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You can never have enough...
Lawns are mowed, what a mission. Hard to believe it was late last week when mowed last.

Popeye, the home would have received the payment as technically they were holding his room for him and couldn't take another person. But they shouldn't (I think) take any payments from when he has officially left.

Time for my shower and then I have a few things to do in town.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The van guy was parked down our long driveway, well off the public view, and I doubt theft was a factor, I think he was just unthinking and doing what he always did. But for two months now we have had multiple strange vehicles parked in our drive, noisy building work going on on three sides of our village (including concrete cutting that went on all day), in addition to the work on our own unit, strangers putting their lunch break feet up on our garden furniture and making free with our (tenant owned) hoses, rubbish bins,  etc, and we are all starting to reach the end of our tethers.

Noise is an ongoing fact of life in a city suburb, we are used to it, but even our tolerances are wearing thin now. I feel sorry for the contractor getting my mild flea in his ear, but I am grateful he took notice. Roll on Christmas, everything will be quiet for a couple of days then, except for the odd barbecue party noise, and we can handle that no worries!
Yeah I was thinking about that re the home.

Sucks tho that an Inmate has to give a months' notice when they dont have to.

Never mind, I've taken one step this morning... Block fire exits is highly dangerous and Im sure they will get a visit over that one. Especially when I attached photographic proof of all 3 doors being block in one lounge/ dining room alone.

You will enjoy the peace and quiet OHH.. Im thankful to be down the long driveway here too. Still hear a little noise but nothing like the last place we were in. Smack on the corner of 2 fairly busy roads opposite a primary school
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(20-12-2022, 08:12 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Yeah I was thinking about that re the home.

Sucks tho that an Inmate has to give a months' notice when they dont have to.

Never mind, I've taken one step this morning... Block fire exits is highly dangerous and Im sure they will get a visit over that one. Especially when I attached photographic proof of all 3 doors being block in one lounge/ dining room alone.

You will enjoy the peace and quiet OHH.. Im thankful to be down the long driveway here too. Still hear a little noise but nothing like the last place we were in. Smack on the corner of 2 fairly busy roads opposite a primary school

I hope they get a visit Popeye - that's dangerous & they really ought to be well aware of the possible danger. I think its damned mean spirited of them to chuck Mr P out at this time of year without proper notice that that was their intention.

Absolutely tipping down here earlier; it wasn't too bad to start with so risked doing the dreaded groceries, only to find when I came out that it had got a quite a bit worse. So arrived home looking like a drowned rat - everything was wet, from rain jacket to backpack & grocery bags. So its all drying (I hope) in the airing cupboard.
I was exhausted so decided on doing nothing for the rest of the day, but once I'd had a coffee & the rain eased  a bit I remembered the caulis that need to go in today & while I was out there I saw that the broad beans needed support so had to do that & then noticed that Madame Le Dog had made another deposit after I'd done the poo patrol this morning - oh joy!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
We have him pretty much sorted.. Thank goodness.

Staffing shortage being the hold up of his next permanent abode but he won't be out of town long.

Certainly not happy with the way things have been done.. But I'll be going to see the ladies tomorrow.. Will be interesting to see if anything will be said.

But I know how the process works now. And it sucks they continue to get money until they see fit to report they have moved him along and do the paper work.

I will be making sure he understands this is his final shot.. If he gets the same thing done again. Im off.. And there won't be any discussion into it..
Hes no angle by any means but the timing Sucks..

I have had what Im calling a Mental Health day. I should be mowing the lawn later but Im totally rung out and since no one will see it, I just won't look out the window for a few extra days.

I still have to empty the car out, but that won't take me long. The new shopping bags I got last week were perfect for the job. It will be dumped into his room and I'll think about that later too.

Im looking after me and Missy.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(20-12-2022, 03:28 PM)popeye333 Wrote: We have him pretty much sorted.. Thank goodness.

Staffing shortage  being the hold up of his next permanent abode but he won't be out of town long.

Certainly not happy with the way things have been done.. But I'll be going to see the ladies tomorrow.. Will be interesting to see if anything will be said.

But I know how the process works now. And it sucks they continue to get money until they see fit to report they have moved him along and do the paper work.

I will be making sure he understands this is his final shot.. If he gets the same thing done again. Im off.. And there won't be any discussion into it..
Hes no angle by any means but the timing Sucks..

I have had what Im calling a Mental Health day.  I should be mowing the lawn later but Im totally rung out and since no one will see it, I just won't look out the window for a few extra days.

I still have to empty the car out, but that won't take me long. The new shopping bags I got last week were perfect for the job.  It will be dumped into his room and I'll think about that later too.

Im looking after me and Missy.


Do more of that. Make it a rule and stick to it. You will live longer, and happier. Clapping Nod Yes
Popeye make sure you take time out for you - because when it all boils down to it Mr Ps Destiny is in the hands of the rest home and hospital bureaucrats .They have a list of criteria that a rest home can use to move you on - will never forget when Mum broke her hip - she was 100 but demanded they operate she wasn’t going to be stuck in her bed - anyway she recovered quickly but the ACC and the hospital bureaucrats decided the rest home didn’t have the care standards she needed - we were all called to a meeting - there were people from the DHB and ACC and the rest home management - but Mums bed was empty - my sister and I and the manager couldn’t hide our smiles - about 10 minutes after the meeting was to start Mum came whizzing down the corridor in her wheel chair - wheeling herself grinning from ear to ear pretending she had forgotten - the manager of the rest home turned and walked out of the room and said to the bureaucrats she rested her case - they slunk out looking very sheepish .The Manager of Mr Ps resthome is probably using those criteria to refuse to have Mr P back - try not to sweat the small stuff - Winz will sort the money out if they have over paid as long as you aren’t out of pocket
My daughter in law has covid so our small family Xmas dinner is cancelled - we had split the day in two - the younger ones will still go out to the big gathering - except of course the family who are positive - but the evening one which included my generation is on hold - it’s not worth the risk - my DIL is in her early 40s - it’s the third time she has had it - she works in child welfare - this time she is really sick I certainly don’t want this strain .My neighbours on both sides are going to be home as well .The family who aren’t isolating will call in - no doubt with some edible goodies .I see Pam’s Xmas mince pies won the best mince pie competition - they are nice the pastry is really buttery sometimes they are so dry .China cancelled a huge lamb order so lamb should be cheap everywhere this Xmas
Pleased your new feline friend settled in OHH
My sister who lives south of Napier just sent me a recording of the rain pouring off her roof - sounded like she was at Huka falls - she lives alone way out in the sticks - bit of a worry .Feel sorry for the berry and cherry growers that are out her way - the heavy rain couldn’t have come at a worse time
Still All My Fault...

Oh well he will have nothing to wear until I feel fit enough to drop some gear off.

And thats all I will be doing. Hes on his own now
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I think lookin after yourself & Missy isn't a bad idea Popeye; you've done what you can & there are always going to be the things we can't control. Taking time for yourself makes good sense. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Jan W for the 40ish years I have lived here I can’t remember such a long spell of dull, grey, dreary weather. Think it’s supposed to be a bit better tomorrow.

I wondered why there was such a good special on lamb. I brought a nice looking roast for Christmas and then went back that pm and got another for the freezer as it was the most reasonable meat in the supermarket. 

Yes covid is raising its nasty head again. Was going to go to Hamilton for a couple of days and join their secret Santa but 3 have covid - 1st time for 2 and 2nd time for the 10year old. None very sick fortunately and the antivirals have done their job for the 2 oldies but I’m not going to risk it.
Ahhh, that's why I have that leg joint in my freezer! I am so looking forward to real home cooked roast lamb. With mint sauce, and I'm going to do a kumara with all those slices through it - and punkin, and taties, and gravy with plum jam dolloped into it...

Ooooooh yes. Pig out for one, coming on Sunday, lol!
I can still taste my Mums roast lamb OHH actually it was probably hogget as the farmers used to pay Dad with meat when they couldn’t pay his cartage bill - she used to cook in the coal range - the fat would caramelise - her roast spuds were to die for ,Kumera pumpkin peas - her gravy was a real labour of love as she stood over that coal range getting it just right .When Dads business got going she used to bake a ham - cover it with a paste and it would be baking all night in the range - the whole house smelt delicious - can remember the excitement when she peeled the crust off and started carving it - no wonder we are all over weight - except Mum she was a vegetarian !
Yes Venetian our weather is weird - my niece is home to visit for the first time in 2 years - she lives way up the top of Australia where it’s stinking hot all the time - lucky her parents like at Whirinaki the air is a bit lighter out there by the sea - the temperature keeps fluctuating - footrot is bad down in CHB because the pasture is so wet but the temperature is high
moring ladies Smile  What a stunning sunrise we have this morning Heart

Time out was/is a wise move, popeye.  Recharge the batteries and have that time to recover both physically and mentally.  It certainly takes its toll on you in more ways than one.  As JanW says, MrP's destiny is out of your hands.

JanW, I am sorry to hear about covid in your family and your Christmas plans having to change.  Your poor DIL having it so many times.  Maybe later in the summer you could have a belated Christmas Day.  

Last evening my sister told me our aunt had passed away.  She had Parkinsons and had been part of the Parkinsons research programme for over 10 years so naturally, she has donated her brain to the programme. Amazing lady!  Once they have taken her brain, she'll have her funeral and my sister will go representing our part of the family.  The sad thing is my aunt lost her sister over the weekend too so my uncle will have two funerals to go to within days.

On a happier note, MrK's sight is improving every day, even his peripheral vision.  My days of being the 'uber driver' may soon be over lol.  Not that I have ever minded driving him where he wants to go.

There are a few things I want to do this morning like clean up the piles of weeds I have in the garden that wouldn't fit in the bin and couldn't go in the compost.  If I go out before the wind kicks in, I can beat the hayfever with a bit of luck.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Dull and windy here a good day to stay indoors and quilt Cool

Popeye glad that you are looking after you. You have been dealing with a stressful situation now time to see where things land all out of your control.

JanW sorry Covid is spoiling your Xmas plans.

Yummy hogget roast, my Nana's roasts were yummy, my mum wasn't the best cook, good thing dad was. I took over weekend cooking in my early teens.

More quilting today quite a few more hours to go.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The day has dawned blue and gold - everything looks so clean and fresh after the grey days.

Wonderful Christmas present for MrKM having his sight improving again. Sorry about your Aunt KM, great that she has been able to help the scientists understand more about that unpleasant disease, Parkinson’s.

Off this am to see a friend whose husband had to go into a rest home yesterday as he has cancer and is a very big man so the carers could no longer manage his cares at home.  Fortunately the rest home is only a few blocks from her home as she doesn’t drive so can walk there and spend the days with him. 

OHH that meal sounds really yummy and I bet you (and ? Pudding) will thoroughly enjoy it.

Off now to enjoy being outside again Big Grin Big Grin

Have a happy day everyone  Heart
Good morning. 

Lovely day looming,  with I expect some more humidity thrown in. 

Busy day yesterday with 3 grandies here which increased 3 more  plus daughter during the afternoon. Fun game that they're into is "beer pong" ... 10 plastic cups arranged in a triangle each end of table and 3 ping pong balls.  Of course in our case water replaced beer and cups put aside rather than drunk!

Popeye, definitely time for you. If I was you,  I'd be saying that I'm considering my own future, if and when he rang back. Plan a week of doing what you like and enjoying some treats over Xmas.

Now we know why lamb is a decent price ... I picked up a butterflied piece for the bbq  Smile

Covid is in the back of everyone's mind or should I say front of!

Better get to the supermarket now.

Enjoy the day all.
If you don't like slugs, don't look at the photo.  But I thought this Leopard Slug I found in the garden is truly magnificent.  I had to look up if he was friend or foe and he's definitely a friend.


Life is a one time offer, use it well 
They are huge aren't they? I came across one in my Beachhaven garden, only one I have ever seen. It was a magnificent specimen. For a slug...
It's the first one I have seen too, OHH Smile Am feeling quite pleased with myself as I see it as a sign of a healthy garden. This no-spray lark is paying off Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I have large slugs in my compost and as long as they stay there and don’t wander into the lettuces I leave them to help break down the vegetation.

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