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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

No rain here yet, I thought it might have overnight tho.

You are right Kiwimade , we are a stubborn strong women who see something needs to be done and do it. Time doesn't matter, but we just have to look out for the bodies sometimes lol.

MrP was in a major grump last night. Id told him there was a show he liked on just before 5. I said I wasn't sure what channel it was for him cos the tv guide has the number missing from it this week. So needless to say he missed the show and that was My fault. I hung up in the end. I dont have to listen to that crap.

If he makes the mistake of saying something about it today he will be shown the tv guide.. I'm taking it with me. And he will be read the riot act. I'm over his complaining and how he thinks its ok for me to work myself to death just for him to be home and ok.

Yeah Im wrapped about the drawers going. The dressing table while nice is super heavy and huge. It's stupid to keep it. and then try and figure things out when I downsize into a smaller place.

I dont envy the new British PM.. They are a mess and as he said it will take a lot to gain trust but at this stage anyway he sounds like he might be ok. I get the feeling that with the mess our National party has been going through that they are playing the same game.. At least they aren't in power as they lose their MPs and leader.

We have been up here since 2004 and its always been a national area. It would be kind of nice to see another party have a go. I dont think much of our MP he's a bit of a whimp really lol

Right better get a couple of things done on here then go up and see the grumpy one. But I always finish with a short visit to the ladies. Of the four that I talk to at lunchtime one is nearly 85, another 86 and Bobbie 87. Just not sure how old Jean is. But Diane who is a daughter is 62 and my 57 means we total a fair age all together lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Drizzling out there,  but the garden enjoying the watering.  

Thanks for the Mighty Ape thumbs up. It's surprising how often it crops up when trying to find something wanted/needed! Will give it a go next time. 

Groceries needed here as well,  will do that after my cuppa. Otherwise an indoors sort of day.  The little Halloween critters are looking quite cute as I sew up and stuff them  Smile

I'm envious of those de-cluttering. I do try to follow the hack of getting rid (sell/donate/bin) of like for like everytime something brought to the house ... mostly!  

Better move.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Lovely and sunny after a very nippy start

Just returned from gym my trainer has upped the ante  must be good for me.

Spent sometime unpicking quilting yesterday, didn't like two designs but I have a solution so hopefully will get that on the go today.

Have a friend popping in this afternoon so it won't be finished today.

Good having a clean out we are due for another round here. Hate to think what DH has in his basement space.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Quick cuppa after hanging out the washing now that the sun has come out.

Restarted the Christmas present shawl, changed one of the colours and adjusted the pattern and much happier with it now. It grew rapidly yesterday but slowing down now as it’s triangular and you add 2 stitches every row so they are getting longer, it’s an easy lace pattern but have to keep track of the number of stitches between each set of holes.
Made an apricot loaf this morning very yummy not sure my hips will thank you lot but it won't stop me from having a slice or twoSmile
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(26-10-2022, 09:25 AM)Venetian1 Wrote: Quick cuppa after hanging out the washing now that the sun has come out.

Restarted the Christmas present shawl, changed one of the colours and adjusted the pattern and much happier with it now. It grew rapidly yesterday but slowing down now as it’s triangular and you add 2 stitches every row so they are getting longer, it’s an easy lace pattern but have to keep track of the number of stitches between each set of holes.

One of my biggest successes was a triangle shawl, made in stripes, starting on the lowest point and adding stitches as it grew row by row. I was tempted by some gorgeous yarns which made it a delight to wear, even though it was a big piece when it was done. I love it so much I promptly made another and it too is a lovely thing. Pleasures to knit and lovely to wear...

Always nice when these things work out.
Kiwimade just looked out my window and saw one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen and thought of you and your embroidery- it’s a beautiful sunny day - a huge swarm of bees passed through - the sun was glinting on their wings their bodies looked golden - they swooped and dived over my trees then went next door - just a tumbling beautiful huge ball - finally settling across the road - took my breath away - a bee man is coming to rescue them -
Those shawls sound lovely, but I'm still glad I gave up knitting years ago. Smile

The predicted rain never arrived yesterday, but not to worry - I decided to plant all the spinach & two of the cauli plants today, with a few garlic cloves on the other side of the cauli, so they'll have it on both sides. Will plant more cauli in a week or two as i don't want them all ripe at once - assuming they survive, that is.
Those blasted birds had somehow dug up a spinach plant when i looked again a bit later, must have been after a worm so just re planted & heeled in very firmly. Lets see you dig that up, you little feathered spinach burglar!

Went around & got Madame Le Dog a bag of her dog biscuits; noticed they were on special yesterday but couldn't manage a bag of them with everything else so left it for today. Only to find that, both biscuits I use for her were on special, so got one of each. She'll be absolutely fine for a while, should there be a sudden shortage of dog biscuits.

And had another look at that NZ T shirt site sweetie darling no.2 told me about & have bought a T shirt for youngest grandson for Xmas. If it arrives & is all that it should be, then I may get three more - one for each sweetie darling for Xmas. Their prices aren't bad; similar ones on TM are near the $50 mark, which imo is OTT for a T shirt, regardless of what it has on it, & I paid only $35 total, including postage/courier, so not too bad.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
It can rain now lol.. it is clouding over. Ive done half. Went as far as the lead would.

MrP said it rained on their side last night.

He was fine this morning. Its quite handy that he forgets his tizzy's lol.. But according to Bobbie I have left him lol... She reckons he told her that.

She is definitely getting further into her dementia. Sad to watch. I saw her arm today where she had torn the skin it was about the size of our old 50 cent pieces so no wonder it took a while to heal. I dont know how it happened yet tho. .

I'm shattered now so time to rest
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's foggy this morning but the sun is coming through so it won'tlast long.

Oh wow, JanW, just wow! What a sight to see! The bees are out working but I don't have much to offer them at the moment thanks to that late frost.

No iris' this year as the buds froze before they could bloom and now they think it's winter again. The roses have buds but they are a good week away from opening. I saw photos on FB and this time last year the roses were going great guns.

I couldn't buy the Furry One's smackos marrow treats and that's four weeks in a row now. The Furry One is not impressed lol. I'll try another supermarket when out and about next. I bought the straps for him and it may be a matter of like it or lump it. Knowing him, he'll lump it and they will end up with our friend's dogs who aren't so fussy.

The wing on the kotare/kingfisher is almost done and I can start on the gorgeous blues. Once this part is done it won't take long to finish.

Coffee cup is empty so that's my cue to get moving.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

Morning all
Bright overcast morning so far here.

Finished the quilting yesterday, just got the binding to hand stitch down too tired last  night to even think about any handwork.

Volunteer morning got and few errands to run k9s need food, they aren't fussy and love the odd feed of cat food when we have run out in the past  Cool . Car needs a drink too.

Not sure what else I will get up to today have a document to review so should get that done and out of the way.

Can't wait to see your completed work KM

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning everyone

Another dry start to the day lol.. The lawn was dusty in the naked spots where my friend got her car stuck in August.

Years ago we had a swarm of Bush Bees land on the corner of our house. To say I was freaked out was the understatement of the year. I hate anything that stings. A man came and got them but they had already started going into the roof space.
I got stung on a foot as there was a bee in my gumboot when I was a teenager. And then at this same place I was stung on my right earlobe. Im allergic so was a mess. I know we need them but I still hate them. Cant even look at them on tv lol

Have to nip up and do my bloods and I will pop into new world for a few things.

Then I will take the stuff off the top of my dressing table, to be ready when the ladies come to pick that up. Im glad Im not carrying it. Its a heavy sucker. much heavier than my modern scotch chest. Even without the mirror.

Its lovely looking out seeing my 3 geraniums flowering. Such simple but pretty flowers.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

It's a lovely day already, windows and doors open!

I've seen a few bee swarms pass through and a couple attached to trees, one to a house. An amazing sight as they fly by for sure. One settled in a tree not far from my house in the country and after they'd gone had left evidence of honeycomb starting on the branches! 

I will potter around home today,  watering will be needed and some more baking. I need to stitch faces on the wee knitted characters to complete them. 

Enjoy the day all.
I love bees they are such marvellous little creatures. I’m quite allergic to stings though and as I kid I seemed to be the one that got stung fairly often and swell up for days. No fancy epi-pens then just the good old blue bag. 
I must have been quite bad one time when I was about 6yrs old as the doctor came in the middle of the night. I still remember the indignity of being told to lie on my tummy and he jabbed me in the backside with an injection  Smile
My husband was allergic and carried an ampule when hunting, just in case. Actually saved his favourite dog with it one trip when it got into a wasp nest by mistake, still had to carry the beast out though which ruined his weekend. And being allergic didn't stop him bringing two hives home for our backgarden in Taupo, which is where I learned to beekeep and what to do with an awful lot of honey, lol.

Great years, still love the creatures an enormous lot. Btw, if you get stung, put honey on it, it reduces the pain and redness within minutes.
KM, Schmackos are virtually impossible to get now, apart from the straps. I've bought instead some Mutt Butter, peanut butter treats for dogs & Madam Le Dog approves of them despite being slightly smaller than schmackos. They might be worth trying for the Furry one.

Mowed back lawn earlier as rain predicted but had hung out washing anyway because the forecasts are often wrong but it did start raining after all, so did the mad dash to grab washing & put mower in shed.
And then, it stopped raining. Dammit.
The blasted washing can just dry on the porch & in airing cupboard, I'm not hanging it out again.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
That'll learn it!

Gorgeous day up here, and have found out our LLs intend updating and sorting out works in the near future, which means my clearing the underdeck of my six bins of years of storage was perfectly timed!
perfect timing, OHH! And honey on a bee sting makes good sense when you think about it.

Dammm about the smackos, Lilith. I might try your suggestion about the peanut butter ones.

Does anyone else find it frustrating listening to the woman that is reading the midday TV1 news today? Her voice volume goes up and down, up and down. John Campbell does the same thing and it's blo**y annoying. MrK likes to listen to the news as he has his lunch and TV3 have their news on too early.

No rain yet but the lawn is mowed and washing in Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Was it Jenny doing the news Kiwimade?

He voice has become boring to me. So I tend to tune out.

The dressing table has been picked up and on time.

Not sure if any of you know the brand Apicare.. they do a lot of balms and creams etc. They have an aching joint relief balm that I have used for ages. It doesn't affect my warfarin tests or my allergy to bees. But it's really good stuff.
I rang the chemist here they dont have any... So I contacted the company. They just rang.. I can still get the balm.. Yayay. Not cheap but I know it works. And if you sign up you get $5 off your first order and you get loyalty points too.
Their hand cream with Pomegranate is wonderful too.

So Im going to order myself a pot. And then also tell our chemist that they do still sell it. So maybe they could get some in for their customers.

Tis a beautiful day here, no sign of rain and its warming up.
Time to go sort my bedroom out again lol.. At least it's all light stuff now.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good afternoon beautiful day in the bay - everything growing well in the veggiepod- have got tomatoes ripening already
I asked Robie about the schmakos - I know that’s not right - anyway he said it’s like a lottery with what you get and what you order - he only received strips of every flavour - it’s very trying times
Speaking of lotteries - it could take the Ukrainian baker 18 months to get back into NZ - the paperwork in the immigration department according to the immigration lawyer who is trying to help likened it to a lottery - if you are lucky your application might get noticed - the family are still making the best of it but the kids are terrified - blaming themselves because he went back to fly here with them and the war broke out the next day and he had no option but to fight
My brothers little staffi is just gorgeous - she has him wrapped around her little finger - the day they brought her home his wife tested positive for covid which was good as he had to take charge - first night they went to bed the next thing the pup is on the bed - but because his wife wasn’t well that didn’t work so he slept the night with the pup on the lazyboy - next night he used the old tried and true clock in her cage so she takes herself off into it now - it’s got a loud tick and nearly drives them bonkers
Venetian you mentioned you went to Mainly Music - Sunflower who regularly contributed to the old thread belonged to Mainly Music or it might have been Jayemtoo
Anybody hear anything of Kuaka

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