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You can never have enough...
morning ladies, what a miserable, cold, wet day it is so far.  We woke to find two rabbits on the lawn... the Furry One  needs to get his act together Tongue

lol Lilith, I hate ironing too but do it as there is so little space in our home for linen.  If it's ironed, then it fits.  And I need the iron for sewing.

Yesterday after doing the usual things around the house, I spent a happy, few hours working on the fantail.  I'll be working on his chest towards his wing next so using the lovely mustard colours.  I am especially happy with his eye and beak.



Today I'll be pottering about outside in between the rain drops.  I should have binned those hydrangea clippings yesterday or better still, as soon as I cut them.  It won't take long to do.  

Hopefully the fencing contractor will come today Smile

Happy crafting  Coffee Flower
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Overcast cold not a breath of wind

KM lovely work cant wait to see the fantail finished.

My trainer was mean today two lots of interval training in between upper body I need to recover for a bit.

No plans for today might go plant shopping.

I iron alot while xewing DH does the household ironing while watching golf  suits me Cool
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I am quite liking the little changes I have made in my reorganising efforts. I think getting old furniture out and replacements in should be easier to manage now, access is a little wider with the book cubes rearranged. And I had a few good sales last night so the chair kitty should be fatter just in case some unfortunate opportunist thinks to counterbid on my watchlisted auctions. I have a preferred and a runner up, so we shall see.

I just have to find the packing tape. I put it somewhere safe and now of course...
Good morning. 

Cold and trying to rain. I see snow expected on Desert Road, brrr.

Busy weekend with family. Grandchildren day today which is looking an inside only day. 

The fantail is coming along nicely, good work KM. I was given a metalbird one with a baby last year, next best thing to a real one lol, such cute birds. 

The rain is setting in now. Time to get some jobs done and entertain GD for the day.

Enjoy the day all.

Good luck with bidding for your favoured chair OHH.
Morning everyone

Wet and a tad Chilly here today.

The police helicopter was buzzing around very early this morning, a miserable time to be on the run. You could tell by their path they were trying to find someone.

Then it took ages to go back to sleep.

Sold some of my clothes yesterday. Haven't checked again yet.

Oh Kiwimade your Sparrow is Beautiful. You are one Very talented lady.

Im going to list some cookbooks locally today. $2 a pop 6 for $10 might help shift some. I just want them gone but cant lift the box to get it to the oppy.

Hahaha Madam just came hooning into the lounge at full speed, after putting a pathetic performance at getting onto the stool for her Kiss. And Gave me the foulest look when I asked had she forgotten she was sore lol. I suspect she will be close to me for most of the day since I have the hottie lol.

Yep she is on my lap lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The fantail's looking good, KM.

Good luck sorting out the furniture Hunni, don't get carried away & overdo things.

Had unexpected visitors yesterday; three of the grandkids had taken their dad (sweetie darling no. 2) out for ice cream for father's day & called in on their way home, so third eldest granddaughter lined up a few things on Netflix for me since I'm a technoklutz & would be sure to muck it up somehow.
Supposed to rain heavily here today, so far we've had approximately 4 drops. I expect its waiting until I have to venture out later, dammit.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Had the lovely St Johns lady here this morning checking my alarm, and telling me a few on the quiet things about their prioritising stategies. Apparently us 'home alones' get to jump the queue (is that how you spell it? It looks weird...) so that was confidence building in view of my unfortunate falling down and not being able to get up thing.

Oh, and I found the tape. Now the art cupboard is half empty with the contents all over the bench and the stove and the stool... The trick will be to not just put it all back!
(05-09-2022, 12:58 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Had the lovely St Johns lady here this morning checking my alarm, and telling me a few on the quiet things about their prioritising stategies. Apparently us 'home alones' get to jump the queue (is that how you spell it? It looks weird...) so that was confidence building in view of my unfortunate falling down and not being able to get up thing.

Oh, and I found the tape. Now the art cupboard is half empty with the contents all over the bench and the stove and the stool... The trick will be to not just put it all back!

I've found that some words do that now, even when you're sure they're right they still manage to look wrong somehow. Probably another little delight from the  'getting older' experience. Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
My trouble word id definetely... And wah lah I still cant do it lol... That's why I often say Def. lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have a gorgeous day after a huge storm last night Smile

arrgg spelling. I'm sure my spelling has gotten worse over the years for some reason. Probably as I'm not writing as often. But I do read and often pick up spelling and the odd bit of grammar from our local rag.

Fingers crossed the fencing contractor comes today but we are not holding our breath.

I've seen those metal birds, roma, and they look lovely. We also saw a set of three seagulls fixed to a deck railing a while ago. They were so ugly, they were cute lol and looked awesome. I think they were ceramic.

I should be able to spend a bit more time on my fantail today. We seem to be on top of things around the house for now. It's not like we can go far while waiting for the fencer. So frustrating when they can't give a rough time to expect them.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Wild and storm night blamy 6 degrees with chill factor.

Got to venture out for mammogram this morning then I will hunker down indoors.

Finished charity woollen vest sewing yesterday not surexwhat I will tackle this afternoon.
Knitted a pair of merino baby socks last night they are a quick knit cause they are so small I am a convert to knitting them on circular needles using magic loop not so fiddly as using dpns.

Gotta move

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunny but cold this morning after a ton of rain yesterday. 

Dog walk followed by grocery shop then the day is mine.

Hanging around for people you are expecting is a pain in the butt, I hope your man turns up so you can get your fence job sorted KM. 

Better get moving before I get stuck to my chair in the sun. 

Have a good day all.
Lawnmower guy was here at 7.30, noisy beast he is with all his machines. But it is sunny, the wind has dropped, so the day looks good from the cosiness of this warm bed. The cat thinks so too, breakfasted and ready to curl up for the day, she's happy. We shall see how I go with the chairs, the auction closes late morning so not long to wait, and worry about 'what if I win?' Because then I have to get them here, and in...
Good morning everyone

A stunner of a day here, cold tho. Im being lazy and just threw a cardy on over my nightie lol.

I waited all day to hear from the Dr and Physio yesterday. Did hear from a social worker in the morning. And the Physio later. The latter saying they dont think MrP will walk anymore. He was soo unstable before the fall.. He hasn't been out of bed and its a week today.

Mentally he's ok, Im the one who has been a mess. lol... Im going up to see Bobbie this morning and keep her and the ladies up to date and I also need to know what happened at the Meeting last week too. Ill grab his phone, I have plans to possibly visit. But he could be home before I can get there. Since my pay day is Thursday.

Gosh there has been some serious snow falls... Just goes to show Mother Nature often has a sting in her tail.. At least kids are loving it..!!

Lol Kiwimade I often say that some Really Ugly things can be cute lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That's hard popeye, but at least he has the security of trained carers, and you don't have to do that. Pushing a wheelchair is easier than managing a wobbly solid adult...

I dropped my autobid on the chairs, thinking I really need to get a bit more organised in here before I bring in replacements, so I am considering listing the two chairs I have at silly prices just to get rid. I can bring in the outdoor chairs if I need to in between, and it would be more sensible than working through the logistics at 2am. The chairs then sold at my original autobid max, lol, so I am obviously doing a good estimating job which should stand me in good stead when I fall for the next couple of lovelies.
That's bad news Popeye but at least he's in the best possible place to cope with it.

Snow here when I got up but it didn't last long once the sun came out - the dog wasn't quite sure what it was, but she bravely walked on it anyway. Sunny now but bitterly cold outside.
Managed to do dreaded shopping which was easy as very few had ventured out so zipped around the shop fairly quickly.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good afternoon forced rest for a day or two so caught up on all the posts - have lost another of my old favourites to covid - my aunt has now lost her sister a week or two ago her 49 year old son 4 months ago and now her husband of 60 years - the nurses and doctors in our hospitals are just so amazing - My uncle asked to see me so I donned all the PPE and ventured up there - there are patients being left unattended - the nurses just can’t physically cope - common to see them with tears in their eyes or crouched in a corner openly crying .One thing is for sure it will be highly unlikely that a nurse will be available to get Mr P up and working - please someone tell me it’s not the same in every hospital - he wanted to tell me to be aware of the stress Robie is under but I know - he is taking all the crap personally - just a warning there is a tsunami of increases on their way and it’s not the supermarkets- the suppliers are taking advantage of the anti duopoly rhetoric to hike their prices knowing the supermarkets are getting the flack .The government are threatening to take his business and give it to an overseas owner they are welcome to it - wish his Dad was here -
Good news - we have now rehoused 11 families from our breakfast club initiative - the headmasters wife managed to find a property manager to at least look at their applications - some had good references as they had been renting very successfully but the house had been sold but had no luck once they had to say they were in emergency housing .The program on Sunday about the motel in Rotorua is happening all over the country -except the Rotorua motels are cheaper the govt are paying $2500 a week here
My kids bought me a second veggie pod - going to put tomatoes and cucumber and other things that don’t like over head watering .My winter crop is spectacular - the twisted cauliflower are so successful - said on the seed packet the leaves were very pleasant to eat - have to agree .My freckles and drunken lady lettuce are still going .I read that those little patio tomatoes that are often quite expensive can be pruned off down to the last leaves and they will grow another crop - going to try that
Had a laugh about your chair Hunny - the logistics of getting your purchase in can sometimes be a drama - I bought a beautiful cane headboard for the upstairs bedroom in the old house - getting it up the narrow winding stairs was an absolute disaster .My elderly aunt gave me an old 1950s chair - sprung under the cushions with perfect wooden arms for crocheting - when I was shifting it ended up on the truck going to the op shop - threatened to climb up and retrieve it myself so son reluctantly unloaded it - saw one on Trademe in not great condition $1200 .My nieces new husband inherited his grandmothers old nursing chair - she is very trendy with one of those immaculate houses that even the cleaning rags match the decor - she took the chair off without discussion and had it covered in black and white cow hide - she can not understand why he was so upset!
Our Ukranian kiwis are absolutely thriving - helped the oldest apply for a scholarship to Lindisfarne college fingers crossed he is such a gentle soul I worry how he would survive in a huge school .Tough physically but I often wonder what is going on in his head .We were sorting through some of my husbands fishing gear and there was an old Red Cross first aid kit - he absolutely froze- then told me the 5 of them had got separated and were on their own - sleeting and getting dark they heard a vehicle so the girls and Mum jumped into the drain - they saw it was a Red Cross wagon so started yelling and waving - it slowed then sped off - bloody hard to know what to say
Well that will satisfy the naggers I have stayed put for about 30 mins
Such good news about the housing Jan.

Sorry for the loss of so many.

Sadly I just spoke to MrP. He sounds like a withdrawn little old man. Very weak in his speech. But I had woken him up.

I went up to get my pills and ended up having the shop girl carry them out to the car for me. Very bad pain.

Went and saw Bobbie and the girls and they were all pleased to see me. Bobbie had moved MrPs laundry hamper to behind the door cos she suspects someone is going in his room when there is no need for anyone to be in there. That's my Girl lol

I wisely stopped and brought a pack of fish and chips on my way home. Thankfully got a very close park, cos I knew I couldn't make to long a walk. I have enough for tea.

Now I have to move cos Missy needs tea and I need to get changed etc. Ive had an oxy but I know its still very sore.

I cant seem to find the right amount of exercises over resting. As I said to MrP I couldn't even drive all the way to the hospital let alone walk in.

I think he has given in.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It is a shock to the system, and an anaesthetic takes time to get past. Hang in there popeye, remember you have a support teram here albeit one only on screen.

Jan one of our lot is ex supermarket management, and he agrees with you. Stock up on the basics he says, and plant lots of vegies. No problem with that here, we're going to have enough to feed the many all going well. Even rhubarb going in when the full moon rises...
That sounds really difficult Jan, tough on your family. And I think most of us will all appreciate nurses now far more than we may have done previously - imo every last one of them deserves a hefty pay rise & far better working conditions. The one thing the pandemic has shown very clearly is how very important those who are paid least really are, & how much we all depend on them.

Popeye, this is a difficult time but nothing lasts forever & with luck he may well improve & things will ease. Try to also take it easy on yourself, & don't try to do too much - give yourself a break when you need one.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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