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You can never have enough...
(26-08-2022, 12:41 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Pity we don't live closer, I just took a roller bin down to the underhouse to stash till next time I need it. Going to try vacking under the bed today. Should be interesting considering my lack of bendability, lol..

And the washing is on, a couple of odd jobs in the garden done, slow but sure gets there in the end!
Well I had a sudden rush of blood to the head & mowed the dreaded back lawn. And then like the idiot I clearly am, I got the veg for tonight's veg sausage & veg casserole done.
Feeling ever so virtuous - & knackered - now. Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Dinner prep also done, but I must admit your talk of editing old art school stuff has played on my mind. Guilt perhaps. So now the recycling bin is full of that stuff and I have a vast pile of good untouched papers to pass on to some impecunious art student...

Conscience cleared.
(26-08-2022, 05:26 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Dinner prep also done, but I must admit your talk of editing old art school stuff has played on my mind. Guilt perhaps. So now the recycling bin is full of that stuff and I have a vast pile of good untouched papers to pass on to some impecunious art student...

Conscience cleared.
It must be catching! I must have chucked out at least a dozen essays & very glad to see the back of the damned things too.

I do intend to go through the drawings/printing, paintings & continue the pruning when I can.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile At least the rain has stopped for now.

There is nothing more satisfying than biffing or getting rid of clutter. Well done ladies on your efforts Smile

There is still half a pile (maybe less) of the mulch to move. It was just too wet to move it all yesterday although I did a few wheelbarrow loads in between some showers. Hopefully today I can make one big effort and get it done. The lawn needs mowing badly too and I am hoping to get that done today or tomorrow. Depends how well I go with this mulch.

We have an appointment with an optician for MrK next week. At least he will then be 'in the system' for his cataracts. He's had one eye done around seven years ago but now his other eye is so bad he has lost confidence driving. And next year he has to resit his licence as he turns 80. The sooner we get onto things the better.

There are two rabbits hopping happily around the garden keeping the Furry One busy. They are either very brave or very stupid as the Furry One will catch them eventually.

Still no decisions on my next embroidery, there's no hurry.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Still wet here and was a bit nippy outdoors yesterday.

DH had a friend over yesterday talking and playing with watercolours. Our friend is keen to start painting.
I  made a prem sized merino bodysuit it is so small. I will pop that over to their house along with the finished vest today.

K9 sitting for DD big k9 this morning he is full on and gets very excited when he comes here.there will be muddy paws on my clean floor. Why did I wash it yesterday Shy

No plans s for today we will see what transpires.

You lot with you sorting out making me think about spring cleaning. I will think about it for a while longer Big Grin

Enjoy you day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good idea. This sorting out business and the resulting chaos is discomfiting. I am not a diligent housekeeper by any means, but in a tiny space piles of this that and the other are a challenge to normal activity. I am abandoning house later this morning and going to visit one of my ladies. She has one of those white villas on a huge garden section, the house filled with interesting collections so it will be a pleasure to be able to stretch my personal space beyond my own arms. And not watch where I am stepping! Still, I will go via the little bus stop free library on the way and drop off some of those art supplies, I'm sure there'll be a family in the area happy to scoop them up for recycling. It is going to be a good day for scooting, weatherwise, so I shall take advantage!
Good morning everyone

The sun is out today.. hopefully it will help dry up the yard.

Erin came around yesterday for a fitting on the dress. She too has lost weight and the dress is a tiny size 14.. But she has boobs ( Lucky tart ) lol so we need to stretch it a little.

So I sat and took out the zip and split the other side. Sent her a text and said Your Dress is Officially broken, but like the 6 million dollar man, We can rebuild it lol.

We are going to do a ceremonial trashing of my new gummies lol... we need to press the dirt back into the holes where the wheels got stuck. And my boots look like patent leather with these cools clear soles. So we will "Play" in the mud. Lol

Went up to see the music yesterday. They did some new songs which is good. Ended up staying talking to Bobbie mainly, until nearly 5 pm. I had to tell MrP to lift his head up and stop talking to the floor if he wants me to hear anything he says.
Didn't comment on my new outfit. And didn't say a thing when I showed him my impressive bruise on my leg. I'm obviously still in the bad books.

But Im going to hold my head high... As of this morning I've lost 43 kilos. Im starting to feel wonderful. I have my pain and a cope able level. And Im not going to feel guilty about doing things for me anymore.

I will go up tomorrow and cut his hair and tidy him up. And Tuesday I will don my wedding dress and Visit the grumpy one. Whether he wants me to or not.

Once I have done some on the dress Im going to get the brand new with Tags tops out from my wardrobe and list them. They have gone from being too small to too big and I might as well sell them and see what else comes out for summer.

Im loving that dresses are Back.. that frills are back and I am Back. !!!

Have an Awesome day everyone

(27-08-2022, 08:18 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Good idea. This sorting out business and the resulting chaos is discomfiting. I am not a diligent housekeeper by any means, but in a tiny space piles of this that and the other are a challenge to normal activity. I am abandoning house later this morning and going to visit one of my ladies. She has one of those white villas on a huge garden section, the house filled with interesting collections so it will be a pleasure to be able to stretch my personal space beyond my own arms. And not watch where I am stepping! Still, I will go via the little bus stop free library on the way and drop off some of those art supplies, I'm sure there'll be a family in the area happy to scoop them up for recycling. It is going to be a good day for scooting, weatherwise, so I shall take advantage!

I still gather craft stuff and periodically put a post up on FB to give to someone who needs stuff to entertain kids.  Saves it going into landfill. and gets recycled at least one more time before the end of its life.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I thought of you and your TM mower yesterday, when I opened the parcel with my little air compressor gun inside to discover the battery broken and reglued in places, the promised AC connection missing, and only one nozzle included, so completely useless to me. To the point email immediately launched into cyberspace to the seller who came back deeply apologetic, full of excuses, and agreed to full refund plus return shipping. Damn the woman, she must have known it was a rip off, hard to miss a battery pack that rattles as you pack it, surely. And as she is rural I have to physically post it back, so frustrating.

Still, I don't often get taken in by idiots like her so I shall swallow my annoyance and let it go. Funny thing though, checking online I find the same gun with two batteries, new, for half the Mitre 10 price, and a few dollars less than I paid for this box of rubbish! Funny how it didn't show up the first time I did my online research for these things! Must be a recent price drop. But guess what I'll be buying come Super Tuesday!
Oh OHH that sucks.

I hope you can get it sorted.

The seller text me yesterday, saying that I cant have followed his instructions properly as the mower started fine now.

I told him I had changed feedback, The deal is complete. And any further texts or emails will be considered at Harassment and I would contact the police. Hopefully that will shut him up.

He doesn't seem to understand that sometimes there are lemons.

He just doesn't like to be told by a female that he sold a lemon.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
mulch has been moved Big Grin Big Grin I had it in my head there would be 25 wheelbarrow loads (8 buckets each load) and I would finish around 10.00am. There were 24 and I finished at 10.15 Big Grin I love working stuff out like that, it keeps me motivated.

Buggar about the battery, OHH. Yep, she would have known it was broken.

Kettles boiled, time for a well earned cuppa Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good afternoon. 

The day has turned out sunny and warm as I sit outside watching the visiting dog hoon around,  my tripod watching on  Smile

Good job done KM, I'm the same ... work things out so I can count down and see an end in sight  Big Grin

Bu@@er OHH ... I hope you get your TM issue sorted soonish. There's always that 'what if' at the back of your mind when trading, especially if there's any delay in the communication process.

Baking done,  plan to take the day as it comes and hope the night goes well with extra 'guest'!

Enjoy the day all.
Happy mud pie paddling, Popeye. Smile

Hunni, I hope the air compressor gun issue gets sorted quickly, that sounds as if either the trader has tried to pull a swifty or its somehow broken en route, which seems unlikely.
I almost bought a DVD on TM from Mighty ape yesterday (have used them previously with no problems) until I noticed that they're charging $10 for courier to SI while the NI is only around the $5 mark, with more for rural. Cheeky sods, so I got it elsewhere.

I got the front lawn done today, then a little bit of weeding but came in as the wind is freezing out there & the sun's disappeared again.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Nippy out there unless you are sheltered but had a lovely lunch and came home loaded with my friend's discards. She collects blue and white china, as do I but she has the resources to pick up much better pieces. I now have a lovely bonsai bowl, so will have to repot my ginkgo to go onto a plastic pot that will fit this beauty. I really should get a bonsai master to sort out that tree, it is an 'amateur disaster' form, but still alive after nearly 50 years so I can't be too bad at looking after it. Every winter I wait to see if I have killed it, and they aren't long lived even when not tortured into a root bound hell, so fingers crossed it survives to enjoy this very pretty new home.

It will look so good on my little deck table...
I haven't done my Mud Pies yet lol..

Hopefully it will still be good tomorrow.

But I have done the dress. So tricky when you have black and white contrast and as a turn over on the top. But she is happy with it.
By the time I got the lining hand stitched together I couldn't see to thread the needle threader lol. So Ill do the wrap tomorrow.

The home rang 30 odd minutes ago, MrP had a very low sugar and felt faint so they did all the needed to. And he is feeling better now.

Its time they learnt that some of their meals are not fit for human consumption. Apparently the meat was so tough no one ate it in the dining room.

But He's feeling better now.

They have a meeting for the residents on Wednesday that family are NOT invited to. Its about covid. Im going to try and talk to the Area manager on Monday. I know for a fact that Bobbie wont understand any of it and MrP doesn't always listen properly and gets confused to.

Lol Kiwimade I do the numbers thing too. My worst habit at the mo is making words on the digital clock in my bedroom and working out different number facts and runs that happen at different times

Now.. Do I buy more clothes or stock up on Missy Supplies with my sewing earnings lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile The suns out and birds are chatting away. It's going to be a lovely day.

I had a rubbish nights sleep last night. Lots of tossing and turning, body aches and high temperature. Took some panadol (a rarity for me) around 4.00am and this broke the high temperature. Am feeling a bit washed out this morning. Done a RATs and negative so must be just a bug I picked up. A couple more panadol with my coffee and I should start feeling better soon. I somehow suspect the lawn won't be mowed today though.

Congratulations to the Pumas with their historic win over the All Blacks.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Not sure what today will be like weather wise.

KM hope you feel better soon - have a restful day

House tidy this morning and will make anther all in one small merino for DGD it is possible she will be home today.

The two male k9s have me pinned to my bed but I need to move they won't  Big Grin

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I have a cat who serves as my alarm clock. I was reluctant this morning and got jumped on, bitten, and clawed, as well as yelled at, but I did manage to resist all bullying until 8am. Not bad considering it started at 6.30...

I hope that bug clears KM, I too hit the panadol last night, and filled a hot water bottle at 1am. I had a bout of restless legs driving me nutty and keeping the sleep away, but that is a sure cure for me. I guess the heat draws the circulation down or something.

It is looking good out there weatherwise, so I may get enthusiastic after Q&A and do a bit more sorting out. Or maybe just make something yummy in the baking sphere and laze the day away in the sun. We shall see how the mood drives me...
Morning everyone

A stunner here today.

Going to be a pity Ill be inside for most of it.

Had a call from the home last night. MrPs sugar levels went down and he felt faint. Turns out he didn't eat lunch, not many did, they need Diamond teeth for chewing the meat or Boot Leather as he called it. So I told him off and said if he doesn't eat their food he has plenty within reach.

Im going up to cut his hair, tidy his face and probably trim his nails. So I wont be much use later.

Erin was a wonder for me yesterday and vacuumed and washed the kitchen and front door tiles for me.. I will whip through the cupboard doors in the kitchen and Evict the poor defenceless spiders out the front door. I dont mind them being on the house, they keep the flies down. but ya front door is meant to make a statement.. 2 more months and it would be perfect lol.

Im afraid I was the bully this morning and gently removed the Furry weight on the bed. I had lots of cuddles when the temp dropped. She comes to my side and tries to pull the blankets down so she can sleep on me. Im slowly putting the blankets further over her butt.

Ill do the wrap tomorrow. the fingers are complaining a little from the hand sewing. But I do enjoy hand sewing. and loved the fact that cos the dress is fully lined it hides any mess you make, or the ack of need of overlocking and tidying things up at least.

Hope you feel better soon Kiwimade. I think its the first time Ive heard you mention not feeling well other than Sinus.. And they are starting to take on the load already.

Such good news to hear the precious wee one may be going home today Mica. She must be doing well.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Gorgeous sunny day, plan to make the most of it despite bleary eyes.

Another who had a crappy sleep and not because of dog visitor but the party behind ours, can't win sometimes Angry A quiet day for a few of us in here. 

Good news baby may come home Mica.

Enjoy the day all.
popeye, I don't get sick very often but when I do, I tend to get really sick. The last time was when I had tonsilitis and it took three weeks to recover. The first week was spent in bed with massive doses of penicillin. I have never been so sick and even MrK was getting worried.

What wonderful news, mica Heart I bet everyone is getting excited now Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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