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You can never have enough...
Yes - but being a tortoise can be annoying! I tell myself its helping develop better patience...
I hope the cats survive to continue for a while longer, Jan. Its always so hard to lose an animal.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(27-09-2022, 06:07 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Yes - but being a tortoise can be annoying! I tell myself its helping develop better patience...
I hope the cats survive to continue for a while longer, Jan. Its always so hard to lose an animal.

It can be annoying but when it comes to that or pain. Ill take slow and steddy. lol

I need a new toy... A blower vacc... This sweeping up clippings from the weed eating is messy, time consuming and painful.

Wanders off to window shop and figure out what I can sell to get what I need and want. Target is $75. and then Ill have a matching trio. lol

But Ill check TM first
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(27-09-2022, 04:00 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(27-09-2022, 03:49 PM)JanW Wrote: Yes Lilith it was funny - like fitting the pieces in a jigsaw
Another new veggie I grew that has been really successful is Florentine red onion - I think they may have been a King’s seed - you just scatter them and then thin them out when they are useable spring onion size - they end up like a shallot shape - super in salads or under the grill cheese on toast - I just popped them whole in my casseroles - very versatile and no waste because they are smaller .
I have two garden beds down the back of the section seeing I am on a gardening roll thinking of planting some potatoes - my kids think it’s hilarious never gardened in my life before but it’s sort of cheating in the veggiepod as there are no bugs and no bending - it self waters as well
My granddaughter has two Russian blue cats - 14 year old sisters - one started losing weight - spent the night at the vet last night on a drip - the other one is beside herself - they are together all the time - sad times ahead for sure
Have something Ukrainian for tea - looks like a pastie -not sure if it’s sweet or savoury - the grandad brought it round I asked what it was but sometimes I just can’t understand him - he is still wobbly on his bike but he goes all around the town on it - the father is still in Germany the worry is if he recovers 100% he will have to go back to Ukraine to fight again - will break the families heart
Ordered, one pack, Kings Florentine Red Onion...

Should do well in a pot!

Perfect in a pot hunni - they are well worth growing
morning ladies Smile  Dark clouds are on the horizon but I'm hoping they stay away until I have some plants planted.

A blower vac would be perfect here too, popeye.  Our old leaf rake is on its last legs lol.  I don't even think you can buy the one we have any more.  They are all plastic.

Bartering is great, Jan and it sounds like your three-way barter worked perfectly.  We do need more of this.  There would be less waste for starters.  MrK is keen to try your onions so we will buy a packet of the seed and give it a go.

Our friend put his spuds in the other day only to find a rat had dug up three and taken the seed spuds away.  So out came the traps and are dotted around the spuds.  He also gave us a massive cauli he had grown, snow white and just perfect for picking.

No embroidery for me yesterday so I'll attempt to do more today.  No antiflammatory  help for me today either.  My back is much freer, a tad sore, but nothing panadol won't help with. Maybe just a rub with antiflamme lol.

Washing machine is finished, coffee cup is empty and the Furry One wants to play.  I guess those are my cues to move this tush.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny outside ... so far!

Agree,  bartering would be a great idea within communities. A lot of households in our neighbourhood have extra produce (flowers even) at the gate with honesty boxes ...  equally as good. I just need to remember to have some loose change in my pocket if out walking!

 I hope I get a few more years out of my leaf rake yet. Leaf blowers are used prolificly round here, that sound is very recognisable! Though we have to smile if we see someone blowing leaves off their drive to the side ... what happens when the wind blows again  Undecided  I wasn't impressed to see a neighbour use theirs to blow their lawn clippings across the footpath and onto the kerb and road  Sad  I've no doubt a leaf blower will be great to blow leaves into a pile to be picked up/composted!

Eek,  at the spud thief! I might have a go growing some in buckets this year, same with tomatoes. 

Better get moving for groceries,  library and errands. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

We have a couple of Local Bartering groups on FB here and the Library does seeds swaps which is brilliant.

Yeah I hate seeing people blow their leaves and grass onto the toads. That certainly can't happen where I am. Down a long driveway. We. No I have a metal leaf rake. Will never die of over use lol.. I dont like using it lol. I've figured out how to get a blower vac. I have a handy credit in my power account so I will ring and ask for some back. The one Im looking at, same breed as the mower and weed eater even has a wee wheel on the front so you can run it along the ground. Never seen that before.

Im a tad sore this morning, and tired.. My friends Grandgirl arrived at 3am this morning. 3 weeks early but still a healthy 6.6 lbs.

I might go up and visit Bobbie and fill her in on MrP. I will ring the hospital later but I won't speak to him today.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Library seed swap - now that's a good idea! I have excess bean seeds so I will pop them in a wee plastic pot and drop them off on the quiet...

Maybe if I label them 'Magic Beans'... Big Grin
Morning all
Bright overcast day here.

We had a blower/vacuum very efficient DH would suck up leaves and put them in the compost. DS borrowed it and it never been back home Shy

Finished the quilting yesterday some is wonky but thats what practising is all about. Will attach binding today and do the hand stitching tonight.

 DH just left to walk k9s thats my cue to do the vacuuming sigh so gotta move.
DD played silly buggers and wouldn't come when called he is lamenting at the door as DH left without him. Play silly games win silly prizes.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
lol I love that and must remember it... play silly games and win silly prizes!

I've done what I planned to do over a couple of mornings so am a happy camper. The soil will need a lot of building up as the tree roots are close to the surface. Caught our nieghbour in passing and he's bringing the john deere down later to pick up the concrete. I don't like asking him about the rest so will hire a skip to dump it. MrK commented again how good the garden looks without the edging and how much safer he feels when walking on it. I feel a lot happier too. I just wish he had agreed with me years ago lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Did a wee top up (gulp! $92!!) shop this morning, but scored on the Little Gardens... Got handed five of them, and not a turnip or a swede in the handful. Did get something labeled 'Popcorn' which has me perplexed...

Never grown THAT before...
I just put any garden surplus (once family & the neighbours have had plenty) out by the letter box with a sign 'free to a good home' which seems to work OK.

Did what I had to in the way of errands this morning -oddly, the dog did not seem at all thrilled when informed that I'd got her next flea treatment from the vet - & had plans to get into garden this afternoon. The forecast was for a 'few spots of rain' so thought it would be OK.

The 'few spots' started when we were out for the walk & hasn't damn well stopped yet. It had better be fine tomorrow.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
My mother grew popcorn when we were children. As far as I can remember  it grew like ordinary corn but then had to dried very well for it to pop,  the ears of corn were hanging  on the veranda getting harder and harder.  
She would make a caramel type syrup to put on the popped corn. No doubt not the best for us but very yummy.
I dont grow popcorn, But I love eating it lol'

Hot with loads of salt.. dont really care for butter on it.. I used to have chicken stock powder on it, until they Made it New and Improved and ruined the taste lol.

MrP is coming home tomorrow.. Im afraid the Dr that rang me got the Bulldog from me. They all apologise for lack of contact but it never changes. I rang 10 times in one hour, so they could transfer the call to him and they kepts cutting me off. So they rang me and they paid for the call.

And Yes his charger was there. They had charged his phone but NONE of them could turn the dam thing on.. the pillocks.

So I will go up once I know he is home. Ive left a message for Bobbie so she will be pleased. Ill be going to get a blower vac either locally if they have one or over to Pukekohe to the Mega store there.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Rain clouds again on the horizon, let's see if we have rain today.

That's good MrP is going back to the home today, popeye. I hope they remember to pack his charger.

yummm popcorn. We have never grown it so it will be interesting OHH to see how it goes. I didn't know there was a variety specifically for popcorn.

The ground here is so dry, Lilith, can you send some of your 'spots' this way please lol. I'll go out and check on the plants I moved and planted yesterday soon. One of the Graeme Thomas roses has now been moved where the path was. When I rescued it last summer it had barely any roots. Now, at it not quite a year on, the roots were a lot longer and more of them. Big Grin Hopefully this will be its final spot in the garden. One of the six Yesterday, Today and Tomorrows MrK's sister gave me a while back is finally in the ground too and Roma, the bigger hydrangea you gave me has also finally been planted. I'll be able to plant the cuttings out on the roadside soon too. Just need to hoe up the baby weeds that are starting to grow back. And I'm thinking about asking the council not to spray along our roadside to give the cuttings a better chance.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Grey and gloomy here too

Do be careful with the yesterday, today and tomorrow plants Kiwimade they are poisoness to dogs. They are pretty tho.

Im off to find a blower vacc this morning. Well I will phone first. I like to buy local but will travel if I have to. Will grab some milk and bananas somewhere lol.

MrP had pretty much nothing with him in hospital. No teeth, no glasses, no comb etc so I said I would make up a toilet bag that can sit on top of his wardrobe and can be there and only used if he goes back to hospital. Also told him to keep his teeth in his mouth where they should be lol.

I will pop up and see him once he is home, if they managed to get an early Ambulance he could be back in town before I am.

Right Ill get a few things done here. Might get my INR done today too.

Have a fab day everyone

Woohoo went to check the SKU number to ring up and find the blower vacc and they are on special. A 3rd off. Yayay... not a third but down from $75 to $59..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all,
Raining dull day here.

You are meant to have that blower/vacuum Popeye, good Mr P returning.

Got half of the binding stitched down on quilt last night couldnt do more because I would have to move the quilt and the feline was cozy snuggled up it on my lap pretty much the only time she sits on my lap is when I am stitching g a binding on a quilt funny wee tabby.

Volunteer morning and DS and family visiting this afternoon so my day is spoken for

Enjoy your day and keep dry
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
well the blower was meant to be, popeye Smile

Son has phoned and he has broken his shoulder falling head over t*t the handle when the brakes locked. He is more embarrassed than anything lol but will be off work for a bit. We could end up having him home Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Cloudy and of course drizzled on the school run.

Good timing with the blower/vac sale Popeye. It will make life easier for you.

Ouch KM, that will have hurt ... lucky it wasn't his head though! Been there,  done that with mum waiting hand and foot on the injured son  Big Grin  Glad the hydrangeas have progressed and nearly in the ground.

Got to love a pet right in the way of crafting and what we do to work around their comfort Mica  Smile

Day of GD entertaining, maybe get some baking in. 

Enjoy the day all.
Hydrangeas are all planted Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin so next time you go by Roma, you will see them. There was just enough for the length of the fence Big Grin Thank you so much for the cuttings, I really appreciate them. Two more Yesterday Today & Tomorrow's and a camelia planted along our little road as well. So good to have the seedlings and cuttings in the ground and just in time for the rain.

yep, son is pretty sore. He told his boss, it's all good, they didn't have to amputate my arm (joking). His boss replied well that's just as well as you haven't been here long enough for full sick leave yet! He's hoping they can find him something to do in the office so he won't have time off work. We've been instructed to tell people if they ask, he was defending a little old lady from a bikie gang lmao.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I really hate it when the net goes down for mysterious reasons and we do all those fix it things and nothing works, and then all of a sudden BING it's mysteriously back again...

Bloody thing.

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