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You can never have enough...
I like Bosch. My black vack is a wonderful machine.
(15-11-2022, 02:01 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: They're dog treats Popeye, most dogs adore them & although you can still get schmacko straps, its the small ones we can't get here. Not in supermarkets anyway.

Ill have a look in my areas, you never know. 

Last year I couldn't get my crackers yet other parts of the country could.

Thanks for the advice Kiwimade.

I have looked online and once some more sales money comes in I will get a Bosch.

The warehouse do have a Mako one but looking at the reviews it is a good mate for the B&D.

I said to a friend the other day, what started out as Downsizing has actually turned into swapping things for money to get the things I want and need.

I do enjoy sanding things but having a machine take the brunt of the hurt will be wonderful lol

Kiwimade do you have a plug in Sander or rechargable one?

The amount of wattage is quite different
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  Another gloriously sunny day today by the looks of it. 

Popeye, my Bosch is the plug in one.  When I bought it, you couldn't buy rechargeable ones. 

Thanks for the link for the Schamckos!

Today the lawn will be mowed, and the last bit of weeding done (so she says lol).  I've lost a couple of dahlias which is my fault.  They obviously didn't like where I moved them too.  I've shared them with a friend so I will be able to replace them.  One of the joys of gardening is being able to share plants with like minded people so all is not always lost.  But, I've had an idea.  This is where MrK says 'careful' lol.  My sister-in-law has these awesome huge hostas.  I'm going to steal her idea and put some in the new area I started making last summer.  It's the perfect spot with dappled shade and sun very late in the afternoon.  I'll need to build the soil up there which has had to wait until we had the ball on the tow bar changed to fit our friend's trailer.  Dominoes lol... have to do one random thing before I can do what I really want.  Still deciding on the climbing rose but there is plenty of time for that.  I won't order it until early next year. 

Time to move, I can see the bottom of my coffee cup and the washing needs hanging out.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Fine but a bit of wind

Off to gym shortly.
Plan on looking at hams for  xmax this morning and hopefully a bit of quilting this afternoon.

Had a nice day out yesterday and got my binding stitched done so tick that one off. My 30 degree ruler arrived yesterday so can't wait to try that out . Want to try using it in 12 triangle to make a hexagon shape. Alternate coloured triangles

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Fine here but it has rained overnight.

Thanks Kiwimade. Ive always preferred powered, cos batteries die and so does the strength of the power they have. And $10 difference in the price too.

MrP is speaking again. I rang the home yesterday morning and asked Racheal the desk lady to ask him if he would please answer his phone. And his hissy is over. So I'm off to cut his hair and tidy up Santas beard. Going to be hard cos Im sore, but Im a determined thing. I can rest when I get home.

I emailed the property manager re the Yuccas... so time will tell.

Would love to see some of your quilts Mica.

I saw a post on Fb in the last couple of days of a pile of quilts being draped over the pews in a church. All done by the lady who had passed away. Everyone had one and they wanted to do something special at her service. It looked lovely.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Sunny and warm,  I see showers forecast but they didn't come to much yesterday either.

Will get outside to the garden today,  watering needed and beetroot to pull and pickle. Later will get back to the wee skirt I'm sewing for GD.

Yes, do share your quilt work Mica. Something a lot of us love to follow/look at but not doing ourselves (even if aspiring to do so)  Heart

Have you ever grown Rengarenga KM ... native and similar needs to hostas, look great mass planted especially with their tall white wispy flower stems. Snails/slugs love them like hostas though!

I wonder what will follow with Russia dropping missiles in Norway whether intentional or stray ones! Idiot Putin.

Better get moving before it gets too hot. 

Enjoy the day all.
I have Rengarenga growing, roma, and they do look great mass planted. Mine need moving as they aren't in the best spot. And yep, I find the snails there. I miss our pekins as they ate all the snails. But since digging out that awful concrete edging there have been fewer snails Big Grin

The lawn is mowed and while watering the geraniums in their pots I realised they were root bound. So out of the big pots and into the garden they went which meant a bit of a plant shuffle. But they do fill in some gaps nicely and I may not have to buy quite as many plants as I thought. Now I have four big pots that need a good scrub before I can fill them again. My sister-in-law gave me some spring bulbs she calls petticoat hoops. I've never seen or heard of them before, but they are now in a pot too as I tend to lose precious smaller spring bulbs. The Marlborough Daisy is about to flower Big Grin Big Grin Once it has finished flowering it's going to be moved to a better position where we can see and enjoy the flowers. There are hyacinths and South Pacific iris' that need moving but my sister-in-law wants bits of them for her new garden when she shifts next month. So, they will be moved when I divide them up for her. No point disturbing them twice especially when she isn't ready for them yet.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I have those petticoat daffs, the snails love them, but they look wonderful naturalised under hedges and in pots, so definitely worth growing. And they multiply fast...
Very productive day; went over to Trade aid & although they no longer have the beautiful marbled paper, they had some very nice printed ones so got two rolls, one's a deep green with a gold pattern & the other a very dark grey (looked black in the shop) with gold pattern so they should do nicely for the notebook covers.

Came home & had lunch, took dog for long walk then headed out again to post off DIL's birthday parcel, get chocolate to add to another birthday gift, & some potting mix as I'd run out.
I'm knackered (& Madame Le Dog is not best pleased that I was out so much) but have no intention of doing anything else today.
Lucky its a bit too hot to do much out there now anyway.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
We have a new bird in the trees. I think it is a shining cuckoo, by the call...
MrP looks a lot Less wild and wooly now lol.

Somehow the scissors weren't in the hair cutting gear so I had to use some nurses scissors. They worked but I have put them in the bag now.

He started to get hissy before I started so I simply asked did he want me to leave.. Ended up being a nice visit and he even shared his corned beef with me. His meal was good but some of the ladies just had the fat off the corned beef. I will be emailing the Area manager again as the food is going back to the usual mess it was last year.

Stopped and got my pills and made them write down the date I have to pick the others up by. Im not going to keep paying out for a script only to have them not provided by dates. Tougher rules when it comes to opioids.

Now my feet are up and Im having the rest of the day off.

The clouds are in but no rain as yet
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Where is this rain we have been promised? The garden is dry as a bone.

Ohhhhh a shining cuckoo! You really have to look for them. You may have warblers too, OHH as the shining cuckoo use their nests to lay their eggs.

I didn't know the petticoat plants were a type of daff, OHH. I'll have to look them up. The geraniums seem to have survived the transition from pot to garden. Mind you, anything had to be better than being in those pots. When I wander outside, I'll check on them. Our son has asked if I would like plants for the garden for Christmas. Now there's a lad who knows the way to his mum's heart lol.

Today I'm taking a friend to another of his hospital appointments. He has various health issues so visits different clinics. There will be two more next week. Weather permitting when I get home, I'll scrub the garden pots. Might even get the waterblaster out to do it.

No stitching has been done for a few days Sad

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Overcast today.

Purchased xmas ham so that is ticked off, also go a couple of xmas presents for DGKs. I want to have all xmas stuff done and dusted by end of the month. Well thats the plan Big Grin

Didn't get much quilting done yesterday as DSIL popped in with DGD I think we are a diversion she has cold so couldn't go to daycare. 

Volunteer morning then got to get organised for weekend no rest for me. Have an all day meeting tomorrow, a funeral 3.5 hr drive away on Saturday, and sewing group Sunday. Its sewing group last meet up for year so shared lunch. My very kind sewing buddy is making my plate and driving(2hr) cause she knows I will be knackered.

Must move enjiy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

We have had a little rain, the path is wet anyway.

Ill have to look up these birds. Didnt really learn about some of them.

Oh Kiwimade what a lovely Son you have. Sometimes boys know better what their Mums want.

Need to do my bloods and throw some money at the supermarket for even less food. Im glad I only have me to feed. I have somehow ended up not really eating much meat. Which is odd as my stepfather once told us that we were a couple of puppy dogs with the amount we used to eat lol.

My plans are to set up the printer, and or cut out a teddy bear. but Ill see what happens with the bones.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Overcast and warm. 

I'll always remember as a child watching a harassed little warbler rearing her enormous (compared to her) shining cuckoo chick. The huge tree was right next to the lounge so it was a fascinating experience observing, as he left the nest (probably couldn't fit) and sat on the branches as she flitted about feeding him! 

I guess I should too venture out and think/do something about Xmas shopping, preferable before school finishes. 

Someone else who looked up petticoat daffs ... very pretty and I haven't seen before.

Time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
(17-11-2022, 07:37 AM)Roma Wrote: Good morning.

Overcast and warm. 

I'll always remember as a child watching a harassed little warbler rearing her enormous (compared to her) shining cuckoo chick. The huge tree was right next to the lounge so it was a fascinating experience observing, as he left the nest (probably couldn't fit) and sat on the branches as she flitted about feeding him! 

I guess I should too venture out and think/do something about Xmas shopping, preferable before school finishes. 

Someone else who looked up petticoat daffs ... very pretty and I haven't seen before.

Time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.

We definitely have grey warblers, but it was a year or so back we noticed this strange bird, a real youngster, on the wires, one we couldn't identify. I wondered then if it was a cuckoo but couldn't find the right info that fit. It was pretty  young to id the calls, but this latest calling is definitely adult shining cuckoo. I suspect it is the same bird or its parents returning to find a suitable adoptive family. I played the youtube recording back at it but it didn't respond, though I haven't heard it since, so maybe it has left in disgust, lol.

No doubt we shall see.

Btw, the leaves on petticoats are not like daff leaves. They are more like chives, and lots of them with repeat flowers. Nice addition to spring flower planting.
They still have leaves and saw were like chives which is why I didn't recognise them as daffs. Can't wait to see them flower. They are very pretty and a little different. Roma, once they have multiplied there will no doubt be some to give away if you want some.

Better put some shoes on and pick our friend up for his appointment.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Wow, just had to ring and make the appointment for my MRI.

I could have gone today but of course I went and got the sander when I shouldnt have lol.

But going next Thursday, so another day out.

Was funny cos we realised my 16th anniversary for my heart Surgery is only 2 days away..

I never thought it would be done this fast.. And before school gets out too.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Mowed back lawn, pruned a bit off the elderberry & pulled out more weeds. Funny sort of day, overcast but sometimes warm, sometimes cold - perhaps it can't make up its mind what it wants to do today.
Changed band aids on cuts & they're healing well so no problem. I thought granddaughter was overreacting a bit, trying to get me to go to A & E!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Quick trip down to the vet, dug a hole, buried herself, put on a load of laundry, now drinking...

Things are a bit messy round here.

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