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You can never have enough...
Yes, that happens. My Mum had a best friend who wanted to visit her, I suggested she just hold onto the memories. It was kinder than telling her Mum had completely lost all recollection of her along with all those years.
morning ladies Smile It looks like the weather is trying to clear, thank goodness for that.

Today I will attempt to get washing dry outside, I somehow think the drier will be used again.

We have been donating our excess lemons to the local bar and they have a kind of swap meet where people can swap their excess citrus for other varieties or just take some free fruit. MrK say yeah, right, watch people take heaps, but nope, people have only been taking what they need. Just shows there are good people out there.

Dementia is very cruel. MrK's brother-in-law had it and he was so frustrated by it. He knew what he wanted to say and you could see the memory was 'just there' but he couldn't quite get to it.

More whanau stuff today and maybe I can decide what to embroider.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It’s sunny and warm! Had just enough rain yesterday to keep the garden happy.

Off to do some painting this am - house walls not pictures lol.
Have made cheese puffs from an old recipe, for morning tea they smell good so hope taste good too.
I think today might just involve a little hooning! Just as well, because the cat food that came in the delivery does not agree with herself. 5am clean ups are not my ideal start to the day. But if it is fine, even that isn't the end of the world.

I spent last evening not watching a Netflix thing while I tore up ten years of paperwork. That is one thing the internet has been good for, we do not need seven years of phone bills anymore. I am slowly but surely clearing out the storage boxes from under the bed, any day now I will be able to vacuum under there! Dust bunnies beware!
Morning everyone

The day is a little brighter here. Which is awesome as we are shopping today.

Dementia is very cruel and I think people need to let themselves off about going to see them when you know its going to hurt.

The oppy had a big box of lemons yesterday so I like to grab a couple now and then.

Have an awesome day everyone... Ill be back when I'm broke lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I'm in shock - there's sun out there, shining! Have hung out the washing which was festooning the back porch & airing cupboard, hoping for the best. It rained during the night so I wasn't hopeful it would be fine.
And the wretched grass has grown again, dammit.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Oh boy, full power up hill! What a confidence boost that little trip was! Even with the threat of rain, groceries and library all done. The scoot is back to her usual miracle self...
(20-08-2022, 04:32 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Oh boy, full power up hill! What a confidence boost that little trip was! Even with the threat of rain, groceries and library all done. The scoot is back to her usual miracle self...
Woohoo, go the scoot!  Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile We had sunshine for all of five minutes Big Grin Hopefully everyone can dry out over the next few days, especially those in the South Island.

Good to hear you are scooting out and about, OHH Big Grin I agree, the longer anyone can be independent the better. And there are helpful gadgets around you can use that can make life easier too.

Still no embroidery done, not even a decision on what to stitch.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Still raining here I am envious of those who have sun

OH glad that you can hoon again Big Grin

Had old school friend pop in yesterday to talk about sewing machines.

Then I made happy birthday bunting for DGD. Her first birthday party today.

 This afternoon will be spent doing the reading for two meetings I have.

Must move need to have my breakfast

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

We didn't really have sun but very little rain so that was good.

We were both had it when we got home. but I got 6 dresses and a Lovely snuggly top from the warehouse. We realised this morning that we didnt pay full price for any of our clothes, apart from my Gummies.

Oh my Gummies look like patent Leather with a good glossy shine and clear soles lol.

A quiet day today as Im cooking the huge piece of lamb she brought up. will do full roasties etc. Might even manage to find some mint for her peas in the garden.

Glad the Scoot is on Top form OHH.. If I hear of any scooters getting speeding tickets Ill know who it is lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunny and warm ... perfect. A good weekend to be making the most of being outside  Smile

Baby blanket finished and will think of the next project for idle hands.

Good to be able to be out hooning on your powered up scooter again OHH!

A successful shop Popeye. I need to get in early for 'something to wear' for a 2x canceled wedding that's finally happening in November  Blush

Enjoy the day all.
The sun's out so when we came back from our walk I did a bit in the garden - only a little bit but may get more done later on with luck.
Its almost warm out there.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Cheese cake is made.

Lamb or hogget I reckon it is in in cooking.

New clothes hung, a thin out of all the too big stuff, alot still unworn with their tags on. But my friend tried the dress that she got yesterday too, same as one I got but as I knew it was miles to tight so I have both now.

She has wardrobe envy lol.. I have a walk in one lol

Time for us to do our games and rest our Bones.

We are considering going to Papakura tomorrow and hopping on the train. And will go to Auckland, have something to eat and then catch one back. Need to do my homework on here first.

Its a stunning day here now.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Summery day here - it’s about 22 now but clouds are starting to build up.

Yum Hogget Popeye, not so easy to get these days and a lot more flavour than lamb.

The back unit is up for rental again, I checked on line they call it a 3 bedroom house although really only 2 ½ bedrooms as one room only just fits a single bed and the rent is $550 which is over $200 increase over the past 3 years - a real rip off as there is nothing new having been done to it. There’s an interesting range of people looking at it.
morning ladies Smile Sun's rising and it looks like it will be a lovely day, thank goodness!

Yesterday we had a picnic lunch. It was so warm we were sitting there with our coffee in t shirts Smile So nice to be out and about.

Hopefully today you can do more hooning, OHH.

The Furry One came close to catching that damed rabbit yesterday, better luck for today!

The last of the aggies go into the wheelie bin today Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Talk about a work in progress lol but the worst is over. Only the stubborn ones growing in the asphalt close to the fence to go. It will be so good to see the end of them.

Still no decision on what to embroider next.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good Morning everyone

Looks like it might be another nice day today.

Its my friends Birthday today so we are going out to lunch. To Happy Days Smorgie in Manurewa. But we will pop up to KMart before lunch. Just for a sneak at the clothes.. Im turning into a clothes fiend lol.

The Hogget was beautiful yesterday. And there's heaps left. So I suspect dinner tonight will be a meat sammie, but very late lol..

MrP told me last night that his legs locked and he couldn't walk, so the Dr will see him today hopefully. I will see him tomorrow and take him a meat sammie and some cheesecake I made yesterday.

Have a fab day everyone.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning all
no rain but drab overcast day boo!
Cant be too bad as K9s are asking for a walk

Meeting this afternoon, reading dome  Big Grin

Little person birthday party  yesterday which was fun Cool

DD has just arrived with DGD so that's the morning activity spoken for

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Nice day again

Washing done and hung out earlyish so nearly dry. Have been into town for a few errands, visited 2 people and now coffee and then hopefully can potter in garden this pm.  Smile
After pruning I layered up the front bed with homemade compost, it needed it being dry and shaded under the eaves. But the local cat population find it very convenient... So I have added wire netting. Dig through that you little sods...

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