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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile Rain is on the horizon here. So an indoorsy day it is.

I might visit Trade Me today and see if there are any hydrangeas for sale. I don't want to pay huge amounts for them when we are needing around eight or nine. Trouble is, I get distracted by the antiques and collectables lol.

There is a mountain of ironing glaring at me so I'll tackle that today. The linen cupboard is small compared to what we left behind when we lived in town so ironing at least keeps things tidy. Once done, I can work on my embroidery. Yesterday I started on a wing and I think the colourway I have chosen will work nicely.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Another lovely sunny crisp day here not a cloud in the sky.

Had lovely morning with DD and DIL a ni e girls day out. DD really enjoyed being out minus baby, breast feeding reduced to couple time a day now. Bonus is DSIL had a lovely time with his DD so wins all around he was dubious that he could cope alone lol.

Our old furniture is being collected this morning so our living area will be less cluttered Big Grin
Fixed up my sewing booboo and looked out some merino knit DD wants some short sleeved onsies  so will get on to making a couple of those today. Finished knitting the back and the left front of striped cardi I am knitting for the GC due in Sept. Gave DIL the set I knitted last week. The pressure is on have 2 to knit for now. 

Coffee finished better get moving making date scones for morning tea

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Overcast here too. Not as raw as yesterday but still chilly.

I ended up putting some leggings on yesterday and they help my knees especially. A pair that I brought Many years ago and never wore cos Im not a pants kind of gal. So needless to say they are lose on the top. Constantly have to hitch them up lol but the legs are good. Once Ive washed them Ill either add a tighter elastic or take them in.

I didn't get into the pantry yesterday my right knee decided it really didn't want to work. Was terribly sore and felt unstable. so Hopefully Ill get in there this morning . Theres a few things in there I dont need so will also head to trade me at some stage.

But I also want to give my feet a bubble bath and tidy up. I love sitting with my feet soaking in lovely bubbles reading and then giving them a little pamper and its been a while.

Have to text a sister friend this morning who may not want to speak to me. Im afraid I told her off last night and she didnt like it. but the fact that she got angry not upset is a good thing cos I know she understands what Im saying and she did listen. Ive bitten my tongue so long and it was hearing her Hubby feel totally used and worn out with no fight left that meant I had to wake up her ideas. Had to ask her if she understood what the word Wife means. yep it was that bad.

My caterpillar is hanging in there. He hasn't moved much.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Date scones for morning tea. I want to come live with you! There used to be a commercial hydrangea trader on TM I used to love browsing their listings. Four dollars a plant, but so many varieties I would give up in frustration, having only this tiny space. Ahhh, but dreams are free!

I still want that lime green one I saw a woman carrying in my favourite cafe. All wrapped up in a lavender box and tissue paper, I was very jealous!
Good morning on this drizzly, coolish morning.

A day for soup so making use of the huge pumpkin I have and some of it now in the pot, boiling away. Those date scones do sound delish as well ... comfort food at its best!

KM, if you want you can have the extra [not very big] hydrangea I have here, also all the cuttings that are on the compost but will still be viable. This is the only way I have ever grown them .... very easy from cuttings. Not 100% sure which is your house, but can drop and run [we always have a time schedule to stick to, with visiting hours, RATs etc] when passing by. 

Not sure of today's plan, hopefully get outside for a walk at least.

I have just seen my cat go out the catflap door as I type and he is now howling at the door to be let in, on other side of house ... the big pain ... I suppose I have to go let him in!

Enjoy the day.
Roma, that would be fantastic, thank you! We're the first house on the road on the left passed the rugby club Tongue Thank you so much for this Smile awww OHH, I would have been jealous too!

yummmmm date scones. I suspect we will all be moving in with mica lol.

MrK is soaking his beer bottles in steriliser so I can't do the lunch dishes just yet. He's a home brewer from waaayyy back and I must admit, his beer is pretty good.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Just on my way out the door but just had a quick check on the news for the day your home brew Kiwimade brought back a hilarious memory - When Robie was at Uni he came home to work on the orchard every break -unbeknown to us him and his mates decided to go into home brewing in a significant way to make some money so set up their brewery in a seldom used shed close to the house had had a lot of fuel burglaries so my husband was pretty tense at night - middle of the night and what sounded like gun war fare right near our bedroom rang the police because of all the trouble we had been having - you guessed it multiple bottles had exploded - he was not very popular as you can imagine - the local police thought it was hilarious I didn’t neither did he when he had to clean up the mess
will come back with a Ukraine update later
When I first met MrP he used to make home brew too.

A lot of it lol. And it was beautiful.

However at the time he used to drink a lot too...

The weekend I moved home with him to be the housekeeper we got in the door and I could hear a motor running..

It was the spinner on his old Hoover twin tub. Spun within and inch of its life was his brand new wool jumper he had thought to wash and leave to dry while he was away for the weekend. So it was spinning from Friday night to late Sunday.

It ended up being lining in oven cloths.. it was an absolute mess lol...

We made a bloody good batch of Ginger beer one year too.. I did ask him about the wiseness of having them in the bottom cupboard under the kitchen sink.. he said it would be fine.... yep we had the musical bottles tinkling as they blew.... I made him clean it up.. He said they were safe lol

I do miss having a nice cold beer on a hot day. But when he gave it up so did I. lol

Must add re the police, something which I still laugh at.

It was a busy week

Many years ago we moved to the small forestry village of Kaiangaroa.. 30ish minutes south of Rotorua but before Murupara where our Current PM came from.

The first morning we woke up to heaps of car doors being slammed.. Snuck a peep through the curtains to see police galore storming the house across the road and pulling big bag bags out of the massive flax bush in the front yard.. We had been told a teacher lived there. Well it appeared said teacher had a rather large Drug habit. the bags were full of marijuana.. One of the biggest drug halls there after the Broadlands affair.

A few mornings later we hear this horrendous dragging squealing sound... The bad boys had stolen a car, stripped it and turned the body over and were dragging it past the house on its roof to dump the body in the Forrest.. Up till then we thought we had seen it all.. but that took the cake lol

And to top the week off.. when we brought the house it came with the stipulation that it would be painted.. There was scaffolding set up. And in the middle of the night MrP who has supersonic hearing woke me up and said someone was walking on the scaffolding and trying the windows.
So MrP grabs his 30 gun, no bullets, no bolt. He gets me to go with him to the lounge cos the foot steps had reached up there. He said to me, Flick the curtain back and step away.

I did .. and If you could have seen the guys face.. he was actually a native American Indian, his name was Herb.. MrP yelled out you better run or your a*se will be on fire pretty fast... he ran and he never came back or bothered us again..

We spent quite a while wondering what the heck we had done by moving there. But as with most communities at was actually good apart from the stupid ones. I ended up on the council, we ran the Charter Club Kitchen and did night patrol... It was never boring..

Ohh the third house we brought didn't have a clothes line so you basically went "shopping" at one of the empty houses to get what you needed. This night MrP had to make way for someone else who needed a clothes line, they were both walking down the road with rotary clothes lines lol.. Its was an understood thing with management that you could get what you needed so it wasn't robbery.

I miss that place but would be too scared to live there now. the gangs are back apparently lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I am having such fun with my stitching, that I decided to start putting images up on my years old instagram account...
Oh OH lovely stitching looks fab.

Sorry ladies scones all gone but I would make more if you came for coffee/tea Cool Big Grin

Having abreather between sewing projects one onsie down got to get enthused to make another
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
That's great KM, will post on here when next going through, hopefully this coming week. Good to find a home ... will probably have to be nursed over the winter, seeing I have hacked off the roots that were poking through the bottom of the pot and rather root bound, but I think fairly hardy!

Lol, at the exploding beer/ginger beer stories, I think we have all heard/read of someone's doing just that. I would not like to be part of the ensuing cleaning up job  Big Grin

OHH, your handwork is beautiful ... maybe I should do something 'interesting' with the denim jacket I have hanging in my wardrobe, not been worn very much  Undecided The 'buttons' jacket shown was inspiring as well.
They look intriguing Hunni.

All the talk of home brew reminded me - years ago, I used to make fruit wine & had put away a bottle for each grandchild when they reached 21. Youngest grandson turned 21 earlier this month, & I'd completely forgotten about his, so a frantic search found it - eventually. Will put it aside till his next visit, only one left after that, for youngest granddaughter in a couple of years.
It will quite possibly be dire - you can never be sure how well or badly a fruit wine will have aged so it may be OK or may be vinegar.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
My grandfather decided one year it was a very good idea to bottle turkey soup from the Christmas leftovers.

My grandmother made him clean that up too.

(29-05-2022, 02:44 PM)Roma Wrote: That's great KM, will post on here when next going through, hopefully this coming week. Good to find a home ... will probably have to be nursed over the winter, seeing I have hacked off the roots that were poking through the bottom of the pot and rather root bound, but I think fairly hardy!

Lol, at the exploding beer/ginger beer stories, I think we have all heard/read of someone's doing just that. I would not like to be part of the ensuing cleaning up job  Big Grin

OHH, your handwork is beautiful ... maybe I should do something 'interesting' with the denim jacket I have hanging in my wardrobe, not been worn very much  Undecided The 'buttons' jacket shown was inspiring as well.
Be warned. The denim jacket thing is addictive. I now have three friends seriously attacking their own version, and one, currently battling covid has just phoned me to suggest we need to add a group signature to each of them, so we can be each members of our own patched gang.

I have delightfully mad friends.
Ohh I love the sounds of Denim Wearing Gangs of women lol..

Like the Pink girls from grease lol.

Love the stitching OHH.. Very cool.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(29-05-2022, 04:39 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: My grandfather decided one year it was a very good idea to bottle turkey soup from the Christmas leftovers.

My grandmother made him clean that up too.

(29-05-2022, 02:44 PM)Roma Wrote: That's great KM, will post on here when next going through, hopefully this coming week. Good to find a home ... will probably have to be nursed over the winter, seeing I have hacked off the roots that were poking through the bottom of the pot and rather root bound, but I think fairly hardy!

Lol, at the exploding beer/ginger beer stories, I think we have all heard/read of someone's doing just that. I would not like to be part of the ensuing cleaning up job  Big Grin

OHH, your handwork is beautiful ... maybe I should do something 'interesting' with the denim jacket I have hanging in my wardrobe, not been worn very much  Undecided The 'buttons' jacket shown was inspiring as well.
Be warned. The denim jacket thing is addictive. I now have three friends seriously attacking their own version, and one, currently battling covid has just phoned me to suggest we need to add a group signature to each of them, so we can be each members of our own patched gang.

I have delightfully mad friends.
A patched gang - I can see it now, the initials OAP* on a tasteful little logo. Or perhaps, OWAAOR.*

*OAP = Old Age Pensioners

*OWAAOR= Older Women. Approach At Own Risk....?? Rolleyes Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Hell's Grannies?
I do have other cameras!
Now that I like...
morning ladies Smile We're in for a rough day weather wise. It's bucketing down and the wind is huge.

omggg lmao OHH, thanks for the laugh... OWAAOR! I love the idea of a 'patched granny gang' lol. As that woman says in Miranda, such fun! Your friends sound an absolute hoot and I hope your friend with Covid recovers soon. Your denim jacket looks amazing, great colour choices.

Thanks to the grotty weather, today will be a guilt free sewing day. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Dark and bleak here.. And yes I have to go out in it.

OWAAOR sounds wonderful.. I've always wanted a denim Jacket. I must keep an eye out in the oppies.. I know the warehouse have them but as I still have my grandmothers arms finding one to fit the arms is tricky.

I got so into my painting yesterday I forgot about the rubbish. oops. Oh well I should be able to fit everything in a bag next week. I did the black spot on the nose. I nearly missed it actually. Its very easy to Not notice what part you are doing. And I've made it bigger this time.

I dont know if any of you play the Microsoft card games. I have done for the last couple of years I suppose. They do daily challenges and daily events.. And on Saturday I got 3rd out of 577,781 people around the world... in the event challenge. And I finally got the Diamond Badge for the month on the daily challenge. Its something I use to keep the brain going. So Im feeling rather proud of myself. Im generally always in the top 50, more often than not in the top 25 but 3rd is the highest and closest to first that I've been.

Have a fab day everyone... Plenty of indoor time today
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Raining here but no wind at all.

Been to gym having a quick coffee before go to quilt shop with DD to get backing fabric for her quilt

Onsie completed yesterday.
Today will explore the fesaiblity of making some wet weather leggings for dog walking. Not that they like walking in the rain .

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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