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You can never have enough...
Those days when everything goes right with extra bonuses are really lovely aren't they Hunni.

I paid for overdoing things yesterday - my wrist decided to be extremely painful last night, had to resort to heated wheat bag & some painkillers so have been taking it easy today, just a bit of attacking the ivy rather than trying to get it all done in one day. Really annoying but as luck would have it, today was the day the neighbours over the back had someone in to tackle their fallen tree problem, so probably would have been too noisy out there anyway.
Its all cleared away now & there's a bit of damage to the roof but nothing too bad - though the other side may be worse.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning everyone

Looks a bit dull out there. but definitely warmer.

I rang the med centre yesterday and they are going to let me pop in an weigh myself weekly until I can replace my scales. Yay. So will do when I go down and do my bloods.

MrP was in a right mood again last night. so I hung up on him.. He flew off the handle when I said I was so sore I was considering seeing the dr in triage here this morning. And he thought I was being a whimp. I said you really dont care do you... he wouldn't answer but that was his answer too.

I didn't let it upset or anger me. the fool. the more often he does it the harder my wall gets. So I won't be visiting or calling today. He knows I dont reward bad behavior. And he knows what he is doing.

So after doing that Im off to Pukekohe to get my screwdriver. Yay. Since I dont have the time restraint of making a call to him I can take my time to prevent a little pain.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have rain, only drizzle at this stage but there is the promise of thunderstorms later today. The Furry One will not be happy.

I love those kinds of days too, OHH. The TV aerial struts will be perfect for garden stakes. Light but strong enough to support your plants. Us gardeners can be pretty resourceful at times. That obstacle course the roadworkers made for 'you' Tongue only increases your skill as a mobility scooter driver Tongue Perhaps they need to 'up the ante' and change it round every so often so your skills can really be put to the test Tongue Tongue

It sounds like your neighbours were let off lightly with only a small amount of roof damage, Lilith. I hope your wrist is improving today.

Yesterday MrK bought his tomato, cucumber, and courgette plants. While at the garden center, I bought some 'Sea Holly', a lovely hazy blue flowering plant perfect to attract more bees. I grew it years ago but haven't seen it around much since. And some pansies, because every garden needs pansies Heart I have some that have self seeded, but these are 'black' so will add a bit of contrast in colour. I will get them planted today as the rain will be perfect. I think MrK is going to hold off for a few more days before planting his veg, he's still not sure about frosts.

I might even be able to squeeze in a bit of time for my kotare/kingfisher today.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

A few showers overnight,  enough to wet the ground with more rain expected later.  SI family timed it right,  returning home today. 

KM, I've never had a problem planting frost tender plants earlier,  as long as prepared with plastic pots/buckets to cover in case of frosts. The plant is protected just fine Shy I will have to look up what sea holly is!

A few jobs to be done in town, including my new glasses' arms being adjusted for the the 3rd time! Now that my eyes have got used to the new prescription I'm aware of the loose arms!

Might be able to get back to my knitting today. Better beat the new GD whose arrival is getting closer every day  Heart

Enjoy the day all.
(13-10-2022, 06:25 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  We have rain, only drizzle at this stage but there is the promise of thunderstorms later today.  The Furry One will not be happy.

I love those kinds of days too, OHH.  The TV aerial struts will be perfect for garden stakes.  Light but strong enough to support your plants.  Us gardeners can be pretty resourceful at times.  That obstacle course the roadworkers made for 'you' Tongue only increases your skill as a mobility scooter driver Tongue  Perhaps they need to 'up the ante' and change it round every so often so your skills can really be put to the test Tongue Tongue

It sounds like your neighbours were let off lightly with only a small amount of roof damage, Lilith.  I hope your wrist is improving today.

Yesterday MrK bought his tomato, cucumber, and courgette plants. While at the garden center, I bought some 'Sea Holly', a lovely hazy blue flowering plant perfect to attract more bees.  I grew it years ago but haven't seen it around much since.  And some pansies, because every garden needs pansies Heart  I have some that have self seeded, but these are 'black' so will add a bit of contrast in colour.  I will get them planted today as the rain will be perfect.  I think MrK is going to hold off for a few more days before planting his veg, he's still not sure about frosts.

I might even be able to squeeze in a bit of time for my kotare/kingfisher today. 

Happy crafting Smile

Sea holly is lovely, and lasts well in a vase too as a lovely contrast to soft bodied flowers. I was intrigued last night to see Nadia's Farm planting tansy as a bee plant for their honey production. It has always been a favourite of mine especially when growing wild among the Californian poppies. I am enjoying that show, reminds me of my Taupo country living years...
Morning all
Damp day here with a chill in the air outdoors.

Will have to look up sea holly as I like the sound of that.

Volunteer day so enjoying a cuppa before heading off.

Sewed up a striped merino newborn size footless onsie for DGD she is 3 kg now so growing well
Finished knitting hat last night decided to knit a matching one for DD

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Totally agree Kiwimade gardens need pansies - or at least violas I have little ones that appear all over the place and I don’t think of them as weeds so they get left to flower.

Sorted out my wool yesterday and made a spreadsheet of what I have so can hopefully use up the stuff that seems to get buried and forgotten. Now just have to remember to update it as I add or subtract wool  Wink

Am waiting for visitors to arrive for the morning but not sure if they will brave the weather with little ones.
woahhhhh a police car has screamed by and the road is getting quiet.  We know when that happens someone isn't going to have a good day today.

omgoodness mica, your little grandie is growing great guns Heart  That's so lovely to hear.

MrK is planting his tomatoes Big Grin  The drizzle we started out with stopped but the sky was still dark.  No rain so out I went lol.  And the concrete edging is out of the ground, broken up and ready for disposal.  There is still a garden with a bux hedge that has concrete edging but that can wait for another summer and there won't be much anyway.  The main gardens now have lovely safe edges and MrK can walk into the garden anywhere without having to worry.  Now to get rid of the garden waste (it won't fit in the compost) and pick away at the rubble. 

I don't think of pansies as weeds either, venetian Smile Heart I love how they self seed so easily and even appear in with the vegies.  MrK leaves them there too as they attract bees.  And they grow in the toughest of places like concrete cracks.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I love the freckle faces that pop up in my garden...
Got my flash little screwdriver.. very happy with it.

The police were out and about in Pukekohe too. There were 10 in a line leaving Puke doing drink driving breath tests on in coming and leaving town..

Then I followed a 4 wheel drive one towing a trailer and doing just a bit more than the 80kms allowed on our roads here.

Have topped up my phone for the next 6 months, and that feels good. I dont have to think about it now for a while. Must do Mr. Grumpies just prior to St Patrick's day in March.

I haven't called him... Did get the tomato sauce he asked for. But haven't drop it off as yet.

Pansies are such pretty wee flowers.. In my top 10.

Its such a good feeling when the grounds are looking good eh
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Today has been a bloody awful day, & then a bloody good day! This morning I'd done a bit of washing, mowed back lawn so decided on a coffee & the internet - nope, no internet so no landline either. Bugger.
But I was still able to use photoshop so did a bit of painting before trying again an hour later - still no net so took dog for an early walk & tried again after lunch.
Nothing again, & the light on the thingamujig was flashing red so obviously all was not well & thought I'd best txt sweetie darling. Ha! not so much; apparently I've forgotten to put money on the wretched thing so couldn't txt.
Thought I might as well carry on & mow front lawn as its allegedly going to rain later so did that, tried again - still no joy. Decided to do a bit of the dreaded ivy so got about half done & then went next door to see if i could borrow his cell - yes, no problem. Except that some klutz (that would be me) had written the wrong number down & it went to the messages of Garth, whoever he may be.
By this time i was getting slightly frazzled - withdrawal symptoms from internet - so asked neighbour if he'd care to have a look. He sort of volunteered, poor sod & came over - I turned it on, no net it said. So he said try closing this window then open it again, so did that - & lo & behold the bloody thing was going!

Thank gawd for the neighbour, & I'll never complain again if he needs to borrow anything. Smile

I did think though, somewhere in the middle of it all that it was only a few decades ago when we didn't have computers & internet - & somehow, we managed very well, mostly.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Mine did that last week. I was cross. Did all the 'admin plus password' things... Repeatedly. Then it magically came back on and when I checked Spark were doing various downtime upgrady thingies, so not me at all.

No bloody credit though eh?
(13-10-2022, 02:28 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Mine did that last week. I was cross. Did all the 'admin plus password' things... Repeatedly.  Then it magically came back on and when I checked Spark were doing various downtime upgrady thingies, so not me at all.

No bloody credit though eh?

You'd think the swines could have let their customers know ahead of time, saving them all nervous breakdowns. There really is nothing quite like a computer for getting humans really cross & having wild urges to put an axe through the damned thing! Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile  We finally had rain last evening and it was a doozy.  The garden is thanking the heavens, I'm sure of it.

What a frustrating day Lilith, blimmen computers!  Ours won't do the big update as it's too old but it still tries.  So frustrating as everything slows to snails pace.  We have slow internet anyway thanks to no fiber and this just takes the cake!

Finally, I'm having my hair cut today.  Turns out the tummy bug my hairdresser and her family had been the dreaded Covid but everyone is well now.  I've been looking forward to this lol. 

I thought you might like to see the pile of rubble I have broken up ready for disposal.  In an ideal world the skip bins would be cheaper and I could have put it all straight into the bin.  It is what it is and over time it will all go.  At least I have somewhere it can be dumped out of the way for now.  


I see the bottom of my coffee cup so that's a sign I need to get cracking.  Will clean the bathroom and do a few houseworky things before I go out this morning.

Still no progress on the kotare/kingfisher.  Must make an effort to do more.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
No actual rain at the moment although overcast.

Must be so satisfying seeing the rubble gradually being dealt with.

Have not missed having a landline since getting rid of it last month. Have had no “nuisance” calls and my latest phone bill is a lot cheaper so makes me happy.  As it’s connected with internet these days it’s useless as a backup anyway.

For several years now family has done a secret Santa for Christmas which works really well for us - we get one adult and one child to get presents for. Found out who mine will be this year yesterday and have decided what to get for the adult which will involve a visit to the local wool shop - so much for reducing my wool stash  Wink knitted 1 and a half baby beanies yesterday using some leftovers so using up a bit before getting mor3.
Good morning. 

Some gentle rain during the night,  fortunately (for my dog) no thunder and lightning show like family had in Hamilton!

That pile of concrete certainly a testament of your hard work KM!

No great plan for today,  maybe some baking.  Keen to have a go at making macarons some time,  after watching the final of the Great Kiwi Bake Off last night! They looked yum!

My cuppa is finished,  better get moving. 

Have a good day all.

Secret Santa a great gift giving idea Venetian, would love to talk my family into it  Smile
Morning all
Bright overcast if that is a thing  Big Grin 

KM that pile of concrete made my back ache in sympathy with yours.
Popeye I have visions of you prowling around your house looking for things to use your new electric tool on  Cool

Another pansy fan here too.

Fossicked around in quilt fabric stash and found material to make baby quilt which I probably will donate. Lots of half square triangles to make.

Having lunchwith friends today will have view Cook Strait.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Have had rain, but I seldom hear it.

Grrr tell me about it re the internet. Decided to top up mine yesterday couldn't get on the web page. Tried the live chat, hopeless, Rang and gave up listening to the message telling me to use the internet. Went onto FB. he was useless too kept telling me that I could only do it with a voucher or saved card. Rang again. Oh there's a problem with the webpage it will take 48 hours to sort out

I said I get told that every month, I have to de register and redo it every month. If there was another company that I could get my little amount used as cheap. I would move.. Im on Skinny jump. $5 a month for 30gb or mb lol...

Thought I had kind of fixed my lazy boy but it popped again.. Im considering giving MrPs electric chair a go.

Rang him last night.. Hes forgotten how he was the other night. I will go up but more so I can see the ladies

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Hair is cut and my hairdresser's dog cuddled Heart He's the Furry One's brother Heart

Turns out that screaming police car we heard yesterday was going to a train v car accident. You can guess the end result, not nice and a young family left behind. I feel for the train driver, it's not like they can instantly stop.

Might make a cuppa and then start on the lawn. The rain we had overnight has given it a new lease on life.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
That concrete looks like a massive task, KM.
I'm just back from an outing to museum with eldest granddaughter & her two boys. They're closing most of it for the next few years while expansions are done & although they'll have a smaller one somewhere else in the meantime, it was the last chance to see it as it is for a while.
I think she's right & their eldest may be ADD or whatever the latest term is, they're hoping to eventually get him tested & the school is also pushing for that. The two of them are lovely boys, very quick & bright & so energetic they make me feel knackered just watching them.

It was good to have a look around the museum again & see some of the exhibits from years ago still there, notably the Egyptian mummy but naturally it was their special Dinosaur exhibit they were mostly interested to see.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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