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You can never have enough...
Must be the day for it. lol

Madam had her puke at the hall door.

Have had my shot..

Rang the home, they haven't heard anything. so Im about to brave the Hospital lines.

Here is the link to the Yuri Bears for Ukraine if anyone is interested. Frorning.
m the story on breakfast this mo
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I miss having a cat, but not the cat vomit.
Had to dash out as hadn't realised how low we are on bread; Madame le Dog was not pleased as the human has been out every morning this week. And she was less pleased when I shut her in & went out to tackle the hedge for the first time this season.
It seemed to take ages & the bin is now well & truly full.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another overcast morning here with rain forecast for later this morning. I'll be mowing the lawn shortly before the rain kicks in.

I must admit, we do miss having a cat. But the Furry One is a bred hunter and we know the end result of having one.

The fencing contractor is visiting this morning to examine the fence. Our problem is keeping the Furry One safe when the work begins. He will need to either be locked inside or tied up, either way, he won't be a happy dog. Just like Lilith's Le Dog, he likes his freedom and being able to come and go as he pleases. And because he sleeps indoors, we have never had the need for a kennel. I suppose it depends how long it takes to do the repair. If it's all day, we could visit MrK's sister and take him with us. I'm just dreading the bill that comes with this.

Time to get cracking, neighbours are up so it's not too early to start mowing.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Bit stormy here and nippy. The k9s were very quick out a d back after their breakfast.  Even the cat is stretched out on the big dog bed aka as our bed 

Was going out shopping withDD this morning but she has been unwell overnight so postponed for a other day

Not sure what I will get up to today.

Enjoy you day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Cloudy but calm,  rain expected this evening.  AIMS Games that are on this week in the Bay will be wanting fine weather, expect it to be busy out and about with extra traffic on the move and people around. 

I thought I'd always have a cat in my life but that will be it after our now 14.5 yo boy is gone. I expect our property will become a cat thoroughfare when that happens!

Nothing planned, we'll make the most of being outside before the rain.  Another cardi half finished. 

Enjoy the day all.
I am suffering lol. It has been a bad week. First a TM purchase arrives and proves to be a rip off attempt with all the hassle that goes with such things, then the cat explodes in all directions leaving me sleepless, then yesterday evening my gallstones woke up (was it the porridge for lunch I wonder?). The only way to help with that is a hot water bottle till they settle, and so at 2am I am filling the damned thing when a trapped air bubble blows very hot water all over my hand and dampens my nightie. Not fun. This morning there's an irate email about the first fbk I gave the idiot TM seller who has since banked some of my refund but not all telling me how unfair I have been...

Oh boy, push your luck woman and my dark side will come out for a walk, lol.

So, things can only improve really!
Morning everyone

Sunny at present and very calm.

OHH I SOOO understand the water woes. Missy kept waking me up about 6am, In the end I thought Ill get up and go to the toilet, thats when I discovered what she was telling me. Oddly I didn't feel it till I moved but the Hottie had been leaking, the bed is soaked and I was to the skin too. Cos it was warm I didn't feel it.

Got changed and came and slept on my chair.. Im cold tho which may be a chill. On investigation it is leaking out the top. Maybe Ive been using the pliers too heavy handily.

So I have the spare behind my back and my little one as per normal..... Im just pleased it was the hottie and Not her.. I have the fan on the bed trying to dry it up.

Kiwimade would it be possible for you to take on some of the work for the fence. As in if it needs replacing can you take it down, saving a few hours in the cost?

Will ring MrP this morning and see what is happening. Late yesterday he thought I was in Middlemore not him. Must be awesome Drugs they have him on lol.

Ill do some photos today and get these tops listed.. but TBH I dont feel like doing much at all.. Maybe when I thaw out.. It could have brought on a warfarin coldie as I call them.

OHH you have my sympathies with gall stone. Nasty blighters they are.. Thankfully mine are in a jar where they belong. I always drank milk when I had a flare up it helps to sooth things a little.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
well I'll be damed lol. MrK found the missing secateurs in the garden. I have the blackbird to thank for messing with the mulch. They are filthy and a bit stiff so I've washed them and when the baking is cooked and the oven a bit cooler, will pop them in the oven to dry thoroughly. Then I'll oil them and see how they work.

Dammm OHH, you are having a bad run of things. I hope everything settles down for you.

Popeye, what a buggar about your hottie. A dehumidifier might help too. If we can do any of the repair work, we will. But MrK isn't as fit as he used to be and sometimes it's easier to let the contractors do the job. They have all the tools of the trade too. I can help if they want but I suspect I will be in the way. I still have to phone AMI, will do that Monday morning. Fingers crossed it's an insurance claim, but I suspect it won't be.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Woohoo Kiwimade re the secateurs... Fingers crossed they will work. Did you get around to replacing them?

Yeah I have to agree, sometimes its better to let the Pros do the job in case you end up costing them more hours.

The fan is working..

Im flat.. think Ill go curl up on one of the other beds
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I hope the gallstones have decided to behave, the furry one can be kept out of mischief while fence goes up & the wet bed has been sorted.

Strange sort of day here; really warm so did 3 loads of washing & got it all dry then did some more digging out the back. Probably shouldn't have but its done now.

I did a really daft thing the other week, I saw two books on TM secondhand, one of which I already have but not the other, so got both in order to get the one I haven't got. Ha! When they arrived I discovered that I've got both books! Never mind, I thought I'd pass them on to youngest granddaughter, she reads as much as I do. And then discovered that one was a part of a trilogy. Which I'd forgotten.
I decided to see if I could find the other two books secondhand anywhere, checked a few places & eventually found a site Book haven, which I've not used before & lo & behold they had both used books at a very reasonable price, so well pleased at such a good find.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Gallstones are settling. They usually do after 24 hours, just a faint physical shadow there now. We'll see how they like sweetcorn fritters...

I found a couple of chairs I like on TM. Local too. So the bidding will get serious now. Just as well my secret wickedness stash is quite plump at the moment! It will mean shifting stuff though so I can get the old out and the new in if I have success. The little hallway is the perfect place for book filled cubes, but they do narrow the space, and the alternative access means two flights of stairs...

So we shall see.
morning ladies Smile It's supposed to rain but the sun's out so no complaints here.

Our fence guy couldn't make it so fingers and everything crossed for next week. Lawn is mowed, it must be spring as the grass is growing quickly now. So yesterday was a semi-productive day.

Nope, popeye, I never got round to replacing the secateurs as MrK had another pair stashed away. I'll be using 'my' pair today to see how they work.

Good to hear your gallstones are settling, OHH. They certainly knock you about when they decide to play up.

Lilith, I haven't heard of that book website before, so I'll check it out at some stage. I love second hand books and love going to book fairs and the like. Amazing what you can find there.

Today I'll catch up with housework, the bathroom needs a good going over and sheets need changing. And the bits of hydrangea I've cut off need cutting to size for the bin.

MrK is up to painting the cupboard he has built for the laundry. It's a solid beast so will last beyond my life time. It has taken a while to finish thanks to the wet and damp weather. He doesn't like having his workshop open as the damp gets into his tools.

Stitching later today if all goes to plan. It feels good having a needle in my hands again.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
A good spray of CRC gets things like list secateurs going again. I always have a good supply of CRC and superglue on hand for repairs. surprising what can be "cured" with these lol.  Smile

I also love book fairs and find some great treasures there. One recent one there were so many books that not all could be put out on the table with boxes of them waiting underneath so I "helped" by topping up the tables - in other words I had a good fossic in the boxes before they were picked over by the other book hunters. Found several old books that I hadn't read for ages.
We have a couple of local free street libraries. The nearest one is in an obsolete bus shelter, a very old wooden one of such solid construction it never got removed. A few locals got together and made shelves and it is a very handy resource for the neighbourhood. During lockdowns it got almost completely cleared out, but everyone brought more and it soon filled up again. I drop off my unused art materials there and they never stay long. It's great when the locals do it for themselves.
MrK built on behalf of the Lions Club (we're not members) the Tirau Little Library Big Grin Big Grin They are an awesome resource along with community kitchen cupboards where you can leave and/or take excess produce and products. They seem to work well with people taking only what they need.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Mornjng all
We have sun and wind.

Glad the secateurs showed themselves hopefully they still perform.

Finished knitting baby cardi last night off to get buttons once the sheets are out on the line.

Played with woollen blanket off cuts yesterday and made cute vest have enough to make 3 more so will get onto doing  that after finish merino onsie. The vests are for the Nest  making size 6 - 12months.

Machine calling
Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Sunny here but it did rain late yesterday.

Lets just say yesterday was a total wipe out lol..

My bed was dry thank goodness and I was asleep before 8-30.. Needless to say Im creaky but Ive topped up the meds.

I have two of the flannelette sheets in the machine. Had a thought before I popped them in that I should clean the lint filter. OMG was a globby mess lol.

Tried on and hung up the tops I got the other day. Only one is a little snug so it will do for autumn next year. One that wasn't perfect when I got it I have on. I just really liked it lol .

Was a total mess trying to talk to anyone at the hospital. But pretty much they are just pumping in antibiotics. He told me he hasn't been out of bed at all... So I guess he has made up his mind to be useless and not try anything. I figure if they get people up who have had hip replacements within a day or two then he should have been up long before now.

Fingers crossed for the Secateurs Kiwimade.

I will do photos of the tops today and get them listed.

I have a large collection of Enid Blyton Books and the classics. I need to try and sell them or give them away. We have an awesome Bookfair here in Waiuku.. Normally around now, but I think they had it early. We have a couple of Kai Cupboards but no book one... Hmm that would be fun to do.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Hope you're on the mend Popeye & Mr P.

I did something today that I haven't done for years; its warm & sunny here so grabbed dressing gowns to chuck in washer. One or two are old & haven't been used for years, so it wasn't until I went to bring them in later that I realised the awful truth.
One of them needed - gulp - ironing, dammit!

I loathe ironing with a passion & tend not to buy anything which may need ironing but there was no other option for this. It took me a good 10 minutes to find the iron so was quite pleased that I knew exactly where the ironing board was. Except - I'd forgotten how to put the wretched thing up, so that took a few tries before I remembered & then did the actual ironing, during which I remembered just how much I loathe it.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Ohhh Bother Lilith7.

My Sister loathed ironing so alway's read labels and never brought anything needing the iron lol.. I dont recall her ever owning one now I think about it.

I go through phases of liking and not not liking it. I usually put music and sing along while I work. A friend of mines Mum used to sit in the lounge with her ironing board low so she could sit in her comfy chair to do it. Which is just as well cos Her son , my friend worked in menswear shop and always had to look good.

Im missing him badly at the mo, cos We used to joke he could buy my birthday present with Mother Day Sales on and I could get his with the Father Day sales. But he died way too early , but Ill never stop wishing him a Happy Birthday.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(04-09-2022, 06:38 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Ohhh Bother Lilith7.

My Sister loathed ironing so alway's read labels and never brought anything needing the iron lol.. I dont recall her ever owning one now I think about it.

I go through phases of liking and not not liking it. I usually put music and sing along while I work. A friend of mines Mum used to sit in the lounge with her ironing board low so she could sit in her comfy chair to do it. Which is just as well cos Her son , my friend worked in menswear shop and always had to look good.

Im missing him badly at the mo, cos We used to joke he could buy my birthday present with Mother Day Sales on and I could get his with the Father Day sales. But he died way too early , but Ill never stop wishing him a Happy Birthday.
Its funny isn't it, I do that as well, wish people a happy birthday on their birthdays. Or Mother's or Father's day too. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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