooler this morning and the job is done.

MrK said this morning he can see a bit more so fingers crossed everything works out. We won't be helping my sister-in-law move tomorrow as MrK can't bend over and needs his drops every two hours. The doctor shortened the time from four to two yesterday, but MrK can't see properly without his glasses, and he has asked me to put them in for him. Better to avoid the dust and the temptation to get stuck in. There are plenty of willing hands, so we won't be missed.

Later this morning I'll take our friend for his last hospital appointment for the year and should be home in time for the next round of eye drops.

Time to hit the shower and put the washing on.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Misty dampish start but I expect that will burn off and it will be another hot day.

Good MrK is getting incremental improvemt in his sight.
OHH hope you get the squeak sorted at minimal cost.

Had to get up 1am this morning due to pitiful meows from the deck feline managed to get locked out there so all k9s up to investigate as well.

Currently sitting in car service lounge waiting while car gets service good thing I have a book as they said 3 hours. Had to get rug from car to keep warm as aircon is on freezing.

 Meeting friends for ,unch they  celeborating their 49yr  wedding anniverary. Hoping restaurant not too crowded as C19 is rampant here.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

It got warm enough late yesterday for me to have the fan on low overnight.. but had the blankets pulled up lol. I like cold air in my face.

Great news re MrK's eye.. And you're doing the right thing staying away from temptation of wanting to help.

OHH could you put a call out on a local FB group for someone who could pop over and sprat the Jalopy?

A very nice lady from the hospital rang. They are trying to sort MrP out as to where he will be going. Hes not thinking straight and wants to return to the Waikato, but hasnt considered the consequences of that either.

I didnt ring last night as it got nasty in the morning when I rang.

Going up to the home today to bee with the ladies.. I havent been out since Friday...!!

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I think she did Roma, & another woman had overheard & said that she'd been married three times!

That's good news about Mr K, hope his eye continues to get better.

Hot here today so got back lawn done early before it got too hot but even so, needed a cold drink of water once it was finished. I really need to get on with more wrapping of presents since some will need to be posted in the next day or two.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Spent some lovely time with my Ladies this morning.

They are getting increasingly frustrated with things at the home too.. I've emailed the area manager to see if we can get a meeting arranged.. so that everyone can air their feelings. not just the narks who run back to the boss. And apparently one of the staff was soo high last night she was incapable of taking care of anyone. I need to find out more about that.

Poor Jean, one of my group who said last week she didn't think she would make Christmas , has covid. So I didn't get to see her. I was in her room on Friday, but unlike the Other Daughter I wasn't told or tested..

Bobbie has been eating in the dining room with the ladies so Im pleased about that.

Had to sort out a mess with the two chemists here. As I age I have a very low tolerance for mistakes. My script was sent to the wrong chemist when I clearly ordered it for the town one not the med centre one.

The little things upset me these days.

Just rang him but he had messed himself so Ill ring back. he sounded happy enough... so Maybe this will be a good phone call.

Family arent allowed to eat with them on Friday for their Christmas Dinner now, cos of covid..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I had a long call from J, in the resthome. Apparently she is seeing the doc in the next day or so, and is probably heading for a day stay at the hospital to have fluid drained, her tissues are so overloaded she is sweating the stuff. 'I look like a starving Biafran' she told me. Shows our age that she uses that term. But, her sense of humour is intact, though it is getting harder to unearth it. She hopes to make Christmas, but makes no promises.

I so admire her courage, I think I would've opted for the easier way out by now. But who knows. Until we are in that place, we just don't know, do we?
morning ladies Smile What a rubbish day for my sister-in-law to be moving.

Your friend J is very brave, OHH. Yep, who knows how we would be in her situation. My sister-in-law who passed away just over a year ago had a 'tap' fitted to her tummy so fluid could be drained. She was much more comfortable once it was done.

MrK's sight seems to be improving by the day Smile and he is a much happier chappy. His peripheral vision isn't the best though and the surgeon said this may not recover. He said he will make his decision about driving once his eye has healed properly. I suspect though he may give up his licence for good. It will have to renewed next year so it's a good time to decide.

It might be a present wrapping and embroidery day today seeing as the weather isn't playing nice.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(15-12-2022, 06:00 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  What a rubbish day for my sister-in-law to be moving. 

Your friend J is very brave, OHH.  Yep, who knows how we would be in her situation.  My sister-in-law who passed away just over a year ago had a 'tap' fitted to her tummy so fluid could be drained.  She was much more comfortable once it was done.

MrK's sight seems to be improving by the day Smile and he is a much happier chappy.  His peripheral vision isn't the best though and the surgeon said this may not recover.  He said he will make his decision about driving once his eye has healed properly.  I suspect though he may give up his licence for good.  It will have to renewed next year so it's a good time to decide.

It might be a present wrapping and embroidery day today seeing as the weather isn't playing nice.

Happy crafting Smile

My peripheral vision is actually better than my direct, but I am very short sighted, so maybe looking sideways means I get better focus lol, or better magnification, who knows. Tg4 contact lenses...
Morning everyone

Gloomy out and Im quite cold.

If you need petrol gull has 20 cents a litre off.. Of course I got some yesterday. but I will get more since its so cheap.

Glad MrKs eye is improving. I have very good peripheral vision. Or mothers eyes in the back of my head as I say lol.. My long distance is declining and I probably will need new glasses soon. Next year...I will get onto it.

Missy and I came out to the lounge at 3am. Couldnt get comfortable.

Spoke to MrP last night. He was ok. But still saying he doesnt want to come back here.. But not as nasty as he has been.

The area manager is out of the office for a couple of days but she will get back to me when she returns.

Bloods and a wee bit of shopping for me then Im home all day.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Rain, rain, rain - so unusual for the Bay to have this sort of weather lasting for days. Think the Waikato has expanded to include us weather wise   Big Grin

So good that Mr KMs eye is improving. Hard decision re the driving.  
OHH what a brave friend you have - I don’t know how We would act if in a similar position just hope we never have to be. 
Mr P may be making the right decision as obviously neither of you are happy with his present home and to be in that situation full time can’t be easy for him.

We put on a water play day for the local school yesterday. My Brother does it every year organising a series of water based games and I get to “man” the water slide, the kids love and they end up with a free for all when they can bring their water guns and attack their friends and teachers with water. Yesterday we sure did it properly and everyone ended up very wet as it rained the whole time I was like a drowned rat and really enjoyed a hot shower as soon as I got home.

Housework day while I can’t get distracted by the garden  Big Grin
Good morning.

Another lousy, wet day. Even the inside air feels damp!

Glad the eyes are improving each day KM. I now wear glasses for long distance, everything else great thanks to getting onto glaucoma diagnosis early, 20 years ago (hereditary). All it takes is a couple of drops each day ... long may it last. 

Popeye, Mr P would hardly be sent out of the area (despite his wishes or not) with you in the close vicinity .... surely! 

Your friend is courageous OHH. My mum is now receiving palliative care .... it is so hard to witness but we are glad her pain is finally under control with a rark up on the quality (or lack) of care. That alone enough to make one prefer the alternative 'way out'  Sad We wait with baited breath to see if the nurses come pouring in with the Govt finally acting  Blush

A few things to get done today including a whole lot of 'head scratching' online paperwork on behalf of my mother which I gave up on last night.

Enjoy the day all.

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