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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

Tis a tad chilly today.. But not cold enough to put Missy off going down to the garage. Crazy girl. She sits right by the door shooting the breeze lol

Nothing like down south but oh it does look beautiful.

I was only thinking yesterday about Book fairs Kiwimade. I can't say I've seen anything about our yearly one, usually around now.

Had a lovely chat with my cousin last night that was a nice way to end a rather shitty day to be honest.

But I got the mess pretty much sorted. companies that dont tell you what they are doing and making changes without tell you suck.. I still have two calls to make tho.

But Im going to go and do my bloods before I take on the phone again.

MrP has his orthopedic appointment today so I dont have to go up to see him. Ill pop- into new world and get the couple of things I need for his toilet bag and that will be about it for me. And gas.

Im feeling very unsettled at the mo. I want to move back to Taranaki, but can't do anything until MrP goes. Seems my whole life has been on hold for the greater percentage of it.

Have a fab day everyone.. Wrap up warm and stay safe on the roads
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sure is cold,  even colder down south,  but the sun is now shining brightly here. Family that are up for the holidays have snow falling back home!

Good score with the books KM, I have lots of Baldacci, John Grisham and Lee Child books that were my dad's if I ever feel the need for a crime/mystery/thriller read!

Will see how the day goes for what the plan is. The sun is now disappearing which will determine heat pump use! OHH practise will make perfect with your new heat pump!

Stay warm and enjoy the day all
So far I just tell the thing to heat and it does, but the warmies seem limited to just in front of the unit. Oh well, no doubt I shall learn. I might 'get a man in' lol, to sort it out for me!

I have a friend who followed her heart and left a great design career in the US to move to Italy where she lives in an ancient stone farmhouse in a hill town and cooks for a living. I have always envied her in the nicest way, such stories she tells, such interesting people she hosts. Well, there came a raging Autumn storm, they lost power, and she slipped and fell on her gorgeous ancient stone steps and broke ribs, vertebrae and wrist. I don't envy her anymore.

Made my recent gallstone episode seem mild in comparison, poor darling...
Cold grey day - ideal for being inside - well for this morning anyway I’ll be ready to get outside again by late morning I’m sure.

Started a little vest using up more of my left overs. Looks like I will be doing quite a bit of charity knitting as have accumulated quite a lot of smaller quantities of wool, enough for baby/ children things or beanies etc.  Any left over from them i knit into multicoloured squares to turn into blankets but I make quite big squares so not much sewing up. 
Also have 2 things needing the ends sewn in so need to get onto them too.
Morning all
Big storm overnight, snow on the surrounding hills.

It is going to be freezing in the warehouse where I volunteer today, got 2 pair socks on and Wool lined boots to try and keep tootsies warm

Good score on books KM

OHH there might be a you tube on how your heat pump works.

Got to drop DH off to hospital soon darn melanomas. 

Started new knitting project last night little baby sweater nice to have something to do with my hands

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Gosh, my fingers are frozen, and it's October fhs! Never mind, I can stay here with coffee and good books till it warms back up again.

Those of you who like an action thriller and haven't come across John Sandford might like his books. I just finished the most recent ' The Investigator' and it is a rip roaring ride. One of those great excuses to stay indoors and just swallow it whole.

I do like a female hero... Big Grin
wow it has gotten even colder outside, that darned southerly. But I did get some weeding done and filled in a few more posts. I even spread some unwanted clay onto the old path. I've come in to put the kettle on. John Sandford is new to me, OHH, must look him up... might mean another trip to the book fair Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(06-10-2022, 09:27 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: wow it has gotten even colder outside, that darned southerly.  But I did get some weeding done and filled in a few more posts.  I even spread some unwanted clay onto the old path.  I've come in to put the kettle on.  John Sandford is new to me, OHH, must look him up... might mean another trip to the book fair Tongue
You are in for a treat, just wait till you meet Virgil Bloody Flowers, lol.
OMG its cold out there..

I had left my wrap in the car for a reason.

Blowing a gale so it was easy to turn it into the wind and twirl myself into it.

Getting petrol was fun, not , It's not easy getting into the car while you hold on grim death so the door doesn't fly off, wearing a skirt and with a bung knee. Far Out came out of my mouth and the guy next door said Yeah I agree lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
it is bloody freezing here - snow on the ground first thing but its gone now. We're just back from the walk where we saw a grand total of not one person; I must have looked a sight complete with not only the Aztec hat but also scarf wound around several times, so perhaps any potential venture-outers spotted us & balked at the idea. Smile
Can't say I'd blame them.

In the wee small hours there was an almighty bang, it sounded a bit like a noise the other week when someone ran into a neighbour's fence so didn't take much notice of it. But when I got up this morning, there was a bloody great tree lying across the back neighbours garage/sleepout. It was a very tall eucalyptus - which I'd looked at a few times & hoped it never decided to fall since I was sure it would reach here, very thankful it didn't after all.
Sun's out now but that wind's still about, wish it would beetle off elsewhere. Hoping for fine & warmer weather tomorrow so i can mow back lawn & do a dash to the library to pick up the book.

Presently reading Goldilocks & really enjoying it, but sci fi so maybe not everyone's cup of tea..
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Thanks for the author recommendation OHH  I have loaned Rules of prey as an audio book to listen to while I am sewing.

I usually loan ebooks and audio books from the library

Looks like he has written a few so might keep me goi g for a while
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The Furry One has passed his vet check with flying colours. The vet said his teeth are like a two year old dog's teeth. And that's because he eats the rabbits he catches along with doggy biscuits and lots of tug rope play. His weight is spot on and no increase in his epilepsy meds at this stage. She did say he is the oldest dog on this particular epilepsy med and has been on it the longest so she has nothing to compare him too. Bloods taken from his paw and his vaccinations done and dusted. What a good boy lol.

Venetian, have you thought about knitting a Memory Blanket? There is no sewing up and the pattern is free on Ravelry. I doubled the stitches when I knitted ours to make the squares bigger. You do still have ends to weave in though.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Yes Kiwimade I’ve knitted a few memory blankets in the past. I knitted one in shades of green and one in shades of blue for the spare room beds both of which turned out nicely and also have made some using up scraps of wool in a variety of sizes.
The ones I am making now end up single bed size and I find just making the squares makes them easier to pick up any time without having a lot of bulk. Also as they are done on circular needles it is just a matter of knitting around and around except for the increases at each corner so a good “no think” pattern for when watching tv or reading.

I’ve also made several 10 stitch blankets but the constant short rows become annoying when I want to read at the same time  Wink
(06-10-2022, 12:35 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: it is bloody freezing here - snow on the ground first thing but its gone now. We're just back from the walk where we saw a grand total of not one person; I must have looked a sight complete with not only the Aztec hat but also scarf wound around several times, so perhaps any potential venture-outers spotted us & balked at the idea. Smile
Can't say I'd blame them.

In the wee small hours there was an almighty bang, it sounded a bit like a noise the other week when someone ran into a neighbour's fence so didn't take much notice of it. But when I got up this morning, there was a bloody great tree lying across the back neighbours garage/sleepout. It was a very tall eucalyptus - which I'd looked at a few times & hoped it never decided to fall since I was sure it would reach here, very thankful it didn't after all.
Sun's out now but that wind's still about, wish it would beetle off elsewhere. Hoping for fine & warmer weather tomorrow so i can mow back lawn & do a dash to the library to pick up the book.

Presently reading Goldilocks & really enjoying it, but sci fi so maybe not everyone's cup of tea..
I like her writing, but didn't finish Goldilocks. It just didn't click for me. She writes with Elizabeth May too, excellent space operas!
(06-10-2022, 04:59 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(06-10-2022, 12:35 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: it is bloody freezing here - snow on the ground first thing but its gone now. We're just back from the walk where we saw a grand total of not one person; I must have looked a sight complete with not only the Aztec hat but also scarf wound around several times, so perhaps any potential venture-outers spotted us & balked at the idea. Smile
Can't say I'd blame them.

In the wee small hours there was an almighty bang, it sounded a bit like a noise the other week when someone ran into a neighbour's fence so didn't take much notice of it. But when I got up this morning, there was a bloody great tree lying across the back neighbours garage/sleepout. It was a very tall eucalyptus - which I'd looked at a few times & hoped it never decided to fall since I was sure it would reach here, very thankful it didn't after all.
Sun's out now but that wind's still about, wish it would beetle off elsewhere. Hoping for fine & warmer weather tomorrow so i can mow back lawn & do a dash to the library to pick up the book.

Presently reading Goldilocks & really enjoying it, but sci fi so maybe not everyone's cup of tea..
I like her writing, but didn't finish Goldilocks. It just didn't click for me. She writes with Elizabeth May too, excellent space operas!

Cheers, I might look out for those then. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile There's a -2 frost here this morning but at least it looks like we're in for a fine day.

I tried that 10 stitch blanket too, venetian, but pulled it undone for the same reason as you.

We may have had a partially gorgeous day yesterday, but the wind was icy cold so it was a good day to sit in the sun indoors and work on the kotare/kingfisher. I've worked down the left side towards the tail and looking at the photo, my next bit will be the tail and tummy. The wing sits over them and it's easier to stitch the underneath parts first.

We should get the results of the Furry One's blood test today, not expecting anything bad, it was just a precaution because of the meds he takes.

Housework today and by the time that's done the frost should be gone. The ground might be too cold to weed and just as it was starting to warm up. MrK covered up his beans (finally sprouted) last evening to protect them but most of the garden is pretty hardy to frosts, even the lettuces.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
All my green babies survived too, even the tomatoes. Planting against a warm brick wall has definite advantages. Off for a toodle to the village today, as I have soup for a sick acquaintance and dead books to return. And herself needs more kitty litter. Be good to get out and see new faces, and have a coffee someone else made...
The sky is blue and lovely and sunny but still rather cold. 

Hope the sun warms things up enough to encourage the bees to visit my broad beans, they are big and healthy with heaps of flowers but no baby beans.  Only seen a few bees around and they seem to prefer the lemon blossom to my beans. Friend who has a bee hive said that it’s still too cold for bees to want to leave their warm hives, not that I blame them as I’ve been a bit the same the last couple of days  Smile
Good morning. 

Bright and sunny out there but the air is still cold. Good to just hear on TV1 the power is not going to cut out with an overloaded National Grid! The weather certainly produced some attractive post card pictures  Smile

Should be able to get outside at leisure today,  maybe get a few seedlings in the ground. The weekend weather is looking good. 

My knitted cardi is growing slowly, not much time spent on it lately. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

The sun is out, but Im not lol..

Will be going up to see the July ones later, to trim MPs mo, he reckons he's eating it, and the singing trio are there. So that's always an easy visit. no chance of much talking.

Im doing a wee happy dance. My Auction got busy yesterday. Before I listed the bulldog I looked at sales around several sale sites and some went into multiple hundreds, and when I went to list it the Trade me price estimate was $28-$59. Normally I put buy now's on but I chose not to, and put it at a starting bid of $75.. Giving me about for my powered screwdriver... Its now at $167 and finishes tonight. it has 29 watchers, so Im hoping its going to be an exciting ending. But Im going to get the screw driver and top my phone up for 6 months of fees, then thats one thing I dont have to worry about that. I am excited lol.

I havent been outside long enough to see if there are any bees.. I must get planting my ice land poppies and swan plants too...

Some of the photos from the Cold blast have been wonderful.

I remember for our 1st wedding anniversary a friend rang and said it was snowing, about 11pm the night before, .. I said nah you can't pull my leg on that lol and it was too cold to go out and check, so we got up to 7 inches of glorious snow for our Anniversary. Told MrP that could never be beaten lol.. our white golden lab went nuts, once he examined it enough to know it wasn't going to hurt him lol.. the fool lol.. I ended up taking him inside and making him stay by the fire, he was in middle age by then lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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