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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile TWO sleeps to go, OHH! What a fun evening that would have been, OHH. I love it when times like that evolve into something special.

13 years old, Jan! That young girl has no chance in life at that rate. The poor person she pulled the knife on.

I am sorry to hear about Bobby, popeye. Dementia is a cruel disease, and the only consolation would be she won't remember doing what she did.

I'm going to attempt the lawn. It will probably take most of the day, but I don't feel tired like yesterday. First though seeing as there is no wind, I'll burn the rubbish.

Yesterday I had a scratch around and dug out the Christmas wrapping paper and even found some labels. Gift wrapping will be this afternoon's task and I'll replace the paper in the Boxing Day aftermath for next year.

First though, the washing needs to go on and the usual early morning stuff done.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Clear day here but cool.

OHH sounds like a fun night, we also had a lovely night at friends for dinner.

Started making older DGD bodysuit with peplum, plan on making a cocoon cardi gir her next.

House stuff this morning the Xmas tree might even get put up

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

A stunner here.. Sounds like we will all be productive today.

I wrote a list yesterday for the next few days but already got the washing and clothes put away done last night.

Ohh sounds like you had fun.. If I wasn't already baking for the rest home family I would bake for those on our Drive. Might still consider it tho as I have little tins to make smaller cakes in.

When we lived in Mangakino we used to gather at an older couples house to play cards. And Gladys used to make the freshest grated cheese sandwiches for supper. Last night I had a Gladys Sammie for tea lol.. Normally I slice cheese but found it was going moldy on me so I grated it and freeze it.. But it was a good reminder of our gatherings.

Yeah it's sad watching Bobbie fade away. She has frustration as she knows she can't remember some things. I just hope they dont send her away when she gets worse like they did with frank. Cos I enjoy spending time with her, and Im the only outsider that she has to visit her... Oops made my eyes leak... I call her my little Button cos she will never be a lost button to me.

Spots on the carpet, rangehood, ringing the chemist and evicting the front porch residents today.. And depending on the body I may get some of the Christmas stuff out.

So sad when you see kids soo far off the rails that you know they may never get out of their ways.. at 13 I had just got a new stepfather and moved away from all I had known. but it was good.. I've never dreamed of doing anything nasty like that... My twin tho is the total opposite and pulled a knife on our sister. He did settle down some tho, at about 40 lol. Probably still does drugs but I dont ask.
We took in one of MrPs nephews who had a crap start to his life, and Turned him around with Love and rules, he is a fab guy now.

Have a fab day everyone

2 Sleeps OHH.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It took twice as long to mow half of the lawn thanks to all the resting in between catcher loads lol. But it feels good having that bit done. MrK emptied the catcher for me so all I had to do was mow. The rest can be done tomorrow.

Another neg test this morning and MrK seems to have completely missed it.

Kettles boiled so I'll make this cuppa and sit outside with MrK and solve world problems. Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny and nice to be out walking before.

Covid so weird the way it affects (or not) people. We know plenty who've not had the whole household affected with varying symptoms and of course whole house affected members. Fingers crossed Mr K has dodged that bullet KM!

So sad to read of these young, lost offenders and some so violent with it. Lovely story about the big house Jan.

Party season in full swing with one next door last night and we hear one is going to be in front tonight. No getting away from it in town!  Ear plug time for me!

No plan today.  Might get the tree out and up ... DH made it from recycled timber ... different lengths arranged on a central pole ... looks great up even before the decorations!

Popeye a shame Bobbie not able to appreciate you as a valued visitor anymore. 

Coffee finished,  better get started with the washing out. 

Enjoy the day all.
Sitting feeling smug.

Ive done my list and put decorations out..

I put dishwash and baking soda in a bucket with hot water and doing the rangehood was easy as... And its been ages since I did it. very impressed.

MrP said his walker has fallen apart.. Won't let me take the spare up. He said they can get him a new one. Which is true but I said they won't be open until Monday at least.
Im getting weary with all his attitudes and snappyness. I admit that with covid being in there again it means I can slow down on the visits. Cos he will miss his treats if I get it and cant go up.

Time to relax and get my games done
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I opened up the Keter box to get the summer cushions out... Snails. Ants. Two cockroaches. Not silly these other creatures. Then the sun umbrella, nope the cord on the pulley system fraying and impeding the little plastic wheel things, so replaced that with parachute cord, and burned my hand sealing the end when a bit of melted plastic dripped off. Stupid woman. Put the brolly up, and knocked a pot plant off onto the concrete path below...

I think that's quite enough for today!
(03-12-2022, 12:21 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I opened up the Keter box to get the summer cushions out... Snails. Ants. Two cockroaches. Not silly these other creatures. Then the sun umbrella, nope the cord on the pulley system fraying and impeding the little plastic wheel things, so replaced that with parachute cord, and burned my hand sealing the end when a bit of melted plastic dripped off. Stupid woman. Put the brolly up, and knocked a pot plant off onto the concrete path below...

I think that's quite enough for today!

Not  a good thing OHH... Grab a book and have a relax
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I did washing & hung it out, took dog for walk & nicked a few lavender flowers on the way, (I have some at home but will need more flowers for the lavender bags this year) looked at the new art in the park, came home again.
Decided on a coffee, & just caught myself with the coffee pot about to put it in the cupboard!
In my defence, I was thinking of a few other things at the time & wondering whether or not I could get the rest of that weeding done today - nope, but only a wee bit more to do so perhaps tomorrow with any luck. I did manage to dig out a silver beet which had gone to seed though, still plenty left.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another gorgeous day today so I'll finish the lawn this morning. I over did it yesterday morning and slept for three hours in the afternoon. My ooommph is slowly coming back though. My MoH text telling me my quarantine time is over arrived yesterday as long as I have negative tests.

We are really enjoying the courgettes and other veg from the garden. The tomatoes have flowers and the peas have pea pods already. Can't wait for the apple cucumbers, we eat a whole one each at lunchtime. Our sliverbeet is going to seed too, Lilith. It's definitely a crop worth growing though.

I hope your burn is healing well, OHH. What a buggar about the pot plant.

As crazy as this sounds, if it doesn't rain over the next day or two, I'll have to put the hose on the garden.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Fine day

One more sleep OHH. 

Put up xmas tree and decorations yesterday and managed to get some sewing done.

Got family to entertain today and reading for meeting tomorrow

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

A little nippy but going to be another stunner of a day.

I think cos you were so fit before you got covid has helped you too KM. Just dont over do things.

I had an awesome day yesterday getting my list and many more little things done too.. I love lists lol..

Ive just put the duvet cover in to wash, it will take maybe an hour or two max, to dry.. Inside.. Its a very light fabric. I dont use inners, I just use the covers as a bedspread. Will vac the house and then get some of the baking gear out again.

Was a day of two minds yesterday with MrP. In the morning he was grumpy and demanding they get him a new walker, as he does not think he should have to wait for anything, even if places are closed.. Then later in the day they found one that wasn't being used and it has both the seat and a tray so he was back to his happy normal self.

It's a wonder he doesn't drive me potty lol but I do tend to be at least one step ahead of him lol

Have fun with the family Mica.

I love the smell of cucumber but cannot stand the texture lol.

One more Sleep OHH....

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Lol, one more sleep was my farcebook status today...

All my lovely internet community are excited for me, it is a rather nice feeling for this inclined to be a bit solitary cat loving 'hooman'. 

Just a few more touches to make ready, that and getting the laundry done is the plan for today. I even managed to net off part of the balcony yesterday, so starting to make that into a half arsed catio too, so she can survey the neighbourhood in perfect safety from bossy neighbours. Most of whom are scaredy cats when fronted...

Looks like another good day weatherwise. But it can't last, can it?  Big Grin
The lawn is done and I'm knackered lol. Boy, it's getting hot outside already. I've put the kettle on, I think a cuppa has been earned this morning.

One thing I noticed with Covid was I was hungry, and I wonder if that was part of the body's fight. Usually when I'm sick I don't eat.

I'm slowly working through my garden to-do list, slowly being the word lol. I was quite surprised when I looked at it this morning and saw how much had been crossed off. MrK has these lovely old fence posts that make perfect stakes for dahlias. I'm going to move a dahlia tomorrow and have picked out the perfect fence post for it. It's struggling where it is and barely growing so moving it will either encourage more growth or kill it. Either way, it's not doing well and will die where it is.

The resident blackbirds are busy as heck, every time I see them, they have a beak of worms for their babies. Such good parents! Their nest is outside our bedroom window. Mansion #2 we call it as they start the season with another nest (Mansion #1) in a camelia and move part way through the season when the sparrows have finished with the shrub where Mansion #2 is located. They obviously like their privacy Heart

Kettles boiled, time to make the tea.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Feed a cold, starve a fever as my Gran would quote?
Well Popeye, at least Mr P isn't always the same so you get a variety. Smile

This time tomorrow Hunni, may see you a feline human once again - hope it all goes well & she isn't too strict or demanding. Smile

Oh gaaawd! Its starting to look as if absolutely everyone's going to turn up for Xmas this year. I asked eldest granddaughter, (they're having it at theirs this time) if I could perhaps cry off, & stop home since there are likely to be so many people but she's not having it.
She can be quite bossy, that granddaughter. And quite firm as well.

Finally got that bit of weeding finished this morning & lucky I did - I found 2-3 broad bean plants I'd forgotten about all but crushed under a marigold so had to pull most of it out & give the rest of it a talking to. Have taken weeds out of the way, put mulch around the poor wee plants & put up strings for support once they grow a bit.
I like to grow marigolds next to tomatoes as they keep something or other - I've long since forgotten exactly what - away from the plants, but these were taking liberties.

We met a new arrival on our walk this morning, a very gorgeous greyhound down the street. Very friendly but Madame le Dog isn't sure yet - we'll see how it goes next time.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I may not being going to visit anyone in the home.

MrP now has a sore throat, he never gets them... so Ill ring shortly and ask them to test again.

I think I have it around the wrong way.. I thought it was feed a fever starve a cold lol... Mind you Im pretty lucky as I seldom get either.. Usually a change of season cold about now, but since I started the flu shots I havent had one since.

Only had the flu once many years ago.

Im all set up to bake. the house is back to a nice clean looking place again..

So now I can relax and watch my listings finish and watch the Cricket
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Stunning day spent out on a bush walk with family, highlight being the wait and arrival of a large eel for some (dog) treats! I was told they listen for the vibration of footsteps Smile 

The Christmas decos/trees will have to wait another day as not done this weekend!

Yes KM, I never lost my appetite but did have the metallic taste followed by the not much taste for a couple of days!  Garden has been needing watering with all the wind drying it out. I'm waiting for the birds' supply of worms in the lawn to dry up and then the garden get scratched everywhere in their search  Blush

Sounds like your set up is going to be good for your new feline friend OHH. My section is cat proof for my old boy with the gate closed but unfortunately not the other way round for intruders coming over the wooden fence. His latest defence of his patch has healed into a half cm tear on the end of his ear .... quite a few battle scars now in that same ear!

Popeye I hope Mr P manages to escape C!

Time for an afternoon cuppa.
Or in my case, a half glass of wine, as a reward for effort. We are eating our dinners tonight together in the courtyard, it has been such a superb weather day a few of us decided to make it last. And it is good for us to eat a meal together every now and then, good food, good conversation.

It's going to be a busy week, J is going into the resthome tomorrow, so I will need to start sorting out what is left of her little flat. Not a good time to be listing on TM but we'll see how we go. Every little bit will help for those expensive end of life necessaries. And I can come home to a fur ball, which will make everything better.

She has a small clump of rain lilies at her front step, so I have told her I will be nicking those, lol. My executor's fees! She had a wee grin over that, knowing how much I admired them when they were flowering...

Those and her Witches Parking sign have my name on them!
(04-12-2022, 02:37 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Or in my case, a half glass of wine, as a reward for effort. We are eating our dinners tonight together in the courtyard, it has been such a superb weather day a few of us decided to make it last. And it is good for us to eat a meal together every now and then, good food, good conversation.

It's going to be a busy week, J is going into the resthome tomorrow, so I will need to start sorting out what is left of her little flat. Not a good time to be listing on TM but we'll see how we go. Every little bit will help for those expensive end of life necessaries. And I can come home to a fur ball, which will make everything better.

She has a small clump of rain lilies at her front step, so I have told her I will be nicking those, lol. My executor's fees! She had a wee grin over that, knowing how much I admired them when they were flowering...

Those and her Witches Parking sign have my name on them!

Its wonderful what you are doing for your friend OHH... And I think thats  a good selection of Executors fees. to remind you of her.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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