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You can never have enough...
Eldest grandson had it; he says that the flu he had earlier in the year was worse. But a friend & her partner both have it, & she's recovering from surgery & radiation for breast cancer so hoping she's going to be OK.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I do wonder though how many of us few have actually had it and been asymptomatic - but until they do antigen tests we'll never know.
(18-11-2022, 06:13 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I do wonder though how many of us few have actually had it and been asymptomatic - but until they do antigen tests we'll never know.

That's something I have started to wonder about.  Neither of us have knowingly had it, we are double boosted and have been very diligent with masking, however I have had a couple of two day bouts of tiredness and sniffles.  As I am normally very resistant to infection (haven't had a cold since 2008) I do wonder and I just hope I haven't unknowingly passed it on to someone less resistant.

Is it still the case that infected people only transmit the virus when they are symptomatic?
morning ladies from a slightly misty South East Waikato Smile Put that welcome note out, OHH Smile You might be surprised.

Add MrK and I to the list of those who haven't had the bug along with several of our friends. We're all vaccinated to the nighs and wear masks. I still wash my hands, I prefer that to sanitiser. I read online there are several varieties of Covid circulating all vying to be top dog, add less mask wearing and up goes the number of cases. Thank goodness summer is around the corner so we can be outside more. I think Olive, you can pass it on if asymptomatic. The sniffles I have is hayfever, so maybe there are those who think their sniffles are the same and don't test.

Yesterday I wrote a 'garden list' of things to do over the next few weeks. I find if I work to a list, things get done. Sometimes I add other things to the list after I have done it just to cross it out lol. Nuts, I know. The rain we had yesterday and last night was very welcome. Everything looks washed and fresh, and the plants certainly look happier.

Still no stitching done lol. I'll get there eventually.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

Sunny and clear after a lot of welcome rain overnight.

I know more people that have had Covid than not now (inc DH and I), some of them not getting it even if members in the household have been symptomatic! The worst affected household were unvaccinated! I use the sanitiser I keep in the car and live in hope that I don't get another dose of "the bug"!

Off 'over the hill' shortly.

Enjoy the day all.
Lovely day after a damp day yesterday.

Seems a bit the luck of the draw with covid. Know a lot of people who have had it and the majority have been light cases. Mine was a mild sore throat only. 
 BiL who is nearly housebound so has very limited contact with others, didn’t get it from his wife  when she got it but caught it in hospital when he went in with something else they couldn’t get rid of him fast enough he was discharged so fast. Fortunately he is well vaccinated and it was virtually symptomless. 
 The worst case i know of is an anti-vaccer and covid denier, who has had it twice and been really unwell both times and now has long covid.  

I’m hoping day stays fine as want to finish staining the deck. Pulled out the broad beans yesterday, we had quite a few good meals from them after their slow start and a good bag of them in the freezer. Planted out the last of the seedling tomatoes but they are very scrawny so not sure if they’ll come to much but couldn’t just bin the poor wee things  Big Grin Big Grin

Have a happy day whatever you’re doing  Heart
Morning all
Heavy rain here

Those tomato plants will be so grateful KM that they will produce well
Just finishing breakfast before we leave to drive to funeral its at2pm so we should arrive with hour to spare.

Have a good dayi
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

The sun is out but there's a good wind. And I have a cardy on again.

My Aussie friend who really wanted covid to be a sheep finally got it. And now she is very fatigued. And shes not liking that one bit.. The words I want to say , Watch out what you wish for. Everyone in their family has had it including the 6 week old baby.

Kiwimade I often add things to my lists and cross them off straight away.. I think its cos I really like seeing just how much I have done in one day.

Bobbie rang last night and she was soo flustered I didn't know what she was saying, so she took the phone to MrP and it turned out they thought someone had stolen his phone. I told him where I put it and he said he had looked there already... So I got changed and went up, it was where I said it was, but he may not have checked deep enough. It was in the pocket on the back of his wheelchair.
I asked why he was so wound up but also upset, and he said cos you wouldn't be able to ring me.... SOO he does still love me even if he is a rotten toad at times.

Got them both calmed down, and settled into tv since the cricket was washed out.

I slept in one position too long last night so the body is complaining. But Ive topped up pain meds and I plan to get the Printer set up and get a teddy cut out.

I promised a Sister that I would cook a proper meal so have some schnitzel out, I will crumb it later and have salad and a boiled tattie with it. One of my fave meals.
And hopefully the lettuce will counteract the deep heat some.

Have a fab day everyone.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
There's a good wind here too, popeye Smile So good, the washing is dry already.

The big pots the geraniums were in have all been scrubbed and ready to use again. I'm thinking petunias or something similar. I've had another shuffle round with some plants to fill gaps and have put the chicken wire cage over the miniature dahlias after I moved them and put a big stake in beside them to remind me they were there. The snails have had a good chomp on some hostas so I've tracked them down and fed them to the blackbird. He follows me in the garden and eats the bugs I dig up. And I think I have found Belle Storey's permanent home. Need to move the concrete and build the garden up first. That poor rose lol. Was a half dead stick in the ground when I was given it and has been moved four times so far in this garden. I think it deserves a permanent spot.

We have a helicopter flying around checking the power poles for wear and rot. It must be quicker for them to fly over the farms rather than try and gain access to each farm. We've all been warned it was happening and to be aware of stock etc. The Furry One is not impressed lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Not a lot of sleep last night thanks to heavy rain & winds. Still tipping down this morning so waited till it eased off a bit to head out for a our walk.
And a fat lot of good that did - the minute we set foot outside, down it came again really heavily.

Sometimes, its difficult to avoid thinking that someone up there's watching & the minute we venture out, they turn the tap on!
We came back resembling a pair of drowned rats. I think Madame le Dog thinks the weather is entirely my fault.
Not altogether warm here, I've had to put a cardigan on fgs - in November!
Did manage a bit of work on covering the notebook since I can't do work in the garden so at least progress made on something.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another day like yesterday with rain, then fine, then rain...

MrK has spotted some flowers on the runner beans, it won't be long before we are munching on fresh beans. The spuds are all flowering too and MrK reckons we'll be eating some before Christmas. Yummmm, homegrown spuds and beans, a summer favourite. This morning I want to move the tulip bulbs from the roadside to the main garden as we missed them flowering. It's early, I know, but come March I am too busy beginning the autum clean up.

Our resident rabbit hasn't been seen for two days now. The Furry One hasn't caught it and we are wondering if it has moved on or if a hawk has taken it. I suspect it has found greener pastures with the maize paddocks.

Might try hanging some washing out today. *crosses fingers* My sister-in-law gave me a packet of 'sheets' for the drier. You put one or two in the drier and they are supposed to scent your clothes and prevent static. I haven't used them yet but already know I won't be buying any. I don't like extra scent in clothes that can clash with my perfume. And it's just extra rubbish we don't need.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny and fresh after rain and a thunder storm over night.  The Kaimai Road is starting to deteriorate again,  surprise, surprise  ... dodging of holes and 'nearly holes' needed on our trip over! They'll either be worse or patched next time.

I see in the paper there will be an onion shortage this year because of the weather/growing conditions resulting in a price hike! At least a lot of veg are coming down now. Still good to have our own veg coming on in the garden  Smile

We have a new GD, an exciting event for our family  Heart Can't wait to meet her.

More family catch up today,  not much else will be hapening. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Fine at the mo

Congrats Roma, Grandies are soo special.

We only had one super loud clap of thunder last night, felt like it was right over the house. Missy got a fright but she is quite calm when it happens, I talk her through it.

I tried setting the printer up yesterday and just wasnt able to get it work wirelessly, but I used the usb cord on the other printer and it works fine. And its set up now that I only need to take the lappy in to join them up. No biggie. So I printed 2 December sheets out for the July babies.

I had one of my fave meals last night. Crumbed schnitzel and salad and boiled tatties. Only I could have cut the complete meal in half and it still would have been enough lol. Tonight Ive got chicken out and will roast a tatty and kumara.

This morning Im going to cut out a teddy. Decided to do a calico one first, and then if good enough I can do the red and purple ones another day.
Im thankful I keep buttons on hand as I need four per bear, and I know I have some eyes tucked away in a pantry too.

I was thinking last night, the last time I used a brought pattern was 2004. A friends Daughter ball gown. It was a simple dress but the fabric was purple on one side and pink on the other. With a band folding over the top to show the pink.

Ive decided to do a little bake on Tuesday. I will make some shortbread Christmas cookies. MrP asked for peanut brownies, so will make those too. I will measure ingredients and set up tomorrow, and I think Ill bring the other walker in from the car so I can sit on it and scoot around the kitchen.

The fruit mince pies and cake will wait a little longer.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Well that was a decent clap of thunder! The Furry One is stressing as he does with thunder. Thank goodness he comes to us when he is scared.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(20-11-2022, 01:45 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Well that was a decent clap of thunder!  The Furry One is stressing as he does with thunder.  Thank goodness he comes to us when he is scared.

Yes, some dogs do run ... and run! My sister's friend's dog took off on Guy Fawkes Night, got hit by a car and killed   Sad  My girl hides ... in the shower or toilet or a cupboard if she can get it open! We have thunder and lightning now ... lucky the washing was blown dry beforehand.
Sad when animals freak out eh.

Thankfully Missy is good when there is thunder. She looks up, looks at me and I just say ohh those noisy people and she goes back to sleep.

If I jump she takes more notice tho.

I saw a photo the other day of a way to wrap your dog in a figure out, with the middle of the 8 under the tummy and chest with bandages or a piece of fabric and its meant to keep them calm. With it going over the shoulder blades and Butt.
Apparently the cricket in TGA is going to be pulled too cos of the weather and safety with the storms there.

I've sewn the teddy to the point of stuffing, but I'll leave that for another day.. the eyes I have are too big.... So I had found two buttons, but I just thought Ill be practically next door to spotlight on Thursday so Ill get some there. A quick look on their website and they are only $5.

I will do the rubbish and recycle later and I might measure out some dry ingredients for Tuesday.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Its always lovely to have new grandchild, Roma.

Too wet to weed anything here so did a tiny bit of pruning before coming back in & doing a bit more on the painting.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Didn’t stain the deck yesterday as checked weather and it was going to rain - it didn’t. Hot sunny morning so decided to do it today - got ½ way through and a real downpour arrived along with really loud thunder!

Found a self sown passion fruit in the strawberry patch so have made it a little trellis and transplanted it to its own spot, hope it likes the change of scenery and survives
We just had an incredible very short lived thunderstorm - just made it home in time - so catching up with your posts while I have a foot spa - so sorry you lost your mate OHH - takes ages before you will stop seeing her out the corner of your eye - another feline will tug at your heartstrings when the time is right
An old dog park friend of mine and my old boy was at the dog park Tuesday with her very timid 14 year old wire haired JR - two dogs barked at her and she bolted normally her owner just lets her run and she sits down and waits to be rescued - but unfortunately the owner of the big dogs ran after her and Lucy kept running - the owner shouted for the woman to stop but she through no fault of her own didn’t understand so she lost sight of Lucy in an industrial estate - wish my old dog was still around as he would probably sniff her out - unfortunately when I was wandering around calling her today in the streets she could have been metres away from me hiding - the not knowing is terrible for the old girl who owns her she was a rescue pup and has never slept outside since she adopted her .Pets can be so heartbreaking
Have had my first ripe tomatoes - unfortunately when I planted several different varieties I lost track of which was which despite having some very fancy labels given to me - one very compact grower is absolutely covered in fruit - planted purple bok choy which is lovely
Haven’t done any crafting - I should get cracking on the Dr Seuss as it is looking good
Our Ukrainians are finishing off the school year and so will be gone in ten days I keep hoping Immigration will contact them and say they have changed their mind .My son has had to stop making pies which he supplied to cafes and petrol stations so not only his business suffers but so do they -he is also having to fly butchers in from Auckland can’t get any butchers to replace the ones who have literally burned out - it’s not only the staff shortages it’s the continual abuse and the stealing they witness but can do nothing about - practically every day a full trolley goes out - they can’t even put their hand on the trolley they can only record their rego and trespass them -when whoever decided it was a good idea to change the law a couple of years ago certainly did the criminals a favour - At least he can be thankful nobody has driven through his doors
morning ladies Smile Congratulations on the new grandie, roma Heart How lovely to have a new baby in the family.

A trolley a day, jan! And your son's supermarket is only one of many. And of course, we all pay for that one way or another. I saw a video clip the other day of thieves loading their car with groceries and there were comments from posters agreeing with them! Someone said if you are hungry, ask for help but I guess the grocery boxes given out by charities don't have all the expensive brands these thieves like.

Yesterday afternoon before the thunder kicked in, I planted some delphiniums against the cane teepee and some nemesias to fill some gaps. They all have the little wire cylinders over them just in case the rabbit comes back.

My hayfever has arrived with a vengeance. I thought I was doing so well until now. Oh well, it will be flixanase and eye drops for a while. I find that works better than antihistamines.

Coffee is finished and I want to mow the lawn before the rain kicks in. I have a busy week and today is the best day to mow before the lawn becomes too long.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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