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You can never have enough...
Yes I saw those daft dresses Popeye - that one with the any attendants to lift & arrange the damned thing was more duvet than dress!

I was feeling ever so virtuous earlier, first I'd made a strudel foe the freezer & then put the chicken for the casserole later into the marinade, & then had finally tackled the cupboard where I keep bags - plastic & paper, large,medium,small - which are useful for putting stuff in & which had been getting out of hand for a while. I was really pleased with myself & had got it all organised properly - small, medium & large sorted into different bags with one lot paper & another for plastic. SO very efficiient, so well done, jeez I'm practically saintly getting all of that done, SO pleased with myself...until I turned around & saw the large bag I'd forgtten! Bugger.

I did NOT swear but I did laugh slightly hysterically, & I swear I saw a look pass between Madame Le Dog & Madame Le Cat...yep, humans are indeed nuts!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good news day today in my little corner of the world - motel Mum and her family will be shifting into their own brand new town house and she will have her job back - luckily the dentists wife stepped in to her job as they hoped she would return - my legal eagle grandaughter gathered up all the info on her finances and the grants that were available to her as a first home buyer - luckily her dead husband owned his home before they were married - my brother sharpened his pencil on a town house he was finishing off - three bedrooms would have been ideal but bunks will do at the moment or the garage could easily be converted to a bedroom .Help was out there - she had asked but it was easier to just stick her in a motel which cost the taxpayers $2500 a week
Other good news the rip off contractors who are supplying rubbish lunches for $20 each to schools will be no more - cutting out the waste and providing more lunches should have been the overriding factor from day 1 - you had to see it to appreciate how bad it was for many schools while others were getting Subways etc
When I first had my leg drama - I thought I could get out and about on my walking stick until I received a very stern lecture from an old school district nurse - hadn’t had a telling off like that for years - she explained the 63 stitches I could see sewing up my outer leg and all it’s parts that had been cut to the bone was nothing compared to the repairs that had been undertaken under the skin - it has healed really ugly - looks like one of those toys we used to make stuffing pantyhose but no way am I going to have plastic surgery dug out my old long boho skirts and sent my knee length off to the op shop .
Good for you! My altered leg is much thicker than the normal and the foot twists pigeon wise, so I am very aware of the changes clever surgical repair work can wrought. It is why I love boots, a bit of gorgeous leather disguises the differences even if it can't aid the hobbledehopping, lol. At lunch today one of my bff's presented me with another walking stick she found at the sallies, it is another adjustable collapsible beauty but this one is covered in a bright bird print which generated all sorts of rude remarks about featherbrains...

And I bought myself flowers for mothers day, a sasanqua camellia down to $12 and a big purple verbena for $9, I reckon the plant shop lady knows my routine and puts these bargains out to catch me. Oh, and chocolates and a bottle of wine - I had cut back massively as the cool nights came in, but I reckon if mothers day is sunny I shall indulge with lunch, lol.

Now I just have to sort out the groceries and go park the scoot and I can collapse for the day...

(08-05-2024, 09:48 AM)harm_less Wrote: In the words of my surgeon in his pre-op pep talk, "the first few weeks are pretty shit to be honest" which is pretty accurate based on my 2 knee ops to date (semi on RHS 16 years ago, LHS full joint recently).

The rate of recovery (bounce back) very much relates to the patients level of fitness and existing health factors from what I've seen. Of the 3 knees done by my surgeon on the same day the physio who cleared me for leaving hospital commented that I was up and mobile (crutches, walking frame) within 12 hours whereas the others were struggling with nausea and/or pain tolerances. To be fair I'm mid 60s and actively managing 7 acres with livestock and maintenance work on a regular basis and my qualified nutritionist partner keeps my diet on track. Excess weight and/or existing health issues would definitely be challenges following what is considered to be one of the more complex and painful common surgeries.

The follow up physio's advice has been to use my body's pain levels be a guide to how far to push his exercise regime as overdoing will require a day or two's inactivity to recover which is counterproductive overall and potentially damaging. One 'interesting' experience was sudden extreme pain from the outer side of my knee that happened as I awkwardly got up from my Laziboy a couple of weeks back which had me seeing stars and prevented my from putting socks and shoes on for the best part of a week. According to my surgeon he puts small cuts in the band that runs up the outside of the thigh as this can tighten as part of the recovery process and those cuts act as perforations that can release as required. The pain I experienced was most probably one of those perforations parting slightly. Enough to serve as a warning against overdoing things and compromising the surgeons good work, and the cost of the procedure.

Out of the dozen or so ortho procedures I have enjoyed the worst one by far was the removal of two long screws that held my ankle together after the first big surgery. It was done under local and was the worst thing I have ever endured, though the second ankle fusion recovery was pretty nasty too. So I automatically look sideways at any surgeon who suggests locals, lol, I just do not believe them when they call it 'uncomfortable'. They just have no idea... But it does put the big ops into perspective. It is those little sensitive bits that kick up the most fuss...  Big Grin
Reading these experiences of operations, I'm extrmely glad to have had just the one years ago. I had a tubal ligation back in the days when they were easier to access, much more difficult now, but eldest granddaughter was able to get one due to having had two high risk pregnancies which meant a caesarean was needed for both.

Both Madame Le Cat & Madame Le Dog are still giving the human sideways looks after this morning; I'm sorely tempted to break into a bellydance around the kitchen but will try to restrain myself....Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Now, that's a frost!

lol @the rat poison OHH Tongue Pity we have filled the hole in the lawn in...

I saw those dresses too, some well... I wouldn't even think of them as clothes, just fabric thrown over the shoulder. But there were also some awesome dresses as well.

Yesterday we had a family birthday lunch for my 60th and then a lovely afternoon catching up with family gossip.

Our son sent a pic of his new motorbike parked in his driveway last evening Big Grin He is a very happy man lol.

Today MrK has his carpel tunnel op. Interesting the surgeon didn't want him to take the bridging drug clexane this time. His last carpal tunnel op was done under a GA, this time it will be a local. Times have certainly changed.

Good luck with the house, mica. There's lots to do and think about when moving.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Very windy and cold looking forward to 11 degree high

Good news about your motel mum JanW

You must be a good fish mum OHH providing a good environment for them to thrive

Sounds like a nice birthday celebration KM, hope Mr KM surgery goes well under local less side effects compared to GA.

My day at the warehouse will be well rugged up.

Started looking at stick vacuums online will go and check them out in person next week.

Enjoy Your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

A clear bright blue sky and the sun is up.

I've just had to speak to Sky again.. Then I thought stuff it Ill text our local sky man. He said he is on his own and busy but he will see if he can squish me in today. I suspect the tv also has a problem.. but I have the spare. but I told Michael that I cant life it now.. he will sort it tho. he's good like that.
Their phone people have to be the worst out I think lol. Got to tell them things at least 3 times before they understand it.. but happy to try and sell you extra. I need to sort my Freeview boxes out and find the remotes.. then I could get rid of paying $18 a month for free tv.

I had a very lazy day yesterday.. Have started the anti virals, OMG they are huge lol.. But they work fast, it hasn't spread anymore overnight.

Another lazy day for me today.. I have my clinic appointment tomorrow.

years ago Kiwimade I had a ganglion removed in my wrist, it was wrapped around the artery, cos I like to do things properly lol.. They gave me a shot in the shoulder and wrapped my arm in a very tight rubber strapping, it put the arm to sleep and stopped the blood.. Only trouble is it didn't quite reach the thumb are which was where the artery is.. So then they just used locals.. So I was awake and listened to the drs chatting away.. Asked them to show me the offending growth and to be honest it looked like a chewed bit of chewing gum lol.. Arm was dead for about 4 hours..

Putting my bra back on was a problem. MrP was trying to help and we were laughing our heads off, The nurse asked was everything ok and MrP pops up wit, Nooo I only know how to take these bloody things off not put them on.. The whole room cracked up then. lol

Right I better finish my breakfast and get dressed. not sure when Michael will arrive so I better be decent.

Ohh Jan such good news re the house for the wee family.. Im sure they will make it work and finally have some normality in their lives.

have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Lovely day now after a cool start. 

Good luck to Mr KM today. Mr R has surgery on Monday for a repair job as a result of his last surgery ... 1 night stay but at least local this time. 

Exciting times ahead for you Mica even if a lot to think about and do ... good luck. My Aunt has her house on the market and downsizing to a Unit in a village in another city. Big move for her indeed ... she's 94!

I couldn't help but think of what all the $$ that went into those Met Gala 'dresses' could have been better used on!

Nearly finished the sides/back, sleeves today. 

Cuppa finished. 

Enjoy the day all.
That's fantastic news for 'your' mum, Jan Smile She can start living again and not just survive.

You'll be happy MrR's surgery is local, roma. It's quite the trek from Tauranga to Hamilton. Although the roadworks before the picnic area seems to be almost finished. The big barriers have been removed and there are cones where they are putting the rope barriers up. And the farmer has scored a new fence. We just have to navigate the new turnaround by Hicks Rd.

MrK's phone has died. He's suggested we buy a new phone for me, and he use my old second hand one as he only sends the odd text and makes phone calls. *gasp* he actually uses a mobile as a phone lol. His idea works for me as I use my phone to pay the bills and pretty much everything else.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Hope all goes withg mr KM' surgery today.

Freezing here, had a frost thie morning & Madame Le Cat was reluctant to venture out & came back in again fairly quickly.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I didn't get dressed till after ten. Took my tea out onto the deck in the sun so I could warm up and then when the stiffness went got into jeans and a sweater. Of course now I'm a bit too warm, lol... but that could be down to an hour of chopping back in the garden! New compost bin almost full - but it will wilt down soon enough.
MMMMorning everyone lol

Apparently its 4 degrees.. 6-30ish.. I broke out a blanket last night. And am wearing my lovely new snuggly winter dressing gown lol.. I may not want to get up lol.

I was right the Big tv finally died. We got it secondhand ohh probably 10ish years ago, might be longer. But the Skyman.. Boston not Michael as I thought he was, popped in late last evening. He moved the new one out and got it working.. But he said he thought the skybox might be sick too. He was right it went out again. So he will come later today and swap it for me. Wee seem to catch up every couple of years lol.. I told hm he suits Boston. He's a nice guy and was shocked to hear MrP had passed.

Off to my clinic appointment today. I need to ask them and my physio what to do, to get me back to driving. I cant go on like this too much longer. Its expensive not catching sales at the supermarket etc.. Although I guess I could say I'm saving by not buying petrol lol... But I still pay others.

Stay warm and have a wonderful day..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies.... brrr... -3 frost this morning!

Well that's a buggar about the TV, popeye, sounds like you had a good run with it though. You might have to stream through the computer for a while.

We're being good and not turning on the heat pump or washing machine. The sun is coming up and starting to stream into the house so we'll warm up soon.

MrK's surgery went well yesterday. We arrived early so they took him in early and it was all over in half an hour. It gave me time to put his stuff onto my old phone Big Grin He texted son to tell him he was using a smart phone now and son replied, well, you're not quite the old fart then lol.

A bit of pruning the last of the garden and some more work on the runner today, I think.

happy crafting Smile

We used MrK's disability card for parking for the first time yesterday as the car park at Waikato was chokka.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Very nippy but sun is coming out

Good run with your TV Popeye good that you have backup on hand.

Meeting friends for lunch today so respite from sorting stuff.

Finished knitting DGD1 jersey going to knit matching hat.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Cold ... but thankful to have sun streaming in. Will wait a bit to turn on the washing machine. 

Glad you have a back up TV Popeye. I'm afraid it would be hard for me to live without one ... once upon a time, maybe.

Mr K will be glad to have that op behind him KM. It sounds like plenty of change happening on SH1/29. 

Need to do baking and make more GF meusli that I've started making,  so good. 

No other plan for the day other than stay warm and keep knitting later.  

Enjoy the day all.
After putting a rocket under the sparkie, they are finally coming today to put our tv ariel up. I've been telling MrK for years they aren't the best at communicating and he gets it now.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
That'll Learn him.. He only twiddled the leads and left, had to come back. It was out at the Dish, so he was out there in the dark.. Feel bad cos I will be getting the free view box out now I remember where I put it.
Maureen rang while he was here the first time , she has pushed the wrong button on the remote, so he went and sorted it for her lol... Shes going blind, so easily done.

I have had my clearance to drive .YAYAY Not that I can lol.. but the Dr was very pleased. Saw the x-rays its cool. So I said I think Ill sit in the car and get used to the pedals again, Dr said I wish all our patients were like you. Too many rush and have accidents.. So that's my job tomorrow, after a decent snuggle in in the morning.

Turns out the Guy that drove today knows friends of mine lol. But he grew up in Pukekohe lol.

Why cant some men follow instructions. lol I told David what water I wanted and where to find it. But he couldn't find it and got another brand lol.. Umm the bottles are beside the turn styles when you walk in.. how hard is that? So he will get me more next week. Lol

And I will watch the Sewing bee... and if the tv goes off You will hear me scream lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That's good news Popeye, & wise of you to have a practice in the car first.

Still cold but no more rain so didn't really need rainjacket for the daily walk with Madame Le Dog.
Have continued being ever so virtuous & cleaned out the utensil drawer - found an old masher I'd forgotten I had, which being metal looks useful for making the chickpea fritters I invented the other week. They taste good & I've found that they also freeze OK so very useful, I think the relish makes a difference.

I might try to continue with the virtuous cleaning streak & do the cutlery drawer next. Or not...Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning all 
Raining out k9s and I still tucked up in bed me reading them sleeping little hotties Big Grin

Great that you got clearance   to drive Popeye 

Had lovely lunch with friends it was such a beautiful day yesterday  not a cloud and harbour was like mill pond.

After lunch we went to look at dining  tables for new house we need something  smaller. This was supposed to be reconicense  trip but we have bought new table and chairs  DH found smaller  table/desk for him to use for painting thats on hold need to measure to check that it fits. Checked out stick vacuums think we have decided need to pop to noel lemmings and flash the gold card sometime today.
Building inspection today too.
Things falling into place.
Got the ribbing done on hat last night while watching recorded episode of Endeavour 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another awesome frost this morning, everything is white outside. Buggar, I forgot to bring the pegs inside lol but at least I remembered my gumboots Big Grin

I'm on cooking duties while MrK's wrist heals and will start a casserole in the slow cooker shortly. Housework today and then I'll have my third attempt to prune the hydrangeas. The salvias are all done and in the bottom of the emptied compost along with some bracken leaves MrK came across.

Our son phoned last evening really happy with his first week of work. He works in a call center supporting miners. They phone when they go off site and say which new site they are going to and how long it will take for them to get to there. They then phone when they arrive but if they don't phone within 15 minutes of the arrival time, a search party is sent out. They also organise any house repairs the miners need and anything else needed to support their work. It's quite varied work and he's working with great people.

The sparkie managed to repair our TV ariel yesterday and while he was here, he kindly put a halogen lightbulb into our ceiling fan. I had broken four bulbs and wasn't willing to break a fifth. At $7.50 each it was starting to become expensive!

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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