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What will it take?
Yes, but the more we can slow it down by taking proper precautions the less likelihood of the health system collapsing. "Let it rip" is just a dumb slogan.
Ok instead of "let it rip" how about "let it go ahead and proceed unchecked"? or "flare up or take over"  Big Grin
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
It also is a selfish slogan. And dishonest. Let it rip, just not on us.

Nope, I am happy to do my bit, to not let it rip my community apart.
And sorry Olive it wont slow down, its here and its here with a wooooosh!
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
oldfellah is right tho.
we're vaxxed up, we're masked.
weve been made aware of its spread and potential harm.
there is nothing more we can do except protect the vulnerable.
weve done well, suffered but strong.
its here im afraid and we cant stop it.
its about to 'rip', buckle up.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
I know we can't stop it, it is a highly infectious variant. But every time a citizen decides not to go out that is at least one less potential exposure. Every time a citizen wears a properly fitting mask that is at least one less potential exposure. Every time a citizen decides not to travel to another town that is several fewer potential exposures.

The fewer transmissions there are the less the likelihood of the virus mutating again.

Every person's efforts count.
all true olive, but i think if the citizenry doesnt get up and about its going to implode.
its easy for me, kids gone, dont work. so i wont be taking any unnecessary trips anywhere.
not so easy for the mums and dads with kids, and even harder with kids and jobs as well.

this has been coming. the line in the sand has been drawn,
we are about to step over it.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Nobody is saying that it's easy. It's very hard, but everyone should be doing their best. I have absolutely no time for the idiots saying we should "let it rip" or that they are "over Covid".

The press conference today (midday I think) will probably announce that we are moving into phase 3, and will give advice on how to behave.
being over covid is a not unreasonable response, im over it.
but we suck it up and soldier on.
i dont see 'let 'er rip' as being offensive or irresponsible either.
its an adage, an expression.
it means unleash it, let it do its worst.
we will be gearing towards doing just that in the coming weeks
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Press conference at midday huh ... go Jacinda , let er rip Yes
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
I think we're all well & truly fed up with covid, & most of us are doing all that we can to avoid getting it & spreading it to others.

Apart from those who don't think its serious & see no need to be vaccinated.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(22-02-2022, 12:25 PM)king Wrote: can you provide a link to the article?

Maybe you're referring to this little gem, which would make your comment somewhat out of context?
Quote:David Seymour: Given my critics admit that two shots some time ago makes little difference to transmission now, but boosters do (3rd to last paragraph)
Thats not the one, I will try and find it, it aired on one news on Monday I think it was.

(23-02-2022, 08:01 PM)Olive Wrote: Yes,  but the more we can slow it down by taking proper precautions the less likelihood of the health system collapsing.  "Let it rip" is just a dumb slogan.
I doubt the mandates are doing anything since most of the cases are vaxxed.
The vaxxed are all passing it around just like everyone else. Besides the mandates are way OTT.

Please tell me why kids on correspondence school are being kicked out because their mother is unvaxxed? Apparently they now claim their parent is legally their "teacher" which I can tell you is not, their teachers are based in Wellington, neither are the parents employed in any shape or form.
I know of an accountant who lost their job despite working from home also. This is utter BS and is only a way to punish people who dont "fall in line" with the govt narrative.
They they turn around and say you have freedom of choice, but you will loose your job, FFS. There is no freedom. Its becoming a totalitarian state, and its not just NZ, its the whole frickkin globe.
(24-02-2022, 10:53 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(22-02-2022, 12:25 PM)king Wrote: can you provide a link to the article?

Maybe you're referring to this little gem, which would make your comment somewhat out of context?
Thats not the one, I will try and find it, it aired on one news on Monday I think it was.

(23-02-2022, 08:01 PM)Olive Wrote: Yes,  but the more we can slow it down by taking proper precautions the less likelihood of the health system collapsing.  "Let it rip" is just a dumb slogan.
I doubt the mandates are doing anything since most of the cases are vaxxed.
The vaxxed are all passing it around just like everyone else. Besides the mandates are way OTT.

Please tell me why kids on correspondence school are being kicked out because their mother is unvaxxed? Apparently they now claim their parent is legally their "teacher" which I can tell you is not, their teachers are based in Wellington, neither are the parents employed in any shape or form.
I know of an accountant who lost their job despite working from home also. This is utter BS and is only a way to punish people who dont "fall in line" with the govt narrative.
They they turn around and say you have freedom of choice, but you will loose your job, FFS. There is no freedom. Its becoming a totalitarian state, and its not just NZ, its the whole frickkin globe.
I can't recall anyone saying that being vaxxed would entirely prevent the virus being spread, just that it would slow the spread & make it less serious.

Do you have a link to kids being chucked off correspondence school if their parent isn't vaxxed?
Or the accountant who lost their job while working from home?
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
yep i'd like to know about the " kids on correspondence school are being kicked out" as well. I googled and googled and couldn't find any reference to it, which is odd to say the least..

So a link for this please CT?

The accountant, I can live with that - simply a decision maker at the company making the decision to require all staff to be vaccinated. Could have been looking towards getting everyone back to the office, or maybe they just wanted to be able to say "all our staff are vaccinated" for marketing, who knows. A different person at the head of that company may have made a different decision for staff working at home... But it's not the governments doing or problem...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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I for one would like to start seeing some links and/or evidence provided for any claims that are not visible on mainstream media - it would just save me and everyone else having to do the same research to verify it's a real thing...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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they leave links sometimes.
i dont open it, dont look for or at it, dont research it
dont believe it why bother? i know its wishful thinking by the sharers
and downright lies from the authors.
so far not one thing theyve said has borne fruit, not a shred.
why would that suddenly change?

should always put a link up, just to be polite.
dont do it on my behalf tho, i dont have to read a link to argue stupidity.
i can understand why they dont put links up
because the sources and links are laughable
these fools want you to go down the rabbit hole, while doing some 'research'
like they did. problem being we're not dumber than a sock and critical thinking wont make the jumps necessary for any of it to make sense.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
They're also not keen if anyone puts up a link; they tend to scoff unless its one of their favoured sites - which to be fair, we all tend to do.
But we don't all claim very dubious CT sites as being the absolute truth.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(24-02-2022, 11:00 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Do you have a link to kids being chucked off correspondence school if their parent isn't vaxxed?
Or the accountant who lost their job while working from home?
No link, these are people I know first hand affected, but i guess you wont believe me.
(03-03-2022, 10:12 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(24-02-2022, 11:00 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Do you have a link to kids being chucked off correspondence school if their parent isn't vaxxed?
Or the accountant who lost their job while working from home?
No link, these are people I know first hand affected, but i guess you wont believe me.
i dont believe you. i think you are a liar, or a gullible fool that drank too much koolaid.
my money is on the liar part tbh, no one could be that fucking stupid, surely?
you are wasting your words here CT, [Removed: Rule 2A]
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(03-03-2022, 10:12 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote: but i guess you wont believe me.

I think of everything you have ever posted that part is the only thing you have correct!

“In my opinion”.

And I would suggest you include those three words in any future posts you make.

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