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You can never have enough...
Our new bathroom fans are noisy but very sucky, and a pain in the night because they are linked to the light switch. They are actually so noisy most of us try to avoid using them in case we disturb our nextdoors (these places are awfully close together!) But - one neighbour is very pleased with hers. She hangs her washing up on a pole stretched across the shower box at night, turns the light on, closes the door and lets it run all night, and tells us blithely that it dries her washing beautifully...

This is in spite of the fact we have two very efficient dryers in the community laundry.

Honestly, sometimes the folk around here just astound me.
lmao omgg OHH, your neighbour... there are no words!

I have the washing split over two places. The airer has the 'smalls' and is round the front for the passerbys to see but it gets the most sun. The bigger heavier winter clothing is out on the main line and will get sun until lunchtime. Assuming we have sun until then. Who knows.

I hope you enjoy your book, roma. Good weather for gorgeous books. There were only two cuttings that weren't viable Big Grin so you have given me enough hydrangeas to do the whole fence line, thank you so much.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
My washing is now out on the line ... fingers crossed.

No problem KM, glad to find a home, I hope you get a good result ... it will be interesting as to what colour you get. The plant was vivid pink here, in my last garden blue. I grew that hyrdrangea from the 'blue' cutting! Which reminds me I should be feeding the plant I have here to get back to blue, the colour I prefer.
(15-06-2022, 08:58 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Our new bathroom fans are noisy but very sucky, and a pain in the night because they are linked to the light switch. They are actually so noisy most of us try to avoid using them in case we disturb our nextdoors (these places are awfully close together!) But - one neighbour is very pleased with hers. She hangs her washing up on a pole stretched across the shower box at night, turns the light on, closes the door and lets it run all night, and tells us blithely that it dries her washing beautifully...

This is in spite of the fact we have two very efficient dryers in the community laundry.

Honestly, sometimes the folk around here just astound me.

You should tell her this (though she probably wouldn't listen): 
"Experts agree that you should not leave your bathroom fan on all night. You should only run the fan for about 20 minutes during and after a bath or shower. You especially shouldn't leave it on at night. If it's run too long, it can cause serious problems and become a fire hazard.

Is It Safe To Leave A Bathroom Fan On All Night? - Senior Safety Advice"

Hope she also has a fire alarm too?

Lol, this is the woman who burnt her kitchen out by leaving a chopping board on the stove top partially over a live element while she answered the phone.

Believe it or not she is a retired head mistress...

Tg she is a couple of units down from me, so I should be safe from midnight fire calls...
Wow I wouldn't leave the fan and light on overnight either

Sounds like she doesn't use her brains often.

I wonder if it makes any difference to her power bill.. Are they normal lights or those heated ones?

Both my bathrooms have 3 switches, so normal lights, fan and heated light. I turned the heated one on by mistake on one of the first nights here and couldn't stand the heat while I used the toilet. So they dont get used at all lol

"I am Not a stale Sandwich" and Im sick of hearing this advert lol.... grrrr
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The butterfly is looking gorgeous, KM.
Ventured out in the cold this morning to get final small gifts, one each for great grandkids as their 'unbirthday present' when their brother has his birthday, so the one whose birthday it isn't won't feel left out. Was also looking for another small casserole (as I somehow managed to break the lid on the one I've had for countless years) but all they had were big ones so will keep looking.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(15-06-2022, 01:11 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Wow I wouldn't leave the fan and light on overnight either

Sounds like she doesn't use her brains often.

I wonder if it makes any difference to her power bill.. Are they normal lights or those heated ones?

Both my bathrooms have 3 switches, so normal lights, fan and heated light. I turned the heated one on by mistake on one of the first nights here and couldn't stand the heat while I used the toilet. So they dont get used at all lol

"I am Not a stale Sandwich" and Im sick of hearing this advert lol.... grrrr
I tried to get separate wiring but was refused, so I took the lightbulb out, lol, so I couldn't make that mistake. As for her power bill, like many here in this pensioner village her son takes care of her bills, so she really doesn't care. 
I do not understand this business of letting a parent move into a village that has subsidised rentals for those with very limited means, even though family can afford to cover all costs. Do they not understand that means a genuinely needy older person misses out? But I guess it beats having grumpy old folk at home for some people. Having grown up in multigenerational family homes though I am probably biased...
Morning everyone

Yep up early. I have a lot to do today. Well many shops to juggle to get the best Food deals. It really is like a hunt and I need to do my bloods before i leave town.

I agree OHH.. Retirement accommodation is at a premium and it probably needs to be looked at if people have family. I think its Japan that dont do older peoples homes, the family's have to look after them.

The home MrP is in now has 2 wings in lockdown. And you have to wear pep gear again. Both sides of the wing MrP is in. If it ends up in his wing or the only other way to get to his wing Ill probably have to start signing in, getting into the lovely yellow Pep gear and then go outside and around the back to visit him.. At least its not summer so the pep gear wont be as hot to wear.

Yellow is Not my colour lol.

One of my ladies that helped me complain has it. I am worried about her, (as I am about them all) but she cant walk and I dont know if she has a lung problem but is a shallow breather.

Im going to wear my jacket today.. Its first outing.. Must remember to take the label off it. I have a medium blue skirt I can wear with it. And I will add a scarf to Posh it up a little ..

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Lucky lady having her son pay her bills, especially in today's financial climate. I hope she passes on the extra energy payment to him to help out. Although, by the sound of it, I doubt it. I will admit it was damed hard having dad living with us.

The Furry One's registration bill came yesterday and has gone up in price. I can't complain though as it's much cheaper than my sister's and sisters-in-law's. We have a choice of a disc or that awful stiff plastic you click together. You would think they would have something a bit more permanent by now that can be renewed each year. But I suppose they like the colour coding so they can see at a glance if the dog is registered.

Yesterday MrK was watching Emmerdale and let out a yell. Apparently they mentioned Jacinda lol.

Today I have to empty the incinerator. Wet soggy ashes to go into the compost bin. At least I know the ashes will be cold lol. And I need start weeding again so might make a start on that as well. The ground is pretty cold even with loads of mulch. There are loads of pretty burnt orange toadstools growing in the mulch which add a teeny bit of colour out there. While I'm at it, I'll spray the weeds out on the main road where the new hydrangeas are going. Roma, I can't grow pink hydrangeas, they always come out blue so it will be interesting to see how your cuttings go. I don't mind either way Big Grin

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all,
Another lie in I feel quite lazy.

KM I missed seeing your beautiful butterfly yesterday it is fantastic I love your work and how you use colour. So talented.

For some reason there is not alot on my agenda other than a bit of knitting.
Allowed to drive today so I can 
take DH to his post surgery check. We a couple of old crocks here   Big Grin

Have an enjoyable day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Well, I am hoping to get to the library (eight books waiting for me!) and she needs cat food so that rain better stay away. Besides I need to see if humanity is still around outside these brick walls!

I might just put on boots too in case a bit of puddle stomping is required.
Good morning. 

Cool outside, but there is sun again. So nice yesterday to have no rain for a change and have the washing dry on the line ... simple pleasures.

Good plan to lie low and take it easy Mica ... knitting and reading would be my choice.

Need to do a grocery shop but might stretch for another day. Could be even a chance to have a scratch in the garden, now it's drying out. 

I admire anyone who is able to have their parent(s) happily living with them. No easy task if their physical or mental capabilities diminish. Made easier if there was separate accommodation and plenty of "on hands" support I would think. 

Time for coffee and then a doggy walk. 

Enjoy the day.
I have to admit it wasn't easy looking after MrP or my mother.. And Both at the same time was bad for me.

My Dr at the time wanted me to have a holiday. 2 weeks he said, I told him I would simply wonder who would still be alive when I got home.

He said what about 2 days, I said what about one day out... And that's what I had. And it was a good day out lol..

Its all mental and physical.. And that's why now I dont feel guilty about MrP being in the home. I still do alot for him and spoil him. But Physically its a lot easier that's for sure.

I was complimented on My outfit today.. Totally made my day and made me feel good. And MrP asked me to wear it tomorrow to show him too.

One of the Lab ladies said her Sister just brought a Denim jacket with embroidery on it... Are you all Sitting Down? she paid $300....

Im sitting resting my very sore knee and will do my games now..

Hydrangeas are my Second fave flower.. and I never mind what colour they are lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Given Popeye's revelation, I think all you clever embroiderers should get busy embroidering jackets - you'll make a fortune!

Another fruitless search for a small casserole this morning but not entirely time wasted as I picked up another el cheapo jug, since mine is years old & the end cannot be far off so at least I'll be prepared. And if I pop my clogs before it does, someone will score a new jug!

The dog is not best pleased; the human has been out every morning this week & she clearly does not approve. Haven't told her I might need to go out again tomorrow, weather permitting.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Three hundred? Whoa! My GP said I should go into business when she saw mine, but hey been there done that when I was exhibiting, and I am not going back, lol.

I was watching Hacks last night and the star of the series was wearing an embellished denim jacket in one scene, and I completely missed all the dialogue trying to work out exactly what had been done to it. Panels replaced with fancy velvets I think with rhinestones and a bit of lurex, and it had a deep velvet frill skirt piece as well. Bit out of my league!

I am looking for a good skull image for the back panel of this white one I am doing for my friend Su. There is a cow skull transfer on T M but a cow skull might be a bit rude, though I am sure she would think it hilarious, she is the very opposite of a right cow that one. I will keep looking I think...

I wore my long knit sleeveless thing with the crocheted flower squares border today. Boy, pulling the skirt up over the knees made the scooter trip much more comfortable. Kept the breezes out for sure!
something like a sugar skull. OHH? I'll keep my eye out in my internet embroidery 'travels' just in case I come across one.

I spent some very happy hours weeding this morning. When I weed I can spot things changing in the garden and there is already new spring growth.

It's been 12 years today since mum died. Time has just whizzed by.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Thank you OHH

I have tried to tell MrP that wearing a skirt or dress is far warmer than wearing pants.

I try and explain that it kinda forms a envelope of warmth.

OOps and I have been eating better but my INR is high again. Waiting on Drs instructions.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(16-06-2022, 03:12 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: something like a sugar skull. OHH?  I'll keep my eye out in my internet embroidery 'travels' just in case I come across one.

I spent some very happy hours weeding this morning.  When I weed I can spot things changing in the garden and there is already new spring growth. 

It's been 12 years today since mum died.  Time has just whizzed by.
Something along those lines. She is a heavy metal fan, and not just any heavy metal - German heavy metal, which in my totally uneducated opinion is noise and garbled gibberish played loud with a lot of flames in the background. So not goth, but eight piercings in each ear and a penchant for very high stacked sole lace up boots worn with lots of black might suggest it. She has the figure for it though, the woman is tall and cat walk slim with blonde (and sometimes green) hair out to here.  She loves to make a statement, lol!

Twelve years since my Mum died too, and for me twelve years here in this home for the perpetually bewildered and impecunious. Time has truly just melted away. It beats the hell out of living under a bridge though! For all its weird neighbours...

Smile Smile Smile
(16-06-2022, 04:36 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(16-06-2022, 03:12 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: something like a sugar skull. OHH?  I'll keep my eye out in my internet embroidery 'travels' just in case I come across one.

I spent some very happy hours weeding this morning.  When I weed I can spot things changing in the garden and there is already new spring growth. 

It's been 12 years today since mum died.  Time has just whizzed by.
Something along those lines. She is a heavy metal fan, and not just any heavy metal - German heavy metal, which in my totally uneducated opinion is noise and garbled gibberish played loud with a lot of flames in the background. So not goth, but eight piercings in each ear and a penchant for very high stacked sole lace up boots worn with lots of black might suggest it. She has the figure for it though, the woman is tall and cat walk slim with blonde (and sometimes green) hair out to here.  She loves to make a statement, lol!

Twelve years since my Mum died too, and for me twelve years here in this home for the perpetually bewildered and impecunious. Time has truly just melted away. It beats the hell out of living under a bridge though! For all its weird neighbours...

Smile Smile Smile
Heavy metal - sort of Ramstein type stuff then presumably.

I can cope with some heavy metal - I was at art school with Cam, the vocalist from the  Kiwi metallers, Tainted, but he claimed it wasn't really singing. And having heard a bit of them, I'd have to agree. Big Grin Rolleyes 
But then, most people wouldn't like some of the stuff I like either - takes all sorts.

Your friend might like the Kiwi band, Alien weaponry. They're just kids but blardy brilliant imo & heavily into using Maori language in their stuff.

I don't keep count of how long since people have died, because I saw Mum do that & have a thoroughly miserable day or so on the anniversary. So I opted to remember them on their birthdays instead & wish them a happy birthday for that lifetime, wherever they might be. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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