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You can never have enough...
My husband never read fiction, until I handed him Watership Down. I knew he was an animal lover so it was simply a matter of finding the right book...

He still always preferred fishing. Books and the sport.
Good morning. 

Gorgeous day, with a breeze ... great for holidaying kids. 

Have just had a couple of grandies go home while mum took oldest to get his arm cast removed.  Now it's coffee time. 

My DH only likes to read non- fiction  ... if he has time.  The paper is still a daily in our house and I like the puzzle page  Smile Probably should forego it and have more $$ to go towards rising costs. Anything needed from a newspaper is available online now ... obviously not the case years ago, especially the weather forecast!

Nothing like a good night's sleep eh Popeye! I'm in the habit of waking in the wee small hours and being annoyed at myself for not getting back to zzz land easily!

Happy birthday to Mr P.

Time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
That's interesting about your husbands not choosing to read fiction. My father was the same - he was completely dismissive of novels and only ever read hobby books and magazines like Popular Mechanics. He was completely closed emotionally and I've often wondered which of the two traits caused the other.

All of my husbands have been keen readers of fiction, thank goodness.
afternoon ladies Smile The sun's out and so is the washing.

One grandson taken home yesterday as he was homesick. I wonder if it was because Nana growled when he had a temper tanty... mean old bag that I am.

I've been over to Wairere garden center this morning and picked up the roses I had ordered and paid for weeks ago so this afternoon will be spent planting Westerland, Blackberry Nip and Graeme Thomas.

My sister is due to call in soon to take the Fluffy One home so the house will be very quiet.

MrK loves Lee Child books and other thrillers. He will read non-fiction too so has a wide range of reading.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Oh I look forward so much to seeing photos of your Westerland in full flush! That will bring back gorgeous memories!
Oh what a day.. We never do get birthdays done without SOMETHING happening. Parked by the Duck pond for a while. Went to get lunch, mt new usual was closed so we went around the corner. Went to start the car.. Totally dead battery. Thankfully some guys helped jump start it..

But it was there that I realised I didnt have my phone. Left at home on the walker cos when I went to leave next doors Jimmy Dog visited and I was distracted.

Thankfully we werent out at the beach cos No phone service and a steep hill. So most of lunch was spent sitting outside our garage as it was their lunchtime too. I told them not to rush cos we ate some of ours lol.

New Battery, and we went out to the coast. It was lovely out there. Came home and went up the road where the 2 wind turbines are. They are Massive... Ive never seen them up close, but of course I didnt have my phone to take photos. So I will be going back out to get some photos.

The sun has been lovely and its not too cold.

Its been a lovely day.. But now I need meds and my comfy chair lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(05-07-2023, 07:30 PM)R2x1 Wrote: "
Funny you should say that - I was looking at another kitset model, something called an Archimedes catapult. A bit expensive but interesting & I was tempted.

But then it occurred to me that their parents would probably kill me if I got them those... "

Wise decision, give the kids a set of bagpipes each instead. That'll teach those parents that you're not to be trifled with - - -


Big Grin Big Grin

Years ago when my kids were small, a friend gave one of them one of those plastic trumpet things. They were flimsy & didn't last which was just as well because they made one hell of a noise.

For her lad's next birthday I gave him one of those lovely tin drums you used to be able to get - the really, really loud ones. With wooden drumsticks.. Rolleyes

Not the best day here, one of those days when you suspect there's someone up there having fun at your expense. I'd hung out washing this morning when it seemed fine if slightly cloudy, went out to get the fish they didn't have yesterday & came out of the shop to find there'd been a bit of a shower but it had cleared.
Left washing out as the sun had come back by then

And then we decided to do the walk whereupon it started again so rushed out dragged it all in, put some on porch clothes line some in airing cupboard, got into wet weather gear & went for walk. It rained the entire time, only to stop once we got back.
And of course, the sun is merrily blazing away while the washing is inside. Damn it it can wait.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I understand the homesick Kiwimade - I was so homesick my first week at Uni my Dad had to come down and stay with me for 3 weeks to stop me crying ! The other students must have thought I was an idiot
Robie has just given me some very good news - hundreds of retailers have removed security from their shops and he is joining them - today a young girl was punched in the chest really hard and that was the final straw - the retailers are sending the security footage to the police but that’s it - I am so relieved I have been terrified something would happen to him but it sure is wrong - the crooks know there are no consequences so there is no point
Hope Mr P had a good birthday and enjoyed his fish and chips - does Missy like fish
(06-07-2023, 05:20 PM)JanW Wrote: I understand the homesick Kiwimade - I was so homesick my first week at Uni my Dad had to come down and stay with me for 3 weeks to stop me crying ! The other students must have thought I was an idiot
Robie has just given me some very good news - hundreds of retailers have removed security from their shops and he is joining them - today a young girl was punched in the chest really hard and that was the final straw - the retailers are sending the security footage to the police but that’s it - I am so relieved I have been terrified something would happen to him but it sure is wrong -  the crooks know there are no consequences so there is no point
Hope Mr P had a good birthday and enjoyed his fish and chips - does Missy like fish

No Jan she doesnt like fish. Not cat fish or human fish, never has. her sister doesnt either lol. 

It was a good day apart from the car battery dying.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Well, my new tablet is a nice challenge, everything having to be set up again. Poor old farcebook is having conniptions about new devices, lol, poor little AI.

One thing though, I got the new one because the old one was misbehaving and I assumed it was dying. But, because the two tablets have the same charging cable I thought I would try using the new cable on the old tablet...

And you can guess what happened. So now I have a big tablet and a little one, but I have managed to transfer all my photos to the laptop, and tomorrow I will export them to my external hard drive. Then, if anything goes wrong, at least I still have those.

Oh, and I have now got all my passwords written down, and dated.I just have to wait while all the necessary apps are installing, and then I can start customising things and see how the camera works and all that stuff.

So good for the brain, this stuff. And so much easier and less frustrating from that unmentionable Orbi thing...
morning ladies Smile We're going to have a lovely day by the looks of it. The Fluffy One has gone home so the house is extra quiet now.

Yeah, Jan, homesickness isn't nice and I suspect his behaviour leading up to Nana growling was because of it. I never minded the security guards, but I did wonder how fit some of them are when it comes to giving chase.

We also had to replace our car battery this week. Thank goodness we were at home when it died. A friend gave us a start-up with our jumper leads and we had enough ooommphh to go into town to replace it. That's the sixth thing we have had to replace in three months. And lucky for us, our mechanic sent the bill, so it doesn't need to be paid until the 20th. That gives me some time to rejig the budget.

Good on you for figuring out the tablet, OHH Smile And once Westerland is flowering, I'll post photos. It will take a couple of years or her to become fully established but I expect some flowers this summer.

We're still waiting for the electrician to come back and finish the repair to the power meters. I think this is going to take a while. In the meantime, we're still contributing to the power bill each fortnight so hopefully, there will be no big surprises when everything is done and dusted.

Time to get moving, my coffee is finished.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

The sun is just reaching the house. It was a lovely day yesterday and someone took photos at the beach last night. I must see if I can steal it. Cos it was beautiful pinks and blues.

I need to look for a picture of the Westerland rose. Today would be my Stepfather's and an Aunts birthday. And they both loved roses.

Breakfast has been nuts this morning lol. Hammer Burns Frances making a mess of the story about the roaming pig who has been found.

Im shopping this morning. And yes Kiwimade Ill be letting the garage send a bill. it will buy me a little extra time. How much are Warrants these days Ladies?

Better rattle my daggs... Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(07-07-2023, 07:37 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: .....  And once Westerland is flowering, I'll post photos.  It will take a couple of years or her to become fully established but I expect some flowers this summer.

Have you grown Westerland before?   Ours (Westerland Climber) is about six years old and the flowers are heavenly, but its flower stems are very weak and often break or droop before the flower is even fully open.   I don't know if that is a characteristic of the cultivar or something to do with our soil.
Morning all
Bit of a frost 5his morning so nippy out but the sun is shining Big Grin

OHH glad you are getting g your tablet and back-ups  sorted always time hungry
KM your roses sound lovely.
Popeye my last WOF cost $60

Once DH returns from walking the k9s we are off to the quilt shop to get a backing  fabric for I spy quilt the colours aren't  to my taste so I find it harder to select.

If I find fabric you know what I will be doing this afternoon. 

Enjoy you day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
No, Olive, I haven't grown Westerland before, but she will have plenty of support for growth. The wires can hold Albertine Tongue and she thinks she can take over the world lol. It will be interesting to see how Westerland grows here compared to your one. The whole back fence is now planted with climbing roses Big Grin I can't wait to see it all 'grown up'.

Popeye, our last WoF was also around $60. And bang on Christmas time too lol. I'll plan things a bit better this year lol as MrK said we will need two more tyres this time round.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(07-07-2023, 08:40 AM)Olive Wrote:
(07-07-2023, 07:37 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: .....  And once Westerland is flowering, I'll post photos.  It will take a couple of years or her to become fully established but I expect some flowers this summer.

Have you grown Westerland before?   Ours (Westerland Climber) is about six years old and the flowers are heavenly, but its flower stems are very weak and often break or droop before the flower is even fully open.   I don't know if that is a characteristic of the cultivar or something to do with our soil.

Blood and bone Olive, for the calcium. Or milk powder, I reckon that works as well...
(07-07-2023, 09:51 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Blood and bone Olive, for the calcium. Or milk powder, I reckon that works as well...

Blood and bone attracts dogs, milk powder attracts cats.
Beware of luring dumb animals, lest you wake up to a lawn smothered in political candidates.

Entropy is not what
it used to be.
LOL R2x1, too funny.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
(07-07-2023, 01:23 PM)R2x1 Wrote:
(07-07-2023, 09:51 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Blood and bone Olive, for the calcium. Or milk powder, I reckon that works as well...

Blood and bone attracts dogs, milk powder attracts cats.
Beware of luring dumb animals, lest you wake up to a lawn smothered in political candidates.


I dunno though. It could work, if you include a cunningly hidden gigantic pit. 
As long as it was well stocked with media, it should work a treat. Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Epson salts strengthens canes and potash brightens and enlarges flowers Smile I had to use epsom salts with Loving Memory as her flowers were too big for the canes and they would break.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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