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You can never have enough...
(22-06-2024, 03:04 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Love that Jan! I bought three chairs - one for me, one for a visitor, and one for the cat...

She keeps me sane, and often is the only person I see or talk to for days on end, other than you imaginary figments of the interweb - so she is a Very Important Person in my life. And gets treated like one!
He recently told me he thought he might become an optician as I struggled to read without my glasses ! 
I wish I hadn’t procrastinated after my staffi died - now voices tell me what if I decide to go into a unit - interesting those voices doing the talking have dogs and cats !
I think we need to live each day for that day and try not to predict the future. And these days I need fur therapy, another sentient being to head butt me and sleep in my arms, and be here waiting when I come in that front door. Those things make me grateful to be alive today, and so they are worth every cent I spend on cat food, lol.

Don't listen to the voices.
(22-06-2024, 05:31 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I think we need to live each day for that day and try not to predict the future. And these days I need fur therapy, another sentient being to head butt me and sleep in my arms, and be here waiting when I come in that front door. Those things make me grateful to be alive today, and so they are worth every cent I spend on cat food, lol.

Don't listen to the voices.

Yes; the cat food & dog food aren't expenses, they're essential mental health supplies... Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Couldn't do without my furry friends.
We moving to retirement village and taking ourc2 k9s and 1 feline wouldn't have moved there if they couldn't come. Also replacements allowed.  Pets important  for mental health and k9s make you get out and about .

Just returned from DS had dinner with his family -a fun time
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A rain day at last, can finally do indoor stuff.

I am sorry to hear about your furry mate, roma. It's hard to say goodbye to such loyal friends. You will know when the time is right for another.

My sister lives in a 50+ village and once your pet has gone, there are no replacements. Don't think I could live that way, I would need to know I could have another dog if I wanted.

The plumber can't come soon enough, bucketing water into the loo cistern is becoming a bit much.

Seeing as it's a wet day, I'll be working on the runner earlier than usual.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

A gloomy wet day here too.

OH it was nice sleeping in a well made "Tight" bed. Woke a few times but went straight back to sleep.

It is soo hard when you lose a Furr baby. And everyone is right, they are wonderful Mental Health Carers. I say tho that I wouldn't replace Missy. But I also know I would. after a gap. I want some time to be able to travel around a bit. See friends that are miles away, that I could stay overnight and not worry about my babies.. BUT I will have more later.
I have a hankering for a Bird again. Provided I could get an easy to clean cage. I love teaching them to talk back.

I have to pop out for a rubbish bag , so I might go to the Junktion for a gander. Might be lucky enough to find a waffle maker. I have seen some cute Mini ones, that make around a 10 cm waffle. Which is a good size for my smaller eaters. Although my ladies are all good eaters really.

Missy is snuggled up on the hottie. She ate her breakfast and promptly brought it up again. Probably just ate too fast. So she's having mummy cuddles.. I certainly dont mind that. I miss it in the summer

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

It's bucketing down and hopefully the Kindy sponsored walk I was to be a part of is cancelled!

Thanks for the kind words. It's been quite the year with the decline and loss of 2 pets and a parent (a year ago yesterday) with GH health leading to 2 surgeries (one major) thrown in.  Time to reflect and smell the roses. I won't get rid of ALL the pet gear just yet ....

Great that some Retirement Villages allow pets ... food for thought! My DD suggested fostering ... I know where that would lead! There are a multitude of K9's in our vicinity that we have got to know (plus their owners) through our dog,  which we could walk or mind if needed.  

Seeing as we are stuck inside will catch up with housework and then I have a book to finish or some embroidery design to put on paper. 

Stay warm and dry all.
Morning all
Wet which is  ok because you all know what we will be doing.
Got to open a box and retrieve keys for DS house they going away next weekend and asked if we can feed their cats. One of the reasons we didn't move up the coast and stayed  locally so that we can help out if necessary. 

DD has just messaged to ask  if Sunday  dinner is still on at ours don't really have the  bandwidth  to entertain but since last Sunday will suggest takeaway  Thai.

Must move

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
What a ghastly day it has been - brief bits of blue cloud but mostly cold awful drizzle
Have mastered my new cooker after a very unappreciative start am loving it - made some beautiful date scones using just yoghurt flour and BP - turned out lovely - 8 mins .Now I have potato in milk to mash on bottom level - broccolini next level - piece of salmon in a parcel with bits and pieces - one pot 20mins - the pot has some sort of ceramic finish nothing sticks - can go in dishwasher but I do it by hand
A young couple recently opened an indoor playground near here -today they were filled with children and some idiot decided to send a bomb threat so the place had to vacate - took the police ages so many disappointed children were taken home - you have to wonder how some people can be so bloody cruel
Have been looking at combined power and internet packages seeing Spark are increasing their prices again but everytime I change anything I seem to regret it
Better get this dinner over and done with - my favourite program Country Calendar tonight
I am enjoying Phil S wandering through our most extravagant houses. Glorious places, wonderful furnishings, stunning views, and I wouldn't swap...

Well, not permanently. Think of all that maintenance. Housework. And the insurance? They must be mad, these rich listers...

Oh, and doesn't yoghurt make scones beautifully tender? Such a good trick to know...
(23-06-2024, 06:45 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I am enjoying Phil S wandering through our most extravagant houses. Glorious places, wonderful furnishings, stunning views, and I wouldn't swap...

Well, not permanently. Think of all that maintenance. Housework. And the insurance? They must be mad, these rich listers...

Oh, and doesn't yoghurt make scones beautifully tender? Such a good trick to know...
Maybe just a teaser but I noticed a sculpture in the promo pieces at the start of tonight's show that looked very much like one of those at Gibbs Farm at Kaipara. I know the house there is far from new and not as architecturally remarkable as those featured so far but the location and numerous large scale art works may attract Phil's attentions. Time will tell I guess.
morning ladies Smile aahhhh fog... where would we be in the Waikato without it lol.

We've been watching that house programme as well and so far, I wouldn't want to live in any of them. They are lovely to look at though. But six bathrooms, really? Just glad I don't have to clean them. Mind you, if you can afford all that then no doubt there is a cleaner as well. I loved the sculptures at the Arrowtown house.

We've come to the conclusion it's our water pump that's the issue as well as a leaky loo. MrK will phone the pump repair people and hopefully they will come out today. I had a 'I-told-you-so' moment with MrK as on Friday I said to him it's the pump but oh no, not according to him. Anything to do with water pumps is expensive so fingers crossed we can pay it off over two months.

Not many more sleeps now until the big move, mica.

The lawn needs mowing again. Usually over winter I would mow once a fortnight. Fat chance now lol, still weekly. The rose I ordered from Wairere Nursery has arrived and we will pick it up this week after one of MrK's hospital appointments. Can't wait to see it in flower.

Thanks to the weather yesterday I managed to stitch quite a bit on the runner.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Tad chilly, but our side of town seems to have missed the fog.

Maureen's Daughter rang last night all in a flap. Maureen had gone to hospital around lunchtime, and when the daughter phone was told that she had been sent home by taxi. She didn't have clothes or a key. Do I ducked over and she wasn't there, let the daughter know and she rang and said they had found what had happened. And she was able to get here Before Maureen did.. You would think they would check these things before sending people home. Especially 92 year old frail women.
Id have brought her here if I had found her. She didn't even have her walker.

Im off to the home today. It will be David free as he text and said he wont be there when Dianne and I are. Two or more conversations is too much for him...
More like he wont be the center of the attention. He ended his last text by saying, well I guess as you say, Have a good day.
I have never known a person to be so against people caring for him. He hates it. So I replied and asked him to take my timber for the wheelchair, and the pictures I gave him to take to Bobbie in, and leave them with the ladies, since he doesn't want to see me.

It was our College Ball over the weekend. We have known twin girls since they were toddlers. They wore beautiful long dresses. It must cost a bomb for parents with Ball aged children. I know both these girls work and fund it themselves. Dad has Never been on the scene. He's never met them. It was a black and white theme, and they did the black and white between them.
My friends with the nursery were flat out with 4 helpers making corsages and buttonholes.

Have a fab day everyone... hope that doesn't offend hahahahaha

(24-06-2024, 07:29 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  aahhhh fog... where would we be in the Waikato without it lol.

We've been watching that house programme as well and so far, I wouldn't want to live in any of them.  They are lovely to look at though. But six bathrooms, really?  Just glad I don't have to clean them.  Mind you, if you can afford all that then no doubt there is a cleaner as well.  I loved the sculptures at the Arrowtown house.

We've come to the conclusion it's our water pump that's the issue as well as a leaky loo.  MrK will phone the pump repair people and hopefully they will come out today.  I had a 'I-told-you-so' moment with MrK as on Friday I said to him it's the pump but oh no, not according to him.  Anything to do with water pumps is expensive so fingers crossed we can pay it off over two months. 

Not many more sleeps now until the big move, mica. 

The lawn needs mowing again.  Usually over winter I would mow once a fortnight.  Fat chance now lol, still weekly.  The rose I ordered from Wairere Nursery has arrived and we will pick it up this week after one of MrK's hospital appointments.  Can't wait to see it in flower.

Thanks to the weather yesterday I managed to stitch quite a bit on the runner. 

Happy crafting Smile

I Agree Kiwimade. None of those Houses are "Homes".  I dont like houses that you feel you are messing up simply by standing in them.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Fine day

Final push today.
DD has asked DH to do repair paint job at their place so that changed our schedule a bit

Kids came over for dinner last night we had takeaway  Thai I just didn't have the bandwidth  to cook. Used carton  as makeshift  table for the predinner nibbles.

Three more sleeps

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The pump repair chap is here and thinks it is the cut-out switch on the pump. It's an old pump and no longer being made but he has a switch he thinks could do the trick. Fingers crossed this is a repair and not a replacement.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

It was so cold out on the school/kindy run before. The GC were impressed with their steam blowing ability today  Big Grin

Enjoy Phil (and Kirsty) in that show. Impressive houses and locations. 1000sq m for a house though ... mind boggling!

Will get groceries before long and I need new library books.

Exciting Mica ... shifting house is a big thing in your life.  Make sure you have a container of "instant to get coffee/tea/snack etc requirements" for the new house, lol.

Better move. 

Enjoy the day all.

ETA: Pump breakdowns KM! Always the scary bit as to whether repair or replace!
The switch died as the repairer drove back down the road... we are now waiting for him to return to fix it again.  I suspect we are in for a new pump.

OMG yes, when moving that box containing tea/coffee/snacks was a real life saver.

Edited to add, buggar, it's a new pump.  We were trying to work out the age of the old one and it's around 20 years old so definitely done its job.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Always the last thing packed and the first thing unpacked, lol. Oh I am glad my moving days are over, though an upgrade to a nice retirement village with all those on site amenities has a certain appeal.

It was very chilly here overnight and despite an extra layer it was a broken sleep so today will be a very lazy one. Woke up to fog too, so quiet with that dampening my usual alarm clock drone from
Lake Road as all those poor unfortunates head off to work at ungodly hours of the morning. Another phase I am glad has passed out of my life!

Had some good news about my not so satisfactory trade over the weekend with the seller agreeing to refund all costs, amazing how a bit of firm feedback gets people back on the right track, despite it being reminiscent of blackmail. Still, rather be a bit of a bully than lose a chunk of my fritter money on something that should never have been listed in the first place. Sometimes we just need to stand our ground...
Can't say I'm all that keen on those houses either - way too much grey & lots of concrete,glass & steel; they just don't seem to be all that 'homey' really. And the almost total lack of bookshelves was quite alarming - do these people not read at all??
I do enjoy seeing the art in the houses though, even if its just a glimpse.

Cold & wet here, no doubt with my usual stunning luck it will wait until I head out later before raining again.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
The fog venture down here after I said there wasn't any, very thick too and back down again this afternoon.

Reminded me of Mangakino. The fog lifting at 12 noon and back down at 1. Washing was rough in those days.

My giggle for the day. Sometimes you just have to act like a Gracious Lady. Was sitting in Irene's room chatting and who should walk past but, the troubled one we call David. Had a polite nasty text over the weekend. Anyway we thought that was strange since he had said he wouldn't come in when we were there.

Annie get Ya Gun comes almost running in and we both said Oh we see He who said he wouldn't be in , is in. She said yes that's why Im here. Campbells Parents and brother were in... OH we thought, he had to put a show on..

Best was yet to come lol

We were walking towards the dining room where they all gather, got to Campbells bedroom door and Dianne said hello. Before I had the chance to decide if I was greeting David he said, Oh Hello Su... how are you.. Floored me, but then I realised Campbells Brother was behind me. He remembered me, as did their Mother and Father who all ended up behind me.

I thought should I be a Witch with a capital B or just be Gracious. I could see the fear on Davids face. Lol.

So I was Gracious, cos I figured I didn't want them thinking I was a Bitch.

Im not so gracious Now tho.. Im ONE UP on him lol

I do have an evil side if people annoy me. She is only let out on special Occasions.. But My gracious Side, I like too.

Next meeting might be different lol.. But I've truely enjoyed today lol

And now its cold, I have my cardy on and a hat over my ever thinning warfarin Hair... My lap is currently employed by the hottie and Missy. lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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