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Marsden point closure is screwing us over.
Thanks Jacinda, I know your govt dont own the refinery, but you could have taken steps to have either bought it and/or gave them relief to keep running much like Tiwai point.
Your forefathers in labour sold the refinery for pennies back in the 80s after a significant investment was made by the taxpayer, now this is what we are left with.
Unfortunately the crazy ideologies you and your mates in the greens have is that this evil refinery has to go as its a detriment to the planet, you were celebrating it.
All you care about is UN agendas and environmental policies that have no solid basis and not give a rats arse about the increased cost of living.

Now we are left with the situation with having to buy imported bitumen for our roads that is of substandard quality, and increased cost due to shipping.
Anyone who has half a brain would know that bitumen has to be transported hot or else it solidifies, its a very difficult and expensive thing to freight.

We are also left with a CO2 shortage affecting the food industry, oh the irony that we actually need CO2!
Just wait for this to hit the pockets of everyday kiwis.
I bet Chlöe Swarbrick didnt even see any of this coming, these are the clowns that we want running this country?

You think CO2 is that evil, how about you build the infrastructure to extract the stuff out of the air! But whos gonna pay for that? Where is all this carbon tax going? You have had plenty of time to have got this shit sorted.
You'll be struggling to find a party to support - I'd imagine ACT and National want no part of your protectionist inclinations. The Outdoor Party nutters would probably be a fit for someone struggling to find a coherent response to real problems.
I do have other cameras!
(21-06-2022, 11:54 AM)Praktica Wrote: You'll be struggling to find a party to support - I'd imagine ACT and National want no part of your protectionist inclinations. The Outdoor Party nutters would probably be a fit for someone struggling to find a coherent response to real problems.
I dont have alot of faith in National either.
ACT would be largely in support I think.

You should really check out the NNP (new Nation(al) Party) they go back to the roots of what National was supposed to be.
They would build a new refinery and fix all this shit that red and blue have both left us in.
(23-06-2022, 01:02 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(21-06-2022, 11:54 AM)Praktica Wrote: You'll be struggling to find a party to support - I'd imagine ACT and National want no part of your protectionist inclinations. The Outdoor Party nutters would probably be a fit for someone struggling to find a coherent response to real problems.
I dont have alot of faith in National either.
ACT would be largely in support I think.

You should really check out the NNP (new Nation(al) Party) they go back to the roots of what National was supposed to be.
They would build a new refinery and fix all this shit that red and blue have both left us in.
I saw an NNP sticker on the door of a business also promoting the voices for freedom bullshit so - no thanks.
I do have other cameras!
I continue to be amazed by the folk who seem to live in this world without noticing the effects of our abuses of the planet. The ones who rail against any measure suggested to offset or limit those abuses, and who seem to think it is some other bloke's job to sort it, if by some faint chance it actually needs to be done.

Do these people walk round blind? Or are they like Nelson, just turning a blind eye because they'd rather not see the approaching calamities?
(24-06-2022, 12:08 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I continue to be amazed by the folk who seem to live in this world without noticing the effects of our abuses of the planet. The ones who rail against any measure suggested to offset or limit those abuses, and who seem to think it is some other bloke's job to sort it, if by some faint chance it actually needs to be done.

Do these people walk round blind? Or are they like Nelson, just turning a blind eye because they'd rather not see the approaching calamities?
The latter I think - they don't mind much what might lie in store for the future, because they don't seem to think that it will affect them.
Perhaps they're the people who have a bolt hole somewhere, & believe that's going to save them. Dodgy
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
They just want to make lots of money right now, so when everything falls over they will have lots and lots of money. Perhaps they are planning on leaving the planet when the end of the world comes, because money won't help then.
In and out of jobs, running free
Waging war with society
(24-06-2022, 12:08 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I continue to be amazed by the folk who seem to live in this world without noticing the effects of our abuses of the planet. The ones who rail against any measure suggested to offset or limit those abuses, and who seem to think it is some other bloke's job to sort it, if by some faint chance it actually needs to be done.

Do these people walk round blind? Or are they like Nelson, just turning a blind eye because they'd rather not see the approaching calamities?

Who on earth pays for all of this?
All these "sustainable" farming practices cost $$$, who on earth pays for this? You do at the supermarket, thats who pays. All for a fabricated agenda of this global warming nonsense.

I dont see these greenies riding bikes, but they are happy to drive an old car blowing out smoke.

Perhaps the single biggest problem is the human population.
A cull off of human numbers would fix some things, and by the looks of it, covid was an attempt at this when it "escaped" the wuhan lab. Perhaps they were not ready for its release, and it got out premature, but one thing i sure know is we will know sooner or later if this virus and/or the vaccine is killing off humans.

Just google sudden adult death syndrome to see what is going on. We never used to hear of this.
I would love to be proven wrong that everything is all OK, but I am seriously concerned we are going to see a sharp drop in the human population.

So many people have died of heart attacks, and are people with no known cardiac issues, ive had 2 relatives die in the last 6 months from a heart attack, both were healthy.
What is going on?

Just ask any funeral home and they will tell you the number of deaths has increased.
One funeral home needed to bring in an extra refrigerator container to keep the backlog of bodies.
(01-07-2022, 02:31 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(24-06-2022, 12:08 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I continue to be amazed by the folk who seem to live in this world without noticing the effects of our abuses of the planet. The ones who rail against any measure suggested to offset or limit those abuses, and who seem to think it is some other bloke's job to sort it, if by some faint chance it actually needs to be done.

Do these people walk round blind? Or are they like Nelson, just turning a blind eye because they'd rather not see the approaching calamities?

Who on earth pays for all of this?
All these "sustainable" farming practices cost $$$, who on earth pays for this? You do at the supermarket, thats who pays. All for a fabricated agenda of this global warming nonsense.

I dont see these greenies riding bikes, but they are happy to drive an old car blowing out smoke.

Perhaps the single biggest problem is the human population.
A cull off of human numbers would fix some things, and by the looks of it, covid was an attempt at this when it "escaped" the wuhan lab. Perhaps they were not ready for its release, and it got out premature, but one thing i sure know is we will know sooner or later if this virus and/or the vaccine is killing off humans.

Just google sudden adult death syndrome to see what is going on. We never used to hear of this.
I would love to be proven wrong that everything is all OK, but I am seriously concerned we are going to see a sharp drop in the human population.

So many people have died of heart attacks, and are people with no known cardiac issues, ive had 2 relatives die in the last 6 months from a heart attack, both were healthy.
What is going on?

Just ask any funeral home and they will tell you the number of deaths has increased.
One funeral home needed to bring in an extra refrigerator container to keep the backlog of bodies.
WE DO! Because we'd prefer our planet not to be destroyed, humans do need to work to undo the damage done by our species. Rolleyes

And by the way, I voted Green last time around & the time before that because I strongly believe that we need their voice in parliament. And what's more, I ride a bike.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(01-07-2022, 02:31 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(24-06-2022, 12:08 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I continue to be amazed by the folk who seem to live in this world without noticing the effects of our abuses of the planet. The ones who rail against any measure suggested to offset or limit those abuses, and who seem to think it is some other bloke's job to sort it, if by some faint chance it actually needs to be done.

Do these people walk round blind? Or are they like Nelson, just turning a blind eye because they'd rather not see the approaching calamities?

Perhaps the single biggest problem is the human population.
A cull off of human numbers would fix some things, and by the looks of it, covid was an attempt at this when it "escaped" the wuhan lab. Perhaps they were not ready for its release, and it got out premature, but one thing i sure know is we will know sooner or later if this virus and/or the vaccine is killing off humans.
Quick question: Why should we need to have a "cull off" of Humans when there are other less lethal options available to us?
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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I think a cull could be a good idea, and I'd like to nominate myself to choose those to be culled...
I do have other cameras!

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