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You can never have enough...
Morning all
Stormy night but some blue sky and sun this morning.

OHH love story fancy having the ability to repair butterfly wings.

Got my magenta dress completed hope it fits cause I didn't want to take my warm layers of clothes off will have to try it sometime.
Went to knitting group last night only 3 of us turned up probably cause the weather was not pleasant. Anyway got crochet lesson so should be able to crochet some baby blanket  one day Cool
Not sure what I will get up to today got to get out bed first the time flies when reading and the k9s are hunkered down DH went back to sleep after our 6.15 start for k9 brekkie and my cuppa.
Anyway must move need to do a bit vacuuming etc then the day is mine.

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I am hoping for crochet lessons too. I have a pile of wee granny squares and want to learn a simple stitch to pull them all together and edge them. Not quite sure what I want to make from them yet, so not rushing to learn. I am still playing with stitch and fabrics with plenty of ideas there to keep me busy.

I did pop an apple half into my battered kitchen whisk yesterday though, and hung it in the peach tree within sight of my chair, but so far no interested wax eyes...
Morning everyone

Another grey wet day here. Not too cold tho so Im OK with that.

It was a pleasure to see the butterfly take off and start his life. Wow one would have to be gentle to mend wings.

We had a dog once that wouldn't walk through puddles. He was a right sook. Unfortunately he was a big galoof of a dog who thought it was ok to stand up and put his paws on my shoulders and knock me over. Odd story but we had the PD boys around to work on our section and one of them fell in love with "Ben" and he was a bog guy who could handle him. So he came back the next day to take him home. He was too big for me but he had a long life with this guy. A perfect match lol

Im supposed to be going up to see MrP this morning.. TBH I would rather sit and rest my knee but I know they look forward to my visits.

I googled some haircuts yesterday. Unless the hair dresser advises against it, it will be a Bob of some kind. but not one of those blunt cuts Im not fond of those. And we will talk colours when I go in for my consultation appointment.

Hope Kiwimade is having a wonderful time with the Family.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I have wax eyes hanging off my kitchen whisk in the sideways rain! The apple must be a real treasure to let them brave icy wet...
Fiddly work that, fixing butterfly wings but no doubt very rewarding.

Have one of the small paintings done & ready for spraying with protective coating so a bit of progress.
So lovely to see the sun here again, its very welcome. Did the dreaded shopping & remembered to get peanut butter - have been getting little reminders from the birds, have to make them another bird ball soon. have used all the Elderberries I had frozen for them so may add a few sultanas this time.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good afternoon lovely bright blue sky but very blustery .The Ukrainian kids just called in on their way to the park - grandad had made dumplings so they dropped some off for me - they remind me of what we used to call my Nanas fly cemeteries but they are round -
I saw big things of peanut butter in Warehouse 1.2kg for $10 - not a big enough saving I guess to go there especially but it is cheaper -it’s better to support Warehouse a kiwi company to break the duopoly than bring in an overseas company that doesn’t sell kiwi products
Popeye a bob is a good idea - I can tuck my hair behind my ears or clip it up during the summer - think about whether you want a fringe or all one length
When we were in Oz we had no rain for two years - think the dog had forgotten what it was -he was very reluctant the first time it rained - the cat went berserk - the cat was hilarious the first day he went outside and the backyard was covered in snow - he leapt all four feet in the air like he had an electric shock - miss my animals that’s for sure - a stray cat arrived in the street and no owner could be found - we were all feeding it got Robie to bring the best cat food he had but the bloke across the road goes fishing and the fresh fish offcuts won the cat over .He is a great big bloke makes me chuckle when he arrives home with the boat and unloads the chilly bin the little cat is winding round his legs threatening to trip him up at every step .
Where did the morning go
The birds, wax eyes and wee finches have been busy, and the activity must have caught other beady eyes, because all of a sudden a great big very wet tui landed on one of the branches to check out the fuss. First time one of that lot have got so close to my flat.

It made me think about the potential benefits of a dish of sugar syrup. I do love birds...
morning ladies Smile Up bright and early before the whanau as I have some washing and a few other bits and pieces I want done before we leave for Auckland again this morning.

We had a wonderful day at the zoo in spite of the rain. We were so lucky weather wise. Every time there was a heavy shower we were either looking at the tiger (omg, such beauty!), the orangutan (didn't realise just how big they were!) or the cotton top monkeys (so damed cute lol) there was plenty of shelter and seats for us to just sit and enjoy the moments until the rain eased. Thank goodness for those 'cheese cutter' barriers on the motorway. Coming home heading south, a car heading north veered off the road and hit the barrier. Our son-in-law and grand daughter were in the car (we took two vehicles) right where the car bounced off the wires. If it hadn't been there we wouldn't have our son-in-law or granddaughter today. So they definitely save lives yesterday.

Today is The Great Whanau Day Out Number 2 Big Grin and we're off to see the T Rex skeleton at the museum. Can't wait to see our grandson and son's faces when they see it Big Grin Heart Our son may be in his 30s but he still loves dinosaurs lol.

OHH, what a real treasure Heart your friend is. The world needs more people like her.

We are all enjoying the photos of space that is on the news, just mind boggling and a little hard to get one's head around the distances. But just beautiful too. As long as we don't go stuffing it up. It's bad enough with all the space junk circling our own planet and the damage we have done to our environments without adding more to it.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Scattered cloud, sun is trying to peek through.

Had a quiet day yesterday after house tidy and food hunting.

My audio book is finished need to get another  its nice to liste  to while sewing.

Enjoy the dinosaurs KM

Volunteer morning and we have DGD this afternoon first time we have had her for more than an hour. DD is attending a workshop at her work. She goes back to work end next month.

So we might be frazzled by the end of today  Big Grin

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Overcast and dull here..

Thank goodness for the road barriers Kiwimade. The Orangs are huge eh lol... Have fun at the museum.

Those Space pictures are Beautiful, and your right. We need to stop before its all lost.

My knee isnt any better bugger it.. Just learning to live with it and juggle the walking.

Ive decided to go and do the shopping... So then tomorrow Ill go see MrP and only need to walk through one place.

The second freezer was picked up yesterday. And I finally have my garage bill paid. If nothing else its been a hard year for the finances, but Im getting there. One to go.

I was thinking last night as I watched "Sort your Life out" that was me. Not so much sentimental stuff, but far to much stuff, but Im kinda thankful in a way too cos I am selling it and working on the bills.. Although my rooms are far better organised with their mountains of stuff lol. I couldn't stand living with it all dumped like that.

Asked MrP what he thought about the dryer, we dont know if it needs a new belt or start switch so I will give it to the scrap man. Couldn't afford the extra power and besides which the dehumidifier in the bathroom with a clothes rack works just as good. And he agreed.

My shopping list is pretty much stuff for Missy lol... Typical. Ill get more for her and MrP than I need for myself today lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Jan's Nana's fly cemeteries reminded me of my Mum, she used to delight in a family joke line that I believe came down from her Father, and before that some comedian on a radio show. When picking up a currant or raisin scone, she would look at us each in turn with a really wicked light in her eye, then she'd hold up the item between two fingers and declaim loudly 'Waiter! There's a fly in my bun!' Whereupon we would all develop a fit of the giggles - despite it being so old and well used a joke it really should have been retired after the first outing.

Simpler times perhaps...
Sight of the week just went past - thought I was seeing things & it must be a large bag of spuds or something but no, it really was someone pulling along one of those small supermarket trolleys, containing a large-ish dog! The things you see when there's no camera handy! Smile

Youngest son is 50 today so he's going to call in at some point to collect his loot - no idea where that 50 years went.
Have done really well today, went & got some extra spuds as they were on special plus one or two things I forgot yesterday then took dog for walk before lunch after which I worked on the two small paintings a bit more, then some on the photoshop one I'm fiddling about with, brought in most of the dry-ish washing & made a veg & vegetarian sausage casserole ready to go in the oven later.
I feel ever so saintly now. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
My supermarket trollies are my best friend - I keep my wheelie bin tucked in the hedge out the front and wheel my rubbish out in my trolley so much easier the wheels on the wheelie bin seem to have a mind of their own and my drive has a slight slope .My garage isn’t internal so when my groceries arrive into the trolley from car boot to back door - excellent for taking the washing out to the line as the basket is at a convenient height .The other one I use for my delicate pots - I can shift them out if the sun or the rain so easy .When my husband was alive the chemist delivered a script I saw him looking at the trollies - he went back and told Robie he knew where two stolen trolleys were
I must tell Robie about the dog - one of the best he had was a bloke regularly came to the supermarket on his bike and would tow the trolley behind his bike home then ring and tell them to come and pick it up so they have delivered his groceries ever since - on rainy days he rings to be picked up

Strange day here very grey - have put the raincoat on my veggies just in case - the Ukrainian kids went to the movies but had to leave was just too much - not sure if it was the noise or being shut in the dark
Bet Kiwimade has had a fantastic day - the grandchildren will remember the adventure forever
I use my shopping trolley to transport heavier stuff too, and my scooter at times. When I get new batteries (read 'reliable for more power') I am considering getting a trailer for the scoot.

For potting mix bags...
I hadn't thought of taming a shopping trolley for use - but then again, I've got a wheelbarrow. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Popping in before we get the grandies out of bed as it's an early start this morning. They are getting tired and by the time we are home, they barely have dinner and then put themselves to bed. Yesterday was amazing, if you get a chance to see the T Rex, do. It's free but be warned, the car parking is awful. Especially during school holidays on a very wet day. While the grandies were playing in the kids part of the museum, our son and I slipped away to the Memorial floor. I found my great uncles name on the wall but couldn't find my mother-in-law's brother who was a war hero from fighting in Crete. We had a near miss on the motorway coming into the city with a truck and trailer trying to change across two lanes just after coming off the on ramp and didn't check his mirrors. And we saw the cones where the car hit the barrier the day before. He hit both barriers for both sides of the motorway. That really gave us the willies as we knew who he could have hit.

Kids are up. Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
These stories of near misses give me the screaming abdabs. It can happen so fast and be so devastating. I am glad my ventures onto motorways are very rare events.
Morning all
Mild here so far

Motorway near misses are scary. We got hit by truck trailer changing lanes we could see it happening DH plated his brakes  the car behind us hit us. Luckily it was a work vehicle so we weren't too inconvenienced.smashed   LHS and back It was xmas eve so traffic was heavy it was difficult to get across 2 lanes to the side of the road .

Babysitting went well yesterday need a quiet day today.
Meeting friends for lunch today. So it will be vacuuming and tidy up this morning.

Have good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Soggy and wet outdoors ... hopefully will clear at some stage.  Soup simmering on the stove,  definitely the right weather for it. 

Scary on the roads KM, but great you all having a great holiday. 

Lol Mica, grandie minding is lovely but it is nice to hand them back again  Heart

Son and dog coming around later ... surf's finally up so a wee bit of dog minding on the cards.  Might be a day for knitting and inside jobs otherwise.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Sounds like your having Fun Kiwimade. You will all remember these school holidays for sure.

Scary stuff re the roads.... I admit to going through a big gasp and shock yesterday when I saw the car that had gone into the house.
The same thing happened to my sister, only it was a milk truck. And anything like that brings back memories.

Now a shopping trolley would be awesome, although Im very well kitted up here with 2 different height walkers and I got MrP a cargo trolley several years ago and its me who has used it the most. It was Very handy when we moved. It folds up and is perfect for potting mix bags.

I use the wheelie bin to carry my rubbish bag down to the road. But Im thinking this coming week Im in trouble lol. Cos I wont make it back without wheels. Might have to push the wheelie bin and drag the walker at the same time. Unless I see one of the neighbours and ask if one of the kids could take it down and back. Will buy a bag of chippies or something as a bribe lol.

I had a brainwave last night. Im still going up to see MrP but they have some singers coming in this afternoon, so Im going to go up later and enjoy the music too AND the lounge is at the front of the building. So no long walk for me.

They are having a cooked breakfast this morning, in the main dining room. So by the end of the day MrP will have walked to the front of the building twice...

Im on a mission to find the thermos.. It normally lives under the kitchen sink but its not there or any cupboards there. Might save myself alot of time on my feet and bending and ring the oppy and see if they have one. thus not having to go in to see if they dont have one lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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