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You can never have enough...
My daughter's bio father came from Pahiatua, his parents worked in the cheese factory there. When the factory needed to dispose of whey or excess milk it was sprayed onto the paddocks on either side, and every Autumn those fields were covered in field mushrooms. You can imagine this townies delight lol.

Birth fathers get away with a lot, but in the end it is their choice, and their loss.

Aramex have emailed - my twenty tulips bulbs from the deep south are on board the van. I must make room in the fridge for them, and scrub out the big terracotta bowl ready to fill. Half of them are screaming orange, the rest a mixture of colours. That ought to wake up my deck in the Spring!
Hope it all goes well for you KM. Those DNA tests have unleashed some surprises for quite a few people; a neive by marriage has found that they have another sibling - one who hadn't a clue that the Dad who brought her up wasn't her bilological dad.

Finally got back lawn done & found that there are still a few tomatoes out there, jsut turning slowly red so will venture out later & pick them plus some of the drried up bean pods on the runner beans to keep for next season.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Last night around dusk, I decided to test paint one of my kitchen drawers to see if my plans were viable. I picked two drawers, the worst ones, took the handles off, cleaned them and sanded down the fake fronts - which it turns out are ancient particle board and blown in places. But I got them clean and even. Then two coats of white Lustacryl which looked okay, before I left them standing up on the bench to fully dry and cure overnight. This morning I made tea as usual at 5.30am, and as I came out of the kitchen I must've knocked one drawer in passing and it fell...

So, now I have a new project, reassembling a smashed but freshly painted old kitchen drawer, lol.

morning ladies Smile There is a winter chill in the air Smile

I shouldn't laugh, OHH, but I did chuckle at your drawer. It's something I would do. I'm sure with your cunning and logic you can fix it.

Last evening we watched Mr Bates v the Post Office on demand. I think roma, you said you watched it? OMG, we cannot believe they are still fighting for fair compensation. Those damed lawyers may have won the case for them but hells bells, what snakes when it comes to payment. The doco on Sunday will be interesting to view. Apparently since the series aired in the UK, there has been an absolute uproar.

Today I have a bit more rubbish to dispose of, mainly paper and cardboard from boxes after emptying the last of son's stuff.

I see Genesis have hooked us up to their power shout so will investigate this further. I also see they are starting our power bill off from zero rather than charging us for the power we have used so far this month. Mind you, there would be a credit for resigning as our contract was up for renewal and we were only a few days into the new month. So not much to write off, but still nice anyway. Has anyone heard if the energy payment is still being paid this winter? Probably not, knowing this government.

I wonder if the politicians have forgotten that those kids/teens marching yesterday are tomorrow's voters and have parents who also vote. My opinion is they have every right to be worried about climate change seeing as they will inherit this mess. And marching on a school day got the bite from Seymour they were after.

More stitching to do this afternoon, I am hoping to finish the edging over the next few days. Then I can start embroidering the pohutukawas in the middle. Better make sure I have enough red, and the right greens. Six boxes of embroidery thread and Murphy's Law says I have the wrong greens lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It is coming this year, but no mention of keeping it beyond 24...

And I was planning on watching the PO thing too, but then I spotted Season 5 of Star Trek Discovery...
We watched the last episode of "Mr Bates vs the Post Office" last night with increasing incredulity.   If I hadn't known it was based on facts I might have dismissed the story arc as preposterous.   I believe that as well as the costs issue there is now a move towards charging PO bosses with corporate manslaughter.
Morning all
Beautiful day not a cloud to be seen worth the nippy start.

OHH sorry I chuckled too its the sort of thing that would happen to me too.

Made a vest for DGD2 yesterday the same as I made for DGD1 they both look very cute.
DH off to do more painting atnDD so I will get down to sewing cave after vacuuming etc.
My knitting is coming g along thankfully my thumb is holding up.

E joy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I think David Seymour might have difficulty in envisaging the kind of future which that generation might have to deal with; despite their being able to see it all too clearly. Possibly its just too difficult to see past those massive $ signs in his eyes....

Hope the drawer doesn't prove too difficult, Hunni.

I'm amazed that the situation with the UK post office has been allowed to continue for so long with little or nothing being done. I'm keen to see the Sunday documentary about it; I hope those responsible will be held accountable, & proper restitution to all those affected - or their families - will be made.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good morning. 

Another lovely day.  Out early for groceries and veg soup on the go now ... still a lot celery to use up, lol!

How annoying OHH, I'm sure you will solve the problem.

The Mr Bates vs the Post Office was compelling viewing for sure. I see the CEO has been stripped of her CBE and there's a billion pounds earmarked for compensation  ... after the series causing uproar!

Will get outside later for a session plus some watering. Baking is needed, back to GC minding again next week now that Mr R pretty mobile with his crutch.

Enjoy the day all.
The trouble with this project, well, one of them - is the hardware is pre decimal. So, having had to break handles because the screws were rusted solid I now have to locate replacements with 4 inch pitches.

Or fill holes, sand and repaint. Buggeration, again!

Oh well, what else was I going to be doing...
Good afternoon from the Bay - Tom Jones is holding a concert tonight at the park down the road - it was a brilliantly sunny day but unfortunately the cloud has taken over .Hope it stays fine as thousands of tourists have arrived .If I am so inclined I will be able to go out into the reserve behind me and attend the concert from a distance
I hope Chloe Swarbrick cares as much about todays kids as she seems to care about kiwi kids in generations to come - climate change is very real but what is happening to our vulnerable kids TODAY is equally important but she speaks out against any changes that the new govt are trying to make to stop the rip offs and help the kids at least have a chance .I wish this wasn’t an open forum I would love to put up some of the documentation I helped a young Māori widow with three children collate to hopefully make politicians like Chloe stop using kids as a political football and look at how the kids living in hell need safety
The motel owner has 150 units - he is being paid by the taxpayer $2400 a week per unit which is $18 million - the taxpayers also pick up the tab for repairs etc .Some gang members have two units one for their dogs and motorbikes and another to live in - she has documentation of up to 20 kids living with the gang - they don’t go to school . The kids with decent parents live among partying domestic disputes police arresting HD bracelet wearers drug dealing - no laundry no cooking facilities nowhere to play - these are the kids who Chloe thinks don’t matter that the trouble makers should not be kicked out of temporary accomodation- these kids are already homeless - one of them is the 14 year old who hasn’t been to school since Covid who regularly does armed holdups - his grandfather who collects the benefit for him and his siblings was the tenant of the unit above the mum I was helping - he was wearing a HD bracelet and was dealing drugs 24/7 - every buyer went up the stairs beside her kids bedroom - she complained to the police Winz KO no help - a friend installed a camera she unlawfully recorded 24 hours of the activity up and down her stairs - took the footage to the police - Housing knocked on her door she was being shifted to a motel outside of Hamilton - the children were taken out of school and they were bused to an absolute dump - saw the photos disgusting - cost the tax payers $4812 for the week I saw the receipt - after a week they brought her back and put her in a unit opposite the drug dealer next door to a couple who partied 24/7 and had frequent visits from the police .This Mum had been renting the same house for 6 years but the private landlords sold up as it was not economically viable without their interest rebate - when she went into emergency housing she was told to give up her job as a dentists receptionist as being on the benefit jumps you up the list .Her husband died of a brain tumour.She has been applying for every house but was never successful - she went to a viewing at a very modest house and looking at all the others looking at the place she thought she had a real good shot .But got the usual rejection so decided to front the property manager- she thought it was because she was a single Māori Mum - but it was because she has a debt with Winz - she had letters showing she had queried many times why the system was showing she was in debt to be told it was a problem with the system and not to worry about it as it would be written off - but when somebody does a credit check on her it comes up - she insisted on a printout - $2400 had been added to her debt the difference between the Napier and Hamilton motel plus somebody who made the initial calculation stuffed up so every week she was accumulating debt -it beggars belief - she won’t be the only one wth huge debts .Bottom line is this isn’t the only motel that we are paying 18 million a year for what is an absolute dump for our most vulnerable kids to live in hell .Of course it is very important to do everything we possibly can for future generations but what about our most vulnerable today .We have collated all her evidence and sent it to Chloe - John Campbell - Seymour - Bishop and our local MP - our previous MP Stuart Nash had several meetings with her but nothing happened
While I am on my soap box - free school lunches - I saw what came to the school where I used to do the breakfast club - people seem to not realise that only 30% of schools ever received lunches but our school was one of the chosen - despite the Polytechnic being only 3km away with their catering scheme the contract for our school went to a big company in Palmerston - they installed a big freezer and the frozen meals would be delivered on a Sunday night - one week it was a big spoon of spaghetti with three sticks of cheese - another half a wrap with shredded cabbage - frozen lettuce and tomato salad with grated cheese - cold Mac and cheese - they were the worst - the contracts were obviously let by someone in Wgtn who wasn’t given the time to research it properly - our headmaster complained to the company then went to the media - they stopped giving them frozen lettuce etc
Sorry for the rant but there are things we need to do for our most vulnerable kids - they only get one bloody shot - lucky this Mum was capable of fighting for her kids but unfortunately the 14 year old mini crime wave who nobody cares that he hasn’t been to school since Covid and is living with the gangs has absolutely no future - but Chloe thinks he should stay right where he is
Why Chloe? She isn't a Minister, or even an MP with any power beyond a voice. She is repeatedly quoted as saying everyone has a human right to a safe home, particularly in response to the Ministers who do have power who seem intent on withdrawing funding from community housing providers, on ensuring challenging tenants have no security of tenancy, and on rewarding private landlords with taxation benefits that do nothing to make more housing available or reducing rents.

The providers, including the state are now cancelling housing development plans, projects on the drawing boards are being shelved. Which is great for private landlords, demand will increase and the market will support rent increases, and the dropping of standards. Meanwhile we will open the gates to more immigrants, many with the means to inflate the housing market further.

We are going backwards. Back to the regime that created the housing problem in the first place. The one that allows some to benefit from inflated paper property values, while even more live in their cars, or in parks or garages, or boarding houses, or raise their children in motel units within gang run communities.

The media are powerless unless the government listens. It has no intention of listening. Gang members don't vote, neither do mums run ragged by their kids. Most MPs haven't the guts to be honest, and would rather turn a blind eye to anything that doesn't serve their career interests.

The system is broken Jan, and there is very little you, or I, or Chloe can do about it. And fixing it is something that will take years, even if they find the will to get behind such a reversal of political direction. Meanwhile people are suffering serious harm, especially children. For all the advances in science and technology, we are still fighting the same battles, seeing the same costs paid by those who deserve better.

But hey, we have more billionaires every year. So that's something I guess...
Fair enough Jan; the situation for that Mum is appalling. How they can make such a mistake re her owing a debt & rather than fixing it, & then somehow allow it to increase is beyond belief - either there are incompetent workers or someone has deliberately done that. Perhaps she would be eligible for legal advice from anyone who can help.

I don't know that Chloe Swarbrick is really against kids, but like many of us she's concerned about the environment & the long term effects of that on everyone.

I'm in favour of school lunches but agree that they need to be properly done & provided to all children without conditions being attached, & I think you're quite right about the Polytechnic, it would not only provide lunches for hungry kids but would give the polytech students experience.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(06-04-2024, 02:38 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Why Chloe? She isn't a Minister, or even an MP with any power beyond a voice. She is repeatedly quoted as saying everyone has a human right to a safe home, particularly in response to the Ministers who do have power who seem intent on withdrawing funding from community housing providers, on ensuring challenging tenants have no security of tenancy, and on rewarding private landlords with taxation benefits that do nothing to make more housing available or reducing rents.

The providers, including the state are now cancelling housing development plans, projects on the drawing boards are being shelved. Which is great for private landlords, demand will increase and the market will support rent increases, and the dropping of standards. Meanwhile we will open the gates to more immigrants, many with the means to inflate the housing market further.

We are going backwards. Back to the regime that created the housing problem in the first place. The one that allows some to benefit from inflated paper property values, while even more live in their cars, or in parks or garages, or boarding houses, or raise their children in motel units within gang run communities.

The media are powerless unless the government listens. It has no intention of listening. Gang members don't vote, neither do mums run ragged by their kids. Most MPs haven't the guts to be honest, and would rather turn a blind eye to anything that doesn't serve their career interests.

The system is broken Jan, and there is very little you, or I, or Chloe can do about it. And fixing it is something that will take years, even if they find the will to get behind such a reversal of political direction. Meanwhile people are suffering serious harm, especially children. For all the advances in science and technology, we are still fighting the same battles, seeing the same costs paid by those who deserve better.

But hey, we have more billionaires every year. So that's something I guess...

Chloe stood in parliament demanding Luxon quit if the cleaning up of emergency accommodation resulted in one child being moved out because their family was causing chaos all around them making life for other families unbearable .These parents  who are not caring for their kids don’t need Chloe to use them for political gain she should be standing beside National and working towards a resolution .I reckon they should threaten to cut the benefit - then people jump up and down saying what about then Chloe Wouk’s say what about the kids - the kids aren’t being looked after now 
Imagine how many houses could $ have been built with the 18 million paid to just one motel - included in the presentation the young Mum put together was copies of the contract signed under  National $680 per week per unit - the contract signed under labour $2400 per unit .Honestly Hunni you wouldn’t want you cat to live in it - they charge people cleaning when they kick people out but no cleaning is done - so animal waste is not uncommon dirty nappies .
The projects that have been put on hold are being repriced and new contracts drawn up - just like the motel owner the Housing Corporation over the last five years have not been at all cautious regarding pricing - my sibling owns a large construction company built Kiwibuild homes and State houses - has never seen such waste of taxpayers money - 
I agree about the immigration especially when we saw under the last watch hundreds of refugees coming in with no job to come to but our Ukrainian family of bakers were kicked out even though they could provide for themselves and the bakery school for autistic young adults closed down 
Remember when we used to capitalise our family benefit - I reckon  families should be able to capitalise their housing allowance which now  goes into a landlords pocket -we need to do something radical
Definitely need something radical. But it won't happen. More than a quarter of the voting age public failed to show up last election. The majority of those who did were seniors, no wonder we got the three handed shake down. Lots of us are increasingly disengaged because we know how futile our expectations are. The promises are drowned by the monolith that is our brand of democracy. We look at those standing for Parliament and we see self interest, career politicians, cowards, and sellswords available for the best price, and very few worthy of our trust.

But we look overseas and see even worse, no wonder we are at a loss when it comes to the challenges we know the community faces.

Each government inherits the challenges of the previous. It is a snowball, and it's all downhill because of the way our society is structured. Profit means more than people. Moteliers see profit, at a level where putting their property at risk is worth it. And let's face it - they would be really unlikely to let their units be occupied by homeless unless it was hugely profitable. With the best will in the world - would any of us take that risk? When we own property and it increases in value as each year passes, faster than we could earn that kind of money, would any of us be willing to sacrifice that profit? No wonder as a society hoarding property is seen as a good thing.

Housing is a limited resource, and an expensive one. It takes time to develop, with layers of officialdom on top of the physical, and that isn't going to change because too many bodies have fingers in those pies.

And trust me, I know how some people live. I live in social housing, I hear the stories, though ours are usually mental health and dementia cases, still hard to live nextdoor to...I know too about blind eyes, corporate neglect and favouritism, shady deals, and the nepotism rife in community housing circles.
And I know that several charity based community housing projects on the drawing board have been shelved because the guaranteed funding by way of government subsidy runs out in June next year, and there has been no hint as to what will come. Even if that resourcing continues, those projects are now delayed by months if not years, simply because planning is an ongoing process, and hold ups magnify delays. So motels will continue to be inadequate homes, moteliers will continue to profit, families will continue to be stressed and damaged, because there is no radical thinking to provide alternatives. No imagination. And more to the point, no one prepared to sacrifice their bit of the pie to house young mums, or gang associates unless there is a lot of money to be made. Or even mildly demented old people living in their children's garage for that matter. Been in a resthome lately? Seen the way our vulnerable elders are fed and cared for? Especially the ones who can't afford the Rymans and Metlifes...

There are horrors out there we all prefer not to know about. Be we MP or man in the street. With luck our own good fortune will shield us. If not, there by the grace of...
morning ladies Smile Another cloudy start to the day so far.

I agree, OHH. When only a few vote, this is what we get. We need strong, honest people who will stand up for what is right, but they seem few and far between. There are generations now who would prefer to vote online, how hard could it be to set that up. Maybe that would encourage more to vote. Without the majority of voters voting, we end up with a skew-whiff government. It says a lot about the morals of our society when a government takes from the most vulnerable in our society. Our PM et al are in privileged positions and of course, are using their positions to their own advantage. The landlords tax breaks (which are supposed to trickle down to the renter... yeah right.. *insert Tui ad here*) only feather their own nests. The cutting of funding for the disabled and their families, the Suicide Prevention Unit being scrapped then the U-turn because the Minister 'didn't know'. He should have known, his ministry was told about it, but he hadn't read the report. Cutting lunches in school - it has been proven how that works to cut truancy and learning has improved. So many people losing their jobs and all Seymour can say is 'good, should have been more'. What kind of people are these? One day, they may in the position of our elders in rest homes or become disabled. Then they will be crying out for these services which were cut by their directive. I think they live in a bubble. They don't have the problems like the disabled community, don't go hungry, have a roof or ten over their heads, and think everyone else should be the same. The attitude, well, I did it, so can you. That's my rant for the morning lol.

I hope everyone has enjoyed their extra hours sleep this morning. It takes me about a week to get used to it.

Not much on the agenda today which is nice for a change. Yesterday I stitched all the way round to meet the other side and omg it matched lol. Now to fill in the squares and do the buttonhole stitch. That won't take long to do, only three or four triangles and halfway across the end.

I saw on FB popeye will be home once her INR settles down. Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I did wonder if it was the other health issues complicating her recovery from the knee op. Without those she should have been home within days. Poor popeye, she must be very frustrated and over it, still, fingers all crossed she gets the okay soon.

The glue has held on the drawer, but I am going to pop in a couple of small angle braces just in case to reinforce the break. These aren't soft close so it will pay to make sure I don't get a nasty surprise when going to get a tea towel one day in the future. Once that is done I shall move on and put some base coats on the cupboard doors and casing under the sink - boy the white sure brightens up the kitchen, and makes it look so much less dingey. Shows the ancient vinyl up though! But that is a project for another day.
morning all
another beautiful sunny breeze free day 

KM I always breathe a sigh of relief when you get to the end and it lines up  Cool

staying out of the crazy political stuff not enough room to express myself here lol Jan W my heart goes out to the family that you are assisting its mind boggling.

slow start here the k9s weren't too bad 6.10am so we were awake cup tea in bead and a read.

puddling this morning sorting laundry and creating more ironing - at least DH does the ironing  he is pretty useful around the house.

made cardi yesterday - its too big (sob) semi precious striped merino from my stash never mid someone from my sewing group will probably be able to wear it.

DD's lot coming for dinner tonight we need to sort out our accommodation for our holiday in Queensland later in the year. we grandparents are minding DGD1 when her parents go diving 2-3 days.

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

Overcast and I'm hoping to get towels and sheets dry on the line. Looks like a wet weather event on the way!

I stay away from politics as well but despair reading about the suffering of so many. My son's job is on the line along with 100's of others. There will be a huge flow on effect with even more suffering.

Here's hoping Popeye ticks the right boxes to get back home again.

No plan for today. Pleased to have knitting on the go again.

Enjoy the day all.
Yes Mica I should not have ranted on here - but this generation of motel kids - some have been in a motel for 5 years - deserve far more - paying up to $4500 a week to multiple motel owners who have become multimillionaires after investing very little buying up old run down motels that would have struggled to get $300 a week - not sure why somebody worked demand the PM resigns for cleaning this horror up.
The Ministry have now admitted that the suicide office closing was yet another attempt to use our most vulnerable as a political football - closing the office was never on the table but incorrect info was released to Verall - don’t understand it .
Anyway a real good story - a young family had minutes to get out as the river flooded their house when Gabrielle hit - she put a lead on her cat - headed to Ahuriri to a friend - the cat slipped the lead and bolted as soon as the children opened the car door - as soon as Facebook was up and running she posted on every page she could find - was absolutely devastated as her cat was lost so far from home .Over the year since Gabrielle she has posted regularly just in case .Two weeks ago she did one of her regular posts and a lady contacted her - she had been feeding a cat under a nearby school for about 9 months - had contacted SPCA - the family have since moved to CHB - so she left a message on the angels phone who had been feeding her cat calling her cat and talking to the cat in the way she worked normally talk which the lady put near the food - the little cat responded and for the first time came towards the lady - the little cat had travelled across SH 1 - across three railway crossings - through the busiest junction where traffic heads to Taupo - there was a photo in the paper of the children with mile wide smiles with the cat heading home
Hope Popeye is on the mend

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