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You can never have enough...
Popeye, I didn't see the curiosity shops when at the Auckland Museum so maybe they have taken them out. And I've been to the doll museum in Tirau but that was years ago when the kids were small.

Smiths Sports Shoes have a sale on and it's one I wait for every year as I buy my walking shoes there. So this morning I drove over to Cambridge and bought my annual pair of walking shoes at 40% off. Omg they feel sooo good and already my back is thanking me. I didn't realise just how worn my old pair were until I put this pair on.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I didn't notice the quake either - mind you after what we've had down here, if I never feel another one, it'll be too bloody soon! Smile

Yep, I tend to check on those 'specials' too, sneaky devils, those supermarkets.

Checked in Paper plus while out this morning, & they have indexed notebooks - but at almost twice the price of Whitcoulls! The warehouse has some not indexed for about 90c but when I think of all the work involved, I might just leave it a while & hope Whitcoulls has a sale soon.

Found some cauli plants & also got some spinach plants while I was there, so once i get the garden sorted they can go in. Might have to station Madame Le Dog out there with a butterfly net, to catch all those white butterflies. I wasn't going to grow garlic this years as I've still got quite a bit left from last time, but if it keeps away white butterflies & other pests it may be worth it. I usually give any surplus away so it would just be a bit more.

Knackered now so won't be doing much else today.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Thanks Kiwimade, That was always my fave part of the Museum.

Awee Bobbie bless her rang and invited me to go up to the music this afternoon... But my knee is worse than its ever been so I declined.

I have to do some shopping tomorrow so need to rest it today. The frustration is really getting to me. It had been soo dammed good. And I know I didn't overdo it too quickly.

Will ring MrP and the hospital later since I managed to get both at about 5pm.

This Thrush stuff doesn't taste any better lol arghhh... my tummy doesn't like it either.. Gonna be a long week me thinks lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's going to be a gorgeous day today. And daylight saving kicks in tonight/early tomorrow morning :

This morning I'm going to mow the lawn as my sister-in-law and our friend is coming for lunch and it would be nice to have lunch outside under our tree. I should have done it yesterday but oh well. Today we meet the latest addition to our family, her new dog Big Grin I hope she gets along with the Furry One but by the sounds of it, they should get along just fine.

MrK is being very supportive with the extra work I'm doing in the garden. I think he's thinking ahead for when I'm on my own. A few of the bricks we laid for the seat will be cut to size and put around the base of the bird feeder as a bit more support. I've been using that nasty concrete fill, but MrK suggested he cut the bricks to size for the job. It will look a lot nicer. I can't wait to see the end results; it's been a long time coming. No doubt my sister-in-law will have some ideas today too.

No embroidery for me yesterday and quite possibly today. That's OK, it's not a race and I'm in no hurry to have it finished.

Time to get cracking, lots to do this morning.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Seem to have lost my last post I wrote  Smile

Had a good play in the garden yesterday have started seed trays for tomatoes and capsicums.  I’ve started planting a border of garlic as I have quite a few plants, don’t think they will work on white butterflies but hopefully on the aphids.

The main nuisance I have though are the neighbourhood cats. Went to pull a few new carrots and there were 2 piles of cat poo right beside them - rather off putting!  The trouble is as I cover one part of the garden they just move somewhere else. Was away for several days recently and there were 4 piles on the lawn when I got back. People have the right to have cats but I also have the right NOT to have a cat - or at least their sh**.  Undecided  And no cats are not clean creatures that bury it.
Morning everyone

Looks like it's going to be lovely here too.

All your gardens sound lovely. Oh the Non flowering geranium looks like either a very bright crimson or possibly red. I can just see a hint of colour. Oddly the white one doesn't have buds lol. the rest home one has had one bunch or flowers son far.

MrP is slowly mending, his voice is getting louder and can say a few more words. But I think it will still be a while before he gets back here.

Im off to do groceries today. A last little stock up before the winter energy payment stops. Its been handy to have. my account is in credit anyway lol.

And then no doubt I will be resting the knee. No jumping legs last night.

Oh my bloods came back, everything is normal so we still dont know why they are jumping about lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Damp overcast day here

Still snuffly and below par which is annoying. Did try some quilting yesterday but its difficult when your nose is running so I had to give up Sad will try again today Big Grin

Indoors day so a bit of tidy up and quick vacuum this morning.

Enjoy your visitors KM

Everyone's gardens sound like they are in spring mode Cool

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I was given three tomato seedlings so hardened them off and have them buried deep in big pots against a warm brick wall. They have put on a lot of leaf so maybe my rule 'never before Labour Weekend' will have to move with the times. Then I have lots of Little Garden seedlings popping up so Spring is definitely underway.

Cats are annoying creatures. My neighbours beasts keeping digging up my seedlings so I have netted them and planted sharp twigs among them. I know it isn't my awful creature as she is pretty much an indoor cat these days, and has a well used litter box. It is infuriating when it isn't our pets - but does making squirting the ratbags with the hose a lot more fun.  Big Grin
Home done and dusted.

Had the price perfect until I found they didn't have any twin packs of paper towels and the 6 pack is dearer per roll. Was quite proud that I stuck to the list. So now the cupboard are full and I should be able to cope without the extra money.

I haven't seen Padre for quite a while. Maybe he has found a dryer place to Haunt. There was a very pretty kitten went through the other day a tabby with white and ginger.. Not sure where it belongs but it was the first time I've seen it.

They had Linda Hallanen I think thats her last name on tv yesterday or the day before. She suggested people didn't jump the gun with planting, it's not Labour weekend yet.. I thought she obviously has missed the Climate mess lol

Time to rest the knee and ring MrP later
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Tried doing a bit of weeding earlier but the ground's still quite wet & heavy to dig, so did a quick zip over to the library instead.

Had a visit from second eldest granddaughter & her wee girl; she's just a bit older than two & seems to not miss a thing. I got out a scrapbook & pens for her to draw in & she seemed to enjoy that.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile  We have a foggy start to the day but the sun is coming through. 

I love it when I'm on budget with the groceries.  Especially these days with the cost of living going up and up.  It helps we have the vegie garden though.

Tomatoes are traditionally planted Labour weekend here too and I doubt MrK is ever going to change. We still get the odd frost up until late October.  But we are aware of climate change and how things are changing in the garden.  It's crazy that your garden is so wet, Lilith, when ours is dry and really could use the rain.  Today I'll lift the bricks that were under the seat.  There's not many so it won't take long.  MrK's sister may use some of them and has also picked out some of the old fence posts he has for when she moves and starts creating her new gardens. 

We meet the new family addition and OMG what a dog!  Her previous owners have put a lot of work into her training, so she knows the basics.  And what a sweet nature.  We had three dogs racing round madly outside chasing each other lol.  The Furry One may have been the smallest and oldest but he kept up with the big dogs no problem.  It helped that he could change direction quickly and often ran under their tummies lol.  There were three very tired dogs last evening lol.  

I took a leaf out of your book, popeye, and took a steroid tablet for my back this morning.  It's the first time I have taken something other than panadol.  Already it is feeling easier to move about. 

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

Another stunning day looming.

We have our house back so the day is ours with lawns to mow and some garden tidying. Everything is looking lush and green with the Vireyas and Lily of the Valley shrubs particularly, putting on a show. Some hibiscus starting to flower. Scary to think we are in for a hot,  dry summer!

Nothing like lots of play to wear out the dogs KM. My old tripod does her best to interact with the border collie and they were both stretched out flat afterwards!

The bin was full to the top with beautiful fresh, white caulis the other day but I wonder how many like me walked straight past them at $8.50 each. How much better for them to be a few $$ (at least) less and go out the supermarket door while still fresh. I have plenty of leeks, perpetual spinach and rocket on the go with other veg coming on. 

Baby beanie on the needles to keep fingers busy at night. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Another stunning day ahead I think. There was a 200m wide drizzle of rain as I was coming home yesterday.

Yeah I see the Budget as a challenge Kiwimade.. I got 32 items for $110.. and considering one of the, blardy council rubbish bags were $11 I think I did pretty well. The same bags locally are $13. I shudder to think what it would have cost to get it all at New World lol.

I have got the food processor out, I've had it pretty much all the time since I met MrP so 33 years and Ill quickly grate some cheese. Im not using it fast enough and getting bits of Mould on the edges. So it can go in the freezer and nothing will be wasted.

Love it when Dogs have play dates lol.. And yep the Furry one may be older but they can still scoot around eh.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Cat is well into recovery mode now, so I am thinking our guess about flea treatment might be on the money. And weird thing, I found a young flea on my arm this morning, a bit dozy but definitely alive so I am doubly disgusted. That stuff isn't cheap and obviously both dangerous and ineffective. I shall be checking in with the vet before dosing her again I think.

But the day is looking fabulous weatherwise, so I think a trip to the library and the supermarket is called for, and maybe a coffee...

Big Grin
Morning all
another overcast cool day here.

managed to get some quilting done yesterday a few more hours to go all good practice  Cool

OH the fact the flea was dozy probably meant it was intoxicated and on the way out, also the topicals do take a few days to work their way to the tip of the tail.

you have reminded me our feline flea treatment has been sitting on the bench waiting for someone to treat said feline guess it is going to be me again.

Sorting out DH surgery payments argh.... ! got an invoice from hospital and the insurance has already paid them I hate inefficiency.

Enjoy your day - I will be quilting once I have sorted the invoice etc  out
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good to hear Her Majesty the Cat is well on the road to recovery, OHH Heart

I hate inefficiency to, mica.  We had a similar thing years ago with insurance as well.  They had paid but we got the invoice from the supplier.  Double dipping lol.

The bricks are lifted, the old fence posts I used to mark out the path have been moved, an old trellis pulled down, and MrK is nailing the old wire concrete reinforcing back onto the fence for me.  It's such a glorious day to be outside.  I've done my dash though, the panadol is wearing off.  But a very satisfying morning all the same.  I only need to dig over where the path was and plan the planting.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I also hate inefficiency. Especially when dealing with different divisions of the same place.

I had a call from Winz on Friday, but they hung up before I managed to pull over and answer the phone. So I rang them and got them to call me back, nearly an hours waiting time.

Told the lady that someone had called... then told her about my rent increase and she said ohh its too soon to do it, ring back a week before it goes up. And I asked what the person rang for. She said they will call back. yep Im still waiting. I will call again on Tuesday.. Im not a mind reader when it comes to winz lol

My mother told me once she would never pick and argument with me, cos she would Never win.. I take that as one of the very few compliments she ever said to me.

Im happy to admit if I lose or am wrong... but Ill fight to the end lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Not doing anything in the garden today, I managed to overdo it a bit earlier. After the mandatory walk I decided to make gingerbread again & while it was in the oven realised that I needed to use up what was left of some tinned asparagus, so made a mushroom & asparagus quiche to go in freezer later.
Its probably adjusting to daylight saving I think, really tired now so decided to do nothing outside today - & wouldn't you know it, the sun's come out!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Cool drizzly day. Just picked a healthy pakchoy for dinner tonight - actually I have cut it off and seeing
 if it will come away again like some veg do.  I’m not keen on silver beet or spinach but really like pakchoy and all brassicas.  The vege garden is really helping budget wise as haven’t brought any vegetables for several weeks now except for a few onions. 
Most of what I have in now I grew from seeds which makes it a lot more economical - and interesting - than buying the punnet seedlings.

I made a solution by soaking some garlic granules in water overnight and sprayed it around the garden and there only a few stray aphids left on the kohl rabi so looks like it worked although with the rain I guess it will need redoing quite often.  Will try it on the citrus as well and see if it keeps the little blighters away there too.
morning ladies Smile Another lovely day beckons.

yummmm pakchoy. It's so good stir fried with a touch of soy sauce. And easy to grow too. Venetian, have you tried putting mint sauce on your silverbeet? I used to do that when the kids were small and they loved it. We still have mint sauce stirred through silverbeet (had it for dinner last night lol). It's really tasty. Yesterday MrK planted our spuds so we are looking forward to eating those. The blueberry we were given and had to cut back hard to replant has flowers on it. Amazing. We weren't expecting any flowers this season.

MrK has decided that's it for driving until his cataracts have been sorted. He had already stopped driving long distance but now it's all driving. Hopefully we can get it sorted before his 80th next year when he has to re-sit his licence.

The steroid I took yesterday kicked in during the afternoon and I was walking freely. Still a bit tender but a lot better so I took another one this morning to keep the momentum up. I very rarely resort to medication but in this instance, even my yoga stretches weren't working. Probably doesn't help there's lots of heavy(ish) work to do outside.

Still no embroidery done, while the days are fine, I would rather be outside.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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