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You can never have enough...
I forgot to put the sugar in the baking lol. I can only put it down to a bit of left over covid fog brain lol. Never mind, the biscuits have golden syrup in them and if crumbled over ice cream, should be fine.

The Christmas pressies and daughter's birthday present are all wrapped and good to go. MrK has been polishing the jewellery box he has made for me, and it is looking stunning. Our granddaughter is 'inheriting' my old box Smile and we have a box MrK made for our grandson. The left-over wrapping paper from Christmas past has finally been used up too.

The only thing left on today's to-do list is the ironing and to make the Christmas wreath which I'll get onto doing after we've had a cuppa. The spare bedroom wardrobe smells divine from the roses, sage and lavender drying.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Oh i am so relieved! I have found a mobile scooter repair man who is happy to come and sort out the noise - and do it today! And he didn't seem fazed by my description of what was up, so fingers crossed it is a quick and reasonable cost to fix.

The thought of being immobile again is just too hard, lol. Even if rain is keeping me home on and off...

My wreath is a mass of wine corks. I suppose I should add something festive to it. Maybe the pretty foils from a box of chocolates. Or two...
My wreath!  It turned out better than I thought considering I didn't have many roses to dry.  But the sage and lavender fill the gaps beautifully and omg the house smells divine.

Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Gorgeous KM. What a great idea using the herbs. Do you have a cane frame that you can use each time? 

It's still tipping down outside, what a dreary, old day. Lucky the pooch had a short walk very early this morning with DH.
That's lovely KM. 

Smiled at your wreath OHH - chocolate papers would make it pretty and sparkly  Heart

This year as we are having visitors for Christmas and little ones coming on boxing day I have dug out my very old set of lights and decorated my chimney.  It used to intrigue children that i don't have a Christmas tree but a Christmas chimney, its a free standing fire box so makes a good centre point with a few decorations on it  Smile
yes, I bought the grape vine cane wreath when we were first married (can't remember where, it was so long ago lol) and each year I load it up with Christmassy things. It used to be the usual plastic stuff and then things I had hand sewn. But over the last six or seven years I have been using roses and plants grown in the garden.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Wisteria makes a good wreath too. And right now they need a good prune...
Its Beautiful Kiwimade.

One very talented lady.

Im struggling trying to get into Christmas. But I think there's just too much happening for me.

Ive been playing Christmas music for a couple of months. Which is good.

But I just dont have the buzz this time.

Thankfully there will be another next year lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Lovely wreath, KM.
I'd like to think we'd all have the bravery & good humour of your friend in her shoes, Hunni. That's excellent news re the scoot repair, hope its a quick & cheap fix.

That sounds like so much fun, Venetian - I bet those kids look forward to that every year. Smile

The tree chap didn't arrive, no doubt due to the rain so I did more wrapping of gifts & now have only the frivolous fripperies to do so most of its done. Then took the already wet because she refused to come in, Madame Le Dog for a walk in the rain, only to find that the dog which had a large-ish gap under his gate now has a companion.

Its fair to say that we went past fairly quickly.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Dreary old day in the bay so a good chance for a catch-up - love the Xmas wreath - I had one that belonged to my Nana but made the mistake of taking it to Oz and it was seized along with the full vacuum cleaner bag I forgot to remove
Have had a lovely week - Monday I watched one granddaughter online in Sydney graduate in Law and yesterday watched one of my other grandaughter graduate at Otago - she has law and mastered in sociology and criminology - she spent a lot of time watching CSI - their grandfather would have been so proud of them - he claimed he taught them how to argue .Also had a great time helping my 16 year old granddaughter make up the Xmas boxes for the kids at the motels .Her Dad let her do the ordering - actually with the help of the Ukrainians a couple of months ago - she ordered it all from one of those places in China - I think she probably did a real gooD job from a younger perspective - she bought them all small fold up crates to put their stuff in - brilliant especially for the little girls stuff .The lady doing the food parcels had to be reminded they only have a bar fridge and limited cooking facilities - vouchers have become the main item rather than a ham .Lots of companies have forgone their Xmas booze ups and have ordered gift baskets for their staff - again the ladies making up the baskets have put less Xmas stuff and more normal food -
Buy some chooks if you can - eggs are going to be priced off the market - the new regulations come in January 1 which are great no more caged hens - but the free range places can’t meet the demand -
Popeye surely if they are discussing where Mr P is going you should be part of those discussions .
My husband went under the palliative care umbrella near the end - they were brilliant - the hospice co ordinated all the services - allowed him to stay home - never forget one day this nice young social worker came from the hospice - his hair was spiked up and coloured -pointed shoes and tight pants - the look on my husbands face was hilarious - but he sat patiently and listened - I went to show the bloke out and before he was out the door my husband bellowed out ‘What did you think of that xxxxx - my face must have been a picture but he laughed .Actually he came several times after the funeral we both laughed about it.
I am nervous about going to the family Xmas dinner - we have divided it in two - brunch is going to be the extended family - all the cousins and their families -definitely not going to that - so the evening will be 12 adults and my two teenage grandchildren which is still risky
Veggie pods are going well - but have a real mystery on my hands - weird cucumber - bright yellow with black very prickly prickles but as it ripens it has turned golden - nothing like an apple cucumber - have plenty of the Lebanese cucumbers which the seeds were supposed to all be - picked my first beans taste so much better than the supermarket
I am loving my beans. But next year, no scarlet runners, just blue lake and the butter beans. So yum.

The scoot repair man was a hoot. Must've been old as me, lol. He listened to my description of the strange noise then took it for a ride, came back and said 'nothing wrong with it, sounds completely normal'. I was delighted, but puzzled, but okay, I have a vivid imagination... So I'm paying him and he's writing out the receipt and asks me to spell my name, which I do, then he asks me to repeat it and says 'I should've put my hearing aids in this morning...'

Oh gawd I thinks to myself, lol.
Jan I agree... my situation has to be considered too.

They rang a little while ago to tell me they have set up a family at 3pm at the hospital.

I firmly told him that I told them yesterday I couldn't afford to go up there or pay the parking at $5 an hour to wait for them for hours like last time.
I reminded him that I agreed with the Dr yesterday we could do it over the phone. And that I had a health appointment of my own to attend..

Arrogant Brick told me we were talking about my loved one here, and I said Correct and they need to be talking to His loved one too.

Your 16 year old granddaughter sounds lovely and Wise.. Im sure there will be many who appreciate her efforts.

I wouldn't have minded being a lawyer, I like a good "Discussion". But Im also very black and white.

Glad the Scoot is ok OHH.. The repairman sounds like fun lol..

When I was coming home from Perth my brother told me to buy something made from wood, with pinecones etc. I got a small ornament with Gum nuts.. And that way you go through the agriculture section and get out faster.. He was right lol... I dont remember if I got to keep it or not. But it was only little and cheap .

INR is back up where it should be again.. Finally, test in a week.


Your right about the eggs.. $8-29 for a dozen this morning.. Boy am i glad I dont eat them.

MrP used to eat 5-6 at a time..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
To think I used to sell my chooks home laid eggs for 10c each...
(15-12-2022, 06:14 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: To think I used to sell my chooks home laid eggs for 10c each...


You would get rich now OHH.. mine work out to 69 cents each..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another wet, humid day here again. I'm heading outside before it rains again to pull out convolvulus. It grows so quick and strangles anything in it's path.

Good to hear you are able to have your scooter repaired, OHH. Hopefully it hasn't damaged the bank account too much.

I still see eggs as a cheap form of protein and will keep buying them.

Last night we had beans, peas and courgettes from the garden with our dinner. Sooooo good!

Still no word for MrK's next appointment for next Wednesday at Waikato. I'll chase it up today and see what's what. The eye drops are working bit by bit.

My sister-in-law moved house in the pouring rain yesterday. It was a very long day and the shift took around 12 hours. The new owner was fussing about the final payment and threatening not to pay all of the balance as she hadn't sold her house. Too bad. You signed the agreement. Pay, or you will be paying extra in interest and not a piddling small amount of interest either.

Better get cranked up, MrK needs his drops.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Damp start and misty cloud hiding the hills expect that will burn of as the morning progresses.

Love the wreath KM and glad MrK eyes are improving.
Good squeaky wheel resolved OHH.
It will be interesting to see where MrP lands Popeye I am pleased that you are standing up for yourself cause no one else will.

Not much planned for today hope to get more blocks sewn DGS quilt top.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Gloomy out, but yeah not cold.

Im trying to decide what to wear. I hate humidity.

Im nipping into the home to get some stuff and will take it as far as the ward clerk.

And yes Mica, Im not going to be bullied any longer..

Im meeting a lady for a pick up as well so it will be good to have that trade over. Always willing to help save people some money on postage.

Glad the move has happened. not much fun in the wet thats for sure. And your right KM signing it finalises things and that buyer would have known.

Glad MrKs eye is improving. .

Yumm love hearing about your veges and fruit. I do miss them but I eat so crazy these days that it would simply go to waste now.

Gosh Pharmac is certainly making some peoples Christmas a lot better by bringing on more subsidized medications.

On my own today so I guess I can take my time until the dreaded 3pm appointment on the phone.

Have a fab day all.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

It's not raining right now,  but the air is very damp and it's so wet underfoot.  More showers are expected. Maybe I'll get out with the canine. 

The 3 sugar snap plants that grew from the NW little gardens are providing lots of 'snaps' eaten straight off the plant. As usual the courgettes are hard to keep up with and will start giving them away.

It is so good to see these medications being made available to those whose lives depend on them. 

Haircut today, a bit of catch up around the house and will tag along with DH to his work do later. 

Good luck with the 3pm call Popeye.

Glad the wheels are still going smoothly for you OHH ...  DH has spent many hours keeping his father's going  Smile

Enjoy the day all.
I've been rained off with the garden but did manage to get a bit done. An hour here, an hour there, all adds up.

Even the house is feeling damp now with all this rain and humidity.

Good luck for this afternoon's conference, popeye. I suspect MrP will have the final say but your viewpoint should be taken into account.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Kiwimade - your sister-in-law’s house settling reminded me of the drama we had when we shifted from Havelock to Taupo .The people wouldn’t settle because the gardens weren’t the same as when they viewed the property in the spring time when all the bulbs were flowering - they accused us of stripping the garden - the movers were sitting outside the house in Taupo for about 8 hours - what a day that was

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