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You can never have enough...
our new telly has freeview on it and the only time we will want/need it is if the aerial falls off the roof. We watch the 'on demand' and pay for Netflix and Prime.

Go us lol. Fixed the leak in the laundry. I hadn't tightened the nut far enough. It would seem our new water pressure was just a bit much for the hose. Washing machine is going with a bucket where the tub drawer goes 'just in case' and so far, so good.

I've had a good session out in the garden digging and weeding. Can't believe how many worms we have now, the mulching has paid off that's for sure. And not just really big worms but lots of babies too. One worm was the length of my hand from middle finger tip to wrist. I might go back out after lunch, have more washing to hang out and dishes to do first. Our resident Piwakawaka decided MrK had better offerings than me so is keeping him company.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The Freeview boxes are def over 5 years but cant remember how long.

The Tv doesn't have Freeview as far as I know. My other one does, but Id need it much closer to my chair to be able to read anything on it.

I dont buy lots of internet to be able to watch tv online. And I like having the limited choice in the tv guide. I dont know what I would watch if I had to chose it lol. And I seldom do movies.

Got home and the bloody thing is working.. but Ill still let Boston come in and check it over.

Had a lovely time painting with everyone. We have decided next week to all paint the same picture and see what colour we all come up with. rest home Dianne and Mum did the same one today totally different lol.

Steamed pudding is in the pot.. Don't know what's for dinner yet tho lol.. I haven't had fish cakes for a while, so maybe those.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Might have overdone it a bit today, got front lawn done early after doing washing, then a bit more pruning. Went out to get the yogurt I managed to forget yesterday & then went to the local Hell pizza. I had one of their vegan pizza's years ago & thought getting one to try & some for freezer might be a good idea.

They have small ones, snack size so got one of those & the lovely Indian bloke put a few bits of pineapple on as well which was kind of him. Tried a bit when I came home & really yummy so that's tonight's dinner - so nice not having to cook.
Had a look in the new Sallies opshop while I was down that way, not bad & probably worth checking every now & then.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good morning everyone

Grey and wet here. a little chilly too.. But edging closer to Spring.

Kiwimade just checking , are you with genesis for your Power? The free hour part is enticing me. I could bake and not worry about it. And for next winter it would be good for the heater.

Got home and the tv was working. But I didn't cancel the sky mans visit. so he should be here some time this morning..

Ill vacuum and then wash my floors tonight. Shopping maybe later this afternoon.

Im going to find something to keep my hands busy, thus keeping me awake at night lol.. I need some new wrist warmers for next year. And Ive decided Ill use the 8ply pattern but use 4 ply to make them smaller and more snug. Will sort that out maybe later.

Have to shop somewhere along the line today. but not till the sky man has been.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Cloud is building up for the predicted wet weekend.

Those Hells pizzas are sooo good, we had some years ago and thoroughly enjoyed them. The kids were home then, and they are in their 30's now lol. Just shows how long ago that was.

Yes, popeye. We're with Genesis. They give you six free powershout hours every quarter but you need a smart meter so they can calculate the 'free' power you have used and credit your account. You book the time you want on their phone app. I've used it to dry washing in the drier and on a really cold night, cranked up the heat pump. We haven't saved a lot, but every $$$ in our bank is better than in theirs. And you have two years to use the hours so can accumulate them.

I'm still digging my way round the garden and am over the worst of it. Another couple of mornings should see it done.

This morning the laundry tub draw can go back as there seems to be no more leaking. Phew, didn't need the plumber. One large plumbing bill is enough, thank you.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

The sun is out but there are clouds gathering. A cold start and it looks like rain here also for the weekend. 

Will get outside again  ... I'm on a roll with the weeding and cutting back. When I got back out yesterday I could see there was plenty of scratching in the soil by birds ... better not be cats!

But first GD to kindy and collect later plus GS's.

The forecast rain will be a chance to get going with the embroidery (design it first) which hasn't happened yet.

Better get moving. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all 
Fine day with a breeze.

Yum like Hells Pizza had one 2 years ago in a shop that had separate  area for prep and cooking gluten free pizzas yum.
Most offer GF bases and many toppings are GF but then they spoil it by using surfaces and cutting implements  used for everything else argh... I did get GF pizza while we were in Cairns. I was just going to have salad but they did real gf  stuff so we ordered it for everyone yummy.

Quilted the cot quilt yesterday and the binding is on I will leave the hand stitching for something to do at day time quilt quilt meeting next Tuesday. 

Expected a delivery from Bunnings yesterday the shelving when it didn't arrive I got paperwork out to phone them they had the wrong address grr...  two phone calls and they didn't know where it was logic would be at the wrong address duh!
Got a text last night from the incorrect address persons. They happy to put it out today for Bunnings to collect.  Have phoned Bunnings and they were sending a van straightaway to collect and delivery that was 1.5 hours ago they located 10 min away still no delivery  it will be interesting to see when it turns up.

My day in warehouse this morning need to remember  to take some mending back with me.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Thanks Kiwimade I will look into it.

Have a smart meter. Well as far as I know. lol.

Will be handy for baking sessions and I can save them up and use the heater more next winter.

Dianne asked yesterday do I make Afghans, I said yes lol. Her hubby loves them. He also loves my shortbread and the choc chip peanut brownies lol. They will pay me for ingredients which is a big help.

Right Ill get some vacuuming done now. And need to empty Madams bucket lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
omg how hard is it to put a laundry tub draw back in!  It just refused to go on the little rails.  After a bit of swearing it's done.  Good chance to have another throw out of stuff Big Grin 

I thought you might like to see progress on our granddaughter's jacket.  Bit by bit it's coming together.   

Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Wow KM thats beautiful work of art heirloom  piece for sure
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Just stop it KM! You know I have a bad case of KM Envy as it is, lol. So beautiful. All those hours of learning how are certainly paying off, that is glorious work.

And I want to see the inside, sometimes that is just as interesting as the front...
That jacket is going to look SO stunning. A work of art.
That is absolutely gorgeous KM, well done, just beautiful. Your granddaughter will love it.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Thank you ladies Smile  I'm pretty chuffed with it so far.  Here's the back Smile  No knots, the thread has been stitched back under to hold it in place.  When I'm finished I will hand stitch some matching fabric to the inside, not so much to hide the back of the embroidery, but more to stop hands and jewelry getting caught in the threads.

Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Straight from the heart Kiwimade that is bloody awesome - had a great morning your beautiful handcraft icing on the cake .I am having to put a backing on my Dr Seuss blanket the back is so untidy
Have done a couple of mornings breakfast club at the school as they are short of volunteers with all the sickness around - so different without all the motel kids though five families have stayed in the area but are living in previously empty houses that had been allocated for refugees - like the one next door to me - but the refugees - who are often single young men don’t want to come to Napier - so now getting families out of motels take priority under this govt - these kids have homes .The headmaster invited TV1 to come and video what he is doing in conjunction with the kids from the polytechnic and free stuff from suppliers like Sanitarium Foodstuffs Gilmores etc etc to provide lunches costing $1.50 a meal but he isn’t holding his breath - KidsCan have been brilliant.The Ministry said the contract with the company supplying the rubbish lunches can’t be cancelled until the new year - it’s not worth redistributing shredded cabbage and fish fingers so a pig farmer is taking it and contributing to the fund for the polytechnic kids .They are loving getting the experience .Today was fish pie or macaroni cheese with salad - banana muffin and an apple or soup and toasties

Something else to make me smile - the mongrel who smashed my leg is away for at least the next 3 years - I didn’t go to court but my grandaughter said I was very lucky - his other victims who cracked their heads on the pavement are far worse than me

Neighbour just dropped off a flounder - will have to be careful not to overcook it for dinner tonight
I think the back might be even better than the front, but then I have a soft spot for disruption in art making.

I took my scissors to another beautiful op shop book today and pulled pages out ready to transform it into something new. Another book saved from pulping as I satisfy my urge toplay with glue and torn up paper.

I am glad that episode is over for you Jan, you should rest easier knowing he is locked up. And oh, fresh flounder, how sweet that flesh is. No matter how good the freezer technology on the commercial fishing boats, you cannot beat absolutely fresh...
The back as beautiful as the front, KM & I think work of such a standard outdoes the Bayeaux tapestry - & what's more, portrays a far more beautiful subject than the sight of idiot humans killing each other yet again.

Some good news at last then Jan. He sounds deranged & probably belongs in a secure psychiatric hospital unit.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
It is truely WONDERFUL Kiwimade.. You have a huge Talent.. I am lucky enough to have the cross stitch you did for me.

the Back is awesome too.. When I was doing cross stitch I hated the back of the work.

Glad for you Jan. When the *rick that run a milk truck into my sisters house had served his pathetic 3 years I think it was, sadly he was allowed back to Thames where my sister Lived, in one way her dying was her only way to peace. My brother struggled a lot. He would see the guy hitch hiking and he said many a time he simply wanted to run him over. It was only that our sister asked him not to ruin his own and family life.

House is spick and span. Did my shopping. Massive budget lol not .. I had $54 and I managed to get all I needed for $48. And that included a piece of Hoki, and it was big enough to cut into two. So Ill have one piece tomorrow. It was super fresh too cos I couldn't smell it.. I hate the smell of fish lol

Will now go and look at Genesis.

Ohh I asked the sky man how much to hook up the other tv Aireal socket.. He said $90.. I might see if the landlords are will to go halves. Its in the wall already but not hooked up. That way I can have my smaller tv closer to me and use freeview lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Overdid things a bit today, mowed back lawn & then decided to have a go in the garden. Still wettish & heavy going but glad i did because I found two tiny spuds which were just starting to sprout, so have planted them. May need to do more as the Buddhist temple down the way gave Sweetie darling some spring onion plants, which he promptly passed on to me.

I've never grown them before but keen to give them a go so looked it up & found they should have been planted in Autumn - oh well they'll just have to take their chances like everything else in the garden.
The hell pizza was delicious for dinner last night so will be going back again & this time getting a large one so some can go in the freezer for when I can't be bothered cooking.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Spring onions are good companions for strawberry plants. Hint hint...

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