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You can never have enough...
Coming back to bed with my cup of tea this morning, I stepped on a tiny piece of broken glass. So, the challenge for today is to figure out how to remove it from there seeing it is that stupid leg with the bit on the end I cannot reach.

Ought to keep me cursing for a while, lol.
Ouch OHH can any of you neighbours help?

Change plans here did vacuuming and k9s were looking wistfully  at me so I loaded them up in car  and took them to Hutt River for a run. Well our one is reliable off the lead our DD dog who lives with us only has painted on ears absolutely no recall so he was on the flippy 
So I am knackered after tough gym workout  and hour walk. I still don't feel like looking at docs needing review  I guess tomorrow is another day. Might make some chocolate  chippy biscuits. 

K9s now looking at me time for their afternoon  treat of pigs ear
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Scraped carefully and bingo! Must vack more carefully - that broken glass was over a year ago!
The foot sounds ouch Hunni, good you got it out.

Lovely sunny day here, almost like summer again.
Second eldest granddaughter's partner his mate arrived yesterday & proceeded to fix the top half of my fence across the side; he's been saying he'll do it for a while & I'd forgotten. And I'd expected him to just patch it up using the bits already there, but no its all done with little narrow palings & looks really good.
Grandkids can be quite handy really..Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I wish one would pop in and take my TWO bins - bloody council - up the hill to the road. They are heavy and it is hot.

I shall leave that expedition until it cools down.
(25-03-2024, 03:06 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I wish one would pop in and take my TWO  bins - bloody council - up the hill to the road. They are heavy and it is hot.

I shall leave that expedition until it cools down.

A Husky or two would come in handy... Rolleyes Wink
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another lovely day is on it's way.

Ouch, OHH. Good you found a solution to scraping off the glass. Huskies would be perfect for pulling the bins, or those big Newfies Heart My sister-in-law used to hook hers up to the towbar on her car and tow it up her hill.

The sparkies can't come until tomorrow *sigh* as the trencher can't get here until then. We're over it all.

We've been watching the three-part doco about Gloriavale. We had a fair idea of what to expect but it's turning into a rollercoaster of rage and amazement that this could happen here in NZ. The psychological abuse is so powerful I'm in awe of anyone who has escaped.

Today it's a 'catch up' day doing all those things that have been put aside while we deal with other matters. The cobwebs are the first thing to be dealt with. The house is beginning to look like the Adams Family home lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It is eye opening how such a cult can exist here, especially considering how long it has been running and how much we know about the appalling abuse that has been going on, and continues to go on. But then, staying is a choice they are making, the evidence of corruption is plain to see and they choose not to see it. It is like conspiracy theory followers, and for me other staunch followers of various religions, some people have this amazing ability to believe in the strangest things. And maybe it is their right to do so...

But the harm that follows is a tragedy.

On a side note, the two huge hanging baskets I bought on Trademe more than ten years ago from Gloriavale are still going strong. These days I have them out in our courtyard on a low table, one set upside down on top of the other to dissuade passing thieves, planted up with kalanchoe cuttings of various colours. I am looking forward to seeing those spread out and bloom through the black framework of the basket. They were a good buy, and are beautifully made, and remind me that not all craftsmanship is quite as honest as it appears. Slave labour, alive and well in Aotearoa...
Good morning.

Overcast but warm. 

We're watching that Gloriavale doco as well. Hard to believe what's going on ... a cult for sure. Surely more can be done to "disband" them now ... need to get rid of those depraved leaders for starters. There will be a whole heap of rehabilitation needed for those brainwashed people ... in the court room those women speaking were like drugged zombies in their support of their draconian existence. Those who've escaped have done amazingly well considering their awful lives prior.

Appointment for Mr R today and with his surgeon tomorrow.  I'm half way up the baby cardi back ... nice to have knitting on the go again. 

I hope you are making good progress Popeye.

Lol KM, good things come to those that wait.

Glad you got the glass out OHH ... that can be hard to find, in easy circumstances! 

Time to get moving. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Overcast some dampness  in the air going to be warmish

Empathise  with your frustration at yet another delay KM
Sorry I laughed at how your GK maneuvered you Lilith

Off up the line today to collect sewing friends sewing machine and overlocker,  a bit of a sm relay she dropped it off couple weeks ago and another sewing friend took in to SM repair man further up the line. He returned it to her yesterday and since my friend works  I said I would go get it. Lunch being provided by our friend. Us collecting her machines  means she can sew over Easter. Plan on a meander on 2 hour drive home there might be some fabric shops to visit Big Grin
Anyone would think that I am delaying  reviewing dreaded docs Rolleyes its true  as there is considerable work involved tomorrow is another day.

Hope Popeye is healing well and upwardly  mobile 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
No doubt Popeye is moving about & progressing little by little.

Gloriavale is far worse than I'd realised; those poor people born into it would have to be immensely strong to manage to break away & even then it would probably affect them for the rest of their lives.
I had a small brush with those people many years ago, before they went south. We were looking for a house to continue the commune & were driving around small town in Nth Canterbury & managed to get lost I think there were 3 or 4 of us, women, & I think two of my kids so when we came to a building we pulled into the driveway to ask for directions.

A man with very short hair & wearing suit & tie came rushing out, very polite & not unhelpful but there was a very strong vibe of his wanting to get us gone as fast as possible, & in the window of what must have been the school room there were about a dozen kids all gawping at these weird hippie types.
Definitely not somewhere you'd want to linger.

They were known locally as the Cooperites back then & I later heard that locals were pleased to see the back of them - not because they were a problem but simply because they were so bizarre.

I'm so glad that there's now a group of those who've left who are there to help others coming out.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I went there as well, talked to some of the children by a fence, back in the 80's, it was in Waipara wasn't it Lilith7?
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
(26-03-2024, 10:45 AM)zqwerty Wrote: I went there as well, talked to some of the children by a fence, back in the 80's, it was in Waipara wasn't it Lilith7?

Somewhere up that way though I don't remember it as being that far north - more up north of Rangiora I thought & in the 70s - mind you my sense of direction isn't wonderful so could easily be wrong. A very creepy encounter though. I remember Samanya on TM who'd also had a brush with them, didn't have a good opinion of them either.

There was another lot up Waipara way around the 80s I think - for seem reason I seem to connect them with the airforce, which I think one or two of them were in or had been. But then it was so long ago I could have it wrong.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile We have a foggy start to the day but I'm sure the guy digging our cable trench will still be working!

The last episode of the Gloriavale doco was so sad. I can't imagine being shipped off to India to marry a complete stranger and have kids. She had given up all hope and looked broken. She's trapped with lack of documentation to come home even if she felt she had the strength to do so. Such a waste of lives.

We're not sure when the power will be turned off today and for how long, so the washing is on and extra water is in the fridge. The Furry One will not be too thrilled at being tied up most of the day. But needs must.

Our son has offered us his fridge Big Grin so MrK will now have a 'beer' fridge in the garage. There are times, like Christmas, when we need an extra fridge so this could be handy.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Cloudy at present, I hope that fog has gone by the time we go "over the hill" to Hamilton! 

A sad doco for sure as if Gloriavale NZ is not bad enough. The conditions were terrible and I can't imagine services needed would be much better or available readily eg a doctor. I hope the human rights lawyers step in and up. 

Still picking beans each day and there are feijoas to gather and stew/freeze each 2nd day as well. Enjoying my knitting. 

Better get moving. 

Enjoy the day all. .
Aside from the human trafficking angle? The cruelty of it just appalls me.
That's absolute cruelty; taking young women to another country with a very different culture, & forcing them to marry men there & then produce a child each year, (while working) when they don't speak the language & are utterly isolated from those who care for them.
Gloriavale should be immediately made to bring back every last one of those women, & their children & husbands (if they want them) to Gloriavale & once they've had a bit of time to adjust (with help from relevant people) then it may be time to look at bringing an end to Gloriavale in whichever way will cause least harm to all, especially the women who after all, have borne the brunt of the worst of it all.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning all
Wet and windy

Done gym and podiatrist  even started reviewing doc, a bit of writing to do not sure if  I will get onto that today lots info whirling at the moment t it will all have to be put into some sort of order.
Gloriavale just so confronting hard to believe children are allowed to stay in those conditions. Cant see how ihey follow the tenets  of Christianity  well thats from my athiest  point of view.

DH doing a fry up  for lunch  its starting to smell very good

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The trench has been dug and the cable buried and ready to be connected to the new smart meter. It's going to take a full day to do the connection, so they are coming back next week. This will give us extra time to help our son with his flat. I didn't need to move any plants (phew!) so went to Hamilton and did a run to the rubbish tip. Tomorrow we will take the trailer over and move some of the bigger stuff to wherever it's meant to be going and more than likely have another run to the tip. His washing machine is on its last legs so it can go to the scrap metal dealer. I bought a few things home to store for him (just when we were becoming clutter free lol) and he's given me his blue tooth speaker Tongue Am looking forward to using that!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning ladies Smile A wet start to the day by the looks of it.

We have another trip to Hamilton to help our son today and I know we are going to get wet loading and unloading the trailer lol. It needs to be done and shouldn't take long to do. Our daughter is arriving Saturday so she can say her goodbyes with us, and the grandkids will facetime their uncle to say their goodbyes. So, it's all happening pretty quickly.

MrK has found another lump and the doctor has referred him back to Waikato. It's near where they took the melanoma off so has cause for concern. Hopefully it's just a cyst.

Better get moving, the day is going to be busy.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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