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You can never have enough...
Puddin sounds good; it suits her, I think. She's settling in well if she can get on the bed so I expect she'll soon sort you out.

Did the groceries this morning & there were rather a lot of people muttering about increasing prices, & not altogether quietly, some of them. I almost joined them when I bought a large roll of sellotape & discovered the price was $9.50!
I checked it very carefully, but no - apparently no, no gold leaf to be seen anywhere.

Had to ring one of those places this morning & when they eventually answered, was told that I was 'awesome.'
Because I know my own name & address....
I did not swear.

An online friend wrote a children's book - The last whale - some years ago which I've been trying to get for great grandkids & eventually it turned up on TM so grabbed it. It arrived this morning & thought I'd best have read if I'm going to read to great grandies at some point.
Damn thing made me blub - to hell with that, their mum can read it to them!

Her other books are excellent, have got her Reveille series for youngest granddaughter (& read them first) & we both loved them.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Get a copy of Jenny by Paul Gallico. I dare you to read that to them without everybody ending up in tears. My Dad read it to us, bedtime, a chapter a night, and the memory has stayed clear for all these years.

Must be a good story to stick around that long.

Oh, and it's about cats.

" When in doubt, wash..."
OOPs lol.... I had the wrong date.. The Inspection is tomorrow lol...

So I Might wash the kitchen floor although its not bad really.

OMG you ladies have an Crazy Online Neice Cat..

I decided to wave the custard and sat and ate the "tart" I made with the left over pastry and fruit mince. She climbed on the chair an eyeballed me.. So I wiped my index finger in it, She licked it off and wanted more.. so the next clean finger went in and she loved that too..
Didn't let her have any more cos I dont know if mixed spice, cinnamon, cloves etc is any good for cats.. Crazy thing she is..
She hasn't touched her own tea tho....

MrP isn't going to be happy that Im not going up tomorrow but he will understand cos I dont let anyone come in the house when there's no one home cos of Missy.

No rain as yet but it has clouded over

(06-12-2022, 04:46 PM)popeye333 Wrote: OOPs lol.... I had the wrong date.. The Inspection is tomorrow lol...

So I Might wash the kitchen floor although its not bad really.

OMG you ladies have an Crazy Online Neice Cat..

I decided to wave the custard and sat and ate the "tart" I made with the left over pastry and fruit mince. She climbed on the chair an eyeballed me.. So I wiped my index finger in it, She licked it off and wanted more.. so the next clean finger went in and she loved that too..
Didn't let her have any more cos I dont know if mixed spice, cinnamon, cloves etc is any good for cats.. Crazy thing she is..
She hasn't touched her own tea tho....

MrP isn't going to be happy that Im not going up tomorrow but he will understand cos I dont let anyone come in the house when there's no one home cos of Missy.

No rain as yet but it has clouded over

Theres a gentle tinkle of rain now lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Ladies... we need a makeover.
morning ladies Smile lol OHH, those are just awesome! Steam punkish Heart I should be so lucky to wear clothes like that!

We're meant to have rain today but if not, then the hose will have to go on the garden.

Yesterday was my first post-covid day where I felt so much better (in spite of the hayfever) so things are on the up and up. I might even blat around and catch up on some housework. I need to bake too, might bake ginger crunch seeing as we haven't had that for a while.

MrK's prescription was mucked up (again) so some time today I will have to pick up his medication. They are emailing the correct 'script to the chemist and I told them I am not paying again for their mistakes. Every time I use that Manage My Health app or e mail in MrK's list of meds they either miss something or add things not requested. For once, he would like to have only what he asked for. On the plus side, he has the exemption now, so we don't have to pay for his meds at the chemist until the beginning of Feb. That's my moan and groan for the day lol.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Overcast but warm,  maybe we will get some rain. 

Lol OHH,  that's some imagination to come up with for those outfits! What a re-invention for us that  would be! I hope your puss cat let you sleep last night,  shows she is acknowledging you as carer though!

Groceries, baking, rhubarb and beetroot cooking done yesterday so into town early today for some Christmas finishing off jobs.

Will send off a couple of Christmas cards this afternoon ... there was a time I did dozens! Then drag out the decorations. Grandies to mind later during parent/teacher interviews.

So far haven't had trouble with MMH but shows we should double check the prescriptions!

Time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

We have rain, or have done overnight anyway..

OHH they are fantastic. but my shape would need special attention lol.. The glasses tho get me lol.

Talking of baking etc... I did enjoy yesterday's lot but man I was sore afterwards, probably cos with biscuits I had time to sit while they cooked.

Anyway does anyone here make Lemon Meringue Pie..?? One of my ladies loves it and I would like to try and make one. In my search I found the Chelsea Sugar recipe and Jo Seagars Mile high Lemon Meringue Pie.. The latter using a tin of Condensed milk in the lemon part.

Does anyone have a preferred recipe? I just feel that the condensed milk one might be too sweet?

Yumm I haven't made ginger crunch for a while.. Next time the oven is on I might make a half batch. MrP doesnt like it, reckons I put too much ginger in it lol.. Im my grandfather's girl. He loved it too lol

MrP took it well that I wouldn't be there today.. They tested him again yesterday Still negative. Hes been sick.. And said last night he was shivering...
They rang about 10-45pm to tell me he fell, landed on his butt. Turned to fast he thinks and tripped over his toes.

Will sew the Santa suit jobs today and he wants me to find some little screws for the walking stick I took up, he managed to lose one that holds its in place..

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Overcast this morning.

OHH fun dressing up.

KM snap I made ginger crunch yesterday too, with ,lots of crystised ginger in the base and double the amount t of topping Cool

Making apricot jam this morning once I move and have a shower. Been having a wee rest after the gym.

Sewing DGD a new tshirt is my planned project for today.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I use lemon curd in a sweet short pastry shell with a meringue topping popeye, much simpler, not nearly as sweet. Better though is a lemon shortcake, in my opinion, it appeals to a wider range of taste buds!
I second the lemon shortcake  Tongue
Thank you ladies.

I havent heard of lemon shortcake.. will Ask Aunty Google later.

Gotta get some lemons tomorrow
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Cool drizzly day - too damp for gardening but not really giving the garden a good watering.

OHH there’s a place in Oamaru that lets you dress up in steam punk like those ones. My Niece’s children had a great time there last holidays.

Have just made some rocky road. I’m making some ‘old fashioned’ sweet boxes for families I’ve already made filled chocolates and will make a variety of fudges and perhaps some coconut ice. I’ve dug out an old recipe book of my mother’s for ideas.

I make a ginger fudge cake which is so easy and no cook. I put crystallised ginger in the base and a double recipe of the ginger crunch icing on the top. It’s a poor keeper in this house lol
ohhh yummmmmm lemon shortcake! I must check out the recipe. Ginger fudge cake sounds divine too Tongue

We've had a phone call from Waikato Hospital and MrK is booked in for Monday to have his cataracts done. The best Christmas present ever! We have been into town to have a blood test done as they will want a current INR. All I could think was thank goodness my covid tests were negative. If they had wanted him last week he would have had to wait longer. This week we will be fully masked up (I was doing this anyway) if we go anywhere. We cannot afford to get sick.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Ohh thats great new Kiwimade..

I cant see me ever stop wearing masks any time soon.. Its just too risky.

I may have to shelve the lemon desert.. I still have to make the cake.. So that will have to be tomorrow. Wish Id thought about it earlier today and it would have been baking now.

Done everything else I needed to do. Still waiting for the inspection, shouldnt be too much longer. And then Ill pop up and see MrP and get a few things from NW. Im going to get a few of the boxes of choccies for my ladies, simply cos I can and it will make me feel good.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Love the colours in some of those outfits Hunni.

Lovely - just in time for Xmas, KM.

Went out earlier to get the fish they didn't have yesterday, came back & did the egg/breadcrumb freezer thing & then decided on an early walk. No sooner had I thought of it than Madame Le Dog was pacing around going 'could you hurry up human please get your boots on & where's the lead, where's the key can we go now will you be long I'm ready now'
I'm sure she's telepathic.

Came back & got a few more presents wrapped up - will need to get more wrapping paper which didn't occur to me while I was out.
Well of course it didn't damn it! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
What a day of mixed emotions - my friends little Jack Russell who ran off from the dog park on 17th November found her way home this morning - she had travelled a long route home - 15 years old -normally sleeps inside - wouldnt go out to the loo unless my friend held the umbrella over her - one of the fussiest eaters of the terrier breed I have ever met - it has been amazing how many rural people have cameras outside their orchards - she was seen numerous times moving in the night -she went entirely in the wrong direction to start with - then crossed through the city and then out south again
The Ukrainians left today - those poor bloody kids -
(07-12-2022, 02:11 PM)JanW Wrote: What a day of mixed emotions - my friends little Jack Russell who ran off from the dog park on 17th November found her way home this morning - she had travelled a long route home - 15 years old -normally  sleeps inside - wouldnt go out to the loo unless my friend held the umbrella over her - one of the fussiest eaters of the terrier breed I have ever met - it has been amazing how many rural people have cameras outside their orchards - she was seen numerous times moving in the night -she went entirely in the wrong direction to start with - then crossed through the city and then out south again
The Ukrainians left today - those poor bloody kids -

Ohh, that poor family Jan. Its impossible to understand such utterly illogical bureaucracy. Dodgy Angry

That sounds as if she's an extremely determined wee dog with an excellent sense of direction; I bet your friend's so pleased she got home after so long. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
One of my two dear coffee ladies lost her husband last night, after getting a post op infection that just refused to go away. She will be a mess and there is absolutely nothing any of us can do to help, at times like these, except be there if she needs us.

Brings back bad memories, he was a lovely man too. 

So I took myself off to the chaos of J's abandoned flat, emptied fridge and freezer, and pantry cupboards, and brought back the abandoned bedding to launder and fold before I pack it up for the Sallies. Make work to drive away the sads.

It is blustery out there, with occasional big fat raindrops, and we still have contractors cluttering the place up. I look forward to Christmas, they'll all go away and it will be peaceful for a few days.

And I have a small leg of lamb to look forward to tizzying up with all the trimmings to feast on. As well as the Santa present I have just ordered for myself, two pots of pink and orange zantedeschias from NZ Bulbs. I have never been disappointed by their potted lovelies. My mini Christmas lilies are out there on the deck table right now blooming their pure white heads off. Such a delight, and they do all the hardwork for me...
Ohh wow Im sooo pleased said Doggy got home...

If only they could talk, but at least being seen they know some of the stories.

I wish the Ukrainian's well.. Bloody stupid rules..

What a lovely Neighbour you are OHH.. Enjoy your blossoms.

The home rang.. Hes still refusing meds, they are calling in the mental health team but it probably won't be till January. Hes threatened his Neighbour, and staff.

So I went up and told him the facts. That they are thinking of sending him elsewhere. And if it's out of town I won't be visiting. Managed to get his knives while he wasn't looking.

I left and was talking to the ladies in the dining room and he wanders down with weetbix for me and said he's getting a divorce.

I said do what you like..

Stayed and talked a while with the ladies and colleen asked if I was ok. I said yes calm as, I've finally had my say.

So I got my tea on the way home.. Got 6 boxes of choccies for the Ladies and Peter and one for MrP if he wants it.. And will be going as far as the dining room. Covid is in the room across the hall from MrP and Bobbies so I won't be going in any further than the dining room.

What happens next week I dont know. I'll take it a day at a time. I won't ring. And I told him and Bobbie not to get the desk to ring me and ask me to ring or come in, cos I won't. Not while covid is that close.

Im only going in on Friday cos I have baked my bones out and want to distribute it.

OMG you should have seen their tea, It was pasta with some mince and a sachet brown gravy on it and Mixed veges.. It was disgusting.. I took a photo.

Ill be wrapping Choccies while the cakes bake tomorrow.. I say cakes cos Im at a loss as to where my biggest tin is. Ive prepped two smaller ones.

My 87 year old Aunty sent me my Annual collection of her hand made cards so I will write in those for my Ladies and Peter.. Young Peter he is cos there's an older one there too lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(07-12-2022, 06:49 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Ohh wow Im sooo pleased said Doggy got home...

If only they could talk, but at least being seen they know some of the stories.

I wish the Ukrainian's well.. Bloody stupid rules..

What a lovely Neighbour you are OHH.. Enjoy your blossoms.

The home rang.. Hes still refusing meds, they are calling in the mental health team but it probably won't be till January. Hes threatened his Neighbour, and staff.

So I went up and told him the facts. That they are thinking of sending him elsewhere. And if it's out of town I won't be visiting. Managed to get his knives while he wasn't looking.

I left and was talking to the ladies in the dining room and he wanders down with weetbix for me and said he's getting a divorce.

I said do what you like..

Stayed and talked a while with the ladies and colleen asked if I was ok. I said yes calm as, I've finally had my say.

So I got my tea on the way home.. Got 6 boxes of choccies for the Ladies and Peter and one for MrP if he wants it.. And will be going as far as the dining room. Covid is in the room across the hall from MrP and Bobbies so I won't be going in any further than the dining room.

What happens next week I dont know. I'll take it a day at a time. I won't ring. And I told him and Bobbie not to get the desk to ring me and ask me to ring or come in, cos I won't.  Not while covid is that close.

Im only going in on Friday cos I have baked my bones out and want to distribute it.

OMG you should have seen their tea, It was pasta with some mince and a sachet brown gravy on it and Mixed veges.. It was disgusting.. I took a photo.

Ill be wrapping Choccies while the cakes bake tomorrow.. I say cakes cos Im at a loss as to where my biggest tin is. Ive prepped two smaller ones.

My 87 year old Aunty sent me my Annual collection of her hand made cards so I will write in those for my Ladies and Peter.. Young Peter he is cos there's an older one there too lol

I think each of us enjoys doing things for others - if, and it's a big If - we choose to do it. After years of being required to be responsible for others it is rather nice to be able to choose who, where and when...

As for Mr P, next time he tries that silliness tell him you will find yourself a toy boy, lol... The way you bake I think there'd be plenty of volunteers to put boots under your tea table!

Big Grin

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