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You can never have enough...
(16-08-2022, 09:46 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: This getting up early is a bit dire. It isn't even 10am and already I have started on the housework. I even went up and retrieved the recycling bin AND scrubbed it out AND did a bit of weeding on the way back.

This is exactly why I started the Stay in Bed Til Eleven rule. All this activity gives quite the wrong impression to my neighbours...

Update... Batteries ordered but have not arrived so cannot be delivered and installed today. I am considering throwing a small tantrum, but may just postpone that till the groceries are delivered, and then drown my sorrows in a rare second glass before dinner.

Hashtagsadfaceemoji lol...

Oh that's disappointing. Hope they dont take too long OHH
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good afternoon - I agree it is a beautiful day Venetian - the monarchs are back today it’s so warm .
We had a wonderful send off for my lovely old Aunt - at the Eskdale church which is on the outskirts of Napier - you may have noticed it if any of you have come down the Napier Taupo Road -my Dad was a great diary keeper so I delved back into the years of her growing up - he wrote with much pain when his sister her mother was killed - she was one of four under five - a kerosene iron blew up she was using and she was knocked unconscious and smothered - their father was ploughing the field completely oblivious - he talked about the 4 children coming to live with his Mum - when my Aunt turned 12 my grandfather decided she was old enough to drive the tractor - my Dad remarked in his dairy the wheels on the tractor were bigger than her .Absolute icing on the cake my Mum gave my Dads bagpipes to a family of very talented pipers and one of them played Dads pipes at her service - boy that had the tissue boxes going
I will miss here she was one of those people who always saw the good in people
I read quite a few diary’s the other night finding bits and pieces for the service had a laugh - he wrote “upset Chum (that’s what he called my Mum )today - opened the new depot big occasion Norm Kirk and James Wattie in attendance for the official opening - the village are impressed with the parliamentary car with a flag on the front and Kirk is having trouble getting in the depot everybody wants to shake his hand - this is revolutionary and if James Wattie is as successful as he thinks he is going to be I am going to have to buy 10 trucks - my contract is to distribute his cans country wide .The three of us sat round talking - we were supposed to go to Napier for lunch - I happened to mention that I lived just a few doors down so Kirk suggested we should go have a cuppa at home instead of heading off to town - the look on Chums face as we came through the door damn near struck me dead - she was stoking the range pushing a bit of wood in with her foot - lucky a pot of soup was bubbling away - I think Kirk just enjoyed a bit of reality - the kids had no idea who they both were - they are so used to drivers being at the table sharing their Mothers soup - will tell them one day if James Wattie is as successful as he thinks he is going to be that he ate their mothers soup - Chums still not speaking -
His diaries are amazing - a trucking historian borrowed them and recorded all the details of the industry as my Dad was prominent in the growth of trucking - it worries me they should be in safe storage
Most museums have a social historian on staff. That is one way to ensure these precious family records are kept, conserved and archived for the future.
Did the dreaded groceries this morning; while waiting at the checkout, there was a chap who was loudly asking everyone how much they thought his groceries would cost. I finished mine & went outside & there he was, brandishing three bags of groceries. He asked how much I thought they'd cost so I said about $100, but no he said $140, then went off further down the street & asked someone else the same thing. No idea what their estimate was but he told her that his cost $160!

Managed to get a bit more weeding/digging done out there, blasted twitch everywhere so took a while, won't be doing much else today.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
One of my neighbours just brought me dinner. We have this habit of sharing stuff whenever we make it in one of the massively oversized pie dishes from the New World promotion. On Saturday he got peach and apple shortcake from my oven, today I got curried chicken pie. Unexpected yummies are always a lovely surprise.

Fun thing is he sneaks round the back and up the stairs so my nextdoor doesn't spot him. She made the mistake of asking where hers was last time we did a trade, so now she's in his bad books, lol. Doesn't take much to offend in this wee community!
Hunni I will contact the museum the diaries covering just after the war - many returned soldiers settled on farms and my Dad picked their stock up to take to the works - some of the stories are pretty harrowing - I remember often the farmers couldn’t pay so they would pay him with half a mutton which also had to feed the drivers - my mother used to make great big dishes of sliced tomatoes onion topped with either potatoes or scones - cooked in the coal range just simply yummy - not good for our diets but it filled us all up - the drivers used to get a chop or two
Robie hit a milestone at the supermarket today since January 1st 100,000 under 16s caught shoplifting - the police wont come if it’s under $50 so it’s like a revolving door - he offers everyone of them an after school job no takers unfortunately-
You'll laugh Jan - just to top off my day I realised too late I hadn't finished the online order process and have no wine to drown my sorrows. Still, batteries promised for tomorrow morning, and groceries early afternoon, so by Thursday all should be back to normal. My dinner delivering neighbour empathised with my frustration - he was down at the supermarket at 8am doing his big shop, got to the counter and found all deliveries closed off because two drivers were off sick. So he came home rather heavily laden, fortunately for a 76 year old he is pretty fit! My silliness in not completing the online order was probably a saving grace for the guys in their little red van!

Always a silver lining in there somewhere...
morning ladies Smile What a rough night we had last night with huge wind and rain.

Great reading, Jan. Thanks for sharing that piece from the diaries. I remember Norman Kirk and remember having a day off school for his funeral. And I think Mr Watties would be amazed at how big his brand is now. I agree with OHH, museums should be able to help you or otherwise your local Historical Society. Just make sure you have receipts of some sort as my mother-in-law donated a piece for the Auckland Museum and when she wanted it back, they couldn't find it.

I keep meaning to upload the photos of the bag I sewed, will do that sometime today. It's quite a handy size so will be useful. And I've decided to keep it lol.

Today I hope to plan my next piece of embroidery. I'm not sure what it will be so may even surprise myself. Over the next week we will be pretty busy with family stuff so I may not be posting as often.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning ladies
Wet in Auckland today. The last day of our fabric shopping trip. We are having a ball.

Diaries are so interesting to read definately worth saving.

Time to move
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Grey outside but very warm.  We await the rain which we hope is not too harsh on the fertilised and newly seeded patches on the lawn!

Those diaries are fascinating Jan and their history relate to all of us.  I still have a few of my dad's which mainly include mundane daily farm life interrupted a few times when my mum would get dropped off at the local maternity home to give birth while he went back to continue with the farm work! 

Good on you for keeping the bag KM  I would have found that one hard to give up!

It sounds as if you are having a fun and busy shopping time in Auckland Mica  Smile

Fingers crossed the batteries are on their way OHH!

Hairdresser today ... looking like an inside day so will be able to find enough to do.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Wet here but not raining at the mo. And not so cold.

I love reading old diary's... I have copies of the letters my Grandmother sent home, when she was on the ship from England to here.. I love the way she wrote .

Good on you for keeping the bag Kiwimade. Sometimes we need to stop and have something we have made for ourselves.

Have fun shopping Mica...

Fingers crossed for your batteries OHH.

I too will be busy over the weekend with my friend coming to stay. But I need down time so will pop in when I can.

My pattern has been dispatched..

The Money from the lawnmower has cleared finally... He kept harping on at me to change my feedback, So I did to a very simple.. "Completed to Both Parties satisfaction"

He text and said the spark plug was flooded. I told him I wasnt interested in knowing what was wrong as we had followed the instructions he had text to me. So hopefully now I wont hear from him at all. I must blacklist him now.

Will now see if my local Mitre10 has one or can get one in for me.

A list of jobs today for me. So Ill get things wrapped up here

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That mention of mums getting dropped off as an interruption to work made me smile. One of my Mums favourite stories was about her in the ambulance, siren blarring, going past the factory where she spotted her Dad, her brothers and my Dad lounging around outside in the sun for smoko and watching her whizz past, entirely unaware that I was on the way...

Home phones were a luxury back then.
MrP's sister was pretty fast at having her kids.

One was 5 minutes of decent contractions and was born in the ambulance in the middle of a hydro dam lol.. He was number 4 of 7 lol.

Friend may be here tomorrow, so we are winging dinner and will buy something when she gets here.

I had 11 jobs on my list this morning. All done but one. And that's cos I have to do it on here lol

So I had a bacon buttie for my reward.

Im pressed with the bacon. I buy the bacon pieces packs for $3-50ish. It has 350 grams. and this pack were pretty much all rashers rather than bits. It did 3 nice and thick bacon butties. So worth every cent.

Now to do winz forms arghhh but needs are a must.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
My sister had hers easily, like shooting pips my Mum used to say. Unfortunately I didn't share that gene, and neither did my daughter. But boy her'n me made gorgeous kids. Uncontrollable fiends, but great lookers, lol.
I now own a matching set of orange and black Tonka Toys lol.

Well that's what they feel like compared to some of the lawnmowers I've used in the past lol.

Have to wait for it to fine up before I brave the lawns, dont want to have any "Free Buzz's" just for the sake of the lawn.

Winz forms only took a couple of minutes, so I am pleased to have done everything on my list.

My sister made Good looking boys.

I remember taking a Thai friend and a couple of her friends to Rotorua once. And we popped in to see my sisters eldest son who was working at French bakery. Him being 6'5" with long curly hair is rather a Dish.

Walked out and the girls asked if we was really related to me and went on about how much of a hunk he was lol... He's part Maori so a beautiful skin tone too..

I was sooo proud lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Old letters & diaries are a great source of social history, & often very enjoyable reading. A friend & I years ago well before computers & FB, used to write to each other fairly frequently, & I recently found some of hers which she'd given me to look after while she was travelling. Sent them back to her; she'd forgotten about them & on reading some, said she was a very different person all those years ago. And I suppose we all are, really.

Have done more weeding & digging plus dropped off a pair of boots to be stretched - very annoying that sizes have been changed. I take a 7 & find that sometimes a 37 fits well, other times a 38 is needed. I bought two pair size 37 years ago but as they only had one colour in stock, they posted the other pair & they've always been slightly too tight despite being the same size as the other pair, which fit very well so I hope the stretching is successful. I have some spray shoe stretcher but it only last a short while.

Eldest grandson was in such a hurry, he was born here, rather than them being able to get to hospital - AND on his cousin's second birthday! Not sure she's ever forgiven him, either. DIL has very fast labours, lucky thing.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Batteries in, scoot inspected, bits oiled, tightened, and tested and I found the recommended tyre air thingie on TM at half the retail, so all'n all quite a good day. So long as no one outbids me...

Of course now the forecast is for deluges till Christmas so who knows when I'll get in a bit of hooning... Fortunately wine has been delivered, so sorrows can be drowned and cat fed. All is right with my world again...
Excellent news - look out world! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Woahhh what a storm we are having! I guess you will be house bound for a few more days OHH.

I've been thinking about Jan's earlier post about the shop lifters at her son's supermarket. That's a horrific amount of people caught, and a horrific amount of goods stolen (the cost which we all pay eventually one way or another.) It's a shame those kids never took the job offers; it could have been the start of something positive for them. I wonder if it's the 'thrill' of not being caught as much as anything and that 'you can't touch me' attitude.

Yesterday I set my embroidery frame up ready for stitching. Big Grin It takes around two hours to do so I needed some 'me time' to do it. Now to decide what to embroider.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet but no where near anything those in the south are having.

A friend rang last night to say her son had been in a car accident, he's lucky , no broken bones but he has a nasty cut around his eye area and not sure how much gravel rash, they will put him out today and clean him up.. Sadly tho it wasn't an accident. He actually jumped from a moving vehicle. He has Asperger's and other things and was angry cos the people he was with wouldn't take him where he wanted to go, so he jumped. Not having the capacity to realise the consequences of his actions.

I told her to give him a hug from me but also smack his butt. I was immediately attached to him from the first time I met him. In the same way that one of MrPs nephews is "my Boy" even tho he's only about 7 years younger than me and when I met him he came with his own set of complications.

So I imagine he will be feeling very sorry for himself today.

Im off to the Drs this morning. I just want to see if things can be tested and we can see what we can do to sort my pain out.

My friend could be here today.

The Plumber is coming this afternoon to have a look at the shower.. Yay lol.

Stay safe and dry everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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