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You can never have enough...
Found this on my farcebook page this morning, like a small gift left by the front door. Worth the few minutes to watch...
Good morning. 

More rain last night, with a few fireworks thrown in for effect   Huh

Grandies day today.  Like all babies, the newest is very cute and yes new babies are always a welcome addition.

No particular plans today apart from toddler minding and the school run. I may get some little hands helping to plant the seedling beans I was given! 

Better move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Very grey here and it has rained a fair bit.

Can't get out and finish the lawn so the front will need doing again soon.

Oh Jan that sucks to be blunt. No wonder so many business are going bust. Our Local oppy has troubles too. People dropping their rubbish off at the front door out of hours.. but the other is Breaking into the Locked rubbish bin out the back grabbing stuff. Its only unsellable stuff that goes in the bin.
They put the photos from then security cameras up on FB now. If people are struggling the oppy will give them stuff they only have to ask.
The latest two were women, one at 2am and the other just after 5am. Their cars were not cheap ones either. I guess they think they can sell what they steal but its only rubbish that is put in there. And the last lot damaged the bin itself.

I had a very productive day yesterday. Made the Teddy, got the ingredients ready to bake tomorrow. Did the rubbish and recycling and took that down to the road, measured, cut and sewed the curtains for the sewing room, and got the 2 pieces of curtain wire I found when looking for the eyes and they were the perfect length, have put the loops in , but I may have to get help to put the hooks in the windows. But knowing myself I will probably try myself lol I do have some tiny nails which would work too lol.

Off to see MrP this morning and Ill get the baking gear out later. Set up the cooling racks, get the mixer out etc. So the morning will be easier tomorrow.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Overcast and expecting more heavy downpours later today

Lovely that your new GB has arrived Roma Cool

Had a busy weekend hooning here and there over lower Nth Is so a bit tired today.

Want to go purchase some snaps for the Xmas crackers this morning. Sewing cave calling me for this afternoon

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
wow OHH, what a stash that woman has! I love how she's been making 'jelly rolls' for years lol. Nothing is really new when you think about it.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(20-11-2022, 06:18 PM)JanW Wrote: We just had an incredible very short lived thunderstorm - just made it home in time - so catching up with your posts while I have a foot spa - so sorry you lost your mate OHH - takes ages before you will stop seeing her out the corner of your eye - another feline will tug at your heartstrings when the time is right
An old dog park friend of mine and my old boy was at the dog park Tuesday with her very timid 14 year old wire haired JR - two dogs barked at her and she bolted normally her owner just lets her run and she sits down and waits to be rescued - but unfortunately the owner of the big dogs ran after her and Lucy kept running - the owner shouted for the woman to stop but she through no fault of her own didn’t understand so she lost sight of Lucy in an industrial estate - wish my old dog was still around as he would probably sniff her out - unfortunately when I was wandering around calling her today in the streets she could have been metres away from me hiding - the not knowing is terrible for the old girl who owns her she was a rescue pup and has never slept outside since she adopted her .Pets can be so heartbreaking
Have had my first ripe tomatoes - unfortunately when I planted several different varieties I lost track of which was which despite having some very fancy labels given to me - one very compact grower is absolutely covered in fruit - planted purple bok choy which is lovely
Haven’t done any crafting - I should get cracking on the Dr Seuss as it is looking good
Our Ukrainians are finishing off the school year and so will be gone in ten days I keep hoping Immigration will contact them and say they have changed their mind .My son has had to stop making pies which he supplied to cafes and petrol stations so not only his business suffers but so do they -he is also having to fly butchers in from Auckland can’t get any butchers to replace the ones who have literally burned out - it’s not only the staff shortages it’s the continual abuse and the stealing they witness but can do nothing about - practically every day a full trolley goes out - they can’t even put their hand on the trolley they can only record their rego and trespass them -when whoever decided it was a good idea to change the law a couple of years ago certainly did the criminals a favour - At least he can be thankful nobody has driven through his doors
Delighted to see this report on Stuff - just goes to show photographing the bastards really works!

(21-11-2022, 07:57 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: wow OHH, what a stash that woman has!  I love how she's been making 'jelly rolls' for years lol.  Nothing is really new when you think about it.

I thought the same thing KM, and love love loved her slow stitching kantha style. I am inspired to thread a needle...  Big Grin

Here's hoping the law manages to give her the finger back Tongue

Climbing roses all tied back, now to pick out the thorns Tongue and have some lunch.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Unfortunately the sentencing will probably be no deterrent - their background and problems have to be taken into account when sentencing.The last case Robie had in court a while ago now was dismissed as the security lady had stopped him from leaving .Last week a nice looking couple took a whole trolley full - after they left they followed them on security camera to see what they had taken - 2 very large Xmas hams $360 amongst a lot of very expensive stuff total $1863 - it’s not spontaneous they draw no attention to themselves but when they get to checkout they push people out of their way and run to their nice looking vehicle -often out of towners .A group of ladies set up a Food Rescue near Winz and everyday they arrive at his shop and head off with a truck load of good food - nobody needs to steal they give it away no questions asked - kids are allowed to steal under $50 now before any action like being trespassed can be taken.We had a ram raid by some kids up the Main Street last week then the stolen car was driven into the inner harbour - didn’t even make the news - two young women murdered within a month by gangsters - it’s just so sad there are so many people obviously living terrible lives so your clip OHH is just so uplifting
I like the way people are holding up the phones to photograph, or pretend to, when folk step out of line. Even better, I like the big framed and perspex protected noticeboard outside our local liquor store when the blown up pics of thieves are posted after they've been uploaded to farcebook. The owner swears his losses are down since he started doing that bit of social shaming...
That woman's living in the way most of our ancestors will have lived, or as close to it as anyone can in these times. Watching it, the words I often heard as a kid came back; 'Waste not, want not.'

I think its about to rain here again, so glad I did a quick sprint out earlier. Garden still too wet to weed dammit.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Loved the way she collects and re-creates.

Like the saving of brown paper, pieces of string etc. Nothing went to waste.

One thing that I do do, but a picture on Fb the other day. It was Morgan Freeman saying.. "throw out your phone Box" you will never need it. hes right but sometimes I do reuse especially if sending something fragile lol

All set up to bake tomorrow.

Cool enough for a cardy again now lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's a misty start to the day but it looks like more rain is headed our way. I don't mind as long as I can get a little time in the morning to potter about outside.

This morning I'm taking our friend to his monthly hospital appointment so it's an early start. They ask us what time we would like and as we are both early risers, we ask for one of the first appointments of the day. No waiting and home early.

Thanks for the info the other day, roma, about the pot holes on the Kaimais (again!). I read about a slip by the McLaren Park turnoff yesterday just missing a car. I was going to go to Tauranga tomorrow but have changed my mind until the weather settles.

Coffees finished and the Furry One is bashing me with what's left of his tug rope. I suspect he will find a new one under the Christmas tree Heart

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone,

Lovely and fine here.

Safe trip Kiwimade. Our roads are disgusting these days

Had a nice time at the home yesterday. MrP loved his chicken nibbles I took in, my left over dinner. Hes always loved eating meat off the bone. They wont let them have anything with bones in there for safety reasons.

Bobbie asked me to trin her nails on her right hand... Mum always said if you cant cut the nails on your most used hand then you are not your own boss. As in right handed being able to trim their right hand and the lefties the opposite.. I was telling the ladies at the table too. And only one was the same as me and able to do her own. lol

How's this for being ahead.. I got some painted wooden letters and a heart for my Sister friends birthday.. In July lol.. Im going to decorate them with left over diamond painting diamonds. I just have to figure out what colours. But highly likely to be Purple, blues and some pink and green thrown in. A few years ago I sent her a picture i had done but despite being well packed it got broken. These wont.

Right Ill get another few things done on here then Im Off to the kitchen. All I have to do is turn the oven on and mix..

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Scattered cloud and windy more 4ain expected later today.

Don't expect potholes on new road but Transmission Gully had several when we drove north on Saturday morning. They were repaired when driving north again to sewing group on Sunday.

Got my Xmas cracker snaps yesterday they have doubled in price 40cents each this year still not too bad.

Have to prep  this morning for a meeting this afternoon so no sewing today, my knit night tonight always fun.

Well vacuum is calling so gotta move

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Baking Done..

80 Shortbread trees and snowmen. And 29 peanut brownies for MrP.. And rather yummy cheese scones for my lunch. I always add cayenne pepper to give them a kick. MrP doesn't like it, so I get to make them how I want now lol.

I must say I am enjoying his moods of late.. Was concerned about my pain this morning. I said Trust me The joy of baking far out ways the pain. It truly is my happy place being in the kitchen.
Although I wasn't happy to discover the parmesan cheese had gone moldy in its Ziplock bag. Its a treat I dont buy often. So from now on Ill store it in the freezer.

Time to do my games and have a chat...
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Very dodgy weather here - clouds over & looks about to rain until you put on a jacket whereupon it bursts into sunshine & gets far too hot for a jacket - but not until you're well on the way to do the dreaded grocery shopping, obviously.
Got it done anyway & was home again & went out to pick up all the leaves from the cabbage tree ready to go in the red bin, it decided to look as if it was about to rain again.

Have pulled the cover off first notebook & will start again, not happy with it so hoping next attempt will turn out better.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another wet, stormy day here again. All this rain and warmth has the garden growing like crazy, even the weeds.

We have a cabbage tree as well, Lilith Smile The leaves are a pain in the butt but it does have a nice shape for the garden, so I'll keep picking up the leaves. It's a shame they don't compost very well. The mynahs try to build their nests with the leaves, and we end up with some very loose creations blown around the place.

We had the first of our courgettes for dinner last night Big Grin There is something about being able to pick and choose your own vegies right outside the kitchen.

Today is shopping day and it gets even worse this time of the year. I'm hoping I can be in and out of the shops quickly. Most of the Christmas shopping has been done online but there are a few things I want to see for myself before buying.

Happy craftingSmile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Rain overnight and more expected later today.

Gym soon and will be food hunting later this morning

The quilt block I am trying is a PITA so will not be making those blocks ever again, will finish this baby one today and donate it asap to get it out of the house so no reminders linger.

Had nice time at knitting group last night always nice to see what the talented ladies get up to.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

A wet and wild,  windy night.  It's still showering now but the sun is on the way. 

Busy yesterday with family stuff and today dog minding at mine while the new  little family adjust to life at home with a baby.

Yes,  the garden is going crazy.  I will have a couple of courgettes to pick as well later plus  beetroot. Courgette quiche goes down well in this house. 

Shopping won't be too hard for me, vouchers wanted for 3, DIL will buy for 2 of hers (I'll pay) and I will shop for 3 yo and newborn. A good idea to go in early!

I have my Xmas cake ingredients,  last year the fruit mix especially disappeared quickly from the supermarket. Well done with your marathon baking Popeye.

Better keep moving. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone,

Wow what a night.. My blinds shut out the lightening but the noise was amazing. A couple of bang made me jump. Missy was recognizing them happening Until I jumped then she went under the bed for a few minutes.
Sunny and windy here now.

it is nice picking your own grown food but for me it really is a waste. but I am picking chives if that counts lol.. they are the healthiest ones Ive grown lol.

Gave up on tv at 8pm last night. it went out and stayed out.

Off to see MrP and the family.

Gull has 10 cents off today and till noon tomorrow so if you need gas , save yourself a bit of money. Good timing for me with my trip tomorrow.

The scones I made yesterday were the best I've made in ages. Had the two remaining ones for tea and they were still very fresh, soft and yummy. I didnt measure anything lol. Just threw the ingredients in the bowl lol.

Have a fab day everyone.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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