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You can never have enough...
Excellent idea, Hunni - the world needs more colour. Smile

Years ago I made from a recipe, a choux pastry thing which went into a casserole & then you put savoury stuff on the top in the middle, including cheese; can't recall what it was vcalled now but it was lovley.

Just back from the great grandson's joint birthday party, 5th for the eldest & 3rd for youngest. It was a super hero themed party so all kids in costume & some adults as well. Granddaughter had outdone herself with super hero balloons & decorations everywhere & a cake for each birthday child. One was the incredible hulk (chocolate & salted caramel) & the other was some other super hero I'm not familiar with. She's so good at cakes; she did look at perhaps doing it professionally at one point but found it wasn't feasible but now that she has the two boys it comes in handy.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(23-07-2022, 11:34 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Excellent advice, thanks for that! My local hardware shop has a Resene section too, so I shall make a note and get some. The better the prep the better the results!
Resenes also have those little samples of various paint colours, I think they're about $5 &  they have loads of colours.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile And we're back to rain Sad

I've used those test pots, Lilith, very useful when trying to decide on colours. And there is a decent amount in the pot too.

MrK is on dogs and cats duties this morning while friends are away. He'll pop over to their home and feed them all this morning.

Baking and ironing on the agenda this morning. Not quite sure what will be baked but it will be something quick and uses few dishes. MrK wants to make a pie for dinner but wants me to make the pastry (in other words for me to make the pie). Pastry is pretty quickly made in the food processor so easily done.

Am hoping I can finish this butterfly over the next few days. It's been long winded that's for sure.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Overcast today it was so nice to get some sun yesterday

Did get tosewing cave yesterday and made long sleeved merino bodysuit for DGD.
Orders in for cotton sleeveless ones for when they go to Raratonga in few weeks time.

No plans for today my kitchen needs to be seen to so thats first

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Wet here again too.

Im going to nip up to the supermarket while my drink is on special today. Thankfully its near the front of the store. I need cheese slices too but that's on the back wall and since my knee isn't as extreme as yesterday I might just go without the cheese till I have to go that far on Thursday lol.

As I sit I dont feel any pain there so I must have it in the right place lol

I oiled the machine so could be tempted to sew again today.

But once Im home Im going to see if I can give away the couch MrP broke 5 minutes after we got it home. Will be ok for a upcycle couch or a man cave.

My friend couldn't get the pattern I wanted at her Spotlight so Ill have to order one online. Not happy having to spend for the delivery but I want it so I either pay for that or wait till its back ion the shops.

For the last couple of weeks I have wanted Cake. Im not a huge cake person and would rather have a crunchy biscuit.. But Yesterday I saw someone's Jam sponge pudding and it looked sooo good. So Im tempted to make one today. Perhaps some home made custard to go with it. So Ill have it in my mind and see if it happens later.

OMG Last night I opened a catering pack of Apricot halves to have with my weet-bix. Just talking about the jam sponge, I could put some halves in the bowl then pour in some of the bit runny apricot jam I have and make the pudding.. Ohh That's definitely on the list for later

Someone needs to do a nice vege dish and that's our Cyber dinner done. Pie and Kiwimade's, dessert at mine lol

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The old Dominion pudding recipe - that is how I make it, with fruit and jam on the bottom. Have been thinking about doing one withe the lemon curd that I made on Friday, it is deliciously sharp seeing I doubled the lemon juice quantity!

It is a sure fire success, that ancient recipe.
(24-07-2022, 11:24 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The old Dominion pudding recipe - that is how I make it, with fruit and jam on the bottom. Have been thinking about doing one withe the lemon curd that I made on Friday, it is deliciously sharp seeing I doubled the lemon juice quantity!

It is a sure fire success, that ancient recipe.

Yep thats the one.   Is it in the Edmonds or WDFF book?  Says she who is sitting and not moving for a while yet lol.

Ohh yumm it would be lovely with the lemon curd.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Oh yes that lemon curd pudding would be very nice - my lemon tree is loaded
The bakery staff had a pot luck dinner last night for our new kiwis - received an invitation to tag along so decided after much indecision to make Alison Holsts chicken pie - the one with cooked potato slices on the bottom - you make it in a spring form round cake tin so for a very simple pie with very few ingredients it looks spectacular - travels well which was a bonus -the Grandad is going to do a few hours in the bakery - they are very uncomfortable about the Bakers salary continuing to be paid - but putting him on salary was the agreement to enable Robie hiring an overseas baker - the hours just dont suit most kiwi family Dads - of course who knew covid and a war would upset the apple cart
Found a little dairy in a box of my Dads stuff 1949 with compliments of The Joint Council Sick and Wounded Fund - wonder if it was the precursor to ACC - he only made only one entry he picked up 35 cows from Tutira station on Tuesday 1st then it must have been tossed aside -
Popeye my polio leg goes painfully bung quite often - the hospital gave me a walking stick with feet - hard to describe but it takes the weight off my sore leg and doesn’t end up making my other hip which compensates when I limp getting sore - not sure now how I got it maybe my GP - especially good going up and down steps
I see Monarch butterflies are facing extinction - my huge tree that came down in the wind would be covered in hundreds now - they don’t shelter in native trees -
Have the hook out and some lovely mohair might make myself a hat and scarf - got to kick myself into gear - spending to much time playing word games
Good afternoon.

There's a bit of sun showing, but it won't last ... a week of rain coming up! I shall try and get the sheets dry though Undecided

Dominion pudding, is that a steamed pudding? My mum was big on those when we were kids ... yum. I can't go past roast seasonable veges at this time of year .... yams, parsnip, kumara, pumpkin ....  Steamed broccoli with lemon juice and olive oil drizzled over a good side dish Smile

Vacuuming morning then baking ginger muffins after lunch, some to take over to Hamilton tomorrow for the family catchup visit. Yesterday I made peanut butter/saltana/roast peanut/sunflower seed cookies - I didn't think a good idea for the oldies' mouths hence another baking session today!

Nearly time for lunch and whatever else happens after the baking.

Enjoy the day all.
The old Edmonds book I think. It's a guess because the cover is long gone - it was my grandmother's copy and still has her notes in it. I have every intention of sending it off to Rose, but don't know what I would do without it!It is the best steamed pud recipe I have tried.

Btw, I have a trough of ranuncs blooming on my deck. Very pretty, but just lately the flowers have started to bend over. I was blaming the wind, but I have just spotted the culprits. The wax eyes are using them as resting posts while waiting for a turn at the apple in the whisk on the peach tree a metre or so away. No wonder the flowers are getting bendy!

No good deed goes unpunished it seems!

Oh! And popeye - when you make the pudding, my Dad had a trick with the leftovers. Next dinner, he taught Mum to cut them into wedges, dredge in sugar, and lightly sizzle in butter to caramalise and reheat. Gorgeous with leftover custard! Better watch your blood levels after that indulgence!
Yep it is in the Older Edmonds books.

I will be making it.

My stepfather used to gently fry fruit steamed pudding in butter and enjoy. He had a terribly bad Sweet Tooth lol.

And yes the Wax eyes have been using my Jonquills as a landing pad too.

I know the walking stick you mean Jan. MrP has one.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Raining here. Lucky I did washing yesterday.
Have been attempting another go at the workroom sorting out & discovered the containers aren't quite as large as they needed to be for what I'd intended to put in them, but all's not lost as they'll do for something else.
Have chucked out masses & masses of notes from years of study & came across a couple of books I'd made for two of them - I'd forgotten about them.
It took hours to get it all sorted into keeping & chucking up the gully categories, & the recycling is now full of old notes I won't need again - plus many, many essays!
I never have to write another one, which is very pleasing.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Must be contagious. I have laundry underway and I sugar soaped the kitchen cupboards. To the ceiling. (I wrapped a cloth around the scrubbing brush that has a handle, lol, so wasn't climbing too high!) But oh I feel so housewiferly!

I'm sure it will pass...
Pudding is on 1.25 hours and she will be done.

Resting the knee again..

Is it Dinner time yet? lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The cold does that to me too. I put oven chips on for lunch. I NEVER do that, but boy, they were yum.
(24-07-2022, 04:12 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The cold does that to me too. I put oven chips on for lunch. I NEVER do that, but boy, they were yum.

I learnt a loooong time ago.

If you are craving something. Have it. Cos if you decide to have something else you will just eat that and the craving isnt satisfied, so you have what you crave, thus you have eaten what you didnt need to.

Right Im off to make some custard and then ill take a photo lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile I hope you all enjoyed your yummies last night. The pie we made was so good, even if it was just savoury mince. I bought a family mince pie ages ago and it had cheese on top of the pastry so I suggested to MrK he grate some on ours. It made the pastry so crispy on top.

The wind has knocked down a tree across the road, no doubt our nieghbour will out with his chainsaw when the weather clears. You get so used to seeing things and now the tree is gone, it looks odd.

Our waxeyes use a branch of the magnolia tree to take turns at the food but I suspect they are getting brassed off with the sparrows. They are plucky little birds and stand their ground. I put a very soft kiwifruit out yesterday and more bird pudding out yesterday but looking at it now, it looks like everything needs to be replenished again.

Our friends gave us a kahawai as a thank you for looking after their dogs and cats over the weekend. MrK is going to prepare it for smoking and then pop it into the freezer until we have a fine day to smoke it. Yummmm, warm, freshly smoked kahawai is a favourite here.

A tablecloth I crocheted about 30 years ago has finally given up the ghost so it looks like my hooks have to come out again. I'm surprised it lasted that long but I remember I used Milford cotton which is a very good brand. I wonder if I used the same brand if it will last the distance this time.

Roma, the wind here is awful, take care when driving over the Kaimais today.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.  

It is blowy and wet outside ... surprise, surprise the sunshine was shortlived.

Will be staying put the next few days after having a family member visit on Saturday and testing Covid positive yesterday. Ironic (and ever so slightly annoying) that after all the precautions we take,  we may well get Covid in our own house  Sad We shall see  .... DH's work mate has just rung to say he has a cold but still testing C- ... exactly the scenario with a few we know that have ended up with it.  This 'thing' is everywhere. 

Righto, better get my cuppa and decide on the day 

Enjoy your day all.

Thought this might make you smile today Smile

Arrgg Roma, we were in the same position last week with a family member catching Covid.  Like you, we take all the precautions and are careful.  Fingers and everything crossed you both have negative results.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet and windy here. I did warn MrP that I might not go up. But seeing that my INR was high on Thursday they want me to test today as well. So Ill do both.

Love the wax eye busy having its Buffet Kiwimade. Gotta be quick to get photos of them.

Im getting more and more annoyed with my body. Mainly cos my knee was good all this time then now Ive lost weight its being an annoying little chit.

I sold the last of my eyelash yarn yesterday. Ive kept one bag, 3 balls I think of a pretty scarlet red. So thats one crate downsized.. !!!

Im going to try and give away the red couch we got that I love but MrP promptly broke. It needs love and attention that I cant give it now. I had a vision of the 70s red vynil, with a crochet blanket of red, orange yellow and brown. But thats not going to happen.

Saw some lovely larger sized patterns on the Pattern Postie place, Im very tempted to get . but will do some sales first. Its high time I actually measured myself and figure out what size I am. Buying / making the largest size isnt a great look anymore.

No weight loss this week but I haven't put any on so am still pleased. And considering that Im not as mobile as I usually am I think Im doing ok.

Have a fab day all. Stay warm and dry.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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