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You can never have enough...
I am persuaded to bite the bullet today and visit the dentist, to sort out a mysterious pain under a back molar. Being somewhat allergic to dentists of all stripes due to childhood trauma this means the pain is significant, fortunately she is relatively close and the weather forecast is for a break in the rain. It is turning out to be an expensive week and the bank account is emptying fast!

Still, it is in a good cause.

I am still a little bemused by the cat age thing, and can't quite work it out. The girl who brought her to me told me she had given the cat to her grandfather five or six years ago as a kitten she got from the spca when he moved into a retirement village. He had loved and spoilt her until his death when she took the cat back into her home, but the cat didn't adjust well to a home with dogs, hence looking for a new owner. She arrived with a range of toys and food, including an enormous cat tree, which I passed on to another cat family. In the handover the girl was really tearful and followed up with regular email enquiries and I sent photos etc, until that petered out, as these things do. I asked her if she had been microchipped, and the girl didn't know - which should have been a flag, but I didn't pick up on it - all spca animals are chipped. And it is the chip that gave us the age, and details of the last vet visit at a South Auckland clinic, a check up, a week before she came to me.

So it is all a bit of a mystery. Still, it does mean she should be around for a while, which pleases me no end, she is a wee treasure, despite her rather dubious litter box laziness, lol.
Morning  all 

Glad feline on mend OHH hope your tooth is easy fix, like sound of your denim jacket project.

Off up the coast to quilt guild meeting this morning, haven't been for couple months  and don't have any project on the go either. Nothing in fridge to take for lunch so its crackers and cheese with melting moment for afters.

Enjoy your final cutting KM

Enjoy your  day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Foggy here lol.

A little strange re the age of the cat Hunni but Im glad she has a caring Hooman.

Good luck with the dentist. I too had trauma with a dentist, so I was super pleased when I ended up with my pretty false ones.

Had to phone NZ Post courier this morning. Waited nearly 20 minutes for an answer. With the repeated message about Please dont abuse their workers.. When I finally spoke to one I said that message makes people angry.. Anyway got it sorted. Hopefully.

Cant wait to see the completed Runner Kiwimade.

Sleep was hard to start with last night. I shook my legs until they were tired and the fixed one was sore. Turned the Tv on and finally drifted off to sleep. This tv has a cut off thing if the channel hasn't been changed after a certain amount of time. So I thought well it will put me to sleep and turn itself off.. It Worked lol.

Im going to have a little move over of the lounge furniture today. I want to get a spare set of plastic drawers I have to stand on the set already there. Just to thin out the stuff within. But I have to make a little room for Madam to be able to get through to her bed behind my chair. Its a nice quiet place for her and she gets the sun first thing in the morning.

Must get something out for tea. Been a bit slack the last couple of nights.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Amazing what a little clean up can do.

I moved the chair and couch. Cleaning as I went. Much to Madams disgust.

Then thought Id go through the set of drawers already in the lounge before I got the other set out.

Didn't need to get the second set out once I binned all the rubbish lol. But there is now an easy path for Madam to get to her bed too.

Really pleased with the tidyness. Madam seems to approve.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
A good dentist is such a treasure, and I think I have found another one. I will be losing a tooth next week, rather that than a root canal, and I am not looking forward to it, but it is necessary to deal to the abcess underneath it.

So that's something to look forward to, eh? Not, lol...
You won't feel a thing OHH ... plenty of meds after and never have to worry about that tooth again! I have a fear of dentists as well ... a necessary evil at times!
The talk of cats reminded me of this - gorgeous..
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Clever ai...
(16-07-2024, 06:29 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: A good dentist is such a treasure, and I think I have found another one. I will be losing a tooth next week,  rather that than a root canal, and I am not looking forward to it, but it is necessary to deal to the abcess underneath it.

So that's something to look forward to, eh? Not, lol...

I hope it goes well with minimum trauma Hunni.  I'm terrified of dentistry, to the point of phobia, and I used to have IV sedation for most procedures.   Then I found a local dentist who offers Nitrous Oxide semi-sedation and found it a good half-way point, not as expensive as IV sedation and without the next-day droopiness.   Maybe ask your new dentist if she/he offers NO.
morning ladies Smile it's a foggy start to the day, but I'm thinking it is like this over most of the country. There are still idiots driving with just their drive lights on or not at all.

I've finished it! OMG lol, what a mission to get that runner done. I finished the last of the cutting at 10.20pm Big Grin I'll take pics once there is better light and post some here. Might even pull our dining room table into full size and take one there. Now onto the next piece, our granddaughter has requested an embroidered wolf for her birthday. I'll have to do some thinking about how I go about this one. In the meantime, I'll enjoy this feeling of satisfaction at finishing the runner.

Good luck with the dentist, OHH. WINZ should help with the cost as we are allowed $1000 a year for dental work. Unless this government has taken that as well.

MrK's mammogram results came through yesterday on his Manage My Health app our medical center uses, and it's benign. Phew, still having the ultrasound to double check though.

Tomorrow Genesis are sending a technician to look at the smart meter. We thought it was working but they aren't receiving the signal telling them how much power we use. Apparently, they use OneNZ's phone service to do this... there lies the problem. OneNZ aren't the most reliable here.

The fog is lifting here already, hopefully it's doing the same elsewhere.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet here rather than fog.

Well done on completing the runner Kiwimade.

I see the latest is Trump has very generously helped the families of the men that were shot.. BY starting a well give a little page I guess the equivalent is.. How Kind. Doesn't say if he actually put anything in it. he just started it.

Another crap night sleep. But I just have to deal with it. Dianne still isn't fully well so Ill go in and take painting. Apparently even tho Irene is asking to be taken to different activities they aren't taking her. That will change today.

Will stop and get her a tomato on my way.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It is a cool wet morning out there but I was very glad to see the sun come up. It was not a good night with the nasty tooth. Who knew something so small could kick up such a fuss, I've started the antibiotics and hope that shuts it up a bit. Even though it is a Wednesday, I might just take the day off and feel sorry for myself with a hot water bottle and a few good books.

And continuous bowls of stewed apple and yoghurt, lol...

(17-07-2024, 08:36 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone

Wet here rather than fog.

Well done on completing the runner Kiwimade.

I see the latest is Trump has very generously helped the families of the men that were shot.. BY starting a well give a little page I guess the equivalent is.. How Kind. Doesn't say if he actually put anything in it. he just started it.

Another crap night sleep. But I just have to deal with it. Dianne still isn't fully well so Ill go in and take painting. Apparently even tho Irene is asking to be taken to different activities they aren't taking her. That will change today.

Will stop and get her a tomato on my way.

Have a fab day everyone
My dark side thinks his staff did that as a response to the gossip about his lack of empathy for the real victims...

The man is such an idiot.
(17-07-2024, 08:36 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: It is a cool wet morning out there but I was very glad to see the sun come up. It was not a good night with the nasty tooth. Who knew something so small could kick up such a fuss, I've started the antibiotics and hope that shuts it up a bit. Even though it is a Wednesday, I might just take the day off and feel sorry for myself with a hot water bottle and a few good books.

And continuous bowls of stewed apple and yoghurt, lol...

(17-07-2024, 08:36 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone

Wet here rather than fog.

Well done on completing the runner Kiwimade.

I see the latest is Trump has very generously helped the families of the men that were shot.. BY starting a well give a little page I guess the equivalent is.. How Kind. Doesn't say if he actually put anything in it. he just started it.

Another crap night sleep. But I just have to deal with it. Dianne still isn't fully well so Ill go in and take painting. Apparently even tho Irene is asking to be taken to different activities they aren't taking her. That will change today.

Will stop and get her a tomato on my way.

Have a fab day everyone
My dark side thinks his staff did that as a response to the gossip about his lack of empathy for the real victims...

The man is such an idiot.

I totally agree. And as for the  "Plaster" on the ear. It probably barely grazed it and they should have put the plaster over his mouth instead. 

My dark side suspects he may have paid that boy to do this. He belonged to a gun club so probably knew how to aim properly. He looked pasty  so maybe he was sick with no hope. 

Cos how else would he have been able to get such a big gun past all the checks. 

Total Stunt in my books.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
You aren't the only one thinking that popeye.  My friend in the States said exactly the same thing.  So many questions, how did the shooter get so close? Why did the FBI agent ignore him when he was found earlier?  The defiant fist pumps showed a very different Trump compared to the one a few years ago that scuttled off quickly when there was a threat (remember the Bible upside down ).  He has no empathy, he's a sociopath, so wouldn't think twice about people dying around him.  He is a bully, and bullies are usually cowards. 

Our neighbour's are moving today.  Fingers crossed the weather clears up for them.  At least it isn't raining now.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Another grey day in the bay - might rain later but it was a great day for washing yesterday so the rain is welcome
Do you embroider a date on your treasures Kiwimade as you complete them - my Mum always did and it’s great now being able to date them
Certainly weird what happened in the US - the boys parents notified the police he was missing with a gun in the morning - thought that was weird how long had he been missing I wonder as supposedly he was a normal kid .It was a local law enforcement officer who climbed the ladder saw the shooter and climbed down - I reckon he thought shoot the buggar I am not getting shot to save him ! Trump would not even know what give a little fund is - a resident of the town started the fund but putting his name on it I guess would assure his supporters it was a genuine account to contribute to - there are so many rip-off collections
Made a yummy lemon cake in my cooker yesterday - 35 mins - had the first slice while still warm - very moorish
My son sent me the latest forestry newsletter - China is only taking a small amount of our logs or timber from kiwi companies as they have an oversupply of houses and housing developments - there are enough empty houses in China to rehouse the entire population- there are entire new towns completely unoccupied - mind boggling I thought
Sometimes I 'sign and date' them, Jan but I couldn't do that to this runner.  Here's some pics Big Grin  It's too long for our table but should fit my sister-in-law's kauri table beautifully.

Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Oh that is amazing work km. You really need to sign and date this, even if you do it on a tiny label, because it will become a heritage piece, and outlast several owners. It certainly should, it is beautiful.

I am entertaining myself by applying a new leather cover to a generic plastic phone cover for my new samsung. I got the screen protector on with minimum fuss, but this is the fun bit. Once fixed in place I am going to add some text, maybe my favourite lines of poetry, maybe just some doodles, but definitely a scrap from a Trademe vintage leather purse which bears the words 'Princess Gardner' in gold lettering. How often do we come across such a perfect bit of personalisation? Even down to the correct spelling, lol. I couldn't resist the ten buck price tag!
That is truly epic KM - you are so extremely clever with your embroidery    Heart  Heart  Heart
Fabulous epic piece of work KM really beautiful.

Been into  city with DGS library, lunch, bookshop a d home on train we had a lovely time.

DH is in bed so that means he is very poorly gastric upset I am hoping g that I don't get afflicted.
Another  endure and quote  this afternoon hope we can pick a company a d have blinds  ordered sooner rather than later.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Absolutely stunning Kiwimade

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