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Prosecute the covid lawbreakers!
So someone illegally visited their friends in secret during level 3 and contracted the virus, putting the whole country into level 2 and Auckland into level 3 again as a result.

Either that or name and shame them, might be enough of a deterrent to breaking the rules.

I get how Jacinda doesnt want people to be put off getting tests, etc incase they test positive and face quarantine, but this is blatant disregard IMHO.
It isn't likely to help though is it if those who are posting hateful comments are given that information; the lynch mob mentality has already kicked in. If they did receive the correct information, then they've definitely behaved badly but pillorying people will only serve to put off others.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(04-03-2021, 10:12 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: It isn't likely to help though is it if those who are posting hateful comments are given that information; the lynch mob mentality has already  kicked in. If they did receive the correct information, then they've definitely behaved badly but pillorying people will only serve to put off others.
I agree, I think in these situations its one of the few instances where name suppression should be justified, for their own safety, should they be convicted.
(04-03-2021, 12:57 PM)nzoomed Wrote:
(04-03-2021, 10:12 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: It isn't likely to help though is it if those who are posting hateful comments are given that information; the lynch mob mentality has already  kicked in. If they did receive the correct information, then they've definitely behaved badly but pillorying people will only serve to put off others.
I agree, I think in these situations its one of the few instances where name suppression should be justified, for their own safety, should they be convicted.

Yep, that would make sense.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
You can't really allow their name to get out there because that would only stop others from coming forward to be tested. The sooner we can all get vaccinated the better. My son in London had his vaccination yesterday and is feeling terrible today - but apparently that's to be expected and he'll hopefully feel better in a day or two.
And don't let's forget who started this whole global thing off with their secrecy in the beginning!! Yes, we all know who I mean but we're not allowed to talk about because of 'trade deals'.
So is it really fair to make people who are only doing what we could all do just 18 months ago into criminals? In a population of a few million, there will always be the odd one or two that can't follow instructions - and that's all it is, one or two people. It happens everywhere.
(06-03-2021, 11:07 AM)Outsider Wrote: You can't really allow their name to get out there because that would only stop others from coming forward to be tested. The sooner we can all get vaccinated the better. My son in London had his vaccination yesterday and is feeling terrible today - but apparently that's to be expected and he'll hopefully feel better in a day or two.
And don't let's forget who started this whole global thing off with their secrecy in the beginning!! Yes, we all know who I mean but we're not allowed to talk about because of 'trade deals'.
So is it really fair to make people who are only doing what we could all do just 18 months ago into criminals? In a population of a few million, there will always be the odd one or two that can't follow instructions - and that's all it is, one or two people. It happens everywhere.

Yes, humans do tend to not do what they should sometimes & behave stupidly & just not follow instructions. Like that old saying  - 'There's nowt so queer as folk.' Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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