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You can never have enough...
The day my boys got their first motorbikes is part of the families memorable moments .After much arguing my husband went off to buy my 7 year old sons first YZ50 - we lived rural and boys had motorbikes back then - he arrived back with 2 brand new bikes one for the 5 year old as well - I was so busy arguing with my husband about how stupid he was Robie got on his bike and took off - it was far more powerful than the farm bike he was used to riding - demolished my husbands pride and joy his veggie garden - we often laugh about it as we all had such differing reactions - they went on to have many bikes but they both remember their first
Its been a bit of a day today. First the knock on the door at 8am - the tree people 2 hours early.

Good morning they said, we're the tree people..
Yes I said, I'd worked that out The wee tree logo on your t shirt is a bit of a giveaway. That & the bloody great machine parked outside also with a tree logo on it.
You're early.
Yes they said. Sorry, last day of work they said.

So I decided to get started on making the cream puffs for Xmas day, managed four batches before they finished. Two of which aren't wonderful so may do another tomorrow.
The tree people were really very good, did an excellent job of the cherry tree & cleaned up their mess too.

So took dog for walk, came back, & had just finished lunch when in walked sweetie darling no.3 with the DIL who lives up Nelson way - very unexpected but so lovely to see her & she was laden with far too many little gifts from youngest granddaughter. So we had a catch up & cups of tea & then a bit later youngest granddaughter & her youngest arrived in search of mint & Rosemary, more tea needed & another catch up, after which they departed.

I'm absolutely knackered now.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I just picked my very first handful of homegrown blueberries - tiny, but perfectly formed. Yummy with my strawberries and french vanilla tip top dessert. It must be Christmas!
morning ladies Smile Another thundery day today I think.

yummmmm blueberries! Our blueberry plant hasn't fruited but we didn't expect it too this summer as it had to be cut back hard to be moved. Can't wait to pick fresh berries.

Good to have the tree cut, Lilith Smile And they turned up so close to Christmas too! Where would our family and friends be without our homegrown herbs lol. It's also a lovely way to catch up.

I won't be posting here until after Christmas so I want to say I hope you all have a happy Christmas and your day is exactly what you wished or planned for. Merry Christmas! Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all.
Overcast here 

Sounds like we are all geared up for Xmas.
Nothing like eating fruit straight from the plant.

More quilting on my agenda today after glazing the ham for tomorrow.
We are heading up the line tomorrow to join DS Inlaws for Xmas feast.

Have a great day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

Christmas must be close things are getting happily busy.
Spent yesterday pm at sister’s getting things organised and putting up a gazebo. Being optimistic that weather will be nice enough for outside dinner. 

Have a brother and his wife from Auckland coming for lunch today and will join us tomorrow too. We are planning for 9 older ones for tomorrow having had their big family ones yesterday or today as most will be going to “in-laws” this year.

This pm I’m joining in a secret Santa but on zoom as members of the family are scattered all over NZ and overseas. It takes a bit of forward planning but we did it last year and had a lot of fun. We will be catching up with most of them in the next month so something to look forward to. Two families are arriving Boxing Day. 

May you all have a happy Christmas - and find a bit of time to relax amongst all that you may be doing   
Morning everyone

Straight off the plant is soo good. And that's the only way I eat blueberries. I dont care for them cooked.

Cos I can say it here, those stupid idiots are more worried about what our nephew said on my FB page than they are by their own behaviour lol.. Yep they checked out my FB.. I didn't actually see the post of what our boy wrote. It must have been deleted, but not before they had a screen shot of it lol

And if I had seen it I would have deleted it anyway cos he has a potty mouth like his Uncle lol. And I have my Aunties and a lot of older women on my FB.

They had finally taken Bobbie to have her toenails cut, which she said already feels better. But I did take photos. Im going to send those to the Dr MrP saw. She has corns but Im sure there is something they can do for her massively bent big toes.

Ohh she was soo funny yesterday. She is getting a tummy, which she doesnt like, and has obviously out a little weight on her shoulders cos her dress was above the knee... Im going to see what fabric or lace I have to put a frill on the bottom of it to make it a bit longer.

I nearly didn't recognise MrP when I saw him yesterday. Without all his beard and Mo.. And he was asleep when I got there.. Totally relaxed, not angry.. And he even held my hand... And he absolutely Loved his Indian Motorbike t shirt.. I knew he would love it. Bobbie sent her presents that the home gave her, to him.. he has the chocolate but the other two were "Smellies" etc. So I have brought them home and will gift them back to her. By the time her birthday comes around she wont remember.

Have an Awesome Christmas everyone that doesn't get in to post while busy with visitors and family. Ill be floating around.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
KM, that's a lovely inheritance for your lad; the best kind is something they'll appreciate in the spirit its intended. Smile
Keep taking photos Popeye - its sure to bring results when you can show images of how things are.

Picked the first raspberries yesterday, they're looking good.

Later today I get to do my 'evil gran' thing & give those two grandsons their joke gifts. I've arranged for just they & their sister & parents to be here, I though it was a bit mean to do it in front of their cousins tomorrow.
A Merry Xmas to everyone, may it be an excellent day. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(24-12-2022, 10:15 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: KM, that's a lovely inheritance for your lad; the best kind is something they'll appreciate in the spirit its intended. Smile
Keep taking photos Popeye - its sure to bring results when you can show images of how things are.

Picked the first raspberries yesterday, they're looking good.

Later today I get to do my 'evil gran' thing & give those two grandsons their joke gifts. I've arranged for just they & their sister & parents to be here, I though it was a bit mean to do it in front of their cousins tomorrow.
A Merry Xmas to everyone, may it be an excellent day. Smile

Pray tell.. how did the Evil Gran thing go down Lillith?
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
No more sleeps.

Enjoy your day Bigsmile
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Merry Christmas Everyone.

Its a stunning day here.

My lamb has smelt devine all night.. Done my veges, with extras to make frozen dinners.

Been totally spoilt with presents.

Have an awesome day with your loved ones.

Special thoughts Roma, I know its especially hard for you today
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
A couple of us did a flying visit to the supermarket last night, and I bought a couple of slices of ham for my Christmas breakfast. I was talking to the lady at the deli counter and asked her if she was all set for a big family Christmas...
Yes, she said. She had made the cake, prepped all the vegies, got a ham and a turkey and gone all out on the trimmings and a decorations because the whole family was coming to her this year, first time for a decade or so.

And they got covid.

So, she packed it all up, took it round and left it on their doorstep, and rang work and said she was free to work any hours they needed... She also confessed to being rather relieved, because now, like me, she could sleep in, stressfree.

Weather doesn't look too bad either!  Big Grin
OHH, that's our story! DH and I were to have Xmas Day with our daughter and family .... DD tested positive 2 days ago  Angry  I have glazed the ham and will do a drive by with some of that, presents and Xmas cake before long. Meanwhile, DH and I will enjoy some quiet time today with a bit of reflection thrown in ... not a bad thought at all, with the lead up we've had to Christmas this year. We will spend Boxing Day with sons and their families tomorrow .... fingers crossed.

Merry Christmas to you all wherever you are and whatever you are doing  Heart
I always enjoyed big family Christmases, until they started to get loud and stressful. These days a quiet day with a few treats is just lovely, and so much easier than those big events!

And then there are all those leftovers...

Big Grin
Snap - my off again on again Christmas dinner tonight is definitely off - the son and his family from CHB are day 5 - now the other son and his family have tested positive today - thank goodness it wasn’t tomorrow after we all got together
Courier came yesterday delivered a parcel from Oz with instructions all over not to be opened until Xmas - gave it a good old touch up but resisted the temptation- opened it this morning somebody is very talented photoshopping - the two Ozzie grandchildren in their graduation gear - the one in Otago at her graduation and the two young ones in their school uniforms - my only grandson in his kilt which is dress uniform for prefects at his school - burst into tears my husband would have been so proud - you would swear they are all together
Lucky Robie dropped me off some fish last night he had been given it by a lovely bloke still picking up food for food parcels at 9.30 last night - a small crayfish that he had caught and two snapper fillets - so that’s my Xmas menu
Whoever would have imagined a blimmin virus would keep families apart - lucky I have loads of memories of so many good times
Sad that covid has messed up soo many Christmas Day gatherings.

I thoroughly enjoyed my roast dinner... Have made 3 more dinners for the freezer and there is still meat left. Some will meet some fresh white bread tomorrow.

Heaps of gravy left for the freezer.. Which was my big plan.

I need to find out if my fave take away shop are going home thus the shop being shut for a month and if so , Id like to buy some sausages from them. Hopefully cheaper than if they were cooked.

Ive just had a couple of choccies and Im done... My trifle will be tea, but way later than normal lol..

Ive actually enjoyed just being in my own company with Missy wearing herself out with a new toy from Her Aunty Jo.

Will call MrP again later and that will be Christmas Done...
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
What a lovely present Jan, I would have burst into tears too. These holidays are dangerous places for those of us with missing loved ones, the emotions are only skin deep.

But hey, we loved and were loved, and so many miss out on that enormous gift...

Yes Hunni so true and I was very lucky we had time to talk before he passed and while sometimes I felt like putting the pillow over his head I am pleased I just sucked it up .My BIL was the same age 69 and had the same prognosis as my husband different disease - some of their conversations were amazing both in their late 60s with only months to live -
I have studied the photo carefully trying to see any obvious joining but it’s so well done - the background is my garden at the orchard - a young bloke in Sydney who interns at the same law firm as one of my red heads also interns did the art work - I asked her if they specialise in manufacturing evidence
This going to be an issue I suspect, so clever the things we can do with our digital tools. There have been some fascinating tv programmes on the subject...

My roast dinner was wonderful. That lamb was so good, but I just realised I forgot the mint sauce! My maternal forbears would be horrified, lol. Now I need to brush my teeth...

It has been a very pleasant quiet day.
Sorry that the covid bug has messed with  Christmas for some.

That picture sounds wonderful JanW - it will be a real treasure.

Our secret Santa on zoom was good fun and this year we even got the grandparents who are not very computer literate to join in - they just couldn’t manage zoom last year but this year one of their daughters made sure they had several ‘lessons’ over the past month. Everyone seemed pleased with their gifts.  

Have had a lovely non- stressful day. Church this am for a lovely family oriented service which started earlier than usual and was shorter too. 

Then to sister’s place for a very nice lunch sitting outside, there were 9 of us.  It was everyone bring something so shared out the work so that no one had a lot to do. I had cooked the lamb and ham yesterday and they were great. 
My new potatoes were not quite as successful as got 7 potatoes off 3 plants - fortunately I hadn’t been very optimistic and had brought some too just in case  Big Grin

Now to listen to the King’s speech

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