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You can never have enough...
(24-12-2022, 04:35 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(24-12-2022, 10:15 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: KM, that's a lovely inheritance for your lad; the best kind is something they'll appreciate in the spirit its intended. Smile
Keep taking photos Popeye - its sure to bring results when you can show images of how things are.

Picked the first raspberries yesterday, they're looking good.

Later today I get to do my 'evil gran' thing & give those two grandsons their joke gifts. I've arranged for just they & their sister & parents to be here, I though it was a bit mean to do it in front of their cousins tomorrow.
A Merry Xmas to everyone, may it be an excellent day. Smile

Pray tell.. how did the Evil Gran thing go down Lillith?

Oh, I loved every minute! The gradual dawning realisation that  their angelic gran had  remembered & was indulging in a wee spot of revenge was especially sweet, followed as it was by a certain reluctance to actually unwrap their gifts!  Big Grin Big Grin
I'm fairly sure I heard one of them mutter 'oh god no' at one point.

Luckily they both have a good sense of humour & saw the funny side, but I think they were both pleased when I produced their actual presents as well.

Their cousins though, are quite annoyed that I didn't do it on Xmas day so they could tease the daylights out of them. Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
That’s great fun Lilith - but now they will be extra cautious unwrapping anything from their Gran.   Lol

And perhaps you might need to be a bit cautious unwrapping from them next time too.  Big Grin  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Well, that's Christmas Day over, the day went pretty quick for us.

Lmaoo Lilith, perfect! The 'oh God, no' comment was priceless lol. But as Venetian suggests, I would look out for when they give you a gift next lol.

We had a full on day yesterday but it was great to catch up with family and friends. No covid for us thank goodness. We had our picnic and BBQ at the Whanganui Botanical Gardens under a huge tree. There were lots of families doing the same thing and taking advantage of the lovely day. It meant lots of driving for me but that was OK, there was very little traffic on the roads we travelled.

My sister-in-law is coming for lunch and then I'll take our son home. He's itching to have his new bike lol but they have to do the pre-service thing. Now you can't just hop onto the bike and ride it, it has to be reactivated by the computer to actually go. It's to stop theft although the salesman said it doesn't stop them stealing the bikes for parts. You would have loved the Indian bikes we saw in Whanganui, OHH. Three guys stopped for food and petrol as we were fueling up and I was talking to them about their bikes as we waited to pay. One said he had others in his garage so a real aficionado. Our son was literally drooling lol.

I can see the bottom of my coffee cup, so I'll get moving and put the washing on. Might as well make the most of the fine day.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I remember travelling South for the Wanganui Races one year in a group of bikes shortly after I graduated to the 400cc and encountering a roundabout for the very first time. And being so conflummoxed by the thing my husband had to come back and show me how to navigate it. No such mod cons in Taupo back then, my first road trip on two wheels. From then I was hooked, always loved the Desert Road straights in particular - the perfect place to test personal speed limits...
Some thoughtful soul decided that fireworks at 4.45am was a good idea   Huh

Nice sunrise so put the washing on when got my coffee and just as the machine beeped it started to rain!
I think it is clearing now though as I have sheets which are a bit big for in the garage.

Brother brought me my secret Santa gift for the one in Hamilton that I didn’t get to due to covid. It’s a bale of pea straw which I’m really happy with as it will make great mulch for under the fruit trees. We can’t get it here now due to some pea disease.
Mkrning all
Stunning day today

Sounds like we all enjoyed Xmas day.
DD et al are coming over today for lunch, they missed Xmas with her DH family as DSIL was unwell - not covid.
We will do gift exchange  ie pressies for DGD.

Washing finished so better hang that out and do some  meal prep so don't have to pfaff around later.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Its a stunner here today

Sounds like we all had a lovely day.

Other than talking to MrP and my Taranaki friend I did Me Myself and I with Missy.. I actually enjoyed it.

Ive decided to cook more veges and I should be able to get 2 more meals plus lunch from the lamb I got. That will make 6 meals and one lunch.

MrP had roast pork. he said it was Lovely BUT no crackle lol..

I thought Charles did well with his message. I turned it up tho cos he usually mumbles.

Woke up to my back being a nasty mess.. I think I slept in one position too long. And its been soo good of late.

I will ring the home and leave a message for Bobbie and the girls. I wont be going out while taking big meds.

I plan on getting the painting gear out and starting the two fans.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yes, I intend to be very careful with future gifts from the lovely grandsons. I don't think their cousins are ever going to forgive me though, for not letting them witness it.

Having a quiet day here, not doing much more apart from venturing out later to get one or two things as I really need to get busy with submissions for the calendar, which are due the middle of January.

Really should be out in the garden weeding but can't raise any enthusiasm so using it being boxing day as the excuse for avoiding it.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
My sister-in-law decided it was better not to visit today due to the traffic and being tired. Moving house and Christmas has caught up with her. And we are tired too. Son is home and it took an hour and a half to get home, usually it's 40 minutes. Merging like a zip seems to be a foreign concept to some.

The dogs are flaked out under the air con and we can't blame them for that!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I'm knitting.

I am easily made happy when there's something on the needles...
I just utterly failed to identify myself in a photo! Mind you, it was at least 32 years old.
It was my DIL who worked out that it was me, she remembered what I used to look like better than I did, & had a great deal of glee doing so. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another hot day on the way so I'm up early to mow the lawn.

omggg lmao Lilith, what a hoot! Your DIL is going to dine on this for years which means you are not going to live this down for a very long time! Too funny lol.

Ohh, what's on your needles?

I've started a summer to-do list, little things like touching up the paint work where MrK took a base board off and cleaning the carpet. It seems there are a few smaller things that need doing before they become the larger things. They shouldn't take long to do so better to have it done during the summer when it is easier. I can do most of it but MrK will have to help me with tiling the porch as I've never done that before.

Hopefully I can work on the quail today when it becomes too hot to be outside.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Going to be a hot day I think.

Niece and family arrived yesterday - 3 are still asleep and the 4th (dad) has gone trout fishing, he’s a mad keen fisherman. 

Think it will be a relaxing day too we had a latish night as went for a walk to look at a decorated house, there is one here that the decorations seem to get bigger and brighter every year. 
Will need to go to supermarket at some stage, we had leftovers yesterday but unfortunately can’t take this lazy way out all week  Big Grin

I received a beautiful wooden yarn bowl for Christmas which I love I have wanted one for a while but not an ugly or silly one. Like OHH having something on the needles keeps me happy.
Morning everyone

Overcast here at the mo.

You can barely tell that I did the lawns last Thursday.. But it's going to have to wait.

Can't say I've ever not recognised myself in a photo.. I think you are in trouble Lilith lol.

Im going to sort out all the rest home stuff today and get it sent off... Work on my financial stuff and do the Rego for the car... Thank goodness the latter is way cheaper than it used to be.

I have plenty of projects to do, that I have the gear to do and just seem to have a block. I guess it's all the mess with MrP that seems to have sapped my desire to be creative.

MrP is a little bored, they dont have access to the TV.. but otherwise loves it where he is. I only hope that the next place is good.

I wish I could find a knitting project to interest me or crochet.. I have crates and crates of yarn but no mojo.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Gorgeous sunny day. 

Nearly back to normal life with daughter and family heading off today.  Even though I'm pleased they weren't staying with us it's a shame we missed out on Xmas together. That Covid such a  b***er for so many families.

Venetian I haven't heard of a knitting bowl and looked it up.  What a gorgeous gift in wood. I'm also a keen knitter and currently have a requested Harry Potter scarf underway  Big Grin

Time to get moving before it gets too hot. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Another hot day in store for us.

Had family over yesterday lovely to see them but after 6 hours it was nice to see them go  

Funny our DGS other Nana and I both bought the same book for DGS birthday ha I have the quilt I made and  can return the book. We also thought along similar lines for Xmas. We will be consulting each other next year Big Grin

Bit of vacuuming this morning then sewing the binding on the quilt so I can hand stitch it down at night that will be a 2 night job.

Lithe had a laugh about the photo I think that you will be teased out that for a while.
Nice that MrP happy where he is Popeye- is this a temporary placement ?

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good news that Mr P is happy with where he is, Popeye - one thing less to worry about.

I suspect that sweetie darling no. 2 & DIL will never let me live that one down! But in my defence, it was a side profile shot & a quite bad quality photo.
Then again, I'm probably going slightly doolally!

Did the dreaded groceries earlier so obviously the rain which was forecast waited till I'd just come outside to head home before it started. Lucky it was very light rain so not too bad - still quite warm here though, which means the lawn & the weeds will grow like mad. I wish the weather would return to something like normal, my bones don't much like all the rain in the air.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I love my yarn bowl, made for me by the husband of a friend now gone. It is a lovely thing to use, and as she used to say, we use the finest yarns we can afford why not have something lovely to keep that yarn in.
I have started a long winter kimono, random weights and colours of brushed mohair yarns which I have been collecting, dividing and balling up so I can keep some kind of organisation to it as I go. Lots of small balls, as I finish one I just reach into the bag and pull out the next, so it is going to be an interesting garment, lol. The balls are different sizes so the colour blocks are also varied, and it is all in stocking stitch so very easy. Fronts and back all in one piece, with sleeves added, just like a traditional kimono.

Only done about four inches and already dropped three stitches.  I am the world's worst knitter...

Big Grin
MrP is in a Temporary spot for now.

The home he is going to has a staff shortage over Christmas so once they are all back he will be moved there. Its closer than the previous. Just. Its hospital level care, but Ive always been told they dont do long term. Its his last local chance...

OHH your Kimono sounds like its going to be wonderful. Reminds me of a jumper I did for the little girl I was Nanny to at the time. TBH I cant remember what colour I did the sleeves and back but the font was just blotches of colour as I knitted. All crazy shapes, no straight lines.. her Mum loved it.. She thought she was better than anyone else and liked to show off. So the Jumper fitted her taste.. Mad woman tho really.

I have a nice wooden yarn bowl, that is sitting unloved Im afraid.

I went back to bed and slept another close to 3 hours. I can feel the flat battery coming on and know its the only thing to do.

Will ring MrP soon
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yup, I am taking today off too. The lamb caught up with my gallstones and I lost 24 hours to pain and cursing. Now I am into the 'after' phase tired and vaguely nauseous. Lots of sleep required, but if I do that I'll be
awake all night again, lol.

Bloody aging, it is a pain.

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