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You can never have enough...
How lovely - & lucky - to see a Morepork so close, definitely something you'd never forget.

Stinky animals must be catching, I came into the room earlier & Madame Le Dog had dropped a stink bomb or two - phew!

That's quite an anniversary Popeye. Smile

The trivet I got as a gift for a granddaughter has given me an idea; I'm going to get one for eldest granddaughter's birthday in December, & also one each for both DIL's birthday's in November, & then one more as a Xmas gift for our Swewi extended family member. She's originally Swedish but a Kiwi citizen, so something Kiwi for her.
Really glad I came across them.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Thank you everyone

He never fails to disappoint me.. He was in skungy old clothes when I got there.. And he had had a shower, so I promptly helped him get changed.
Took some photos.. Then the Activity Co-ordinator came inn with some balloons and took some pictures of us together. And then Bobbie and I had some too. Ill put some up later.

But everyone else made up for him being miserable and It was nice to sit with the ladies too.

Picked up some pills and decided I would treat myself. So I got two pairs of earrings I have been seeing at the chemist each time I was there. And thought well no one else as in MrP will get me anything so I might as well.. We are lucky to be able to pay things off. I seldom put anything like that on my account. I like to keep it just for pills. It helps till you get that first 20 lol

Came home and just about finished the lawn. Its clouded over big time and I didn't want to get caught so came in. A little bit down the side of the house maybe 3 widths wide and across the back of my bedroom.

Loved it and Im soo impressed with the tiny machine.. If I had of been able to afford it I would have a got a bigger one. But Im certainly chuffed with Gertie.

I must have a look at some pictures of a Morepork. I've never seen one and its only the last couple of years that I ever heard one.

I did notice on my Drive to Thames the other day quite a few Hawks. And you dont see many of them up here.

The Tui's were serenading me while I mowed lol

I used to have a piece of Sandstone as a teapot Trivet.. A reminder of a camping ground we stayed in, near Mangaweka . It must be in the cupboard somewhere cos I haven't used a teapot since we moved here.

Ill go do some photos.

Mr Grumpy and I , he is in training to be Santa... That's my 31 year old wedding dress

Bobbie and I inside, annoyed the facing is hanging out..

Bobbie and I outside..... I have Lost Bobbies whole weight.. so I effectively was carrying her around on my back. No wonder my joints dont work very well

Bobbie is 87 and I think she looks fab for her age.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Gorgeous colours popeye, you made a great job of that dress, and a perfect way to celebrate such a grand achievement! I really only get 6 anniversaries, but I cheat seeing I consider myself still married and claim all forty two. I'm still hoping to be granted diamonds one day - but I suspect I too will have to pay for them myself!

We had a lovely day here, sun, coffee in the courtyard, washing done, and pet carrier that fits my scoot delivered by a nice chatty gentleman. Funny thing, a neighbour was having coffee with me when he arrived and his feedback on TM declares us a 'lovely cupple'! I can't wait to tell my neighbour we are now betrothed, lol.

Then a quick trip down to the library and supermarket - nine Little Garden seed packs and no duplicates, so all in all a very successful day was had, to nearly end Winter. Because there is pink showing on my peach tree buds, so it must be Spring, any minute...
Gorgeous dress Popeye - I love those colours, & they look lovely on you.

Very keen to hear your neighbour's reaction to that, Hunni!
The plum tree has a few blossoms & the fruit trees over at the park are all coming out in blossom too.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
And now he is on his way to Muddlemore Hospital.

Slid off his chair, couldn't move his left leg. And has broken the little toe on his left foot.

And since that controls your balance, I guess he might not be able to stand etc.. He was very weak and unstable today.

Thanks Lilith. I loved the fabric as soon as I saw it..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Oh dammit popeye! I wish I could credit you with some of my good dayness! That must be such a worry. But the little toe thing, I have a surgically altered foot, part of it was freezing the little toe, or rather tying it to its neighbour so it moves in tandem. It is no problem balance wise, till I try to put on a sock lol. That requires thought... At least he will get good rehab in hospital too.

(30-08-2022, 07:54 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Oh dammit popeye! I wish I could credit you with some of my good dayness! That must be such a worry. But the little toe thing, I have a surgically altered foot, part of it was freezing the little toe, or rather tying it to its neighbour so it moves in tandem. It is no problem balance wise, till I try to put on a sock lol. That requires thought... At least he will get good rehab in hospital too.


Oh thats good to hear re the toe OHH...  Apparently it was bleeding well so it sounds like it might be pretty useless.

I still had good today.. Enough that it well outweighs the bad. 

Hospital is the best place to be when these things happen. Im not a worrier generally.. So long as they keep me updated.

They just rang again. He doesnt have his phone with him.. They found it eventually, in his walker.. His memory is getting worse.. I made the chair caddy for him to keep it in there. But it never is..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Apparently his little toe is literally hanging on by a thread so he will lose that.

Possibly tomorrow. And they will get more pictures and see if he has broken anything else
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Wahooo another sunny day Big Grin And another very light frost this morning.

Congratulations for yesterday's aniversary, Popeye. Your dress looked lovely. MrP will be fine without his little toe. A friend of ours has half a foot and walks fine with his orthopedic shoe so MrP will manage too Smile And yep, those x rays will be to check if he has done any more damage. Fingers and everything crossed he is only bruised and a bit sore. But I do wonder why he slipped off his chair. Does he have anything to support him while sitting?

It's back to the supermarket today, although I do like our local vegie shop. The eggs are reasonably priced for a tray even with winter prices and his vegies are nice.

The Furry One had a seizure yesterday afternoon Sad It lasted for around five minutes which is a long time. So he was very quiet for the rest of the day and wouldn't let me out of his sight. So I settled in with my book and he snuggled up. All he wants is his mum after a seizure lol, bit like kids when they get sick.

Washing machine has beeped, I'm well trained to the beep lol. Once I've hung it out I'll head off to Hamilton.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Ouchies. Trauma does that to the brain, exacerbates the decline in cognition. Part of Mama Natures great scheme to move us along. She can be a tough old bat at times. Just now she is playing merry hell with my waterworks damn her, which is a nuisance. Still, takes more than these small things to beat us into submission.

I watched a neat wee thing on Netflix last night. I gave in and streamed The Sandman, while I did other things it was not bad background entertainment. But last night it was a double episode, the first half an animated tale called the Dream of a Thousand Cats, and it was a beauty. But then I am inclined to like anything with cats, especially if there's a slinky Siamese queen involved...
Morning all
Overcast here haven't ventured out yet but assume it will be nippy.

Cuddles for the furry one KM

Popeye love the fabric of your dress you look very stylish, sorry to learn about MrP no doubt the hospital will sort his injuries.

Housework today, walk the k9s the the afternoon is mine. Not sure what I will get up to yet. 
First batch of marmalade is done and sewed up a summer cardi for me yesterday 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Thank you everyone, I love the fabric, its very soft and flowy.. Im considering turning it into a skirt cos then I could at least wear some of it.

The hospital rang at midnight.. So Im bleary lol... They are hoping to operate today... Probably cos he would have eaten his dinner just before it happened.

I noticed yesterday that he had the chair tilted a wee bit to "Ironically" make it easier to get out of.. So it wouldn't have taken much to slide out of it.

Im finding mentally he is slowing. Very paranoid, losing things etc. And he's making no effort to keep his strength up. He is giving up.. In the same way my friends father did.. The classic Ill do things that can be dangerous so Ill get attention. her Dad died.

Ohh Kiwimade not good re PuppyK. Cant blame him for wanting to be by his mum. Anything like a seizure would be exhausting and he's not a young pup now either. But being a Terrier Im sure he will be back chasing those bunnies soon enough.

Will ring the hospital shortly and see what is happening..

A quiet day here while my knee recovers.... and maybe if its still fine later I could nip down the back of the house and do the last bit of lawn. A year ago I couldn't have done it

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Hope the toe won't prove too difficult for Mr P to cope with, or rather the lack of it. There isn't much which can be done to prevent us all eventually slowing down though.

Hunni, cranberry juice may help if you have any handy.

KM, hope the Furry one is feeling better by now.

Ventured out earlier & managed to get two more of those lovely trivets so that's two more birthday gifts for later in the year. Countdown have been having a promotion with cutlery for so many 'stamps' for each $ 20 spent so had been saving mine up to get three child's sets - only to find they're all gone & probably won't get more in. Someone has clearly under ordered & not realised they'd be in such demand, dammit. They'd have been good for the great grandkids.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
They took the toe off late last night.

Maybe they told me that at midnight but my brain wasn't in gear lol

He's sitting up eating and has a drip cos his bsls are low.

Could be back to the home tonight
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
He'll be on the good drugs too for a while, our hands and feet are sensitive bits and hurt a lot when damaged. Mind you some men are oblivious at times. My darling had both carpel tunnel ops done at the same time and was sent home the following day without pain meds. He was in tears that evening with it and I was out scouring Taupo looking for scripts and drugs for him. Next day, I came home from work to find him weedeating the front lawn, both wrists still bandaged to the elbow...

Idiot male.
(31-08-2022, 02:06 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: He'll be on the good drugs too for a while, our hands and feet are sensitive bits and hurt a lot when damaged. Mind you some men are oblivious at times. My darling had both carpel tunnel ops done at the same time and was sent home the following day without pain meds. He was in tears that evening with it and I was out scouring Taupo looking for scripts and drugs for him. Next day, I came home from work to find him weedeating the front lawn, both wrists still bandaged to the elbow...

Idiot male.

Thats a man for you lol.

MrP has lost a lot of feeling in his feet from the diabetes, so it might actually work out to be beneficial.

Years ago he had a groin hernia repair and he was out doing firewood a couple of days later.. They dont learn.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another gorgeous day and our plum trees are in blossom Heart

This morning I'm going to attack a climbing hydrangea. MrK noticed it was damaging the fence yesterday. Hmmm... wasn't it me who said TWO years ago that hydrangea needs cutting back hard? No, says the man of the house (herein referred to as the MOTH) in his manly way, it's fine the way it is. But, says the female of the house starting to get pi**** off the MOTH wasn't actually listening, it isn't flowering well and it's getting top heavy on the fence. But the MOTH stood firm and kept making excuses his chainsaw blade needed sharpening and the woman (who knew she was right) walked away from the debate shaking her head and thinking the MOTH was just being stubborn only to hear the chainsaw rev up a few days later to cut some timber for his woodworking. Bl***y men! I have no idea why he was so damed stubborn about this.

Happy crafting Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I woke up to a truly hilarious email from my daughter in Perth describing highlights from her family life over the last month. She had me in fits of giggles despite telling me she had pneumonia in August, has another MS drug infusion coming up in October and then a partial hysterectomy in November to clear more of the endometriosis tissue. I cannot help feeling some comfort from the thought that some of the simply obstinacy I had to exert while raising her under challenging circumstances has obviously rubbed off, and while it may have made our relationship fraught for long periods of time good stuff is never really lost, there are always silver linings. And boy, those grandkids of mine are just like her, bright, beautiful, and oh such little devils...

Life is good up here in the big city on this Spring morning.
Good morning.

A stunning day in store. I hope these sunny days help kick my cold to the kerb ... longest one I've ever had to endure, no doubt a legacy of Covid.  The wee plum tree we bought and dug in last week has blossom as well ... not expecting any fruit this season though.

Yesterday I repotted a few indoor plants that had outgrown their homes and today will spend some time in the veg garden.

The pink cardi I had done the fronts and back of is no longer,  I realised the yarn was not going to go the distance and will now knit it up with white in a stripe of some sort. Ahh well, it kept my fingers busy and will again. 

I hope Mr P's injury is on the mend,  what a thing to happen. My mum has lost so much blood with her falls ... usually her legs that suffer ... brittle skin  Sad

Enjoy the day all.
So I've made an executive decision Tongue After a good hour of tackling the hydrangea and getting only a short way for a lot of hard work, I phoned our friend who has a gardening business and left him a message to call me back about cutting the damed thing at ground level. MrK didn't say a word Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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