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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

Looks like we will have rain.. Had 6 spits yesterday and that was it.

I've realized just how little tv I actually watch. It's just background noise. It just rabbits on to itself lol.

So Pleased to see the boys out together this morning.. The worst mistake they can make now is to part again later. Cos everyone will know it was done for show only.

I didn't get any listings done yesterday but have a list in my head for today. Im ready to start the big job.

It's obvious MrP is going downhill very quickly. He can't hold a coffee mug safely so I asked them to give him sipper cups. And I fed him his lunch yesterday. Mainly cos it was all stuff he liked and it was going cold faster than he could do it.

And there's no way in H*ll I can move with all this stuff. So I'll do what I can online and then look at garage sales.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I felt the move stuff urge this morning. Losing the big chair has freed up a lot of space, so it is the perfect time to really attack dark corners and get rid of the grunge. The cat hates me. She just wants to curl up in bed beside me and watch Jack Tame. With her eyes closed of course. She doesn't get this dusting wash the skirting board thing.

But truth is, it is best to strike while the urge takes me!
Morning all
Rain over night

Must be Spring with all the cleaning activities, I attacked the kitchen this morning having a breather while waiting for the washing machine to summons me.

Tried new pattern for knit shorts for DGD  used a scrap to check the fit before I cut into the good stuff Big Grin

DH has a cold couldnt stop him from visiting DD when she was unwell I will be cross if I get sick cause I have stuff to do this week. Told him he had to do RAT  he hasn't pulled one out of the cupboard so I guess I will have to  be the proactive one Rolleyes

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
damed rabbits! The other day I pointed out to MrK the freesias (which were on their second attempt to grow thanks to the rabbits) were about to flower. Today, they are gone. Nibbled right off to the bottom. This morning I have lifted them and put them in pots so hopefully next spring we can enjoy them. I've moved some Christmas lilies which were being smothered to a better spot and the grass growing in the garden has been dug out. And MrK is going to make me an easel for the garden. I'm going to nail some wire netting to an old window frame we have and poke the air plants in it. The window frame can sit on the easel in the garden. I'm hoping this will stop the air plants from flying around the garden in the wind. And the tall, bright blue salvias can grow around it to soften the timber. MrK is working on our gate first though so my easel will join the queue of things he has/wants to build.

Kettle's boiled, time for a cuppa.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Threatening rain and the washing is out on racks rather than the line.

Family plus dog not long gone after spending the night with us. 

Fingers crossed DH has a mild cold Mica. I have FINALLY got over my cough/cold 4 weeks later, after Covid the week before, which was mild in comparison! Looking forward to visiting my mum and FIL this week at long last. 

Interesting auction OHH, I hope you get that price right down!

Damned destructive rabbits KM ... I don't miss them, possums and rats/mice one bit!

Better get something done. 

Enjoy the day.
Good luck with those prices, Hunni.

Got through the final two episodes of You don't know me last night - its been a while since I read the book & I'd forgotten all the little twists & turns, really enjoyed it.
The grape hyacinths are flowering, such a gorgeous blue especially next to the yellow of the daffodils.
Took Madame Le Dog for long walk earlier & still slightly knackered but did manage some more weeding so have got one raspberry patch clear finally.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
The internet is a wonderful thing - during the week watched my granddaughter playing rep hockey and today am watching my son compete in an iron man today in Brisbane -just setting off on his run after an ocean swim and a bike ride - cloudy day over there which is kind to him - last time he did Brisbane his Dad beat him
Moving man lowest quote so far $135...

And my flat is completely different (and clean!) with furniture moved in all kinds of ways. Mind you, I might not be able to walk tomorrow...
morning ladies Smile Another wet day here but I'm hoping there will some breaks so I can get outside and the fencers can start the repairs.

I bet you're feeling a tad sore today OHH, but omg, the satisfaction of having all that done! The lowest quote is much better than the original! One of my sisters-in-law has just paid $300 to have her car cleaned, inside and out. We're just shaking our heads at her madness.

Mica, I hope it is a cold your husband has and not the other. Either way, it could knock you about for a while too.

MrK is planning a gate for between the house and fence to hide his timber he has stashed there. It's been 'in discussion' for four? years now but suddenly he's decided it's a fabulous idea and needs to be done. Who am I to argue lol. As long as it can be opened easily and the wheelbarrow will fit through without a fuss.

I saw the 'fab four' (who aren't quite so fab these days) doing the meet and greet and thought Meaghan looked really uncomfortable. And in my opinion, so she should. It's going to take a very long time, if ever, to mend the rift. Families eh. Even royal ones have fallings out. At least with us commoners, it happens in private.

I should be able to work on the fantail again today. I'm up to his little fluffy bum. And that reminded me of Spike Milligan's story Bad Jelly the Witch and his character Fluffy Bum the cat lol. Just loved that story as a child, both the book and it being read by Spike Milligan on the children's programme on the radio Sunday mornings.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Another miserable day and it has been raining.

Good on you OHH with your de-cluttering and re-arrangement. You will be enjoying those new chairs in no time! 

KM I hope you see something happening with your fence today. 

It was good to see the young Royals together on the walkabout. Though IMO it probably paved the way for having to be in the same space for the funeral. Time will tell if there is any improvement in the relationship!

It's looking to be another day stuck inside,  no on/off showers/sunshine day ... like yesterday. Need to get a new crafty project sorted for those sit down moments.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

I actually heard the rain at some stage through the night, but its sunny again now.

Im meant to be going to see MrP, but to be honest I dont feel like it.. Im fighting with myself as to if "he doesn't care" Why should I. If he's not ready to make the effort, why should I..

So I might stay home. Rather be teary here than up there.

I want to do what Many of us have said at some stage I'm sure. I want to run

Have a good day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Mild overcastnday here

Back from gym   having breakfast.  No need for you to go to the gym OH Big Grin

DH test was as expected negative took him all day to get around to taking it. He is still in bed so he must be crook.

Good to have a mental health day at home Popeye.

lots activity at your place KM.

I started piecing a quilt yesterday, shopped in my stash and had a wee play around with blocks so thats where I will be beavering for the next few days. Will need to exercise the k9s first.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I'm staying in. Taking the day off altogether, boy I have the hurties today and last night was very bad. But, you are right, I am very pleased to have got the job done without help. All my own work. And all my own fault, lol.

Popeye. Listen to me. Stay home. The world will not stop if we take a day off, mental health day, rest the rust day, whatever. Stress is better listened to than ignored and you tending to Mr P is not a life or death situation. Stay home and spoil yourself. (Do not turn the mattress and shift the bed lol!)

Got an email with pics from the kid this morning, showing me her husband laying the tiles around their brand new pool in Perth. I am officially jealous!
Agree with the others Popeye. Stay home today and have a "you" day doing whatever you feel like  Smile
Thank you everyone

I have stayed at home. And Sister friend has been helping me mentally.

She has said MrP has made his choices and it's not my fault. I've done all I can.

So Ive decided with her help we will have a man cave garage sale so I can clear stuff out. I will get the new clothes still sitting in his wardrobe and sell them. And Clear that out too. He doesn't live here, he never will again. So I need to prep myself into finding myself a new Home and make it My home not Our home.

But first I have to get my mental exercise and get my games done
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
big hugs to you, popeye.  It's been a long journey to get to this stage, but I think your friend is right.  MrP has made his choices.  He knows the consequences of those choices.  You can't change his mind.  So now you need to concentrate on what is best for you.  MrP is in the best place. has care and won't be coming home.  The rest home is his home now.   It's time to care for yourself.

I've stitched the fantails bum only for MrK to look at it and say it looks like it's far*ing sparklers.  We both ended up cracking up laughing.  I knew it didn't look right and after that reaction lmao, will unpick it later.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I'm glad, popeye. I know how hard it is to begin the process of building a different kind of life, and it is harder when it doesn't have a really clear end and beginning point. I think you are doing it exactly right by taking it slowly and giving yourself time to get sorted. It can be a very positive time too, so I hope you get some satisfaction out of it too, to balance the hard stuff.

And now, as a reward to myself for the weekend of work, I am going to do some baking. And then wheel that damned bin up the hill...
Absolutely Popeye; take a mental health day for yourself. You can't change other people, all you can do is to react as well to their actions as you can.
That is especially difficult when you have teenagers, so at least you haven't got that problem. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I am very grateful we didn't go ahead and have kids.

I have spoken to the home. He lost 10 kilos between weigh ins, apparently he wasn't easting in hospital and isn't now.

He knows I dont reward bad behaviour so I will ring him tonight and ask if he is eating. And will hang up if he isn't honest.

And if need be I will call him Pop or Ian. Both names he knows what I mean by. Both basically killed themselves, one with smoking the other with doing exactly the opposite to what dr's advised.

They had me trying to figure out how he was getting to his appointment on Thursday. I have one possible ride, won't know until tomorrow. After that. It's their problem not mine.

Soo pleased to hear about the masks but the home is one place that I will continue even if they ever stop it having to be worn. Im not getting sick from that place.

Thank you for your support everyone. It means alot..

And Kiwimade have you Undone the sparklers? lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile The sun's out! And the days are getting longer, daylight saving can't be that far away.

lol popeye, no, I didn't get around to unpicking the sparklers. Every time I look at it, I get the giggles lol. I have been looking through my favourite embroidery book trying to think of another stitch I could use that would look better. I was thinking the Turkey Rug stitch. Needle felting also looks like a good option, but I would need to buy the special needles and some wool. I might pop into Spotlight when out and about today and have a look. I am very happy with what I have done on the tail though.

No sign of the fencers but they were starting a new job yesterday and the weather was horrendous at times. I need to phone our neighbour and tell him there is a pile of concrete fill ready for him so he can bring the tractor and it can be taken away. Then I can start the next 'round'. In amongst MrK's stash of old fence posts I found the perfect post I can use to go behind a seat to keep the pebbles under the seat in place. MrK is happy to see his old posts being used. Our friend, the fencer, just shook his head when he saw the posts I had dug in last year to support the dahlias lol. OK, so I'm no fencer lol but they will do the trick. So, there is still no point in buying in more soil for the 'new' garden I started last summer or planting new plants just yet. It seems one job just leads to another bigger one at the moment.

Time to sort the washing out, the machine has finished.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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