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You can never have enough...
Good luck with the LL, Hunni.

Two more parcels arrived this morning, so a few more Xmas gifts sorted; I'd probably get wrapping paper & xmas labels, I think I'd better start on wrapping soon - & still two more birthdays to go before then, too.
Rain forecast for today so rushed about like the proverbial wet hen & got the back done. Still no rain although it looks likely so if I'm not too knackered may get the front done later on.
Decided against my brilliant idea of covering indexed notebooks for grandkids for Xmas, & will instead do them one each for their birthday. Had a look yesterday & haven't a lot of good paper left - unhappily since the quakes the good paper place has gone, but Trade Aid sometimes has some so may have a look there. I had some gorgeous marbled paper but only smaller bits left now.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Roma its a Canon Pixma. 3 in 1. Wireless . $69 at Noel Lemmings the stock number is TS3465WH. I brought ink as well and got the larger packs Black was $52 and Colour $53. They do something like 400 pages so that will last me forever lol.

Im shopped out now.. But I enjoyed it and.....

I am now the Owner of my first pair of Jeans ...!!!!! The last time I wore jeans I was 12 years old... sooo 45 years ago lol.. And Now I cant wait to wear them with a longish top and my Denim Jacket.
Typically for me I started at the largest size and worked my way forward lol.. They even have the hem turned up to match my jacket that I roll the cuffs up on.

When I came in I noticed how much my lawn had grown in 9 days but it can wait, The knee needs a rest. People next door are having Solar panels put in.. A wise choice I think.

I tried on some smaller Jeggings but once again they are too big on the top and too tight on the legs.. And I used the MArket club app at the warehouse , and ended up getting 22%discount off them. So in effect I paid full price for the jeans and 5 lots of cat food for Missy free.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We had some massive southerlies yesterday and last evening and now we're in for a couple of days of rain. No complaints here though about the rain. Am glad I stripped the bed yesterday and got sheets washed and dried.

Well done on the jeans, popeye!

Housework for me today and then I can have a tutu with some sewing and/or the quail. I had to buy some #10 needles for the quail yesterday as the pattern down his neck is tiny. I'm going to feel all thumbs using them.

MrK has finished the small jewellery box he made for his sister as a Christmas present. It's gorgeous and once I've uploaded the photos, I'll post it here so you can see. He does a fabulous job making this sort of thing.

He also made me some chicken wire cylinders to put over the baby plants to protect them from the rabbits. Once they have grown bigger, they can take a bit of nibbling but I'm sick of my dahlias barely breaking the ground to be chewed back.

My day was made yesterday when I spotted the double apricot begonia had popped through the soil in its pot. I had replaced recently half the soil with new compost and was worried it had been disturbed too much. It has been moved out of rabbit reach and am looking forward to seeing it flower Heart

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Delightfully stormy up here, might be a good excuse to stay wrapped up warm with my excellent book. Just need someone to keep supplies of tea and toast coming, but not much hope of that.

Spoke with the LL yesterday about the portaloo and felt distinctly ignored. Never mind, maybe the gale will blow the damned thing over...

Roll on the weekend.
Morning all
Cloudy and we in for some rain later today

Not much activity here yesterday. I was tired so blobbed reading until DD and DGD came for a visit.

Been over to neighbours to pick up their paper, pick the strawberries in the glass house and turn on the watering system.

Off to all day workshop this morning in cbd DH will drive me in as I am not keen to take train while C19 is surging here

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Wet and windy ... an inside day for sure.

Damn about the portaloo OHH, I hope it's only a short term reason for it to be there, if you have to put up with it.  

You sure have a battle with the rabbits KM, lucky you have your JR to help you with control  Smile

Thanks for the printer info Popeye, one of the ones I'd looked at. 

Looks like housework on the cards here as well. Some craftwork later. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all

Wild and wooly here too..

I dont really fancy going out in it to be honest. I was going to take fish and chips up to the July Babies, but Ill ring MrP and postpone I think. Too windy for an umbrella and we dont want sweaty soggy fish and chips. So Ill put it off till a finer day I think.

Neighbours had Solar panels put on yesterday. I hope for their sake it was all done. And that everything was well tied down. Wont be any sun to make power at the mo for sure.

Depending if I go out today it could end up being housework. I do have to say I love that I dont have to repeatedly vacuum popcorn bits up around MrPs chair and skin in his bedroom lol. I make far less mess thats for sure.

Its handy having a Handman for a Hubby. I will miss MrP helping me make the Christmas cakes this year. All our cakes were made with his hand as the beater and it was a really nice time together. But I got butter yesterday (Countdown has 2 brands for $4-90) so the next big cost is the fruit. Im making a big cake and some fruit mince pies to take up for our little group.

Does anyone know what all the Singles Day promotion many shops have going on? The Black Friday ones I understand is another American thing, but I've not heard of Singles Day before.

I too hope the portaloo A= hasn't been used and B = blows over... But today not over the weekend.

Have a fab day everyone..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Cool and damp. Friend, who I’m going to help paint his fence, rang but we decided that as we put the paint on it would wash off  - it will keep for a drier day  Big Grin 

Made second batch of Christmas cakes yesterday so they are done for this year. I enjoy making fruit cakes so make them for various family members each year. 

Kiwimade love how you and MrKM make gifts. I’m trying to make most of mine this year and having fun thinking of things that I can make and that the recipients would appreciate. Started on some hand made chocolates yesterday in the shape of Lego bricks which have turned out well although a bit fiddley to fill.
It's got to the stage, venetian, that family members are asking for his little wooden boxes. He's making me a new jewellery box for Christmas this year. I asked for one years ago but I've been pushed down his 'to-do' list several times lol
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Bad luck re the portaloo Hunni - perhaps the addition of a small very smelly dead rodent each morning might help them change their minds...? Smile

Those little jewellery boxes sound lovely, KM.

Rain forecast again for today & again while it looked likely earlier, now its sunny & windy & not one drop of rain has fallen. Well never mind, I have both lawns done, the Jasmine pruned back a bit, one stray bit of bamboo from next door cut off in its prime & a bit more ivy murder done so feeling ever so virtuous now, despite a niggling suspicion that it will wait till tomorrow when I have washing hung out to finally rain.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(11-11-2022, 01:25 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Bad luck re the portaloo Hunni - perhaps the addition of a small very smelly dead rodent each morning might help them change their minds...? Smile

Those little jewellery boxes sound lovely, KM.

Rain forecast again for today & again while it looked likely earlier, now its sunny & windy & not one drop of rain has fallen. Well never mind, I have both lawns done, the Jasmine pruned back a bit, one stray bit of bamboo from next door cut off in its prime & a bit more ivy murder done so feeling ever so virtuous now, despite a niggling suspicion that it will wait till tomorrow when I have washing hung out to finally rain.

Had a Brilliant downsizing idea.

Im popping over the Pukekohe early tomorrow and getting some 3 tier bookcases from the warehouse, will come home and put those suckers together, quick as a flash with the Screwdriver. Note to self (Put Screwdriver on the charger)

Have already presold the chest of drawers that are far too big for me to move about. And that covers the cost of the shelving.

It only contains wool, and that will sit nicely in the cubby holes. And I can throw one of my countless tablecloths that have sat unloved since we moved in here in 2019, cos the dining table is the one in the sewing room covered inn junk lol

Just got back from taking Fish and Chips up to MrP and Bobbie and we all enjoyed it. Especially MrP, he loves fish.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  We have lovely soft drizzle this morning and no wind, thank goodness.

lol @ the dead smelly rodent idea... quite like that one  Tongue  I just hope the portaloo isn't there for long.

I thought you might like to see the jewellery box MrK made for his sister.  He also made a tray from our old wooden gate for a friend.






It looks like a time-to-clean-the-oven-day today if I can't get outside.  It doesn't take long to do but that still makes it one of those jobs I don't like.  My 'reward' for doing it will be to stitch a bit more on the quail.  Big Grin

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good Morning everyone

You have a very clever man there Kiwimade.. I love natural timber items.. and reusing at its finest too.

Im nipping over to Pukekohe soonish. Im not telling MrP, what I do here is my business really and anything that makes things easier for me and the future is a good thing.

He and Bobbie will be watching the league this morning anyway, and I just looked. its not finished till 12 so I have plenty of time.

Making the most of the Market club at the warehouse.

Havent looked out the windows yet lol but I cant hear any wind.

Going to give in and go to Spotlight if its opened and get a couple of meters of either Christmas themed or Gingham to make a teddy.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Cloudy here

KM beautiful wooden box another family heirloom. Just lovely.

Had successful workshop/meeting yesterday great engagement of my grey cells Big Grin

We had thunder an hour or so ago both boy k9s quivering messes so had to get up and put on their thunder coats.

No plans for today might get some time in the sewing cave.

Don't miss oven cleaning as these days have pyrolytic oven so just have to wipe the ash love it. Our previous oven was catalytic and I didn't use that function because of the smell.

On reflection I might wipe down the bathroom walls this morning.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

All is calm and a bit foggy after a huge amount of rain over the last day/night, the sun is on its way and it is very muggy. Around 5 am we had a big electrical storm ... terrified pooch had pushed her way into the lower cupboard in the laundry she sleeps in ... I might need to make more room beside the vacuum cleaner ... for next time!

Clever man KM ... beautiful work, great it's your turn for a jewellery box this year! I'm also lucky to have a man who likes to be creative in his cave  Smile We enjoy the "Good with Wood" show that was on last night, after the Repair Shop.

Hopefully might get the washing dry today, with nothing else planned. I'm finishing off the cardi I have picked up again which means I'll need another project to tackle.

Cuppa finished.

Enjoy the day all.
KM, those boxes need to be signed and dated because they will become heirloom pieces, and the future needs to know who made them and when. Such little details are important and add a little bit of the personal to beautiful things.

I think the storm has moved on so might get some in and outside work done today, my bonsai certainly needs work having been ripped out of its pot...
yep, OHH, MrK does that Smile  We think along the same lines, that it's important to know the provenance of things.  I love that the tray was made from our old gate and is being given to a friend.  We bought the house from our friend's mother's estate Heart and we know she will make the connection.

Oven cleaned and an hour of weeding done so feeling a tad smug.  Six pieces of concrete fill is also in the bin along with some grass turf I dug up.  MrK is bottling his beer and another brew will be put down.  He's made his beer for over 30 years now.  I had thrown the washing in the drier but the sun came out with the wind, so it is now on the line.  Will just have to keep an eye on the weather.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
KM, Mr. KM does beautiful work with wood, those are gorgeous.

It finally rained last night but not a lot as when I planted a couple more cauli plants, the soil was dry just beneath the surface, really annoying. But pleased to see the extra garlic I planted coming up, & the beans & tomatoes doing well tpp.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Everyone has been busy.

I went over and got the bookcases.. Couldnt find them but me and my Sleuth eyes found them.. My stepfather always told me I had good eyes, and it was he who gave me Popeye..

I did go to Spotlight. I got a red and purple for teddies and some calico. And got a discount so that was good.

The instructions in the bookcase boxes said approx. 25 minutes to put them together. I did four in the hour... I LOVE my battery screwdriver.. My hands are great and it gives me more time to empty the drawers and set things up.

I ran into Erin at new world, I needed bread since they didn't have any last night. And I said look, and pointed into my trolley, I got a bar of the Cadbury New White Christmas Chocolate, she laughed and dropped her basket and she had one too lol.. She seldom eats brown chocolate, but thought it being white she would give it a shot lol..

A break now and my games then I will start moving things around in the Sewing room..

The sun is out and its warm.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Overcast here this morning, I'll never say no to rain. In the wee hours I heard a morepork. I haven't heard one for years so what a real pleasure it was to know we have one locally. I suspect it is across the road from us. Lucky neighbour!

What a game last evening between the Black Ferns and England! Between last week's semifinal and the final last evening, my fingernails have taken a hammering lol. I love how the crowd stayed and even found myself singing along with Ruby Tui. I'm wondering if the All Blacks win (and that's a big if) their World Cup, if they would do that lol.. doubt it somehow.

Not much happening here today, just a cruisey day. I could weed a bit more, but I want a 'day off'. I'll spend some time on the quail, I think.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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