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You can never have enough...
I had my tonsils out in my late teens at the Mater Hospital, nursed at times by my great aunt Norah, who was Sister Mary Julian of the Sisters of Mercy. She brought me extra ice cream despite the fact I was in an adult ward, I got the kids menu because of her influence and was suitably grateful. She was a stunning woman, like me widowed very early, and found the discipline of being a nun very challenging, but she stuck with it till the day she died. One of my heroes...
I hope the bug beetles off swiftly KM, that can't be much fun.
Excellent news Mica - lots of spoiling in store for the wee one.

Have had an invitation to youngest grandson's partner's 21 next December - probably I won't go but it was sweet of her to invite me. She's lovely & physically gorgeous too, & fits in well with the whanau. They've been together since they were both about 15 & still at high school; he was going out with another girl at the time but got on the bus one day & there was his present partner. And that was that - you hear of these 'love at first sight' things but I'd always though it was a load of cobblers. Six years later & they're still together.

My friend who has breast cancer has good news; they seem to have got it all so just a bit of radiation needed & she should be fine, so really pleased for her. Now she can concentrate on being a Gran. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I walked into a room in a house I had never been in before, looked straight into the eyes of a man I had never met before and that was it for us. He had the same 'I know you' sensation, and we never lost it. We were very lucky people. Love at first sight, definitely happens.
(28-08-2022, 01:20 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I walked into a room in a house I had never been in before, looked straight into the eyes of a man I had never met before and that was it for us. He had the same 'I know you' sensation, and we never lost it. We were very lucky people. Love at first sight, definitely happens.
Apparently there are people in Iceland who believe in  elves; when I heard that it seemed strange, but then I've known some weird/strange things to happen so why not love at first sight. And elves too, why not. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another lovely day here by the looks of it.

Indeed, why not elves Heart Love is a strange thing at times. It was very sweet you were invited to the 21st, Lilith. Why don't you go? Show them how to party lol.

I'm feeling better this morning, it could have been a 24 hour thing. Yesterday afternoon I slept for three hours and then slept through the night as well. I may have been a bit run down as well.

This morning I'll try phoning our insurance company again as we have a chip in the car windscreen. They were so busy on Friday and the hold time was over half an hour. I guess that's because of all the flood claims they are dealing with. I know a windscreen chip is trivial compared to what has happened to others but it the chip is in the center of the screen and needs repairing. Blo*** potholes are causing all kinds of havoc.

Today will be another quiet day, there is ironing to do (sigh) and some sitting in the sun to 'fully recover' from my bug. I might even make a decision about what to embroider next.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good Morning everyone

Ohh Yes to Elves, Fairies and the Tooth Fairy lol.

I was just shy of 13 when I had my tonsils out. Was still in the kids ward. They asked me to read to the little ones. It was hard but the right thing to do lol... My first meal in hospital was sausage and chips. lol.
We had to stop at the butchers on our way home and he said to eat toast and anything else rough and my throat would heal fast. He was right.
One thing you DO NOT WANT after having your tonsils out is banana.. None of us realised how a nice gentle banana could sting your throat soo badly .. I've never forgotten lol.

Ohh My Word I am in love with Gertie... That little powerhouse of a lawn mower is Wonderful. She mows through anything. I've done half.. and that was long, and very wet in places.. Im so Very Impressed. I went and told Pat the neighbour who wanted to have a look and even he was impressed. His ride on lawnmower has died. And at nearly 97 he said he wouldn't get his money worth before he popped off... At what I was paying for the lawn to be done, Gertie will be payed for in just under 4 mows.

BUT OMG I was sooo sore. I did more than I should have. But I was just having fun. Could barely walk by the time I cleaned her up and put her away.
A little improved this morning, but in comparison to how freely I was walking on Saturday I've gone backwards a lot.. But I cant wait to get better again so I can do more lol. At least they can see I have started.

Ill have to ask one of the neighbours to change the nylon on the weed eater, My fingers arent strong enough to undo the part I need to.

House inspection today, so a resting day. And Ill have to pop up the road later and get a top up for my phone.

MrP went to throw a tantrum yesterday when I did his hair and I stood there and said do you want your hair cut or not, cos I can easily walk out.. Poor dear isn't used to me standing up to him lol

Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery Kiwimade. When you think about it you have been rather busy for a long time. Your body was telling you it needed a wee break.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
You might be right popeye, we all need to learn to listen to our bodies again, and pay attention. Including mad women who take their Gerties for long walks, lol. I am so glad she has turned out to be a good 'un. Very satisfying thing, a lawn well mowed!

These days though, I an happy to have the contractor do it. Even if he does have a habit of starting bang on 7.30am.

I was very naughty yesterday. One of our down the road neighbours has two pet drakes. Big black ducks with greenish heads, they are an unusual addition to the streetscape having adopted one of the hedges as their favourite nesting spot. Harmless beasties they waddle about quark quarking to each other and investigating wet lawns for worms. Anyway they ventured down to our units yesterday, and one of our inmates, a particularly weird Russian woman with some very strange ideas took a dislike to them and tried to kick one of them. I get very antsy with animal abuse and gave her a very definite telling off, so I guess that's going to have consequences. Apparently she didn't like their quacking. Well, now she knows I don't like hers... Stupid woman.
Ironing is done and the insurance claim lodged.  MrK is going into town to get the repair done.  I've sat in the sun with a cuppa.  My short to-do list is done lol.  Might have a tutu with my embroidery and decide what to do.

Am glad your lawn mower worked out, popeye.  My sister-in-law wants a battery mower so I can pass on your 'results' to her Smile

Omg OHH, I would have told that woman off as well.  And used a few choice words sprinkled in.  Ducks are harmless, messy, but harmless.  If she doesn't like the quacking buy some noise cancellation ear phones or ear plugs.  It's spring and there will be lots of quaking going on Tongue Wink Bigsmile Blush
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Kiwimade mine is Electric.

I was lucky that MrP kept his long electric leads from when he worked.

Pat was thinking about the battery or cordless one. He doesn't have the leads. But I said to him to way up the cost of leads versus buying a second battery so he has a spare charges, versus the cost of leads.

OMG Id have told her off too.. Animal cruelty well any cruelty is not on. And to hang with the Consequences.

I hope one of them poops in her front doorstep.

Yepp OHH I was having too much fun to want to stop lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Its something of a relief to realise that I'm not the only one to have mower with a name - mine's Tilly, as in Tilly the Terrific mower since it always starts for me. The previous one was Matilda the magnificent mower because it lasted for years & years. Smile

I think most of us would have given the Russian woman a very similar reaction Hunni; treating any animal badly is well out of order.
Good to hear you're on the mend, KM.

Still cold here & mostly grey but the sun pops out every now & then so washing might dry after all, with luck.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I treated myself to a visit to the oppy this afternoon.

After dropping off the wrap which she loved. And getting my phone top up.

They have all adult clothing $2 a piece and Fill the big black sack bags of linen for $5..

I suspect either the lady on the check out was being generous or feeling sorry for me cos I got 6 tops. one for home, the rest are good enough to wear out.. Two pieces of fabric. A potato masher.. Just like the old ones with the wooden handles,, but this has a metal handle but the same mashing part.. 6 flannelette Sheets, a duvet cover with matching pillow case, a single bed quilted cover and two pillow cases.

For the grand sum of $17-50..

So for the first time since 1997 I will be able to use winter sheets lol.. The only artic ones they had when I went in were single ones.
So now I will flick out a few summer ones to make room for the winter.

And I was gassing with my friend from Taranaki about tables etc and I realised That I could get rid of my dining suite. I have a fold up table just as big that my craft stuff can sit on. And get rid of the set. And save heaps of room with the chairs spread around the house.

So Knee depending that's what I will do on the weekend.

And if I end up in another place that I can have a table I can put a table clothe over the fold up table. And look at chairs then.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I use my little Warehouse tablemate for everything... I rarely get my folding table out at all these days.
(29-08-2022, 07:24 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I use my little Warehouse tablemate for everything... I rarely get my folding table out at all these days.

I have two of those. 

One was cut down when I got it and I use that for when Im sitting in the bed reading. 

The other is in the sewing room for later.

They are really handy
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile What a gorgeous sunrise we have this morning. We have a slight frost Smile

This morning I'm taking our friend to his Waikato Hospital monthly appointment so it's an early start. We both like he is first up with the appointment as there are no waiting times or delays. We're in and on our way home again within an hour. He makes his next appointment before we leave so we're all organised for the next time.

I must say how impressed I am with AMI. Got an email within half an hour of claiming with the claim number which MrK gave to our repairer. He needn't have bothered as they already had it. Windscreen all repaired Big Grin Big Grin Then later in the afternoon another e mail arrived saying thank you for your claim, we have paid the $132 to your repairer this afternoon. One happy customer and one very happy repairer. I emailed back thanking them for being so easy to work with.

Yesterday I started an embroidery piece of a fantail. There were the expected few false starts but so far, so good. The beak is always problematic, but I'll get there. And I've been able to match the colours pretty accurately too. It's not until you look closely at the photos of our birds you see how many colours and shades of those colours they have, even the birds we see every day in the garden.

Time to get moving, I have to leave shortly.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Not the best start to the day here on the Shore, beastly cat had an accident of the stinky kind, and me being blind as a bat in the morning without my contacts made it a heck of a lot worse...

Sometimes I think being cat free wouldn't be that bad an idea.
Good morning.  Sunshine and warming up nicely ... a good day for washing. 

I sympathize OHH. My old boy has a few vomiting episodes and that is bad enough ... from the other end as well and things would be seriously considered from a "quality of life" aspect ... for both of us!

Busy day yesterday with the grandies ... catch up today with food supplies replenished among other jobs awaiting.

You will be pleased to have another embroidery project on the go KM ... it is satisfying to have a task in hand when you sit down  Smile

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Fabulous sunrise this morning and a wee frost not a cloud in the sky.

Got marmalade on the go at the moment will take k9s for a walk once that is done frosty air should be gone by then.

Got to clean the leather sofas too so that will fill in the cooking time.

OHH not the best start to your day.

DGD finally made it home yesterday I looked after DGS while dad picked them up from the hospital. Got to meet her when I took him home. She is so tiny the dollies cardi fits her perfectly, need to make some more small things for her.

DD first day back at work yesterday so alot of activity, her dog decided to howl so DGS and I popped over to his aunties house to let him out of his kennel and read some stories and left him to roam free on the property. He has doggy daycare today.

I plan a quiet day after this mornings activities Big Grin

Enjoy you day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good Morning everyone

A stunning day but a tad chilly.

31 years married today.. And Im donning my wedding dress. Told MrP to put some nice clothes on and we will grab one of them to take some photos. And Ill get my Bobbie one too.

Must have been the night for it. Missy dropped a rather Disgusting load, the only thing I can figure out may have changed it was she had a lick or two of the gravy I got with my tea. Thankfully I didn't stand in it. She used the tray.

Safe trip Kiwimade. First appointments are well worth the early start.

Talking of birds, yesterday when I had been out to get the recycle bin I heard a Morepork.. I've only heard them once before.. It was Lovely but I did tell it that it was passed his bedtime and shouldn't be out so late lol.

First load of washing is on. I have 2 loads of clothes, that will take a couple of days for them to dry. Then I want to run the sheets through. Just to get rid of the opp shop smell. That will take a few days. I dont use the outside line here cos its covered in mould and never sees the sun. I could put the airer outside tho.

Ill put the pretty single bed cover on the bed later since the room doesn't get used.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
My Colin used to tell of the day he was in the bush, sitting with his rifle across his knees, just surveying a valley for deer movement. He had sat still for an hour or so and all of a sudden a morepork flew out of the tree behind him and perched on his rifle. He heard it coming so wasn't startled but could see it quite closely out of the corner of his eye. The two apparently watched each other for quite a few minutes before the bird flew off again. He said it was one of his best days in the bush because of that encounter. I was very jealous, I have heard them, but never seen one.
That was a very cool moment to have a such a close encounter  with a Ruru OHH ... one never to be forgotten! Having lived rurally most of my life,  we've seen plenty and heard a whole lot more ... very cute and fascinating wee birds! A small one we once placed back into the tree above it ... presumably he'd fallen out! 

Lol KM, I see a future embroidery project for you  Smile

Happy wedding anniversary Popeye  Heart

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