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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone.

Very warm here. And wet.. Ill need a hay baler soon lol

So pleased the Eye fixing is nice and fast KM.

Awesome news Lilith.. We all have our wee achievements. Mine was a poem in the School Annual Year book.. But I think one of my proudest moments was being Missy being Miss March in a Calendar. Its a photo I took, she was looking up at me from my lap, backwards.. Ill find the photo later.

KM did you feel the Earthquake. I didn't feel it but I woke up at the same time, so must have subconsciously felt it.

MrP is coming for a visit this morning.. He was bitching last night, about Ants again.. Saying he might not come visit, like the ants were my fault. I said Fine that's up to you. But Im making scones regardless, I can take them up to the girls. I think he expected me to beg.
I said that Sarah had said it will be 30-45 minutes cos you have to be back for lunch and pills. So he wasn't in a very good mood. Today Im sure it will be totally different.

I will go visit the girls after he has gone, I need to help Bobbie ring the advocacy people so one of them can get her lawyers number and get them to call or perhaps visit.

Then I will probably just sit and Melt. It was 29 here yesterday, and my knee was Horrible.If its a two year wait Ill be ut of my tree by then lol.

Have a fab day everyone. Stay safe and dry.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  We still have rain clouds, but that's better than the earthquake Te Aroha had at around 2.00am.  it was a doozy too and felt in Auckland.  As if floods aren't enough.

lol Venetian, that's funny!  I would have thought it was pretty obvious how to use a rake lol.  Mind you, when I worked at Maccas (years ago) when being trained what to do, the young person training me told me how to mop the floor.  Please sweep first he said.  Well, duh, isn't that the usual way, says me.  Weeelllll..... you would be surprised who mops first and then sweeps I was told.  I couldn't believe it lol.

Yesterday I freed a garden of weeds until the humidity and heat got to me.  And looking at the lawn it needs mowing again even though I mowed Monday.  It's like we are back to spring growth.  Our friend came yesterday to look at the shrub we want removed and to give us a quote. He will also trim back another two shrubs that have gotten away from MrK.  It won't take long to do  Big Grin  And he will mulch it for me so it can be spread on the garden.  It works out well with mulching as it saves him from dumping it and the garden benefits.  I am also hoping MrK will give up on the bux hedge, fingers crossed Tongue

Today, it's housework and a general tidy up.  Spiders need evicting again as they shelter from the rain. 

Happy crafting Smile

Edited to add, I was awake around 2.00am as well, popeye.  Didn't feel the quake but did wonder why I was awake then.  Maybe I also felt it.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sun first thing but now it has clouded over. 

I was awake at 2am and felt the earthquake ... woke the OH asking him if he was awake, lol! You can't argue with nature with the events of late!

Well done Lilith on your upcoming publication, feel free to share an example of your work  Smile

Have given up trying to have a gardening session, it's hard enough fitting in a short walk between showers/rain! Will wait until summer does arrive I think.

My cross stitch is growing, look forward to mounting it on a 2nd hand frame I have received via TM. It's not easy on my lap I've found. Baby cardi back is done, so enjoyable to knit baby garments which grow quickly.

Time to duck out for a walk with the canine before next watering. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Overcast with some moisture in the air, another warm day expected.

Congrats Lilith no mean feat to get published Cool
Hope MrP visit goes well Popeye. 

Housework this morning got to clear the surfaces as have people coming for dinner tonight, going to be simple basil pesto tossed baby spud, salad and rotisserie  chook ( cooked on our bbq) then a lemon cheese cake.  Retro recipe from 80s cookbook have decided to revisit some of the old recipes this year when entertaining.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Thanks all - its not so much the little bit of money but more the kudos of having achieved some small thing, as JanW did with her story in the publication. I also have to find a photo of myself to include which is going to be extremely interesting - I'm not at all photogenic & avoid having photos taken as much as possible so that when I see family approaching with camera or phone at the ready, I tend to make a very impolite gesture.
I have an excellent image of myself doing exactly that - & its the best photo I have...SO tempted to just send it but will see if I can cut it back somehow. Smile
With any luck, it'll be so awful they'll say not to worry about a photo, they did last time.

It was 32 here yesterday & is shaping up to be hot again; 29 so far, so won't be doing front lawn today but have done everything else apart from a quick trim of jasmine again which may or may not get done. Took Madame Le Dog for an early walk since its likely to be too hot later & now she's doing her cuckoo clock impersonation - wants out, then in, then out, then in again.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I use the photo of me doing that same thing as my farcebook avatar. A gentle 'fuck the world' gesture to anyone who looks closely.

As for being rewarded for our talents and hard work, it is the best feeling. We need though, to find a way to hold onto that feeling, instead of letting it be that fleeting moment of Yesssssssssssssssssssssssss! And we need to find a way to pass it on, because we all need more of those high fives in our lives. Too keep us going on rainy days.

And I too want to see pics...
No clue if this will work...

Nope, apparently not going to work, sorry can't get image to post here.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(03-02-2023, 12:29 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: No clue if this will work...

Nope, apparently not going to work, sorry can't get image to post here.

Okay. Load it up as a photo on your trademe page, open it, and copy and paste the url here.

Cant put up the one they've decided on because technically it belongs to them now; this is another I sent in & which they didn't take.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Striking image. If you want bigger than a small one, open the photo on TM and post the url of that page...
The visit went extremely well.

Missy went to him in the end. I was soo relieved.. And he didn't ask about anything missing other than his John Wayne picture. Which I said ws in his room. And I said when I gave him the picture of MIssy I decided it was time to put some of my things out, since Im sitting where I could see them. That I had decorated his room and it was time for me to see my stuff. And He agreed with me.

No trouble with him going back to the home. And I just spoke to him and he is happy.

While Visiting the ladies the tree man called and they arrived about 10 minutes after I got home. So I had 5-6 young 20-30ish men running around pruning and totally cutting out and mulching the yucca's and various trees. So much more daylight in my room. And it will be much easier to get the mower into the corners too. Oddly they didnt do the ones in the little garden which are also close to the guttering but its certainly much better than it was.

There was a lady at the first resthome that spoke about older people getting respect and being treated with Dignity, and she is training for a job and doing a week's "Work experience" I took her email and I want to talk with her. She asked if Bobbie was my mother and I said Noo, that MrP had lived there but I felt the table of ladies had become family and she told me I was a Lovely lady for visiting etc. I said They feel like family and they have helped me alot too. Im interested in knowing what she is training to become..

Time to do my games and then Im going to nip up the road for a couple of things I forgot yesterday.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(03-02-2023, 02:22 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Striking image. If you want bigger than a small one, open the photo on TM and post the url of that page...

Aha! See - told you I'm a technoklutz! Big Grin Big Grin Rolleyes

Although it is thirtybloodyfour here today so its a wonder I managed to load the damn thing at all.

That's good news Popeye, & I hope you can contact the woman doing work experience & its helpful. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Jonathon Livingstone Seagull - 'It's easy when you know how...'

And it is still raining here.
Morning all
Mist covering the hills been an early start woke up to k9 retching  it was still dark at 5.40am. Since I was up fed them and of course they are all asleep on the big dog bed aka as my bed.

Lilith thanks for sharing love it.

Sounds like a good visit  Popeye.

We enjoyed our dinner with our friends last night. 

Not sure what I will get up to today.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We had rain overnight with high humidity. And the mozzies are out and about. They love me, that's for sure.

Lilith, what a gorgeous painting Heart I love the colours and the depth it has.

Good to hear MrP was happy with his visit and went back to the home without a fuss. I can understand how he would want to see Missy. I know I would miss having contact with animals. I wonder if the rest home could organise one of those visits by people with dogs/cats/horses to come by sometime.

MrK has been having a tidy up *gasp* of his mancave aka the shed and has found quite a bit of scrap metal he no longer needs. He's more of a hoarder than I am lol. When we go to Hamilton for his eye appointment next week, we'll take the scrap metal with us to a dealer. There's one I use who will unload the car for me Big Grin . I just reverse back to the scales so it can all be weighed. Cash in the pocket and saves landfill use. Everyone happy. While there, I will ask if they take ovens as we are having to replace ours soon. He has even found a fence post, cut up and put pointy bits on the ends for me to use as garden stakes. My trug is full of small garden stakes for the smaller plants.

No embroidery lately. I lost my mojo with this one and am thinking of doing something else until it comes back. I need a visit to the lovely embroidery shop in Tauranga for inspiration. She has gorgeous threads and fabrics.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Love it Lilith.

Friends funeral today - she had been unwell for a long time so sad but not sad if that makes sense. So off to supermarket soon to get bread as have to make club sandwiches for the pm tea. 

Was given a couple dozen eggs a couple of weeks ago and have been hoarding them but better use some of them before they rot  Big Grin 

Spent yesterday am teaching an elderly lady how to use zoom, hope she remembers each step, we went through it numerous times and I’ve written all the instructions down for her. 
She can’t get to the funeral but would like to see it.  This is where things like zoom can be so good as it helps those who are housebound still feel part of what is going on around them. 

It’s warming up quickly so think I’ll get going before I start to melt   Cool
Good morning. 

A fine but cloudy morning.  So nice to have a dry day yesterday even though very humid.

Lovely piece of art Lilith, you are very talented. 

I hope Mr P stays in a good frame of mind Popeye after the successful home visit. 

Groceries this morning at a different supermarket than usual to use up the Xmas vouchers. Expect family visit later which may include baby and dog sitting for a bit while mum/dad car hunt.

Enjoying having a cross stitch and knitting on the go ... very rare for me! Knitting is easier on the eyes at night. 

Cuppa finished,  time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Warm and wet here. A very hot night.

One of the over the back neighbours has already mown some of his lawn.

Love the Picture Lilith. Totally beautiful and peaceful

Had a horrible night of pain, couldnt seem to get comfortable. Missy woke me at 8-40.. so the meds must have kicked in some lol.

Im very pleased with the trees they Dr'd yesterday. Once it finally dries up Ill be able to put the hay in lol.

Heard a cicada when I opened the doors before.. And the crickets have been evading the rain.

MrP was very happy last night. So Im pleased it went well.

Im going to try and print out a couple of photos and laminate them for his "Room" .

A lazy day here. will remove my nail polish it looks crappy already lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Dry this morning, here on the Shore, but who knows how long it will last. I seem to be slipping into longer and longer sleep periods, and I put that down to the lack of sunlight, I will have to fire up the daylight bulb.

Finished the second bit of knitting and suspect it will be a bin job, but we will see, got itchy fingers though and hauled out one of the tapestry boxes to start sorting and dealing with, so not a total waste of time yesterday. And, although I do live a very quiet life I wish they would do something about these clusters of long weekends. Seems to me we'd all get more out of them if they were a little more evenly distributed throughout the year.

Maybe the new PM could do something with that...
I always feel sorry for Wellington and Auckland having their anniversary weekends in or very close to the long school holidays.
  I think Hawkes Bay has done it best as it is the Friday of labour weekend so get a 4 day break we’ll away from any other long weekend.  Heart
The local show is the Wednesday to Friday of that week too.

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