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You can never have enough...
Good morning. 

Gorgeous day now, after a cool start.

Nothing worse than a trail of blood to mop up off carpet KM ... though easier to deal with when fresh! Our house also quiet again minus the stayers and dog. My cat happy to not have to be on alert, even though he's very staunch against a dog 3x his size!

It's looking like a day to get outside for lawns and gardens ... long may it last. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning Everyone

Sunny here but I got up so late I dont know if there was fog or not lol.

I think the neighbours have turned their foul smelling compost or something cos it absolutely reeked.. Have closed the windows again. And feel like I've used half a can of air freshener. lol.. Good com[post doesn't smell like that Im sure . And something has to be disgusting before I think it is cos Im used to silage etc lol.

I had a nearly busy day yesterday. Got the dishwasher emptied and on again. Cut 3 pillow cases down and a queen sheet. And I've overlocked 12 pieces so far. As I started on the sheet I thought ohhh it would be nice and soft for hankies, but would MrP be happy with pink ones.

Then when I was talking to him later before Id mentioned it he said he needs hankies lol.. And he ain't shy he said he will be happy with pink ones, at least they will stand out lol.

So todays plans is to carry on overlocking the pieces and hem a few hankies for him. A lot of people wouldn't bother to edge the cleaning rags but they last longer and dont leave bits in the washing machine lol.

I have a huge flock of birds picking over a few crusts out the front. Wax eyes sure are not scared of Myna's that's for sure. Missy is just sitting watching.

Gosh Kiwimade Thank goodness you didn't have to make a trip, the petrol even before the vet bill would be shocking .

That reminds me I should try and get petrol for the next couple of weeks before it goes up again. Its at $3-01 here without the tax going back on it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good compost smells sweet, but if some damned fool has put meat in it then the stink can be overpowering. And it brings the wrong kind of flies.

And I am with you popeye, the cat and I are still in the warm, though I am considering venturing out to make another cuppa, and maybe toast the last of the crumpets. It is very cool in here, but the sun is moving slowly up the bed...
Good morning we started off minus 1 deg but have gradually crept up to 10 - it’s a stunning blue sky day so definitely not complaining
Didn’t enjoy the rugby last night that’s for sure - was lovely to see Ardie Savea and Sam Whitelock out long after the game had finished signing autographs and taking selfies with the kids .I remember taking Robie to a Buck Shelford book signing - he was probably about 7 - Buck stood up I can still remember Robies face - his hero was a giant
Popeye Mr P and his fellow guests you are looking out for are very lucky - my sister had a coffee yesterday with the Manager of the home Mum was in - she said it is terrifying - there have been 18,000 reports of patients having their safety and well-being compromised being sent to the Ministry in the last 6 months - they have had to close down their hospital wing which was staffed by Phillipine nurses who were sent home - hard on you Popeye but keep it up
I dreamed last night I finished an amuragumi bunny I started maybe last year or maybe the year before - I just dragged the bin of many WIP out - but unfortunately my dream doesn’t look like it’s going to come true I think I am over doing fiddly things - I finished one for one grandaughter am sure the other grandaughter has forgotten hers never turned up
A huge pet food factory opened up in Hastings - even got money from the provincial growth fund - but has been sold to Chinese owners so the majority of product is going offshore and instead of getting 10 pallets of pet food a day Robie is lucky if he gets one .When we first shifted to Bathurst I thought the huge factories with Mars signs on them were making Mars bars -even saw hundreds of huge grain trucks going in and out and still didn’t click - one of the locals was in fits when he told me they were pet food manufacturers -
OMG Jan that's disgusting re the home and complaints.

I had a bit of a giggle on Friday when I rang to change my appointment to later so I could be at the music with MrP. It was the manager who answered the phone and she had a lot of pride in her voice when she told me MrP had enjoyed his cooked breakfast.
Surely if they can do it once a month, Once a week would be better. And to keep it on a Friday since very few like Fish Bait Friday lunch. At least we know they will have full tummies.

Pet food had been the bane of my life since Covid Struck, and the Ship getting stuck didn't help. There's only 2-3 that Madam will eat. But we have managed to get through Just.

I've always called the Pet food Isle, The Isle of the Bewildered... We stand there with blank faces deciding on what to get them knowing that there is a massive possibility that they wont eat it anyway.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Cheers Mica, might see about that. Have been out this morning with DIL in search of a couple of containers I can use for putting photos in once I get them all sorted; sorting out the workroom is on hold for a bit due to having been using it for the three small paintings but will be getting back to it once its a bit warmer - freezing again today.
Found two at the warehouse which should do nicely & then DIL wanted to have a quick look in Couplands & Costco; she told me the Couplands vegan pies are really good so got one to try tomorrow. She was a vegetarian for years - ever since I've known her which is about 27-28 years - & when their daughter decided to go vegan both DIL & Sweetie darling decided to try it & have never looked back, so she knows all the good ones I might like, which is handy for me.

I'm hoping for dry weather next week as the lawns have been growing, albeit slowly & will need doing soon. Dammit. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
The Coupland's vegan pies are yummy, even MrK likes them (which amazed me lol). We had the best fish chowder for lunch, omg it was divine. Mussels, prawns, scallops, shrimp and fish was in it. And they even made a decent cup of tea Big Grin. The fog didn't lift until lunch time but the washing managed to get three quarters dry so I'll count that as a win.

Time for a whiskey I think Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Have one for me Kiwimade lol.

I gave in and went and brought tea. Sometimes I need red meat. I got a roast beef sammie for $7 and ill put picks up tomorrow but it was nearly 1.5 - 2 inches thick. And I must have smiled nice behind my mask cos they gave me two extra roast tatties.
Im very full and have 3 tatties left lol.

Im hoping no one was looking out there windows this afternoon. I Waddled down to the road pushing the walker dragging the recycle wheelie bin behind me lol

Will be easier to get the bin back in tomorrow when its empty and no bag to keep on the walker.

Im going to be sore but Ill rest.

Need to find my oil for the over locker and give her a good clean out. I think I know where it is . Otherwise Ill have to wait till I can buy some more. I got 4 hankies done and edged some of the cleaning clothes. Have more to hem so I can do that at least.

Nice to hear that Petrol prices wont change until January. Yay.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Very envious Popeye I fancied a BBQ but it’s a bit frosty out there to light it up - plus I am hopeless cooking on it - I just waddled out with my shopping trolley and did my transfer to the wheelie bin - even wheeling it to the verge from my hedge is a mission - i5 only had two wheels on the front and doesn’t cope well with uneven ground - I imagine it tipping over and me scrambling around picking it all up and my neighbours seeing I am an irresponsible recycler - but the recycling bins are a real mission
morning ladies from an overcast Waikato.

Today I need to pay the Furry One's registration. The price has steadily increased over the years like everything else but I can't complain as it's cheaper than a lot of other districts.

Sadly my sister-in-law's dog isn't doing well and is miserable. She is going to arrange a home visit with the vet this week to do the deed. We are going to miss this dog terribly but know she will be in a better place.

Popeye, your neighbour's compost shouldn't smell like that. Ours has never smelled, even the worm farm has no smell. I agree with OHH and think someone has tried to compost meat. We have a mental list of things we don't compost and meat is at the top of that list.

I am hoping to put some time aside to work on the butterfly. Only a small(ish) bit to do now. Had to explain to our daughter what an awl was and how I use it. I suspect once she has one she will use it as much as I use mine.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Stormy winds here

Had lovely day out yesterday 
DH rotisserie a chicken on BBQ last night with smoked garlic salt rub on skin it was yum.

Meeting this afternoon, prep for it this morning so thats my day.

Sad time for family when its time to say goodbye to a loved pet 

Gotta move

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

It must be winter. lol.. I have a jumper that a Thai friend gave me years ago , its a lovely snuggly rug of a jumper but soo warm that I can only wear it when Im really cold. Today is the day lol.. Although not to the home or I would cook.

Yeah its definitely a Bad compost. And to top it off they do some of their gardening by the moon so they were out there again about hmm 7-30ish.. Even with windows shut I could smell it.

Ohh so sad about the poor wee Dog. Your furry one will miss its play dates Kiwimade. but its always the last best thing you can do for your beloved pets. And they leave massive gaps.

Off to see MrP today.. Not looking forward to the walk, but I have all the time in the world. Just so long as it doesn't rain Ill be ok.

Wont be any sewing today, I have to do the extra games challenges to earn double points for the rest of the week.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Cold and bleak this morning, a lot different to the lovely, sunny day yesterday.  The cat is pressed up close beside me on the sofa! It will be hard for either of us to move!

Yes, sad when our 4 legged friends reach the end of their lives.  So nice KM that the vet will come to the home.  Our rural Vet did for our JR. I'm not sure that would be an option here in town.

I have baby knit books sorted out and will choose a matinee jacket to knit.  Blanket will sit aside for now. Can't see much happening outside today. 

Enjoy your day all.
I would be ringing the council. If you can smell it it is a health and safety issue and needs to be dealt with. Probably just plain ignorance, but also could be a more serious matter - no missing family members?

Love the educating around the use of an awl! I have several, having become addicted to book making some years ago. Usely things. Chatting with a friend the other day I had a wee grin at her telling me she used a 'folding bone' to crease paper, and before my brain stopped me I had corrected her with 'bone folder'. I am sure both terms are perfectly acceptable but my funny bone was tweaked with her term.

I have to learn to think before I open mouth...
Boy it's cold outside, must be one of our coldest so far this winter. The Furry One almost caught the rabbit, he nipped it's butt as it raced away. So now he's on even more of a mission to catch it.

I had to bite my tongue yesterday at lunch. MrK's cousin's husband thinks it's ok not to be vaccinated and not wear a mask. But when he said he hasn't caught Covid yet and it's no worse than the flu I couldn't hold back. I reminded him it was us being vaccinated that has protected him and it is worse than the flu as our daughter spent three nights on oxygen in hospital. I somehow think he won't be talking to me again lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Still cold over here as well ... like being back in the Waikato, lol!

Good on you KM, some people need a dose of reality (maybe covid even) ... or at least the smugness wiped off their face! Sick of hearing people say it's just a cold  Sad

Need to venture out for a birthday card ... loathe to leave the warm house.
Good afternoon cold here as well - supposedly 14 deg don’t believe it - has been one of those nights when the brain just would not switch off so decided to give my nephew who is a surgeon in London a call - sometimes we strike it lucky with the time zone - he said the heat over there is frightening - he grew up in Perth so is used to it - said it’s all the concrete and tarmac- his hospital had just started to get back to pre covid numbers but he expects surgery to be put on hold again as the hospital will fill with heat casualties.Life is no longer simple wherever and whoever you are I am beginning to believe.He said there was a group of them sitting with their feet in a fountain and he looked across and a school friend of my kids was cooling off as well - they had a good laugh about resilient kiwis - both work in the same hospital but hadn’t met
Kiwimade that rhetoric from non vaccinated non mask wearing people unfortunately is quite prevalent - get it all the time at the supermarket - the staff wear a mask all day and some idiot comes in claims to have an exemption which they don’t have to prove and risks everybody in the supermarket-
We have had the vet come to our house when the time comes for quite a while now - the last thing they remember is home not a struggle getting into the vet surgery - am so tempted to get another dog there is a lovely one in this mornings paper in the Hastings pound but if I couldn’t cope and had to go and live with one of the kids it just wouldn’t work - they both have dogs and cats that wouldn’t appreciate an interloper
The first bloom on the huge magnolia in the reserve has just popped out - the tree is about three stories high so is magnificent when it’s in full bloom - have had to up the rat poison in the shed - beside the magnolia is a huge walnut tree rat heaven - one bonus of having no roof cavity not only is there no insulation there’s no room for rats
Better go and scratch around for something for lunch or it will be dinner time before I know it - all out of sync with no sleep
Good for you Kiwimade. Surprising that there are still people who just don't get it.

Its so warm here today ( they claim 18 but I'm not so sure its that warm) that I've managed to clean the house, get the washing dry, zip around to shops for what I needed & mow that wretched back lawn. Feeling ever so virtuous & ever so knackered now; quite pleased its an easy tea tonight.
If this weather holds, I might attack the front lawn tomorrow.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
World is full of ignorant, stupid, selfish people. Pity they don't make up the bulk of the covid cases, but that's the way life is.
morning ladies Smile No wonder I thought it was cold yesterday, our high was 12 degrees. But the washing once again was three quarters dry so another win to me.

The Furry One is so funny with his cut paw. When he sees me watching him he lifts his paw up with a woe-is-me look but I saw him racing after the rabbit lol. Love that dog to pieces.

I need to buy a new part for the Karcher window vacum. The plastic bottle has a hole in it as the plastic has become brittle so I'll pop into the Karcher shop on Te Rapa Straight and see if they have one.

A bit more embroidery was done yesterday, won't be long before the butterfly is finished.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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