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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile A gorgeous sunny morning here.

Another fatal crash on our road happened early last evening. Three people killed. I think the road may still be closed as it's very quiet.

Thank you for your comments about the fantail. OHH, I still giggle when I see the sparkles lol. And it could well be why they fly so quickly and dart about so much lmao. Who knew a fantails bum could cause such mirth lol.

Today I have a pile of washing to do and then a couple of piles of weeds to deal with. The bins are empty so time to refill with those weeds we don't want in the compost bin. MrK has emptied one of the compost bins so there is a lovely
heap of compost ready for the garden. It never ceases to amaze me how our vegie and fruit scraps, egg cartons etc, and garden waste can turn into such beautiful soil. I must also phone our neighbour about the concrete so I can start digging out the next garden.

We were watching the doggy programme after The Repair Shop and both thought the Jack Russell should have gone to the little boy and the Chihuahua gone to the older couple. But I suppose it was all about timing. OMGoodness weren't they lovely. They clearly adored each other. What a way to be after 60 odd years. We did laugh at one of the women's reaction when she asked 'and they haven't killed each other yet?' lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny, but there's just been some drizzle.

KM, I know the accident spot well,  we lived up R Road a few years back.  I suppose we may well be detoured when we come over before long  Undecided

We also enjoyed the Dog Show after Repair Shop ... the quietest JR I've ever seen!

Mica, I have lots of nb beanies to get to a hospital ... hadn't thought of knitting premi cardis ... good on you. 

Better get moving to allow for extra travel time. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Such sad news re the accidents, thats the third apparently.

Lovely day here. But chilly.

Im going up to the home today, sucker for punishment, but he knows Ill leave if he starts anything. Going to tape a small bag to his wheelie tray to pop his phone in. Shouldn't lose it then.. but we are talking about a man who has never looked for anything in his life lol.

I was thinking about going out for the day. but that idea can wait.

I went through his room yesterday and have a bag of rubbish, some clothes for my friends brother that MrP will never fit again. There's some new clothes to sell which are probably too big now too. It was therapeutic. I even binned the shorts and t-shirt he was wearing the day I first met him lol

Not sure what else I will do today. It will depend on the state I am in when I get home. And Im not staying to feed him lunch. They can do that. Im not his mother.

I know that sounds harsh but it's just how I have always been. If he had broken arms or something then I would. This is just who own stupidity and laziness. And I thank goodness no one will ever have to do that for me. Cos I'll make sure of it.

Have an awesome Day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
A bit more weeding done and some violas dug up. They are too invasive where they are.

Roma, SH29 seems to be open now. Traffic is moving again. And yep, we know the spot too. It's another spot we slow down for.

Popeye, there was another fatal accident at Otorohanga the other day, so that's three fatalities on Waikato roads over three days.

Kettles boiled, time for a cuppa in the sunshine. MrK is painting the laundry cabinet he's built. He's made a damed fine job of it Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Haven't done much apart from a brief stint in the garden but despite being lovely & sunny now, its just too cold out there to get much done. It was really cold when we did the walk earlier but dog enjoyed it anyway, & I notice that they've repaired temporarily the footpath where the trucks have been going in & out.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Woo hoo, just sold the last big chair, going to be picked up in an hour or so, which means now I can play with organising this space. Funny thing though, three chairs,one for me, two for guests, all the same, but only one is good enough for the cat.

You can guess which one, lol. It is an ongoing game of musical chairs in here...
(17-09-2022, 03:15 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Woo hoo, just sold the last big chair, going to be picked up in an hour or so, which means now I can play with organising this space. Funny thing though, three chairs,one for me, two for guests, all the same, but only one is good enough for the cat.

You can guess which one, lol. It is an ongoing game of musical chairs in here...
The way of the cat is indeed strange - yet sometimes, predictable! Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I am going to try to fool the beast by swapping the cushions around. Then let's see if she picks the 'right' chair...
morning ladies Smile A foggy start to the day but the sun is peeking through.

lmao OHH, cats have staff ya know! They are very particular about their seating arrangements. Dogs on the other hand, don't care as long as we are there somewhere.

Last night the Furry One was dreaming as he slept on the couch snuggled up to me. He was giving little barks and yips, his breathing increased as if he was chasing a rabbit, and his feet were going nonstop lol. He often dreams so we just leave him to dream away.

Today I am hoping to finish digging the violas. They are smothering other plants and have big clumps of buttercup weeds through them. As sweet as the flowers are, they need to be kept under some sort of control. I have them in another garden too so there are plenty of them.

Yesterday afternoon I began planning the kotare/kingfisher. It's going to have stunning greens, teals and blues and I can't wait to start it. Still a bit of prep work to do first though and I may need to buy some fabric too. Will check out my small stash first. There are some rainy days coming up so it will give me a chance to get cracking on it.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Sunny again.. but still on the cool side that's for sure.

Lol do let us know the results of the switch OHH.

I went up to see MrP yesterday.. To say it was horrible is simplifying it. But everything is sorted now. He must have been dehydrated cos with the help of a straw he drank nearly a bottle full of lemonade while I was there. Ive asked them to purree his food and for someone to feed him.

I moved the tray, and sat the glass in front of him and made him lean forward to drink it.

Then went and got more drink and came home for some straws. Rare as they are I keep them on hand for crafting.

I have to pop back up to sort out his phone again. I popped it in a pouch which worked fine but he forgot it was there. So I need to mark it so Bobbie can answer it if necessary. Hes really shaky.

It may only be a few kilometers but I hate being out every day. So I wont be going up tomorrow.

Havent knitted for a couple of days so I might get a little done later.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Success! I think I have the beastly beast fooled... Swapping the cushions was a good trick, lol.
Ohh awesome OHH.. Its nice when we get one over on them eh.

MrP has put himself to bed.. He knows the consequences of doing that.

Still the first things out of his mouth was Take me home.. Told him I was there to fix his phone, but I would leave if he said it again.

Someone how the volume was put on silent so no wonder they couldnt hear it.

Should be ok now.

Its a beautiful calm sunny day out there now. I imagine there are plenty of people at one of the beaches. Never takes much for Waiuku people to strip off for summer
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It must be the cushion she likes then - that's lucky, Hunni.

Not much done here today, cloudy & cold out there so apart from a walk earlier haven't ventured out a great deal.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Overcast this morning and chilly but I should be able to get outside for a bit.

It must be the cushions, OHH Smile So heaven help you if you need to replace them lol.

The patch of violas is gone and now I have room for another three (maybe four?) azaleas to join the few already planted. It's such a shady, dry spot but azaleas seem to do reasonably well there. I have some salvias for a friend so will drop them off to her. They are the lovely tall, bright blue almost purple ones. And the bees love them. MrK mentioned once all the concrete edging is gone, I will have broken the back of the heavy work in the garden. So satisfying to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Still no sign of the fencer Sad

Yesterday afternoon I started the prep work for the kotare/kingfisher. It should be laced to the frame today Big Grin so I can start it when the rain comes.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

Overcast and rain on the cards.  That will more than likely mean afternoon school run a wet one!

Busy weekend here.  Slow down ... the year is flying by too quickly!

Glad the boss's comfort is sorted OHH. I have covers on the chairs my boy prefers but an available lap is top of the list, as in him trying right this minute but I need to move  Big Grin

Enjoy the day.
Morning everyone

it has rained overnight. But very dull and grey here.

I have a pick up this morning as and I know she has kids at college I thought I better get up a tad earlier lol.

Spoke to MrP last night. He seems to only be able to string 2-3 words together. So it's a very one sided conversation. Im going to ring the home and ask them to get the Dr to ring me. There has to be a reason why he has gotten to the state he is in so very quickly.

Madam likes my lap in the winter, but not so keen to snuggle when its hot.. So I always make the most of the cooler temps. And I admit to allowing myself to be held hostage by her.

Still waiting for the buds to open on the mystery geranium. Its the first ones Ive seen on it. and I had a chat with my nursery friend and she said there are some breeds that just dont flower.. But time will tell.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Cushion wasn't enough at 4am though, beastliness prevailed and tantrums were thrown. So I got to sleep in. The vans have arrived with heat pumps or whatever on board but the village is quiet and still so no work is underway yet. Maybe they are waiting for coffee deliveries...
I've been rained off the garden Sad BUT another success with an idea I've been chipping away at for a while. I have a garden path that's a PITA to weed and keep tidy, so I am going to dismantle it and put it back into garden. At least as garden I'm weeding around plants and mulch will help keep it under control. Between taking out the concrete edging and the path, I am reclaiming a tad more garden Heart

I hope the workmen don't expect you and the other residents to supply the coffee, OHH. Tongue


lol was on FB and this came up on my feed.  I thought of you OHH Heart  Love the wee mouse on the cat.  Credit goes to Amy Butcher 

Textile Art | Beaks and Bobbins
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Perfect example, the only time she abandons cushion is when my nice comfy personal padding is available...
morning all a damp day here

Had a lovely weekend a tad weary now beavering away prepping/ lots of reading for a meeting this afternoon.

Cant see me getting back to quilting until Wednesday.

Gotta love the antics of our feline friends Big Grin

Finished to premmie cardi so will drop that off this morning so they can at least have one completed prem kit on hand.

back to the reading
enjoy your day and keep dry
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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