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My cat from hell
Yes I watched it today.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
The second story about the predator/prey issue is a theme that is covered several times over the series. The basic philosophy is that anything that behaves like prey will be treated like prey. Sometimes it's other cats that are now viewed as prey because of some incident like yesterday's. Other times it's owners trying to pet/play and sweeping their hands around in random fashion, then wondering why they're getting attacked.

Our guy was about 2 years old when he moved himself in so we don't know anything of his early life. He's very smoochy and purry but will always swipe at a hand that goes over his head, or one that moves too fast in front of him - ie emulating prey. Play must always be via a toy, not an unprotected hand.
    Having sold the house in Oct '21 we rented in Mt Albert 17 months while the new home was built, moving in last week of March '23.
Fluffy our Tortoise Shell cat set up home under our deck. We inherited her in 2004 with her proving a very adaptable young lady, we adopted a GS in Feb '15 with both animals accepting each other [ to be fare GS bit of a wind-up merchant}. Each house move, around 5, there was no keeping her in while she became use to new surroundings, no butter on the paws. As I've stated she just accepted & got on with life, this continued thru April to early May. then she just disappeared, despite advertising, leaflet drops gone. They say they do wander off when their time is up. The hard thing is the unknown. Fluffy you are special..
The photo is her approx 12 months @ mt Albert property.
Yesterday's programme was one I'd seen before but I was happy to see the repeat. As well as cat issues (including that a grumpy cat can be in pain!) it also clearly showed some people issues. Even given that it's probably well-scripted to make a watchable programme, it's clear that cats as part of the household are at the mercy of the attitudes of their owners (or guardians as Jackson calls them).

(13-08-2023, 09:52 PM)jackford Wrote: Having sold the house in Oct '21 we rented in Mt Albert 17 months while the new home was built, moving in last week of March '23.
Fluffy our Tortoise Shell cat set up home under our deck. We inherited her in 2004 with her proving a very adaptable young lady, we adopted a GS in Feb '15 with both animals accepting each other [ to be fare GS bit of a wind-up merchant}.  Each house move, around 5,  there was no keeping her in while she became use to new surroundings, no butter on the paws. As I've stated she just accepted & got on with life, this continued thru April to early May. then she just disappeared, despite advertising, leaflet drops gone. They say they do wander off when their time is up. The hard thing is the unknown. Fluffy you are special..
The photo is her approx 12 months @ mt Albert property.

Yes, it's very sad when they just disappear. I once found a mummified carcass under a house and couldn't help but wonder who might have been left not knowing what happened to their cat. They don't necessarily "go away to die" but when ill will seek a "safe" hiding place and of course sometimes succumb whilst hiding. In this case I told the next door neighbours but it wasn't their cat so we'll never know.

Sometimes also a cat will be hounded by other cats in the new neighbourhood when it has been moved by its owner. If you see what's happening you can possibly help, but if the cat simply goes somewhere else where it can establish its own territory you are left not knowing where it is. I had one in the 80s that was chased by the cats next door to the extent that she moved herself out. For a long time I knew where she was and she would sneak home at night, but eventually she disappeared. I think (hope) she simply adopted someone else, but I don't know. If I'd known then what I've learned since I might have handled it differently.

Whatever happened to Fluffy, your grief is very real and will be raw for a while.
I still grieve for the rex we brought back from Melbourne in 79. We were renting a farmlet and a contractor came to mow the lucerne in the paddock next to the house. He came and had a cuppa with us and was fascinated by the cat, he'd never seen a curly coated cat before. The next day while we were at work he came back and cut and baled the lucerne, and the cat was gone. Just that cat, the other two were fine. We checked every bale on that field but we never found him. My husband was convinced that guy had stolen him.

Not knowing is an awful scar on our hearts. That is why I am grateful for the privilege of giving my companions a good kind ending. It hurts, but at least we know. I wish we could do it for all human beings too, when we need that mercy.

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