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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile  It's a nice calm morning this morning Smile

Dinosaurs are always popular with kids, Lilith.  And adults too going by the amount of people we saw at the Auckland Museum looking at the T Rex a couple of months ago.  It sounds like you had a great day with family.

A friend has offered me the use of her skip bin when she hires it and suggested I put the rubble into it.  I don't think she realises how heavy the concrete is and that she will be paying by weight.  I offered to go halves with her, but she refused.  By the time she hires it I suspect most of the rubble will be gone anyway.  It was a very kind offer never the less.

The last of the plants we bought the other day are still sitting there waiting to be put into the ground, so I'll get that done today as well as mow the lawn.  I just couldn't be bothered yesterday afternoon to do it.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Owning all
Mild overcast morning here.

Didn't sleep well last night dont know why Shy

Had a lovely day yesterday catch up with friends for lunch and since we were over that area of city called into Bata factory shoe shop. A pair of Reiker sneakers and red sandals came home with me both $70 each. DH also did well pair shoes and cross trainers, when checking out was told we had $50 worth accumulated points so 4 pairs shoes for $217  Big Grin Cool

Housework today then put baby quilt together

While I couldn't sleep I planned and costed out quilt for DGS 5th birthday usually I fall asleep before the planning and amount fabric stage.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Interesting morning,  was woken by a door knocking neighbour who had lost power around 1am when she got up to make a cuppa and had to spend the rest of the night worrying albout her medical alarm, her c pac machine and all the other things we depend on. She was in quite a state and wanted to ring the LL to sort it out. Hang on, sez me, did you check the fuse box for a popped overload switch? Nope, no idea how to do that - so I showed her on my box, and sent her home to check...


Obviously there is still an overload question going on which needs checking out, but the thing that gets me is how did she not know to check that before anything else? She could have saved herself hours of worry...
Plants are in and most of the lawn is mowed Smile The rest of the lawn can wait until the bins are empty. It's a busy time of the year for our bins Tongue

Knowing about fuses and how to change them is a basic household thing to learn, OHH. But you are right, something must be overloading for it to pop like that.

MrK is peeling pickling onions Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin He does the most divine pickled onions... I might suggest a slug of my whiskey in one bottle... OK... maybe two lol.

Good score on the shoes, mica! I bought two pair for the same price at the Smiths Sports Shoe sale the other day. Would much rather have had your bargain!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(15-10-2022, 09:14 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Plants are in and most of the lawn is mowed Smile The rest of the lawn can wait until the bins are empty.  It's a busy time of the year for our bins Tongue

Knowing about fuses and how to change them is a basic household thing to learn, OHH.  But you are right, something must be overloading for it to pop like that.

MrK is peeling pickling onions Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin  He does the most divine pickled onions...  I might suggest a slug of my whiskey in one bottle... OK... maybe two lol. 

Good score on the shoes, mica! I bought two pair for the same price at the Smiths Sports Shoe sale the other day.  Would much rather have had your bargain!

My Dad came across a recipe for marmalade that involved a slug or two added at the end. He suddenly became a dedicated fan of jam making...
Morning everyone

The sun is out, but a cold wind today.

I've been out to a garage sale I've wanted to go to for many years. its raising funds to help the upkeep pf a very old small country school. But MrP couldn't walk around so I've never been. So Off I went with my walking stick. it was a mission but I did enjoy it. Came home with books and took some raffle tickets.

Was talking to a Dr last night who very kindly did a script for me. And I really liked him but didn't catch his name. I think Im going to change to him. He is Dutch I think. His wife is a receptionist there too. We have both had heart valve replacements so we often talk about that if they're not busy. He actually came to the house in 2018 when I had all that mess with my tummy surgery.

Goos score on the shoes. I hate shoes and now Ive lost the weight they are even harder to buy lol.. And my Crocs keep slipping off lol.

A quiet weekend now for me and Missy . and my books lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

No sun yet but the washing is blow drying in the cool wind!

Just back from a walk and will plant out a few more plants still waiting, DH has carted into place the bag of potting mix ready for me to use Smile  The lawn has been mown and the Frangipani and Vireyas are looking good in the background. Good time of year in the garden for sure. I had a look out in Bunnings while there, for the Sea Holly but no go. I have Borage in the vege garden for the blue flowers/bees, but it gets so huge and then tips over, so looking out for something else more manageable!

Better get outside and make use of that soil mix.

Enjoy the day all.
Roma, I have comfrey growing & the bees love the flowers but as with borage the plants get heavy & tip over. What I do now is to put several levels of string from one side of the gate to the fence so its supported & out of the way, but of course that's not always possible.

Sunny but very cold wind out there - managed to dig compost into another bit of garden & do a bit more ivy destroying before I was too knackered to do much more.
Xmas is looming & there are 3 birthdays before then so I need to get organised a bit more, may have to do a visit to the Trade aid shop & have a scout around for ideas.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile We have a lovely calm start to the day so far Smile I spotted two rabbits nibbling on a hebe, lucky the hebe is tough.

Yesterday afternoon I unpicked part of my kotare/kingfisher. I didn't have the curve of the wing right as it looked too 'straight'. It will also give me the chance to change to a darker green.

Our local haberdashery/gift shop is closing down. Even though I buy my threads through Spotlight (they didn't sell DMC) I still bought my needles and bits and bobs there. I suppose another awful vape shop will go there now.

MrK is doing the oil and filter change on the car this morning and once that has been done, I can take the recycling into the transfer station. Such an exciting life we live lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Overcast with the sun trying to peek through.

Lilith, yes a good plan to restrict to an area and tie back the borage (in your case comfrey). At present I cull heavily (they self seed easily) and just have 1 or 2 coming on before pulling out once they get huge even though they crowd out anything near them! In the Bunnings Cottage Garden area the bees were swarming the lavendars of which there were many I've not seen before. I might grow 1 or 2 of the pretty 'fluffy' ones in pots near the veges  Smile

Such a shame those useful little shops can no longer afford to stay open KM.  Bring back the 'good old days'!

Yesterday was a good day for weeding, watering and planting out. 

A good chunk of my baby cardi fronts got knitted last night while watching Doc Martin. No particular plan for today, hopefully can spend time outside. 

Enjoy the day all.

Have just looked up the gorgeous 'fluffy' lavender I was referring to. Bonus, compact and low growing.
Morning everyone

A beautiful day by the look of it. Still some wind tho.

Its a shame when the handy shops start closing. And yes Vape shops seem to be the go at the mo. Im not sure, cos I never look but I know one of our dairys sells vape stuff. Others probably do I guess. Who ever invented the vaping must be rolling in it now.

I have been thinking about the toy pattern I got. Im going to take it with me when I see MrP tomorrow... It makes no sense to even entertain the idea of cutting it up with Missy hanging around lol.. So doing it up there will be the safest place lol.

One of the ladies ( Jean) asked me on Friday if I knew how to make asparagus rolls.. She can be a bit teenage girlish at times, but she too has dementia. But she seldom eats anything and is losing weight very quickly. And as MrP loves them to I will make some to take up on Friday since none of them like Fish Bait Friday. I will sneak a peanut slab in for Colleen too, she loves them and hasn't had one for ages. She must have a sweet tooth cos her Daughter brings her donuts.
Ill see if I can figure out what to tempt Bobbie with, and then Irene. They are both from the generation of eating what was put in front of them but there must be something they fancy and dont get in there.

They baked last week and totally enjoyed themselves.. It's those normal things that they miss. They did over 100 cupcakes and iced them as well.

Bobbie never adds anything when we talk about anything domestic. If we are talking about Baking, or preserving, and crafts. She listens but doesn't have her own stories. I think she was the worker and her Hubby might have been the housekeeper.. I dont think she has ever mentioned what he did if he worked.

Im going to make a steamed pudding and custard to take up one day too. they were all talking about them recently..

Right now that Ive talked about food I better get some things done lol...

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Perhaps they might enjoy some of the things people used to bake years ago, Popeye - pikelets or lamingtons or perhaps scones or something.

Quite tired today, have done a bit more in the garden including another bash at the ivy & a bit of weeding. Had to also re pot the spinach plants I'd got as they needed the room but I'm wary of putting much in the garden as yet in case we get another cold snap.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(16-10-2022, 01:51 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Perhaps they might enjoy some of the things people used to bake years ago, Popeye - pikelets or lamingtons or perhaps scones or something.

Quite tired today, have done a bit more in the garden including another bash at the ivy & a bit of weeding. Had to also re pot the spinach plants I'd got as they needed the room but I'm wary of putting much in the garden as yet in case we get another cold snap.

I was thinking about scones and pikelets Lilith7.. great Monds think alike. 

Ive had a quick look for my cream horn tins but they are hiding. I saw them not too long ago so its annoying.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Lovely day in the Lower North Island today.

Been up the line with my sewing group today which is always good fun.

I managed to leave my projects sitting on the cutting table at home Soham fun chatting to everyone Big Grin

Those cream horn moulds will be lurking g somewhere Popeye. No knitting on my needles finished DD hat last night and made pompoms for both hats so will be on the hunt for the next hand project
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We're supposed to have rain today, but the day looks good so far.

Yesterday afternoon I stitched what I had unpicked on the kotare/kingfisher and am much happier with it. The second wing is going to be interesting to stitch as the stitches will lie in different directions for different parts.

The oil and filter has been changed in the car Big Grin Big Grin I helped by driving the car off the ramps and making a cuppa Tongue We took the recycling in the transfer station and boy, it was busy. Our transfer station is closed during the week so they can put a new weigh bridge in, and it seemed every man and his trailer were there when we arrived. It will only be closed for a couple more weeks.

I can't do much more in the garden until our wheelie bins have been emptied tomorrow and I can refill them with un-compostable weeds and rubble. Then I can dig over the part I built last summer and think about planting. One of the lavenders is looking old and sad and will need replacing. I saw those 'fluffy' lavenders and wondered how they would go. The hostas are 'up' and I'd like to have a few different varieties of those. I have a Marlborough rock daisy that was stunted by the concrete edging and is now going berserk.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I get intrigued by new lavenders and then find they never last as long as the older varieties. Pink, white, green - tried them all, but I must confess that fluffy one would look good by my front door!

My favourite big filler is the swan river daisy, such a cheerful plant and a 'good doer' as my grandmother would tell me. Her favourites though were azaleas, and the queen of those was fragrantissima, a white with the most wonderful petfume. If only I had room...  Big Grin
Good morning everyone

No rain here yet. But thats good for the kids going back to school.

So nice to see Matty back again. I dont know if he has been sick or just having a well earned break.

Off to see MrP this morning. Im taking my pattern to cut out. Im hoping to be there when the Dr is.

Found some squares I had done ages ago late yesterday and I have joined them. Will add a fabric back and put it up for sale. Purples and white.

I will start looking in places I dont think the tins are, bound to find them then lol.. they are in an ice cream container so easy to look for. Just odd they aren't in the linen cupboard cos I always keep my baking tins in the hot water / linen cupboard.

Im getting used to MrPs electric chair lol... I dont know why he didn't like it. But then Hes been in a grump about everything for years lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Promises to be a great day for getting the washing dry - well until this pm anyway as it’s predicted to change again  Rain . Washing done so will hang it out as soon as finished this last coffee.

Started knitting a shawl for a Christmas present, it’s a free pattern but the author admits it’s not fully written up so I’m having to take it slowly until I get all the repeats lined up then hopefully I won’t need to concentrate and count quite so much.  Wink 

Off to do an elderly friends windows this am - just love the Karcher Heart - thanks Kiwimade for your recommendations in previous posts. I’ve had mine for a few months now.
Morning all
Mild day here.

Hard start at gym this morning my trainer is definitely making me work harder. Has to be good for me I suppose.

Taking a break from reading meeting papers for a meeting this afternoon so that will me my day. Travel and meeting.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I'm glad you found the Karcher useful, venetian Smile  It's quick and makes a good job of the windows.

Chicken pie is made using the leftover roast chook from the other nights dinner and there was a scrap of pastry left over.  Too small for go into the freezer but too much to throw out.  Folded up the sides a bit, spread some apricot and ginger jam over the bottom, sliced a pear on top and it's in the oven too.  So, a yummy dinner all organised for tonight.

I might get a bit done on the kotare/kingfisher Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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