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You can never have enough...
(28-07-2022, 05:11 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: This is really worth the read. If not for this Winter, then for next...
Yeah, I've shared that around a bit today. Some good ideas there.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning everyone

The sun is trying to come through

Another slightly busy day on the cards.

Off to do my bloods and shopping, oh what fun.. But it used to be my social outing lol. Now most of the time I get enough to still be able to go through the self serve. Which I only use if they are busy.

Then back up to the home this afternoon for the music. And let MrP see my new look. I hope they got my message last night and gave him something stronger than paracetamol for his headache.

Then 2 days off to spend time for Madam and I lol.

Last night was the first time in at least 11 years but probably more than I slept with my hair down. I used to leave it ina pony tail or bun overnight lol.

Need to put a few things on Fb and have a bit of a tidy up over the weekend tho.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I want photos...

Red sky this morning, so I too will be off out and about for the usual. But yesterday I noticed buds on the clump of daffs in one of our gardens. So that means Spring is just out there over the horizon...

Can't wait!
Before I left home

Before the Scissors hit

Too the Left.. and I have a collar bone, haven't seen them for years lol

To the right

MrP has always like me with my hair up.. he's going to have to get used to seeing it down lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Great colour popeye, you were brave to let that length go! As I brush mine out each morning I wonder how it will feel to go back to short, because I probably will do that one day. But not yet, I am still really enjoying seeing it get longer and longer, and I rather like the way it has transitioned now to snow white.

I look like that archetypal witch at last.

Mr P's face should be worth watching, it is quite the update!
Good morning.

Sunshine and warm, hopefully a good day to get a couple of loads of washing dry.

Your hair was SO long Popeye, did you keep it? You won't know yourself with it gone ....a good choice, you look great  Smile I still have the long hair I had cut off and made into a switch when I was 13 .. blonde with natural highlights and it amazingly still smells like the shampoo from when it was cut.

Another negative covid test from me this morning. I would love to think I have dodged that bullet but am not breathing a sigh of relief just yet! I don't think I could be any more exposed to the virus, than I currently am! DH is much better and says he can swallow more easily today.

I have a pot of hyacinths that I see are budding and one just flowering. Nice to see new spring life for sure.

Time for morning coffee and then I will take pooch for a short walk (I will cross the road and walk on the grass to avoid the footpath).

Enjoy the day all.
morning ladies Smile A late start for me but I was blatting through the housework in the advert breaks while watching the Commonwealth games opening ceremony.

That's a wow! from me, popeye Smile Awesome transformation and I bet you feel so much better for it Smile Nice choice of colour too Smile

Great article, Lilith. When we did our house alterations a few years we made sure the curtains were from ceiling to floor. That 'puddling' the guy recommended was a definite 'no' from me though. Vacuming around them would be a nightmare. So they touch the carpet instead. The bedroom curtains are short but hang below the windowsills.

My hyacinths are in full bloom and I now have four tete a tete daffs out in the pot. Spring is nearly here, damit. Better stock up on nasal sprays and antihistamines. You have no idea how much I hate spring lol. And I heard there will be a higher than usual pollen count this time round. Oh yay, not!

Suns out, when MrK comes home from town I need to get petrol for the lawnmower. Forgot to ask him to take the container in and fill it before left. Will get the edges done in the meantime.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(28-07-2022, 11:36 AM)Venetian1 Wrote: All the discussion re lemons has enthused me to make a lemon slice which I haven’t made for years, it has a shortbread type base and you then pour a lemon mixture on top, has turned out well. The church is catering for a funeral tomorrow and I need to take a slice.

Not sure of the criteria but the anti-virals which some people can get free from the chemist are great if started early once covid hits. BiL who has numerous health issues took a course when his wife got covid and he dodged it, then he was in hospital for another medical condition and caught covid off a room mate so was given another course and he was virtually symptomless.  We were really worried as he has the potential to be very unwell with any infection.
Venetian if you are in Napier and you need lemons - I am in Marewa and have lots of lovely big lemons that are starting to fall off - easy picking the gardener took the top out of the tree which is perfect
That colour's good Popeye.

I wish mine would turn to white - you'd think that three teenage boys might have done it, but no. Still stubbornly mousy grey & mousy brown, dammit.

We have a few snowdrops & daffodils out here & there, & I think there may be a new little Rosemary just coming up but a bit early to be quite sure yet. Still tackling the workroom & came across some bits & pieces of fabric from sewing & dance costume making days which I'd forgotten about. Will have to think about what to do with them, might check with granddaughters first but I doubt any of them are into sewing.
The sun came out - hasn't been sighted for days so that's cheered things up a bit, too.Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Thank you Jan W but I have a large lemon tree which seems to produce lemons most of the year. The neighbours have free reign to get lemons whenever they want them. I also try and add a couple of cartons to the Lion’s (or is Rotary) collection that they send down south each year.
Same here Veronica - my tree is old and shed a huge amount of little ones so I thought this year pickings maybe lean but it’s loaded - I ring Fruit and Veggie rescue but since covid they seem to be short of volunteers - will watch out for the rotary collection
Beautiful afternoon isn’t it except for the wind - the monarchs are still arriving in huge numbers onto the shrub next door clinging on as each wind gust blows through
If I am unlucky enough to get the dreaded covid I certainly will be using that drug - your relation was lucky indeed
I scoot past a gate on my travels, where the homeowner has put a bright yellow plastic basket, and filled it with citrus for passers by to help themselves. It is fairly full in the mornings, but usually empty when I pass by on the way home a couple of hours later. Obviously a few people appreciate the kindness...
A lemon tree is the one fruit tree I could never be without. My last tree was large and supplied lemons all year, it continually flowered and fruited and I would cut into one and discard the rest  Sad  Now, I cut into a precious lemon and use it piece by piece from the fridge! Lucky you OHH, round here there is a price on lemons at the gate!

The resting monarchs must be a sight to behold JanW.
We used to have a tree that was always loaded. Mum said it was a healthy tree if it had ripe lemons, green lemons and flowers all the time.

I dont use alot but if I need them I can generally get them from the Oppy, they keep a basket to help yourself from.

Well He said nothing about my hair.. I wasn't expecting anything to be honest cos I know he likes me with it up and I didn't put it up lol

Its funny cos I was thinking last night, someone else had their hair the same way and it wasn't until I got home before that it was MrP's Mum. I never met her but he has a photo of her and its a shade shorter than mine. So thats probably why he didnt say anything. Ill ask him later when I ring.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another showery day today by the looks of it.

Our lemon tree is loaded too. Roma, let me know when you are passing next and if we have any left, you can have some. I saw the price of lemons in the supermarket the other day and thought that was ridiculous. Bit like feijoas when they are in season and you see the price.

Men, eh, popeye. MrK never mentions it either when I have my hair cut. I could go bald and he wouldn't say a thing lol.

Today I have a little bit of sanding to do in the bathroom. MrK is doing a small repair and it will need painting and sealing. Luckily we have paint left over from when I painted the inside of the house so no problem with matching the colour and using the oil based paint first. It will mean a trip to Mitre 10 for the sealant to use on the edges though. We're hoping this will tide us over until we can do our bathroom renovations.

The Furry One got extra close to another rabbit yesterday. You would think those rabbits would learn not to stick around, wouldn't you. And last night he chased a possum off. He's a really good boy!

I should have some time to start the other side of the tote bag today. The butterflies are all drawn onto the fabric. It shouldn't take as long this time as it will be stem stitch only and that is much quicker.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all

Having a wee lie in but its time to move.

Popeye your new haircut and colour looks great.

A bit tired yesterday DD took both of us to have nails done her a pedicure and me a manicure its been a while since my nails  have looked nice.
Got back and one front knitted of a prem sized cardi yesterday as it looks like the baby will need to be delivered early.

Couldn't be without our lemon tree would mind a lime but we havent been successful so far. Our latest attempt is a llime grafted onto lemon stock it is growing and looking very healthy just no fruit yet

Well must move enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

A sunny one here so far. Chilly too.

Looks like we are going well in the cycling at the games.

Our power went off last night just under half way through The Repair Shop, I really wanted to see the chair finished. Didnt come back on till after 10pm.

Thankfully I had a large print book I started ages ago when we had the planned cut. So sat there by torchlight reading lol.

A bit of light housework today for me and Ill try and catch the replays of the sports to keep up with our Team.. And I like to tease my Aussie friend if we are playing each other.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Just back from a walk and saw 2 people watering their gardens. Pity we can’t even out the weather over the country a bit.
As well as the lemon tree I have a lemonade which is loaded this year. I really like them for just eating like an orange.
Venetian my neighbour has his sprinkler on his precious lawn he is very pedantic about it - yesterday was warm and today is going to be much the same except for the wind but my garden isn’t dry enough to water . Lemonade are really refreshing- we had a big tree when we lived at a Bay View
The butterflies are back - am wasting a lot of time watching them - yesterday several native bumble bees arrived - whatever the shrub is it is certainly a smorgasbord- the little ax eyes love it as well.I tried to ask my neighbour about it but her husband - who is a really nice bloke - continually talks over her - will wait until I can get her on her own .i put the photo of it covered in butterflies on one of the veggie Facebook pages I belong to and several people have asked if I can get seeds when it stops flowering
Glad I brought my old boys pot of freesias inside I can smell their perfume all over the house
I spent the morning emptying one of our compost bins, and then lifted a peach tree seedling to put it its very rich composted spot. With luck no one will object, and with even more luck the baby will take and provide blossom and fruit for the future. One thing though, emptying those things is a job and a half. I feel as if I have well and truly earned my coffee today!

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