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You can never have enough...
I have done the calculations and started splitting the knitting to form armholes, and a bit of shaping to the outside edges that will be the two fronts. Being mathematically challenged the process comes with a wish and a prayer, but I think I have it right. When I fold the piece on the circulars it looks about right, so I am trusting to fate and knitting on up the chest. It is soft, light, and warm, and most of the random stripes and colours seem to meld together, but it is a little outrageous - which is rather fun...

Big Grin
Morning all
The sun is out again and looks like we will have a warm day, yesterday wass nippy.

Agree about fire works.

Finished quilting DD 2nd quilt top yesterday and it behaved like a PITA, not my best work but sometimes finished is better than perfect Big Grin

Plan on sewing on the binding today so that will be some hand stitching to do tonight. DD k9 is doing ok, they are still going away but just for 2 nights instead of a week ,DH is going over to watch the k9 .

K9 alarm went off late this morning 7am so we had a nice lie in Cool

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Overcast here too..

Another one who agrees re fireworks.. There simply dumb and damaging in so many ways. There used to be a back packers not far from our other place in town and they always saved some each year, mainly for NYE but other random times too for their clients I guess.

My pick up for a sale didn't turn up yesterday. Im not happy since it was friends. So Ill be texting shortly and Ill drop them off since I need to go and get bananas. They will have to work around me today.

I was going to see the ladies today but Im simply too sore and have a rotten headache so just want to get bananas at the end of the road, drop off the clamps and come home.

I finished the Mandala I was colouring in, will upload a photo later... And started one with hearts and an owl. And I found a miss print in it, so mended it to look the same.

Have a fab day everyone

Heck Cricket starts in 10 minutes.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I bought a load of old Mindfood magazines during the first lockdown just for the puzzles and colouring in. I had nevet been a fan of adult colouring in, thinking that drawing your own was by far the better option, but during that lockdown my creative urges just died on me and colouring in became a really good option. I was surprised just how effective it was as therapy against cabin fever. I still have a heap of felts sitting unused since then, but I guess if we ever get another dose of lockdowns I will be prepared! Smile
(02-01-2023, 09:09 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I bought a load of old Mindfood magazines during the first lockdown just for the puzzles and colouring in. I had nevet been a fan of adult colouring in, thinking that drawing  your own was by far the better option, but during that lockdown my creative urges just died on me and colouring in became a really good option. I was surprised just how effective it was as therapy against cabin fever. I still have a heap of felts sitting unused since then, but I guess if we ever get another dose of lockdowns I will be prepared!  Smile

I Always loved colouring as a kid. Then in 2018 when I was stuck in hospital for one of my 4 trips in 4 months and very Lovely TM lady did an emergency drop off for me.. Pepsi and Popcorn lol.. but she also brought me a colouring book and a tin of pencils.
I had Never had a tin of pencils in my life. She said there was something else in the bag, but to open it later. I sat there bawling , lol.. 
We couldn't afford flash sets of pencils or even felt tip pens when we were kids. Mum was a young widow.

I am enjoying it. Its the only thing that has tweaked my creativeness for ages
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
If I remember rightly a survey done a while ago came up with quite a large number of people in favour of banning fireworks apart from public displays; it surely can't be that difficult to just do it, preferably before next Guy Fawkes night.

Have done a tiny bit of weeding, might continue it later; or not, depends how I feel about it. Not awfully keen on the prospect. I'm sure I can find something else that needs doing...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Has anyone here ever had a Steroid shot done at their Drs?

And if so would you remember what they cost?.

Mine has definitely worn off.. Im going to ring tomorrow and find out what it is, but wondered if anyone knew already.

I think its going to be my treat every so often until my surgery
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Imo it shouldn't damn well cost anything; healthcare should be paid for with our taxes. Money shouldn't be made from suffering. But then apparently I'm radical....
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(02-01-2023, 06:16 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Imo it shouldn't damn well cost anything; healthcare should be paid for with our taxes. Money shouldn't be made from suffering. But then apparently I'm radical....

I quite agree Lilith.

It may work out cheaper to go up to the Super clinic and have it free, the Cost of petrol may be cheaper than paying for a Dr to do it here. Hence me asking.. 

Heck I thought it was a female singing on the Royal Variety Show and its a bloke with Long blonde hair and a red beard lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Looks like another nice day

Up early to drive kids to airport well they driving I am bringing their car back home.

People for dinner tonight so need to do a shop for salad stuff.

3njoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Woaahhhh what a drop in temperature! It's cold this morning, I'm even wearing jeans!

I agree, Lilith, all healthcare should be paid for by taxes but sadly that ship has sailed long ago. What really bugs the heck out of me is ACC making huge profits. They shouldn't be making that much profit. Profits should be going back to those injured.

Food shopping today once MrK has been and fed our friend's dogs and cats and moved the beastie onto new grass. At least today he won't need to water their vegie garden.

Yesterday I bought a tray of 30 eggs for $15 from our greengrocer. There were no limits on how many trays you could buy either.

Once the binman has been I'll tidy up my garden waste dumped on the lawn. Or maybe not lol. Just looked out the window and it's bucketing down out there now.

Late yesterday afternoon I received a text from a woman asking if we were still selling some alcathene (sp) pipe I had on the Market Place. It had been on there for so long I had forgotten about it lol. Most definitely I replied. Great she said, we're fixing where we have some flooding and want to get the job done before the rain comes and it will be perfect. So, within an hour it was sold. An extra bonus as it was left here when we moved in 15 years ago so cost us nothing. Love these little wins Smile

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Blustery here today but the only rain is from my eyes dammit.. Sooo sore this morning.

I will ring the med center re the steroid shots, and order some more pain meds.. I hate what they side effects do but they work.

Good sale Kiwimade.

Years ago I got MrP a concrete set of pigs, not in a nice position, but he immediately called it Makin Bacon, like his speed boat was named. I sold it yesterday as far as we are playing FB tag to sort a pick up date. Paid $10 for it, its super heavy and sold it for $25 lol.. Its been the front door and Ive never really liked it. So will definitely be glad when it goes.

Sold a set of Blown glass swans to my friend in Taranaki, I said Im not sending them lol.. Ill put them on her bed lol.

Got up and put bread on at 6am, it should be beeping any minute now. Not that I can hear it lol. Smells good in here tho.

I was planning on taking down Christmas, but will wait till the pills kick in. I could cheat and just move it all to the spare room as a start lol...

I have MrP's Missy picture that I did and Ill pop it on the hall stand where I can see it for a while until he moves back to town.

I miss having people to dinner. We used to do it a lot with a group of couples. There's only one lot I would invite from here but they are always soo late for anything I couldn't handle the stress lol

Will do some colouring later I hope.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Every now and then I get an email from my daughter about something she remembers from her childhood, like the ceramic garden stool my dad gave my mum. She spots something similar in Perth and it strikes a chord I think so she checks then buys the piece and sends me a photo of it - the stool for instance sits by her outdoor chair, just as my mum's sits by mine, lol. Matching sets all those miles apart because of a need to recreate something familiar perhaps.

It is nice though, when like this morning, the memory piece, a small bubble glass trinket box that belonged to my grandmother, is still in my possession, and small enough to be wrapped up and posted off to her.

One less family thing to dust...

Big Grin
(03-01-2023, 04:57 AM)Mica Wrote: Morning all
Looks like another nice day

Up early to drive kids to airport well they driving I am bringing their car back home.

People for dinner tonight so need to do a shop for salad stuff.

3njoy your day

I've often wondered Mica, which is the  salad which goes best  with people for dinner...?? Rolleyes Big Grin

(03-01-2023, 08:31 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Every now and then I get an email from my daughter about something she remembers from her childhood, like the ceramic garden stool my dad gave my mum. She spots something similar in Perth and it strikes a chord I think so she checks then buys the piece and sends me a photo of it - the stool for instance sits by her outdoor chair, just as my mum's sits by mine, lol. Matching sets all those miles apart because of a need to recreate something familiar perhaps.

It is nice though, when like this morning, the memory piece, a small bubble glass trinket box that belonged to my grandmother, is still in my possession, and small enough to be wrapped up and posted off to her.

One less family thing to dust...

Big Grin

The grandkids have all earmarked various bits & pieces they'd like when I fall off the perch, but do you think the buggers will take the damn things now - not a chance, no such luck.
Mind you some of them have excuses such as small children or house about to be re-leveled. 

Sunny here but the wind is keeping it cool-ish. I should be out in the garden but maybe later.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
.LOl Lilith I have pondered that too and decided a green salad will be on the menu tonight with BBQ  rotissaired chook and baby spuds coated in basil pesto, strawberries and pav for desert.

My 5.30am start is catching up with be so having a quiet time no sewing or quilting today in fact I am quilted out so nothing planned for sewing room.

Nice day here but the wind definitely has a nip to it

LOl Lilith I have pondered that too and decided a green salad will be on the menu tonight with BBQ  rotissaired chook and baby spuds coated in basil pesto, strawberries and pav for desert.

My 5.30am start is catching up with be so having a quiet time no sewing or quilting today in fact I am quilted out so nothing planned for sewing room

Nice day here but the wind definitely has a nip to it
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I’ve started a big spring clean - every cupboard and drawer is being emptied, cleaned and re sorted - some I have totally changed around so just hope I remember where everything is. Things which I haven’t used for years are being culled to op shop or family.

A couple of years ago I inherited several bins of family memorabilia etc and Over time I have accumulated quite a bit too which I’m unearthing as I tidy and will hopefully get it all in one place for whoever eventually takes  it over. 
I have a small room which I use for my hobby stuff, kids toys etc and it is filling up with everything that will need sorting at some stage.

For a few years now I have been passing on things which have extra special significance to different family members with a note and/or a photo outlining the providence of the item. 
I was given a delicate little bracelet that my grandmother was given on her wedding day, it was broken when I got it and I’d tried a couple of times to get it fixed without any success until I found an antique repairer in Wellington who had just purchased a new laser solder and he did a marvellous repair. That has gone to a niece who was the only girl of her generation with the same surname.
Morning ladies Smile Well, what a rude way to start the day lol. A M5.1 earthquake jolted us awake this morning. Was short and sharp and over quickly.

We have rain Smile the garden will be very happy and it saves me having to hand water the garden pots. Yesterday I spent the remainder of a Mitre10 Christmas gift voucher on a garden hose fitting and a hosta which will hopefully grow as high as my waist. It should look great in the spot where it has been planted.

If I can mow the lawn between the rain drops, I will. Otherwise today will be an indoor day stitching Big Grin Heart

I have also inherited a lot of family 'stuff'. Over Christmas I managed to sneak a couple of pieces to our daughter that belonged to her Gran and stuff our son didn't want. Girly stuff like little dishes for your dressing table. We have a notebook with pages labelled with the kids and now grandkids names. We write in it what each person wants when we fall off our perches. One thing the kids have 'scrapped' over is an old cast iron frying pan that belonged to MrK's parents. When I met him, it was around 70 years old then and we've since been married for 34 years. Our son 'bagged' it and has his name on it. We had to laugh as we bought our son a cast iron frying pan for Christmas (Black Friday sale was awesome lol) and quick as a flash, our daughter says, well, you won't be wanting the old pan then, so I'll take it lol. Her partner's family must have thought we were mad as the fun teasing over a frying pan kicked in lol.

Better get cracking. The rain has stopped and the Furry One and I are going to check outside just in case there is any damage from that jolt. Not that I expect there to be, it was over in a flash.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Windy all night and still going  with a few showers thrown in. 

We felt the quake strongly,  it was noisy and quite lengthy,  the bed getting a decent shake which was a bit unnerving while it lasted! At least no threat of tsunami from that one!

Out and about yesterday getting jobs done,  DH back at work today so the routine begins for 2023.

I need to get a library book for night time reading and will see what the day does as to what gets done inside or out. 

Good on you having a tidy up and sort out Venetian. A good idea to have a notebook KM, at least who gets what is written down.

Time to move. 

Have a good day all.
Morning all
Nice day here and expecting it to be hot.

Had a nice time with our friends last night, they hadn't met before.
DH over at DD looking after k9 who is still subdued but I expect it won't take long for him to get back to his very energetic self. 

Not sure what I will get up to today, got washing on, will walk k9s soon before it heats up

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

The wind seems to have died down now but we are having intermittent rain. Temp is nice just off the edge of chilly. But not warm enough for the fan.

I love the idea of the notebook with things written in as to is having items.. And naming. MrP's Mum named a lot of her stuff and I was blessed to be MrPs wife so got everything his previous was meant to. They decided that , without me knowing. His 2 wives were polar Opposites, the first one wasn't Domestic at all where I am.

My most treasured items came from the Mother in law I never met. Her 3 tiered sewing box, her Harper scales, some blown glass bowls made at the Winter Show in Hamilton years ago and a very large green brooch that I had made into a western bolar tie. I dont wear coats well didnt wear coats heavy enough to hold it.. Of course now I could have worn it on my denim jacket.

With me not having kids, I do often think who should get what. Only having 2 nephews and one niece in NZ, and ones I've never met in Aussie.
One thing for sure MrPs grandfathers pocket watch will go to our Nephew Son.

I've been thinking about a pearl necklace I have that my Stepfather got my mother for their wedding, so they are 45 years old this year. They are too short for me, and I was surprised at the prices they seem to be reaching on TM... Ive been thinking about selling them and a few other items and getting a ring, which I will always wear. The other thing being that all my rings are far too big now.
I know my stepfather would be happy with my decision. Have to wait till Im happy with it tho lol.

Im meant to be going up to see the girls today, Ill see what the pain is like when the pills kick in. Cos Ill need to get the walker out of the boot, and Im not fond of getting that wet.

Im really enjoying the Sewing Bee's, dont know why I haven't watched them before really. Loved what they did with the denim shirts this morning.

I decamped Christmas yesterday, just have to put it all in the containers again now. I have MrP's picture of Missy up until he is back and will want it in his room.

Will do some more colouring today.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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