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You can never have enough...
Im once again not impressed with the home.

MrP had a fall at 10pm last night.. granted he didnt hurt himself other than a bruised butt and pride.

They rang me at 3-30pm.. When they have specific instructions to ring any time.

So I will be making sure they note it once again..

I've never dealt with such a useless business.. if there was another near I would move him.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile MrK said we had huge thunder and lightning storms during the night. Didn't hear a thing and the Furry One even slept through it.

Buggar, popeye! I suppose they are short staffed and busy. Still, they should have at least sent a text. Glad MrP is OK.

Yesterday I bought a cast iron skillet for our son's Christmas present from Briscoes Big Grin 70% off was not to be sneezed at, that's for sure and now he can stop eyeing up our skillets lol. One gift to go and the shopping is done.

Housework today and if the weather clears, I'll get out and weed.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Looks fine out there so far.

Yeah I have told the home I always go back to sleep. So they can ring anytime.

I feel like a big girl this morning lol.. I slept right through the night lol. Have to give myself a Gold Star lol.

I rang the MRI place, results take 3-4 business days so not long. Rang the Super clinic, Twice actually the first one put me on hold and we got cut off, so I rang back and was told no there weren't any appointments until next year. Then the first lady rang back, I have an appointment on December 16th lol

I intend on going to go back to David's Emporium again. ( MrP always said it was named after him lol ). So Im going to see what else I can downsize so I can have a little treat day. Its got everything from tools and wheels to fabric and all the craft stuff you could want, to Kitchen ware, and Christmas stuff. Have invited Erin to come along too.

An early start for me today. Bloods first, then I want to be first in the door to get a freebie bag and pick up my pills. Then I want to price a phone case, I keep dropping this phone and it already has a crack in the screen. Then off to see MrP and the family.

I was sitting there last night think, I feel so well and happy these days. Once the leg is sorted and I can cut back on the meds I am hoping to finally do some things I want to do. Like going to our Lighthouse at the top of the Manukau Heads. they have been mending things, which means it will be safer to get to and visit.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Sunny but a lot cooler this morning, after such a wet day yesterday. 

We dog sat yesterday/last night, very well behaved but will have some vacuuming to do later .... so appreciate my non-shedder!

Visitors this morning, then the day is mine. Hopefully get outside for a bit more garden tidying after a bit of battering with the rain and wind.  

Nothing like having people we know experiencing first hand the terrible health staffing situation, no better in the maternity sector. I spoke to someone a couple of days ago whose daughter will never come back here from Oz. As a nurse she is earning TWICE as much as in NZ, why would she return Sad 

Better get moving. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Fine day again

DH got lawns and gardening done yesterday and all clothes dry while keeping an eye out for forecast rain that never arrived.

Another visit to dentist yesterday for sensitive tooth this time.  No work required  a bit of gum recession he is zlovely man didn't charge me Big Grin using  Colgate prorelief rubbed into the area everyday to see how we go. Positive so far as drank my morning cuppa without any issues
Donated quilt was packed up  in the pack being made up yesterday for a baby boy..

They are low on knitted wool vests for 6-12 month old boys so I will knit a couple this week, my crochet blanket can wait. I find it difficult to not finish a project before starting another so it will be a real challenge for me. 

Xmas present pressure off as kids decided no presents for adults as none of us really need anything . We just doing $20 secret Santa which is always lots of fun

No plans for today other than house stuff

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Spent yesterday evening happily winding odd balls of fluffy stuff into smaller matching balls after getting one of my bargain parcels from TM. I have an idea for one of those mad coloured stripy mohair cardies for next winter, so have been buying up odd ball auctions and dividing the spoils into fours to make sure some kind of order can be imposed upon the madness. The trick will be to balance the different plies, but that will make things interesting.

And that after pulling out the overgrown and very non productive sweetpeas yesterday, too rich a compost layer I suspect made them too tall and too subject to wind disasters. I need that space for my blueberries, with a view to increased lack of flexibility in coming years getting sensible with more permanent well thought out plantings seemed a good idea. And next week will get busy with my ailing acquaintance moving from her wee flat into a rest home as her health fails, I will need to be free to sort out her stuff for her to boost the kitty for those last expenses. She has decided stoicism is no longer an option and her preferred choice for resthome has three rooms for her to choose from so she's off next Monday. I am relieved for her because she has been struggling for a while now, so much weight loss and too much ill days making daily tasks just too hard, and immensely frustrating for a previously active social soul. Time for her to be looked after, and the nurse manager is looking forward to having a resident who still has all her marbles apparently!

And within scooting distance, so I can still pop in if she wants company though these days we talk mostly on the phone, village tales and minor venting about lifes quirks. Plenty of village life around at the moment, with contractors everywhere, refurbing an empty unit (new kitchen and bathroom went in yesterday much to my disgust - I want one of each, lol), and then coming in to put ground water membranes under each unit, more of the healthy homes thing. Being on a slope with lots of concrete around we are wondering in we'll end up with swimming pools in the basements, but we will see...

Good idea Mica with the secret Santa, it’s been such a relief since we started doing it a few years ago. We have one adult and one child of the extended family to get presents for. Parents of course still get things for their own children. Everyone  gets a thoughtful present without the pressure to find something for all and sundry. We don’t have a set amount but no one notices the cost factor. The children are really getting into it too. By the end of the day we have usually worked out who everyone’s secret Santa was which adds to the fun.

Have a full line of washing flapping away in the breeze. Have visitors for the weekend so all beds made and started a bit of prep for dinner. Just have to run the vacuum around but coffee time called first  Tongue

Hope your friends move goes smoothly OHH -  friend who works in a rest home has said that those who make the decision to move in themselves settle in a lot more easily than those who for whatever reason are “put” into a home.

Well better get moving again
Have a good day all  Heart
We have a roster for family Christmas presents with a limit of $60 so every year we buy for a different family member. It works for us and keeps costs down. Only kids school age or younger receive presents.

I've moved some dahlias that were struggling which also meant the big old fence post had to be moved as well. It rained while digging the hole but hey, no one ever melted in the rain. The Marlborough Daisy has been moved. What an interesting plant, it flips its leaves over to catch the rain with a special membrane. And some South Pacific iris' I bought around three years ago from a garden ramble has been split and replanted with some potted up ready to be swapped with my sister-in-law's iris'. And a bit of weeding done too.

Well done to your friend, OHH. Making those sorts of decisions while you have your marbles is the way to go. I would hate someone having to make that choice for me.

Must be lunch time, chicken sandwich I think.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I totally agree with people who chose to be in the rest homes are happier.

Ive done my bloods, got my bag of goodies from the Chemist, through the door first again .. 6 years in a row. was nice to see one of the girls that I havent seen for ages, and now know why. she has been through Cancer.

Wore my jeans and denim jacket, and man Im pleased I did the wind was freezing.

Spent time with MrP and then Bobbie. Shes having a bad day, she asked me 4 times what happens next with my knee. And she seems to think the foot dr will be there today. But I doubt that since they are booked for December.

MrP was a little snappy but Hes sore from his fall. And everyone aches when they fall.

I like the idea of the Secret Santa, it takes the load off everyone. I only buy for my sister friend in CHCH and MrP. I want to find him another T-shirt and some Turkish delight which he loves.

Thank you to trade me for giving sellers 25% off fees this weekend. so that will be my job tomorrow. To hopefully get some money in before my next ortho visit in 3 weeks. $30 for Petrol which used to cost just under $20.

Even got two hugs while I was standing outside the Chemist lol... Thats one thing I miss from MrP he does hugs very well and has healing Hands. But these days he cant stand long enough for a hug and doesnt like twisting if we are sitting together on the bed.

Better let my friend know Im home. Today is one of our Hard days.. The day her brother died, and my nephew was born. Years before we ever met. And now that nephew is gone too. So we are good grief councellors for each other.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Its lucky that Mr. P is OK, Popeye.

Hope your friend copes with her new situation well Hunni; that's sure to be a bit of an upheaval especially under those circumstances.

Finally got the predicted rain last night, it absolutely tipped down for ages. Even so, I managed a bit of weeding today & planted more garlic. And managed to do the cover of notebook which so far looks much better but can't be sure until the glue finally dries properly.
I've pretty much finished Xmas shopping & had decided not to buy anything else till after Xmas - but this morning accidentally came across a book which is perfect for youngest grandson who is due to graduate from Uni later this year as its the subject which interests him, so will make a perfect birthday gift for his birthday next year. Its good to get a wee bit ahead, even if I hadn't intended to. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning all
Fine day as far as I can tell this early.

Hope your friends move goes well OHH.

Quiet day yesterday DH went over to DD in the morning to do their lawns and a bit of weeding before the predicted rain @1pm well no rain all day.

I played with scraps and made cute pair of shorts and matching tshirt for DGD now I have got to see if I can resist giving the set to her before xmas Big Grin

Today I plan on making me a top today my summer tops are looking a bit worse for wear and I need a change.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have a fine day, for now. I might be able to strip the bed.

This morning I plan to finish the weeding and pot up a couple more plants for my sister-in-law. I'll check on the plants I move yesterday as well. Fingers crossed they have survived. Other than that, there aren't any plans for today. Might work on the quail later too.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny at present,  I hope it lasts as we have a wedding to go to in the Waikato. Got to love a wedding for a happy family occasion and catch up   Heart

Busy day yesterday tidying house and garden,  not much else will get done today. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone.

Looks good here too... So far

I plan to be busy doing listings etc, but do have the lawn in the back of my mind. Since its meant to rain and then again in a couple of days.

Hope your friends move goes well OHH... if anyone else remembers GrandmaSue from TM, she is now in a rest home too. She has suffered HealthWise for many years with her botched hernia repair, while also trying to look after her hubby of 57 years.
He passed away a couple of months ago, and Sues Legs were giving out on her, so she is now in a home and enjoying it. She has an electric wheelchair to zoom around in. Considering she used to drive buses.. And she is loving it.. She proudly has a blanket she brought off me on her bed a big yellow, lemon and cream one I crocheted. She calls it her Sunny blanket. I used to call it Sunburst , so us Su/Sues had similar thinking about it.

I heard back from the area Manager, and the manager here is just lying her way out of things.. So as I said to MrP last night, I feel beaten... but I know that my Fight will come back.

Enjoy the Wedding Roma, always nice to catch up with family.

There was a "Daughter" who came into the home on Monday wearing her wedding dress to show her Mother.. This Daughter would have either been a very heavy smoker , but also I'd say she was at least 70. And had just got married last weekend. The dress was stunning a lace layer over a plain one. Straight with long sleeves and a lovely edge on the hem.
Diane and I both said at the same time, Good on her at her age, but we wouldn't get married again lol. Then we decided she had a toy boy lol

Have a fab day everyone.. dont do anything I wouldn't do lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Lovely day.

Enjoying my visitors - house a lot noisier than usual but happy noise  Big Grin

Yes remember GrandmaSue from trade me - she was always such a caring and positive person so not surprised that she is loving being in a rest home with others no doubt she will be seeing the best in each situation still.

Not sure what we will be doing today. The mother and daughter are at a hip hop dance competition which the blokes aren’t keen on spending all day at not surprisingly.

I hope this makes you all smile Smile  One of the season's first Lady of Shalott, an Austin that flowers and flowers Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(26-11-2022, 09:42 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: I hope this makes you all smile Smile  One of the season's first Lady of Shalott, an Austin that flowers and flowers Heart

Oh she is beautiful...
(26-11-2022, 09:42 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: I hope this makes you all smile Smile  One of the season's first Lady of Shalott, an Austin that flowers and flowers Heart

She is Stunning.. beautiful colours.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(26-11-2022, 09:42 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: I hope this makes you all smile Smile  One of the season's first Lady of Shalott, an Austin that flowers and flowers Heart

Beautiful does she have a perfume to match?

Thanks for posting the photo
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
What a lovely colour, KM.

Very unexpected but welcome visit from DIL who lives Nelson way, briefly here for a few hours so called in & let me know that youngest granddaughter has had another short story included in the public library secondary schools competition this year, which makes two now. She's determined to be a writer so its a good start.
Odd sort of a day here, weather can't decide whether or not to rain so we get a few drops now & then. Did a bit more dreaded weeding so something achieved for the day.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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