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You can never have enough...
Ouch Kiwimade thats going to hurt.

And shoulders can be nasty places to heal too. Still as you say he is lucky.

Love a good hydrangea hedge. They are my second fave flower.

I got the blower vacc first thing. Very happy. And Yeah an added bonus of being cheaper.. meant that I could afford to replace my Slowly dying mouse.. it was getting very annoying.

MrP hasnt left yet. He asked me to get him some kfc potato and gravy. But I rang the home before I got it, they hadn't been told he was coming home. So I rang the hospital and they said the ambulance was booked for 1.30, not this morning like they told me. So I got it just in case. And it can be reheated if need be.

Im a little scared to see him really cos I know he will have lost even more weight and is slowly not looking like my man.

I often give in to Missy wanting my knee over something I want to do, mainly cos she wont come near me in the summer so I enjoy all the close time over winter that I can.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Very lucky with the blower, Popeye.
And unlucky with your son's shoulder, KM.

Warm here so got dreaded back lawn done first thing & then spent time weeding later on; have almost got one small plot cleared so may do more tomorrow, weather permitting.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Kiwimaid a photo came up on my Facebook page the other day of a row of hydrangea pruned up into a mop tops - it must have taken ages to trim them and shape them
Very humid here - the rain stayed away but forecast isn’t good for the next few days - my son with the rural land is feeding out because many of his paddocks still have standing water from last weekends rain - he is on the outskirts of Dannevirke much wetter down there - he has to give his fancy goats room service they won’t come out of their house when it’s raining .His sawmill is having its fourth run of covid - several families work there so one gets it then the rest .
Hope Mr Ps ambulance finally arrived they are as strung out as the nurses
My brother has just bought the most beautiful staffi pup - since his cancer scare he has cut his hours right back and put a manager in - has been wanting a pup for ages - his wife is one of those people who walks around behind him with the broom so I don’t know how she is going to cope with a pup - but times right now for him -he lives on the beach so it will make him get out for a walk - he took a photo today at sunrise wish I could share it - it’s all purples and pinks
Well might head off to bed - one of my granddaughters sent me the new book by the author of The Boy in striped pyjamas
morning ladies Smile A wet weekend is in store for us. Just as well there are crafting things to do.

A mop top hydrangea hedge! I would never have thought of that lol. I know the goats you are talking about, Jan. They do not like the rain at all. The first drop and they run for their shelter. But they are very cute Heart

My gumboots died yesterday. That will teach for me not buying red bands. They split along the back of the heel making them useless. I'll wait for the Field Days in November for some specials to come up before I buy another pair. Will be different having the Field Days in summer, that's for sure.

Yesterday I tracked down my hairdresser who left her job quite a while ago as she started out on her own. Big Grin But she isn't allowed to poach customers for two years. Technically she didn't poach me, I found her so all good. Am really looking forward to having her cut my hair, that's for sure.

The Furry One had a small seizure yesterday. He's due for his six monthly check up very soon and we will talk to our vet then about it. Another increase in medication doses we think.

Housework to do and then seeing as it's a wet day, I'll work on my kotare/kingfisher.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet here, not that cold.

Yes the Eagle landed. And such a huge difference from when I saw him last. He can talk normally, and his hands have stopped shaking. He fed himself a whole large potato and gravy and thoroughly enjoyed it. He wouldn't admit it, but he was pleased to be home lol.

His arms are a mess of bruises and dressings all over the place. Poor Bobbie was like a worried chook.

The bag of straws I took up have grown legs and wandered off. So Ill drop some more in today. I brought his toilet bag home and Im going to kit it up and sit it on his wardrobe. And I'll make a sign to put on the wardrobe. So if he goes back to hospital they have to grab that, his phone and charger and his teeth if he doesn't have them in at the time.

I put the blower together last night. Its huge lol.. But I can't wait to use it.. But I'll have to wait for it to fine up again ... I miss my battery screw driver tho. I need to find another one. My hands dont like screwing in long screw's but thankfully there was only four lol

Tried pointing out to Winz that not everyone can afford printers or the ink to print off letters for them. But they dont listen. So I've decided hopefully I can find a usb stick thing and I'll put my rent increase letter onto that and go to the library and print it out.

I Love goats. Years ago my Brother and some mates were out hunting and they came across a kid by its mother who was dead so they brought her home. By the time they got home she had decided my brother was her Mother. The brother pretty much got out of the car, pulled off his shirt and dived into our swimming pool and Yes in went the kid goat lol.. What a racket.... She never went near it after that tho lol. I called her Jessie and She was my shadow. I would sit in the paddock with her and if she wasn't on my back she was laying beside me. When we moved into town I gave her to my brothers best mate, but sadly she was stolen a year or so later.

I may have accidently brought a dress yesterday. In the clearance at the warehouse lol.. Same as the wool looking grey ones but in Maroon. lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
A hairdresser that knows how to cut our own particular type of hair are priceless. I had to hunt around to find someone who can give me a cut that lasts for more than a week. My hair has always been very fine and with ageing it has got thinner too so I’ll be hanging onto this hairdresser. 

I love field days so hope I can get to them this year, I go with my sister and we leave her old boy at home as he walks too slow now and couldn’t cover the distances we do.  Wink
Good morning.

Raining but mild,  hopefull short lived with school holidays starting today!

That would take some training and maintenance to end up with hydrangeas as a mop top hedge!

I still have my red bands, wore them this morning to get the mail at end of driveway and will do so later to walk the dog,  if still raining, lol! Good that some things never die!

New specs to pick up later,  otherwise an inside day.  Managed to bake muffins yesterday with 3yo GD's help so will have another think about a handcraft project and sort out the yarn supply currently sitting on a bed!

Watching an article on Breakfast on the World of Wearable Arts, such incredibly talented people around.

Enjiy the day all.
Morning all
Heavy rain overnight steady rain at the moment.

DD is working in my office today. Had lovely visit with DS and his family yesterday. DH first meeting with GD.

Off soon to pick up friend to go have coffee and exercise our jaws Big Grin going to gluten free cafe that have yummy donuts my glutinous lot say they are too good to be GF.

Might be in sewing cave this afternoon measured GS yesterday and he has grown some in the last 6 weeks.

Glad MrP is back and eating Popeye.

DD went to WOW on Wednesday and enjoyed it. It is great theatre.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Housework is done, a lick and a promise today. No panadol for my back this morning either but I suspect I'll end up taking some later. Tussling with the Furry One over the vacum is hard work lol.

We have lovely soft rain at the moment, perfect for dry gardens. Certainly not cold here either, popeye. T shirt and jeans kind of day. Good to hear MrP is back and he is eating again.

Venetian, you are so right. A good hairdresser is worth their weight in gold and boy, do I hang onto mine. My hair is fine too but there is a lot of it.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(30-09-2022, 07:49 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone

Wet here, not that cold.

Yes the Eagle landed. And such a huge difference from when I saw him last. He can talk normally, and his hands have stopped shaking. He fed himself a whole large potato and gravy and thoroughly enjoyed it. He wouldn't admit it, but he was pleased to be home lol.

His arms are a mess of bruises and dressings all over the place. Poor Bobbie was like a worried chook.

The bag of straws I took up have grown legs and wandered off. So Ill drop some more in today. I brought his toilet bag home and Im going to kit it up and sit it on his wardrobe. And I'll make a sign to put on the wardrobe. So if he goes back to hospital they have to grab that, his phone and charger and his teeth if he doesn't have them in at the time.

I put the blower together last night. Its huge lol.. But I can't wait to use it.. But I'll have to wait for it to fine up again ... I miss my battery screw driver tho. I need to find another one. My hands dont like screwing in long screw's but thankfully there was only four lol

Tried pointing out to Winz that not everyone can afford printers or the ink to print off letters for them. But they dont listen. So I've decided hopefully I can find a usb stick thing and I'll put my rent increase letter onto that and go to the library and print it out.

I Love goats. Years ago my Brother and some mates were out hunting and they came across a kid by its mother who was dead so they brought her home. By the time they got home she had decided my brother was her Mother. The brother pretty much got out of the car, pulled off his shirt and dived into our swimming pool and Yes in went the kid goat lol.. What a racket.... She never went near it after that tho lol. I called her Jessie and She was my shadow. I would sit in the paddock with her and if she wasn't on my back she was laying beside me. When we moved into town I gave her to my brothers best mate, but sadly she was stolen a year or so later.

I may have accidently brought a dress yesterday. In the clearance at the warehouse lol.. Same as the wool looking grey ones but in Maroon. lol

Have a fab day everyone
There is a Winz online email address you can use for quotes and letters. I was given it to use for the battery quote, you forward or attach the document or a pic of it to that email with your client number and your contact details and they process it without us having to go in. Might have a phone interview to confirm, but it solves the printing out and visiting thing.
And the MyMSD site should work too.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I think I managed to get the letter sent in on their website.

But I also found a flash drive, managed to put the letter in there and printed it off at the library and took it in to the office. So hopefully sorted now.

Dropped the straws off for MrP.

Had two people comment on my weightloss today so as you can imagine Im floating quite high at the mo. Back to walking unaided too.

And the New maroon dress fits nicely, I only hope they still do next year when it cools down again lol.

Ive always liked maroon. Our school jumper was Maroon and I burnt the rest of my uniform but wore the jumper until it wore out lol.

Just spoke to MrP and he's tired but ok. Had a shower this morning and was going to try and catch up on some sleep. They had a Dog visit the home so he was happy.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Jan, Staffy's are lovely. Your brother's very lucky to have one, they have tons of personality. Smile

Freezing here - I should have done that front lawn but after taking Madame Le Dog for the obligatory walk I decided against it.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile wow, we had some rain last night! It bucketed down.

Staffies are sweet dogs and so loyal. Your brother will love his pup, jan. We watched the doggy program on TV1 again last night and was really hoping the family would take the jack Russell lol. Knowing what JRs are like with little kids, we knew he would be perfect for kids who love to run around and be active. The Furry One adores our grandies and when they were small was with them constantly whenever they visited. Now they are bigger, he still wants to be with them but he's older now too and needs his down time.

Popeye, when we visited MrK's brother-in-law while he was in Tauranga Hospital, there was a chap taking his dog 'on the rounds' and visiting long term patients. The dog was very popular so I would imagine a dog would go down a treat in a resthome. Residents must miss their pets and having access to dogs and cats.

Some how I don't think either of us are going to get much done outside today thanks to the weather. More than likely I'll be working on the kotare/kingfisher. I did a bit yesterday on his head so I could finish that area today if I got cracking. The camelia seedling I planted the other day is in the wrong spot. I realised that in the wee hours this morning lol. Not hard to move and I had better do that before it becomes established where it is now.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It is wet, wet, wet! 

Animals in hospitals and rest homes are quite common now. Some rest homes have a resident cat which of course gets very spoilt. When a friend’s grandmother was in a rest home here they took their pony to visit which was a massive hit with some of the residents.
(01-10-2022, 06:09 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  wow, we had some rain last night!  It bucketed down.

Staffies are sweet dogs and so loyal.  Your brother will love his pup, jan.  We watched the doggy program on TV1 again last night and was really hoping the family would take the jack Russell lol.  Knowing what JRs are like with little kids, we knew he would be perfect for kids who love to run around and be active.  The Furry One adores our grandies and when they were small was with them constantly whenever they visited.  Now they are bigger, he still wants to be with them but he's older now too and needs his down time.

Popeye, when we visited MrK's brother-in-law while he was in Tauranga Hospital, there was a chap taking his dog 'on the rounds' and visiting long term patients.  The dog was very popular so I would imagine a dog would go down a treat in a resthome.  Residents must miss their pets and having access to dogs and cats.

Some how I don't think either of us are going to get much done outside today thanks to the weather.  More than likely I'll be working on the kotare/kingfisher.  I did a bit yesterday on his head so I could finish that area today if I got cracking.  The camelia seedling I planted the other day is in the wrong spot.  I realised that in the wee hours this morning lol.  Not hard to move and I had better do that before it becomes established where it is now.

Happy crafting Smile

I thought all the dogs last night went to ideal homes for them. I thought the family was going to take the cockapoo but was telling them, "No, take the Jack Russell, he's perfect". So I'm glad they listened to me!
And the Lurcher with tail between his legs to start with but so loving. Found his perfect home and lovely couple to care for him. And the moody lady (so she said) found her ideal companion in her flat lol

Very wet here too; I was hoping to put out the vegie plants, but no. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
I never have a problem finding things to do inside though!

Have a good weekend everyone  Smile
Morning everyone

Wet here again.

There's 3 cats that visit the home here, one short haired black and white, one long haired the same and George. Im not sure where George comes from but I let him in the other night and out when I left. he's a Huge long haired grey and white. He looks more like an Oliver than George but it still suits him.
MrP missed the Farm animals that were going in, but I dont think he remembers that anyway. One of the Activity organizers has a Shitsu named Benji, she takes him in sometimes too.

Im going up to see them today. Im taking his brothers cds up to Show Bobbie what MrPs Little Big brother looks like.

Never thought Id be wishing for it to hurry up and fine up so I can try my new toy lol.. But good things come to those who wait lol.

I did some online homework yesterday and found a couple of powered screw drivers, the Bosh is most likely the one one I will get, being a good brand. Although the warehouse one is more like a Gun shape and might be easier to hold. But I will have to sell a few things first. MrP doesnt remember us having one before but I know we did lol. But his drills are too heavy for me to hold.

Wwe had a staffy cross, she was a real Gingernut colour, I called her Ruby, I nursed her through Parvo and she was the nicest natured dog. She had a Lab brother and I think he taught her to be nice lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The camellia has been replanted, the nieghbours must think I'm a mad woman doing things in the rain. But I don't care. Wet days are good days for moving plants.

I am always amazed at how dogs forgive us and still love us after being mistreated. That Lurcher last night was such a darling and we were so pleased she? found a home. The perfect couple too who will adore her like she deserves.

Power bill be damed, I'm using the drier today. But then the heat pump isn't on and has been off mostly now for a week.

Spring must be here; eczema is back on my hands. Thank goodness for hydrocortisone cream.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
No rain but dampness in the air

Dog didn't play silly buggers today when DH called them for a walk.
Staff's are lovely dogs who love their humans some are not so good with other dogs.

Re animals in homes I had a friend that ran the exercise classes at a local home a couple of crotchety oldies didn't really like participating and grouched alot. She always took her dog and the people vied to be the ones who could take the k9 for a stroll. The complainers were the most eager to take the k9 for a walk. They got to take the longest walks lol Big Grin

Having a wee sit down after cleaning the leather furniture 

Not sure what I will do today inspiration might hit me while I am filing the fabric I bought last month, it is all washed and wrapped on boards waiting to be put away

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
A very long time ago I bought one of those sunburst cane screens, which over the years has become quite tatty while serving various useful roles in many different houses. Moving the furniture in here has freed it up again, so I am rehabbing it, restitching where necessary, trimming frilly bits off before I repaint it, and it occurred to me that applying some tatted doilies to the worst bits before I paint might just replace some of the damaged weaving. So my current craft project is much bigger than usual, but quite a challenge, and something that I can go on with while the rain continues out there.

And it will be very useful in the summer as a sun shield when those uv rays pour into my flat...

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