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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile We had rain last night Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

What a sad story about the families in motels, Jan and well done for your school principal and yourself wanting to do something. My parents had motels and they always provided a laundry for their visitors. It was only set up for one or two visitors at a time and the line space was at a premium. You had to pay to use the drier. There were no cooking facilities though as it was expected tourists would be out and about and buying their meals. It was set up more for breakfast and a cuppa or glass of wine later in the day. Motels are not designed to be a semi or permanent living arrangement as they are there as a bed for the night while you are visiting the area. I wonder if those gas camp cookers and electric frying pans would be any use to the families? There must be some unused cookers and pans in the back of cupboards that people don't need anymore. The gas bottles for the camp cookers aren't expensive and you can even get them from the Warehouse. Maybe Briscoes or somewhere like that could contribute or put a call out to the community.

I agree Lilith, I think politicians are well out of touch with how tough it is for people. And certain political leaders calling them 'bottom feeders' does not help the cause. Life can throw curve balls at any of us, there by the grace of God go I and all that.

I'm not sure what we are doing today. The weather will dictate if I am inside or out but I suspect I will be spending time with a needle in my hands at some stage.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It is interesting just how many of those entitled individuals who spend their lives knocking those who have more challenges in their lives then sign up for Super the moment they are eligible - on the grounds it is their right, and not a benefit. The same lot never opt out of the Winter Energy Payment either.

Both are handouts, gratefully received by those of us who depend on them. But, that kitty would stretch further if those who didn't need it didn't take it.
Morning everyone

I hope the meeting went well Jan. I think its wonderful what you are trying to do. The only glitch will be the safety issues that the motels could throw in faces. there's bound to be a stupid law about cooking in the rooms not set up for it. And the cost of setting up shared kitchens would be massive. BUT they get thousands for having these semi permanent people and it wouldn't take long to cover the cost.

One thing I did think about. the kitchens that schools use for the Cooking lessons, I wonder if they could be used?

I will get the picture finished today.. YAYAY I was soo close last night but was too sore. I say finished, I will have to press it with the rolling pin then find the gaps. Cos its so big and I have it bent over the back board when Im working on it diamonds are bound to pop off. So Ill sit at the breakfast bar with the terrific lights in there and fill in the gaps. Im talking pieces that are pretty much 3mm square at the most. Then Ill frame it. And I've decided to give it to MrP early... I haven't told him Im working on it, saying that I've been playing cards and killing the hours of the day lol

We had wonderful heavy rain late yesterday and its still very dark and wet at the mo.

I have to go do my bloods again, I hope its settled down again. Then Im off to see MrP.. And Bobbie is out shopping today so as much as I love her, I'll have MrP to myself today lol

The nurse from the med centre rang yesterday and said she had a message to ring me, I said Umm nooo but I ended up with my appointment for the diabetes annual check up and the Flu Shots are in so Ill have that and sneak in my B12 lol. One stop appointment lol First time I've seen her since covid began so it will be good to catch up.

I've decided to hem the end of the chair caddie bag before I leave. Its better to have plenty of tuck in than not enough.

Have a fab day everyone and if your on the roads be careful.

(06-04-2022, 08:15 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: It is interesting just how many of those entitled individuals who spend their lives knocking those who have more challenges in their lives then sign up for Super the moment they are eligible - on the grounds it is their right, and not a benefit. The same lot never opt out of the Winter Energy Payment either.

Both are handouts, gratefully received by those of us who depend on them. But, that kitty would stretch further if those who didn't need it didn't take it.

Totally agree Hunnihunni, The one that mentioned the bottom feeders probably doesn't think of those that prepare his meal or do the dishes at the restaurants he eats at, or stocks the shelves at the supermarkets and bottle stores.. He needs a wake up call for sure
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Sunny and mild. Somehow I don't think the forecast rain here is going to eventuate ... watering will have to continue.

Mica, the plug seal sounds like what I might be needing ... water in the sink is definitely draining away faster each time (not my imagination as I thought).

I hope the people in motels are able to be helped Jan ... not a life for anyone especially the children. Most of us are unaware how bad it is for others (just what we see/read via the media) and I find the Ukraine news especially depressing ... the monster Putin has a lot to answer for Sad

One of my grandchildren I look after came home from school with a headache and fever ... so far tested C-  ... we shall see ... I really hope I have dodged that bullet.

Have a good day.
I also tend to take a dim view of those who don't need super but collect it anyway - unless they're redirecting it to some charitable group, of course - but I've not heard of many doing so.

Raining here so made more of that roast tomato soup earlier; some for today & some to go in the freezer.
The dog has decided to play up, & is refusing to come in out of the rain & get dry. I may just decide on an early walk while she's already wet rather than leaving it until later on.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Here too, the odd shower. Foraged the last of the beans and coming back up the stairs I discovered a bud had popped up in one of my pretty Chinese pots. I had popped what I thought were bluebells under the cineraria seedlings, but one of them is a long suffering saffron crocus! So delighted to see it, I thought I had lost them all over the years...

Notice from the LL, our bathroom extractor fan and kitchen range hood go in on Friday. I will be so glad when these are all in and finished. I hate having strangers in this tiny space, but needs must...
morning ladies Smile Another stunning day here by the looks of it. I was sorry to hear Ashley Bloomfield is stepping down but can totally understand why. Each time we see him I think he's looking tired and no one can keep going like that forever. I will be forever grateful for his calm, measured and honest responses to the pandemic. I wish him all the very best.

Lovely to have crocus', OHH! Lucky you Smile I have a friend in Ashburton who grows a few for saffron, just enough for her baking.

The lawn needs mowing again (sigh...) and the newly emptied compost bin needs a layer of lawn clippings to help things along. The worm farm is going great guns, slowing down a bit thanks to the cooler nights but we are still draining worm wee off.

The two Graeme Thomas roses are still alive. I'm not expecting miracles but have my fingers crossed.

Yesterday I stitched the falcon's eye and now I have a headless eye staring at me as I stitch lol. Quite discombobulating lol. There are six colours in and around the eye although looking at it you wouldn't think so.

If the Furry One hasn't pooped today he has to go back to the vet for an x-ray. The vet gave us a laxative for him and said it would work. So far it hasn't. Although yesterday he was sitting at my feet and let loose with two eye watering rippers. All MrK could do was laugh lol while I was moving very quickly out of the 'zone'. TMI, I know. But if I had to smell the stench, then you get to read about it lmao <3 <3

On that cheerful note, it's time to get cracking.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Windy and a brisk 12 degrees at the moment.

OHH glad you are finally getting your extractor etc.

KM the down side of warmth and moisture the grass  (and weeds) grow.

Our new heat pump was installed yesterday not a moment too soon with the cold weather arriving. Discerning eyes will notice that it is  about 3cm smaller so paint different but you have to look close.

Still no sewing but I am sure the mojo will return.

Volunteer day today the puffer vest will definitely be out of the wardrobe the warehouse is not a warm place

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunny with a bit of wind,  not going to be really hot ... perfect.

Lol, KM ... nothing like pet 'rippers' to clear the room! I hope he 'goes' soon though,  must be getting uncomfortable for him. 

Bloomfield has left big shoes to fill ... he does look tired,  he has earned a rest before his next venture. 

Groceries and some errands to run. Baking and repotting a few succulents later.

Have a good day.
Yup, groceries here too, especially seeing New World are upping the Flybuys points today. I know it's a huge rort but I do like a bit of reward with my eggs, bread, and cheese purchases. Not to mention the wine...

Then I better vac, seeing strange men'll be tramping the rugs tomorrow. Fingers crossed it doesn't rain today or tomorrow, and may the courier speed to my door. I have indulged in a pack of sashiko needles and I am dying to try them out. Bet they aren't a lot different to the ones I've been using, but we'll see!
Morning everyone

Fine here.. Gosh it was humid yesterday

Fingers crossed for the Furry one Kiwimade, They know when to drop the Clangers lol

Pleased that you are getting the bits from the landlords OHH... I dont have any form of heating here. The "people" that came to check out the insulation said the house should have a heat pump cos of the size of it.. Mind you Im so mean on heating that it would probably only be used in the summer for cooling.

Mica Im looking forward to it being cold enough for the winter wraps... In wear the same clothes all year around. But just throw on a wrap or cardy in the winter.

Well I finished the Picture for MrP. I am Sooo pleased with it. framed it up and I have it sitting on the hall stand where I can see it until I take it up tomorrow... I cant wait for him to see it. Its not his Birthday until July but I want him to have it now.

Im tempted to nip down to New world they have pams butter for $5 a pound. but Ive been trying to make one trip do many things to save petrol. Its my normal shopping day but I was leaving that until tomorrow.

I have a ripper of a headache so dont feel like driving at the mo.

JanW Ill email you a photo of the picture Ive done. But I really need to ask if someone here could teach me how to post a photo.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Butter is on my list too, along with some of the on sale green grapes. I do love a few of those with my cheese'n cracker lunch...

You probably know about it already but mersyndol is really good for nasty headaches, especially washed down with a strong coffee. It has codiene so you may need a script, I use it early for migraine if I wake up with the symptoms and it doesn't make me sleepy or nauseous like some of the other headache stuff does. Might be worth having in the cupboard if you are prone to them.
(07-04-2022, 09:53 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Butter is on my list too, along with some of the on sale green grapes. I do love a few of those with my cheese'n cracker lunch...

You probably know about it already but mersyndol is really good for nasty headaches, especially washed down with a strong coffee. It has codiene so you may need a script, I use it early for migraine if I wake up with the symptoms and it doesn't  make me sleepy or nauseous like some of the other headache stuff does. Might be worth having in the cupboard if you are prone to them.

Thanks OHH. I hadnt heard of that . I take codiene or oxy for my general pain so had then first things. The nasal spray helps too as it was above my eyes.

Im an odd one cos I dont drink tea or coffee lol. Although I love the smell of a good coffee.

I got the limit on the butter.. 4 and a block of cheese since it was only $10
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Freezing here - rained & blew mightily all night so not a lot of sleep & had hoped to mow lawn but too wet out there, despite occasional appearances from the sun. Tomorrow, dammit.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(06-04-2022, 08:15 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: It is interesting just how many of those entitled individuals who spend their lives knocking those who have more challenges in their lives then sign up for Super the moment they are eligible - on the grounds it is their right, and not a benefit. The same lot never opt out of the Winter Energy Payment either.

Both are handouts, gratefully received by those of us who depend on them. But, that kitty would stretch further if those who didn't need it didn't take it.

(06-04-2022, 11:32 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: I also tend to take a dim view of those who don't need super but collect it anyway - unless they're redirecting it to some charitable group, of course - but I've not heard of many doing so.

So you both feel that those who have paid for the super shouldn't get it while those that haven't contributed are deserving?

Personally, after a lifetime of hard work - both paid and voluntary work - and living frugally, we have paid plenty of tax and contributed enough to society to take the small reward that we are entitled to. Over the years I've spent involved in non-profits, I've seen plenty of taxpayers and pensioners contributing, but few beneficiaries.

I feel for and support those who have struck hard times through no fault of their own. But today we have too many crying "poor" and "hard done by" who simply don't want to work.
(07-04-2022, 03:14 PM)SueDonim Wrote:
(06-04-2022, 08:15 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: It is interesting just how many of those entitled individuals who spend their lives knocking those who have more challenges in their lives then sign up for Super the moment they are eligible - on the grounds it is their right, and not a benefit. The same lot never opt out of the Winter Energy Payment either.

Both are handouts, gratefully received by those of us who depend on them. But, that kitty would stretch further if those who didn't need it didn't take it.

(06-04-2022, 11:32 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: I also tend to take a dim view of those who don't need super but collect it anyway - unless they're redirecting it to some charitable group, of course - but I've not heard of many doing so.

So you both feel that those who have paid for the super shouldn't get it while those that haven't contributed are deserving?

Personally, after a lifetime of hard work - both paid and voluntary work - and living frugally, we have paid plenty of tax and contributed enough to society to take the small reward that we are entitled to. Over the years I've spent involved in non-profits, I've seen plenty of taxpayers and pensioners contributing, but few beneficiaries.

I feel for and support those who have struck hard times through no fault of their own. But today we have too many crying "poor" and "hard done by" who simply don't want to work.
No, that isn't what was said at all.

We were saying that those who don't need it really shouldn't claim super - which is quite a different thing. And we all pay for super; it comes from our taxes as you know.

There are any number of beneficiaries who contribute in various ways, including caring for handicapped relatives - which might save us all some taxes, mightn't it. Wink
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(07-04-2022, 03:27 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(07-04-2022, 03:14 PM)SueDonim Wrote:

So you both feel that those who have paid for the super shouldn't get it while those that haven't contributed are deserving?

Personally, after a lifetime of hard work - both paid and voluntary work - and living frugally, we have paid plenty of tax and contributed enough to society to take the small reward that we are entitled to. Over the years I've spent involved in non-profits, I've seen plenty of taxpayers and pensioners contributing, but few beneficiaries.

I feel for and support those who have struck hard times through no fault of their own. But today we have too many crying "poor" and "hard done by" who simply don't want to work.
No, that isn't what was said at all.

We were saying that those who don't need it really shouldn't claim super - which is quite a different thing. And we all pay for super; it comes from our taxes as you know.

There are any number of beneficiaries who contribute in various ways, including caring for handicapped relatives - which might save us all some taxes, mightn't it. Wink

From where I'm sitting, those who "don't need" it are likely to have contributed the most towards it and should have that reward back if they wish. And those who are taking it will often be supporting other people and/or the voluntary sector in ways that other people do not necessarily see.

My snipe at beneficiaries is not about those who have fallen on hard times outside their control and/or are supporting family, but those who simply ride the system their whole lives and never give anything back.
(07-04-2022, 03:34 PM)SueDonim Wrote:
(07-04-2022, 03:27 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: No, that isn't what was said at all.

We were saying that those who don't need it really shouldn't claim super - which is quite a different thing. And we all pay for super; it comes from our taxes as you know.

There are any number of beneficiaries who contribute in various ways, including caring for handicapped relatives - which might save us all some taxes, mightn't it. Wink

From where I'm sitting, those who "don't need" it are likely to have contributed the most towards it and should have that reward back if they wish. And those who are taking it will often be supporting other people and/or the voluntary sector in ways that other people do not necessarily see.

My snipe at beneficiaries is not about those who have fallen on hard times outside their control and/or are supporting family, but those who simply ride the system their whole lives and never give anything back.

Beneficiaries pay tax as well Sue. and there are probably many unseen people who donate plenty of unseen time, so grouping them into one lot isnt really nice for anyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(07-04-2022, 03:34 PM)SueDonim Wrote:
(07-04-2022, 03:27 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: No, that isn't what was said at all.

We were saying that those who don't need it really shouldn't claim super - which is quite a different thing. And we all pay for super; it comes from our taxes as you know.

There are any number of beneficiaries who contribute in various ways, including caring for handicapped relatives - which might save us all some taxes, mightn't it. Wink

From where I'm sitting, those who "don't need" it are likely to have contributed the most towards it and should have that reward back if they wish. And those who are taking it will often be supporting other people and/or the voluntary sector in ways that other people do not necessarily see.

My snipe at beneficiaries is not about those who have fallen on hard times outside their control and/or are supporting family, but those who simply ride the system their whole lives and never give anything back.
No one "contributes towards" their future NZ Super - it is funded from current income. The contributory scheme brought in during the 1970s was scrapped by Muldoon.
I do have other cameras!
(07-04-2022, 03:34 PM)SueDonim Wrote:
(07-04-2022, 03:27 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: No, that isn't what was said at all.

We were saying that those who don't need it really shouldn't claim super - which is quite a different thing. And we all pay for super; it comes from our taxes as you know.

There are any number of beneficiaries who contribute in various ways, including caring for handicapped relatives - which might save us all some taxes, mightn't it. Wink

From where I'm sitting, those who "don't need" it are likely to have contributed the most towards it and should have that reward back if they wish. And those who are taking it will often be supporting other people and/or the voluntary sector in ways that other people do not necessarily see.

My snipe at beneficiaries is not about those who have fallen on hard times outside their control and/or are supporting family, but those who simply ride the system their whole lives and never give anything back.

Super is paid for with taxes; everyone pays tax. Even despised beneficiaries. Contributing to our community isn't invariably measured in terms of money.

And as far as I know, the main group of people who actively do their best to avoid paying their fair share of tax don't appear to be beneficiaries.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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