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You can never have enough...
Princess and the Pea and Pillows lol..

MAdam is currently making use of my lap
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
And hes off to hospital again.

Dr Thinks he might have an infection, but apprently he has been having anginas too. But oddly the Dr asked if I wanted him sent to hospital. Im thinking maybe cos it might be close to the end.. but I dont have a degree he does. So i told him to do what is needed.

I did get to speak to him and told him I would find him. And made out his words, I love you... The soft me doesnt want to see him again, and I know that sounds bad.

Taking an hour at a time
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
No, it doesn't sound bad at all. Sometimes death is a relief for those of us forced to watch the process. There are many worse things than slipping quietly into oblivion. For me the prospect of dementia is one of those worse things. Especially considering how much I love a good snooze. The last sleep looks far more attractive than dependency...

Big hugs popeye.
Love the image of cat on cushions & mouse on cat!

Not at all Popeye; on the contrary, that makes very good sense.

I went for a bit of a trawl around the shops today, trying to get inspiration for xmas gifts. Didn't actually find anything but did have an inspiration; I've decided to buy those little indexed notebooks for the grandkids & cover them in lovely paper (I'm fairly sure I have some still - somewhere in the dreaded workroom) so they can write all their ph numbers in just in case the worst happens & they lose their phones. I thought they'd be a little extra thing to put in with their presents. Had a look & found soft cover ones in Whitcoulls for $6.50 each - the hardcover ones were almost twice that at $12.50. More expensive than I'd thought, since I'll need six & its also a lot of work to make new covers. May need to think again, we'll see.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
ahh popeye, I did wonder when he stopped eating if this was it. Nope, it's not bad at all to think that way. You have done a lot of grieving, especially over the last 12 months. It's logical to feel this way.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(19-09-2022, 03:20 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Love the image of cat on cushions & mouse on cat!

Not at all Popeye; on the contrary, that makes very good sense.

I went for a bit of a  trawl around the shops today, trying to get inspiration for xmas gifts. Didn't actually find anything but did have an inspiration; I've decided to buy those little indexed notebooks for the grandkids & cover them in lovely paper (I'm fairly sure I have some still - somewhere in the dreaded workroom) so they can write all their ph numbers in just in case the worst happens & they lose their phones. I thought they'd be a little extra thing to put in with their presents. Had a look & found soft cover ones in Whitcoulls for $6.50 each - the hardcover ones were almost twice that at $12.50. More expensive than I'd thought, since I'll need six & its also a lot of work to make new covers. May need to think again, we'll see.
Check out the two dollar shop...
Thank you everyone

Was talking on Fb earlier, MrP didnt want me to go up. We never visit each other when in hospital.. And I understand,, and as I said on there, he would find a way of preventing me, like arranging a flat tyre on the car. Its the way his mind works.

I too dont want dementia. I see Bobbie getting worse, and yesterday she was begging me to bring him home. I guess for her she feels like she is losing another or the same hubby since she calls MrP Trevor.. But I will still visit her and take her out.. Its what she craves.

I havent called yet, but I wont leave it too much later. It all depends on how fast the ambulance got to pick him up and they take hours in ed.

I too keep a book with numbers, in case I ever lose my phone. Which I have done 3 times but have been very lucky to get it back each time too.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(19-09-2022, 04:33 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(19-09-2022, 03:20 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Love the image of cat on cushions & mouse on cat!

Not at all Popeye; on the contrary, that makes very good sense.

I went for a bit of a  trawl around the shops today, trying to get inspiration for xmas gifts. Didn't actually find anything but did have an inspiration; I've decided to buy those little indexed notebooks for the grandkids & cover them in lovely paper (I'm fairly sure I have some still - somewhere in the dreaded workroom) so they can write all their ph numbers in just in case the worst happens & they lose their phones. I thought they'd be a little extra thing to put in with their presents. Had a look & found soft cover ones in Whitcoulls for $6.50 each - the hardcover ones were almost twice that at $12.50. More expensive than I'd thought, since I'll need six & its also a lot of work to make new covers. May need to think again, we'll see.
Check out the two dollar shop...
That's an idea - & there's also a similar shop which sells art & craft stuff so might check both those next time I'm around that way.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another wet, grey day here but boy, do we need the rain. The ground was so dry.

Popeye, I hope you are feeling ok this morning. It's going to be a long, few days so look after yourself. I'm wondering if you could have a friend stay with you for a bit.

The $2 Shop has so much stuff. It's where I buy my backing boards for any embroidery that needs framing.

We watched the Queen's funeral for as long as we could, so much pomp! The Brits certainly know how to do that. But I do love how all that pomp has history to back it up.

Our fencer is coming within the next day or too, his previous job is taking a bit longer. Doesn't bother us, the fence is braced and not going anywhere, and our money can stay in the bank that little bit longer. If the weather clears, I have plenty of other stuff to do in the garden. One last big 'push' and the heaviest work will be done. Can't believe it lol. It will be lovely to have a summer just to potter about and not have dig out concrete.

Yesterday I laced the outline of the kotare/kingfisher to the frame so it's ready for stitching Smile The colours are just gorgeous, moss greens and teals with touches of cream. MrK has asked if I'll do our resident thrush next lol. Not quite as colourful but certainly very vocal every morning.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny and warm after an earlier shower.

We watched the Queen's funeral until they were seated in the Abbey. Such pomp and ceremony all run like clockwork and based on decades of Royal tradition. I enjoyed seeing the corgis and pony on the sidelines. A new normal now,  as far as the Royal family go!

Excitement in our family with an engagement announcement,  but first son and fiancee have a baby arrival to think about  Smile

Look forward to the kingfisher KM ... you will be tackling the bigger native birds next! Our son and family have recently visited Wingspan, Rotorua. Grandson had a karearea (NZ Falcon) sit on his arm ... an exciting birthday treat. We are keen to visit sometime as well.

Groceries and a few jobs to do.  

Have a great day all.

Also thinking of you Popeye, just go with the flow and think of yourself first. Take care.
Morning everyone

The sun is out soo far.

I watched till they were taking the coffin around the round-about. I must say normally I am bawling within the first few bars of the lord is my shepherd, but I managed to sing the whole song.. Thats a miracle for me

I rang the hospital just before midnight. Typically no one rang, The had him on a drip for fluid but hadn't done anything else. The Drs should be there around about now. I have asked to speak to one and if I can I want to send the photo I took on Saturday with the green mouth.

I will ring Bobbie once I know anything more.

Can't wait to see the Kingfisher Kiwimade.. Have you done the Kiwi yet? I can't remember?

No plans for today.. Just resting maybe from my late night
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all a  bright overcast day here

Guess I joined you all last night too called it a day at 11.15.

Exciting another project KM.

Hang in there Popeye be knid to yourself.

Off up the line today for quilting group don't have anything quilty to do so will take my premie knitting last night was very productive got the 2 fronts completed.

Must move

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
back inside to put the kettle in. The wheelie bins have been emptied and I took the compost one straight to the hydrangea MrK had cut, sliced and diced it into smaller pieces and the bin is full again. Was barely empty half an hour lol. The fencer texted and will be here either this afternoon or tomorrow. I needed to clear the hydrangea to give him some space to work. Didn't matter if he was coming or not, either way it all had to be tidied up.

I lasted until they transferred the Queen's coffin from the gun carriage to the hearse. But I will admit to nodding off during the sermon lol. When they say military precision, they mean it! It was also great to see more women in the ranks. I wondered if they picked the sailors who pulled the gun carriage by height.

Kettles boiled, I've earned this cuppa Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I must be one of the few who avoided the funeral. I find that ritual too emotionally stressful no matter who is in the starring role. I gave them up as a personal choice back in 1995 after a particularly fraught one for my father. Family drama orchestrated for effect with no thought to the bereaved, so that was that. Some people just cannot resist stirring the pot at such times - these days I watch the media do it all too often and shake my head in disgust, but it is worse when it is up close and personal.

So the still photos will do me for memory fodder, and I must say our PM dressed beautifully. Quiet referential symbolism, loved it.
Lol Kiwimade I thought the same re their heights.. The shorter ones at the front and taller at the back.. And yes they do it that way. My brother was in the Navy, they like things to look nice and tidy.

I spoke to MrP he is scared but still doesn't want me there. Waiting for the drs to ring me.. I figured out its easier to ask for a different department and they put you through to the right place..

OHH I dont like funerals.. but have learnt they are easier to deal with if you have already had them cremate. But neither of us are having a funeral...

The Thing I hate are sympathy cards.... What the heck do you do with them.. Mum put all of the ones we got when dad died. but no one ever looked at it. I guess she binned it. I only send them to my elders out of respect. But God help anyone who sends me one. Hate them
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The kingfisher sounds gorgeous Kiwimade.

I avoided the funeral too, & for the same reason. I just don't do funerals anymore at all.

I'm not having one - I'm going to have an unfuneral. Cremated & that lot can sit around & tell all those stories they've got saved up about their entirely angelic parent/grandparent...Smile

Hope all goes well, Popeye. I don't like sympathy cards either, awful things. I remember when my dad died I had one or two from some random religious strangers, vey keen to spread their religion. One of them made the mistake of putting their address on the envelope, so that person got a note from me, giving my opinion of those who took advantage of grieving families.
I'd like to think they never did so again.

Had a swift look in $2 shop on my way this morning; they have some far more reasonably priced at 30c but not indexed. I've one or two more places to check before I finally decide - if I find some indexed for that price or close, that would be brilliant. Otherwise, it comes down to paying more or doing the extra work of indexing myself.
And since I have mostly Scots ancestry so I'm guessing that if I can't find any indexed at a more reasonable price, it'll be me doing it, dammit!

I did the dreaded groceries & then a tiny bit of weeding so am going to do nothing for the rest of the day, apart from a bit more painting.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile  Another wet day here but we're expecting the fencers this morning Big Grin

The bluebells are finally flowering.  We both love them and they are filling in a small corner of the garden nicely.  Today I need to dig out a couple of hyacinths for my sister-in-law so we can trade colours.  Her house has been sold so I'll pot them up for her.  Then she can sort out where they go after she has moved into her new home and planned her gardens.  The house she has bought has lawn only so is a blank canvas garden wise (oh to be so lucky lol). She is visiting this week sometime to introduce the Furry One (and us lol) to her new dog and can take them then. but I suspect she also wants to see what's being done in our garden lol.

Cards and postage are so expensive these days.  We certainly don't expect people to send them but there are some who will.  I think I read somewhere NZ Post has sneakily put its prices up again.  I guess I'll find out when I send our granddaughter her birthday present this week.

Yesterday I started work on the kingfisher.  This time I am adding French knots as texture to the fence post it is sitting on.  So far, so good.

Time to get cracking, I have a few things to do in the garden this morning.  I have a plan how to revert a garden path back into the garden but first I need to move some more concrete fill. 

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Scattered cloud here.

Have woken up with a sniffle so no gym this morning, I am having a wee lie in the k9s are all bloobed out so its peaceful for now.

Not sure what I will get up to today perhaps aread a book later.

KM hope fencer turns up

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Sunny at present. Had thunder later in the afternoon yesterday.

Well a Dr finally rang last night.. They suspect a urine infection, and might be looking at a catheter since he's getting them often. But they will see what the next step is today. The Dr I spoke to last night said his friend is the Dr on duty this morning so he was going to leave him a note to make sure he rings me.

To say Im not happy with the DR here is an understatement. He made it sound like he was on his last. But one day at a time again

I'm going up to see Bobbie this morning. And at least will have something to tell her. She told me yesterday they have been in and cleaned MrP's room to the max. which is great cos it was a bloody mess. I will be making sure nothing is missing.

Spent a bit of time in my wardrobe yesterday , its looking more like pantry lol.. I have stocked up on all my vitamins, deodorants, shower gels etc. To the point that I won't need to buy any meds until next winter. Which is good cos the Chemist Warehouse have had my magnesium $10 cheaper than our local chemist.. Cos we will lose the winter energy payment shortly. I also have new towels on the very top racks so Im calling it a pantry lol.

I need to get some weed-eater cord this week and then get one of the guys to undo the part on the weed-eater to refill the bobbin. Then hope for fine weather lol

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Ahh, I wondered about a uti. The fever does seem to go to our heads with those. Fingers crossed a decent dose of antibiotics does the trick. I may be quite wrong but I reckon insufficent changing of pads has a role to play in these repeat infections. Certainly did with my mum, and I have a neighbour who also gets the same issue. And I think she is a bit slack on the routine too...

But who knows. Maybe it is just mama nature doing her best to bump us off at three score and ten...

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