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You can never have enough...
Such a gorgeous sunny morning I left the screen door open when I pottered around outside, so the Pud got early release to do a small bit of venturing. Ten minute sniffathon and she was back inside conked out on her chair, obviously the experience was exhausting. But I am reassured, she knows where home is...
(18-12-2022, 11:46 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Such a gorgeous sunny morning I left the screen door open when I pottered around outside, so the Pud got early release to do a small bit of venturing. Ten minute sniffathon and she was back inside conked out on her chair, obviously the experience was exhausting. But I am reassured, she knows where home is...

Glad she ventured out and returned.. Sounds like she is firmly ensconced in your life now OHH
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The neighbourhood Bossy Cat knows she's here too. He has taken to lurking within eyeline of my doorway. We can't work out if he has spotted her through the screen door, or if he has caught her scent, but he knows there is a new cat in my flat.

Which may be why she isn't venturing very far from the doors...
(18-12-2022, 05:01 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The neighbourhood Bossy Cat knows she's here too. He has taken to lurking within eyeline of my doorway. We can't work out if he has spotted her through the screen door, or if he has caught her scent, but he knows there is a new cat in my flat.

Which may be why she isn't venturing very far from the doors...

Obviously a reasonably sensible cat then.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another sticky day today. When I got up an hour ago, it was lovely and clear. Half an hours later the fog started coming down and now it's a real pea souper and you can't even see the road.

It sounds like Pud is a very clever cat and knows she is home for keeps. As for the Bossy One, I suspect you may have the odd scrap until they get used to each other.

I have about an hour's worth of weeding to do then maybe I'll start the lawn. All this rain and humidity has it growing like crazy. My two Albertine roses have just about finished flowering Sad but on the upside, as they only flower once, I don't have to dead head them, and they can just go to hip.

Dammm, looks like to sun is pushing through the fog which means the humidity will be back. It might be a race to finish the weeding lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The Bossy One is a very large white neutered male who Ms CoCo, the tiny old toothless Burmese rex managed to terrify into submission with a single look. He soon realised she had gone though, and started to take liberties with her abandoned territory, it was quite funny to watch. So, knowing he has the heart of the Cowardly Lion we are all quite interested to see how he reacts to the rather more stolid Treacle Pud. Once she has sussed out the politics, I very much doubt it will progress further than a screeching competition. The exchange of insults usually sorts out the pecking order before anything gets violent, especially if she just stands her ground. We shall see...
Good morning.

A beautiful summer's day .... so far. Looks so good with the newly mown lawn and lush garden after so much rain.

Busy weekend with family here and I slept well last night, plenty to catch up on today though.

Treacle Pud is a lucky girl, what a bonus if she's happy to just mooch around inside and out. Cat behaviour certainly is interesting to observe. Once our boy is fed in the morning and allowed out his cat door he does a complete, unhurried circuit around our garden, sniffing each plant, with occasional marking. It's obvious we have plenty of visitors overnight! We don't see cats during the day but I expect that will change once we no longer have a dog. I haven't seen the neighbouring cat since the 2 recent, epic fights with our territorial boy ... his ear with a now healed split on the end a constant reminder!

Some Christmas baking to do and freeze today plus some tidying up inside and out.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

A stunning day here so far... Hopefully the Hay will dry by the time I get home from seeing the girls that I can get the back done, from last time. Yep the front needs doing again as well but I need to get the back down first.

Sounds like Pudd will do fine and soon sort out the pecking order.

Missy is Definitely the Boss here.. charging up to the screen doors if any of the Neighbours cats are stupid enough to venture too close. They have the run of our yard so should use their brains and stay away if they dont want to be hassled.

MrP was a bit teary last night. Hes bored without the tv. And his legs were sore too.. He still wants to come home.. He has too much time to think that's half the problem.

Im going to stop and get a paintbrush on the way home.. I really should finish the teddy but oh well plenty of time for that lol..

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Fine and humid here too.

Careful what you wish for the k9 alarm slept in  this morning I woke up 7.15 yikes I need to leave for the gym 7.30! 
Now I am concearned will have to check old girl out she is quieter than usual this morning.

Glad Pud is happy and settled. There have been interesting studies done on neighbourhood cat dynamics. In a settled area ie the Territory established there are rules would you believe like certain times when certain individuals can move through anothers patch set a paw outside of that time and the screeching confrontations take place. A new feline on the block and the status quo needs resetting Cool

Plan on pinning  out my DGS quilt today so I can start quilting it this week.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The fog cleared and the sun came out properly 10 minutes before I finished mowing the front berm. The weeding is pretty much done for now and I'm dripping with sweat. The rest of the lawn can wait until tomorrow morning.

The Furry One has plonked himself in the doorway again. It must be tough having a fur coat over the hot summers.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Rained all night & most of the morning - finally stopped & seems to be warming up now. If this weather keeps up, I'll be needing a scythe to do the back lawn - what a pity I haven't got a grim reaper costume to go with it! That would probably confirm the neighbour's darkest suspicions! Smile

Had to venture out earlier & the staff at the local supermarket are all having to wear Xmas style stuff on their head. The Santa hats aren't bad but one poor bloke was adorned with reindeer antlers, & the look on his face epitomised Xmas - knackered, fed up but doing it anyway because y' know - its Xmas.
Wish I'd had a camera handy.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well Madam has spoken..

She doesnt want MrP back at the home..

Did she have the decency to speak to me when I was there for 4 hours this morning?

.. Nope of course not.

I am soo angry right now. But I won't blow my stack at her. I will continue to be a thorn in her side and visit the ladies.

In the meantime if I find out that MrP did this thinking that I would take him home, then he has another think coming too..

Hope she likes the photos I took of 3 exits two of which are fire exits with furniture and a mobility scooter parked in front of them. They will go down well. And the crap dinner that poor Irene got. the others got fish bait cos the cook burnt whatever else it was she was meant to be cooking.

I typed up an email to the area manager but decided she doesn't deserve my anger..

But if the B*tch here thinks she has got rid of me she has another think coming.. She cannot stop me visiting Bobbie or anyone else for that matter.

Need to find out the Legals cos an Inmate has to give a months' notice, so I dont see why they dont have to do the same.

Im not in a good mood...
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Oh boy. That happened to us too with our Mum. I moved house to maintain visiting daily. I have never forgiven the snooty first rest home for that buck passing...
Oh Popeye, that's awfully upsetting. It might be best to give yourself time to cool down before contacting anyone, wait till tomorrow when you've had time to digest it & come up with a suitable reply to bitchface & her underhanded behaviour. Good for you taking photos of cluttered exits - that should never happen in a home of that kind.

It may also be an idea to talk to someone at Eldernet & Age concern, CAB & anyone else who can help, including giving you good advice for the legal aspect of it all.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I rang the home and asked the receptionist if I could go and get MrPs Stuff..

Which I have, but its all sitting in the car at the mo.

Poor Bobbie is upset but she is also pleased he is out of there.

I will be seeing my ladies again on Wednesday as Normal... My thorns Must remain Sharp.

Thankfully I believe in Karma.. And I know it will hit.

The hospital people will find a place for him.. And Then Ill have to work out the next step.

I did ring him before I went back up and warned him, that if I found out he behaved badly just to get out of there I would Not be happy.

So In the meantime the lawn didn't get done, and it won't, my knee is not happy with the trips tonight. so it can wait and be glad that it wont lose its head tonight.

I will still be talking to everyone I can and with the Drs help hopefully I could at least cause her to lose her job in the least.

I said to MrP I have him, his sister and brother in law to thank for my backbone...
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile I'll finish the lawn I started yesterday shortly before the rain kicks in and the day warms up.

What a nasty thing to do before talking to MrP and you, popeye. Good on you taking the photos of the blocked fire exits. The fire department wouldn't like to see that! Lilith has some good advice, there are plenty of agencies you can talk to and get help from.

The Furry One has burst into life and is bashing me with his tug rope. This well trained owner knows what's what lol so had better move.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Overcast here expecting showers this morning.

Not good Popeye, I agree with KM the fire service would not be pleased re blocked exits. 

Got my quilt pinned out so will start quilting today.

Got to pop and get male boys their food and vacuum today otherwise it will be vroom vroom down in the sewing cave

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Nasty indeed, particularly at Christmas. The woman is in the wrong profession.

Sallies come this morning to take the rest of J's stuff, and then it is just the couch left to be picked up. I'm not doing any cleaning at the flat as the LL's are now totally gutting units between tenants, even wall linings are replaced, so it seems foolish to be spit and polishing when it is all going to end up in a skip. I will be glad to hand the keys over, this exercise has been a very simple one, but a worry in the back of my mind nevertheless. Still, nearly done now. Then just the serious stuff in a few weeks time, but we'll cope with that when the time comes.

Meanwhile Christmas is racing towards us, and we are putting bets down on whether the waste bin and the portaloo will be hauled away before the big day or left to annoy the hell out of us. We had house washers here yesterday, with a big compressor parked outside my kitchen window for four hours. After they left a contractor finishing up the refurb of the empty unit (new tenant joins us today) parked his van with noisy sliding door in its place and I'm afraid I had a mini explosion. He had just walked past as I was drying off my front door and I called out to him 'if I hear that door slide open closed open closed open closed one more time I just may start screaming'...

He opened it very slowly and left it open, lol...

This bitch has limits when it comes to noise, and just lately mine have been well stretched! Best tiptoe around here till she calms down.  Big Grin
I've been rained off the lawn with only around 10 minutes of mowing left to do. Will wait for the rain to stop then blat outside again.

It's not just you being fed up with noise, OHH. I'm finding I prefer quiet too. Some people just don't think. The guy with the van probably didn't want to tempt thieves by leaving it open. But as you say, he didn't need to keep slamming it.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

It has rained overnight here too.. But maybe it will dry before later today.. Not that I actually feel like doing the lawn today.

Yes I will be contacting the fire brigade today. I have a list lol.. The hospital has already called and are ringing around to see where they can find a place for him.

I slept but feel rather hung over so I plan on making calls and thats about it really.

Id would have done the same re the van door OHH... Some people just dont think do they.. I agree with KM tho, it was probably cos he wanted his gear safe.. But still no excuse really.. One can hope that the same thing may happen when he is living in a housing center in the future.

I will ring winz too, the home here would have got another payment yesterday, which I dont feel they are entitled to since he hasnt been there for 11 days, and they havent offically told me he is not coming back..

Have to think about what Im having for Christmas dinner too... I might just by some ham from the deli, I wonder if they have cold turkey. Only need a tiny bit lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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